#MinecraftHelp > 2019-10-04
#1 [00:00] * Rqverse [webchat@cpe-98-146-163-116.natnow.res.rr.com] has quit. (Client Quit)
#2 [00:03] * Rqverse [webchat@cpe-98-146-163-116.natnow.res.rr.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3 [00:03] <Rqverse> Everytime i try to log in on minecraft it crashes and sya that open gl doesnt appear to be supported https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RqJ2NRqZQd/
#4 [00:12] * bikfila [webchat@107-140-98-54.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5 [00:12] <bikfila> hello
#6 [00:12] * bikfila [webchat@107-140-98-54.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has quit. (Client Quit)
#7 [00:13] * christhian [webchat@107-140-98-54.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#8 [00:13] <christhian> my name was changed but i never changed it now its telling me to wait 22 days to change it again help?
#9 [00:13] <GreyVulpine> christhian - Send in a support ticket to Mojang's Customer Support using: https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/emails/new
#10 [00:14] <christhian> thank you
#11 [00:14] * christhian [webchat@107-140-98-54.lightspeed.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has quit. (Client Quit)
#12 [00:30] * greencharger [webchat@c-24-125-85-146.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#13 [00:31] <greencharger> i am currently having issues joining servers
#14 [00:32] <greencharger> every time i go to connect it fails and gives me java.lang.nullpointerException:group
#15 [00:42] * Opaque [webchat@cpe-74-68-130-88.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#16 [00:42] * pboj [webchat@S0106f0f249afda73.no.shawcable.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#17 [00:42] <Opaque> hi
#18 [00:43] * nick2 [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#19 [00:44] <nick2> not abot?
#20 [00:44] * nick2 [webchat@] has quit. (Client Quit)
#21 [00:46] <Opaque> I get the error: https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/54d7ddab66d745ba9ac5acb5d4fea158
#22 [00:54] * greencharger [webchat@c-24-125-85-146.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#23 [01:22] * dT [webchat@77-240-245-114.csc.lv] has joined #minecrafthelp
#24 [01:23] <dT> Hello, I want my security questions reset, but the emails aren't being received, tried everything and mojang support is really bad and can't even answer
#25 [01:25] <GreyVulpine> https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/articles/359446-when-will-i-hear-back-
#26 [01:56] * Opaque [webchat@cpe-74-68-130-88.nyc.res.rr.com] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#27 [02:07] * delfim [webchat@static-8-69-25-46.ipcom.comunitel.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#28 [02:08] <delfim> hola. Me puedes atender en español? por favor
#29 [02:26] * Tri_den05 [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#30 [02:26] <Tri_den05> 환불을
#31 [02:26] <Tri_den05> 요청하고싶다
#32 [02:26] * Tri_den05 [webchat@] has quit. (Client Quit)
#33 [03:02] * Liam3 [webchat@cpe-121-222-141-108.bpw3-r-031.woo.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #minecrafthelp
#34 [03:02] <Liam3> I cant access realms for some reason
#35 [03:02] <Liam3> can u help
#36 [03:37] * patko250705 [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#37 [03:37] <patko250705> hi
#38 [03:38] <patko250705> i can login in minecraft.net but in minecraft launcher cant
#39 [03:59] * dT [webchat@77-240-245-114.csc.lv] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#40 [04:02] <patko250705> I think i have blocked account can u fix it
#41 [04:25] * Bik [webchat@ip1.c116.alb207.cust.comxnet.dk] has joined #minecrafthelp
#42 [04:25] <Bik> i have an acount put can not lock in the to muliplayer any more
#43 [04:30] <patko250705> you are helper?
#44 [04:47] * patko250705 [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#45 [04:49] * R0BIN [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#46 [04:49] <R0BIN> I already own minecraft Java edition but can not add it to my mojang account
#47 [04:50] <R0BIN> its an old account (before 2012)
#48 [04:53] * JTf2007 [webchat@228-net-85-190-88.shadow.guru] has joined #minecrafthelp
#49 [04:53] <JTf2007> hello
#50 [05:04] * Lord_of_Life [~Lord@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#51 [05:08] * Hernando_Rodrigues [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#52 [05:09] <Hernando_Rodrigues> Olá
#53 [05:09] * Hernando_Rodrigues [webchat@] has quit. (Client Quit)
#54 [05:14] * jamal [webchat@ip46-32-126-150.zaindata.jo] has joined #minecrafthelp
#55 [05:14] * jamal [webchat@ip46-32-126-150.zaindata.jo] has quit. (Client Quit)
#56 [05:24] * MrsMoonbeamxD [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#57 [05:25] * Lord_of_Life [~Lord@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#58 [05:27] * JTf2007 [webchat@228-net-85-190-88.shadow.guru] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#59 [05:30] <MrsMoonbeamxD> i have problems with the login i have wait and set my password new but it dont function. on the official minecraft site it dont works too. what can i do now? the answer to whait 24 hours is not ok because i have pay for the game and i will not play online.
#60 [05:30] * Death-_-Shut [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#61 [05:30] * MrsMoonbeamxD [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#62 [05:31] <Death-_-Shut> #minecrafthelp forgot my account
#63 [05:31] * Death-_-Shut [webchat@] has quit. (Client Quit)
#64 [05:32] * MrsMoonbeamxD [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#65 [05:32] <MrsMoonbeamxD> i have problems with the login i have wait and set my password new but it dont function. on the official minecraft site it dont works too. what can i do now? the answer to whait 24 hours is not ok because i have pay for the game and i will not play online.
#66 [05:35] * Darklinki [webchat@p3E9B885B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #minecrafthelp
#67 [05:36] * MrsMoonbeamxD [webchat@] has quit. (Client Quit)
#68 [05:42] * Bik [webchat@ip1.c116.alb207.cust.comxnet.dk] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#69 [05:53] * Will [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#70 [05:54] * kimberlythegeek [~sid1310@default-nat.fw1.mdc1.mozilla.com] has quit. (Remote host closed the connection)
#71 [05:54] <Will> I am not receiving my password reset email, and my Mojang Verification code is returning invalid.
#72 [06:00] * Timm [webchat@ip1f12ff8a.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has joined #minecrafthelp
#73 [06:00] <Timm> Hello, i need some helb
#74 [06:00] <Timm> help*
#75 [06:00] <Timm> I can´t log in into my Account?
#76 [06:00] <Will> Same. lol#
#77 [06:00] <Timm> He say that my email or bei Password is wrong
#78 [06:01] <Will> And when you try to reset the password, you don't get the password reset email?
#79 [06:01] <Timm> But when I want to reset my Password i didn´t become any Email to reset it
#80 [06:01] <Timm> YES
#81 [06:01] <Timm> You have the same problem
#82 [06:01] <Will> Yup. same boat. Sitting here waiting for someone to pick up.
#83 [06:02] <Timm> I wrote an E-Mail to Mojang, but they didnt answer
#84 [06:02] <Timm> I dont want to buy Minecraft again. Its Expensiv
#85 [06:02] <Will> Yeah I clicked the 'How long will I have to wait' or whatever it's called. Apparently, they're still working on cases that were reported on June 26th.... 10 weeks ago.
#86 [06:03] <Timm> Yeah...
#87 [06:03] <Timm> I hope someone is coming and can help us
#88 [06:03] <Will> Would be nice, wouldn't it? lol
#89 [06:03] <Timm> Where are you from? Which Country?
#90 [06:03] <Will> UK
#91 [06:03] <Timm> Oh ok. Germany
#92 [06:05] <Will> So, err.... How's the weather over there?
#93 [06:05] <Timm> It´s raining xD
#94 [06:06] <Timm> And in UK?
#95 [06:06] <Will> Same. lol
#96 [06:06] <Timm> It´s normal in UK?
#97 [06:07] <Will> Yeah, especially at this time of year.
#98 [06:09] <Timm> I think that no one will came and help us
#99 [06:09] <Will> Nah, it's been a good fifteen mins, no response yet.
#100 [06:10] <Will> As someone who works on a helpdesk, I can't say I'm impressed. :/
#101 [06:11] <Timm> yeah. It´s embarrassing
#102 [06:11] <Timm> yeah. It´s embarrassing
#103 [06:18] * Will [webchat@] has left #minecrafthelp
#104 [06:59] * leiledi [webchat@83-102-17-125.elmo.fi] has joined #minecrafthelp
#105 [06:59] <leiledi> hi
#106 [06:59] <leiledi> anyone here?
#107 [06:59] * ezzzzzzzzzgame_ [webchat@localhost] has joined #minecrafthelp
#108 [07:00] * leiledi [webchat@83-102-17-125.elmo.fi] has quit. (Client Quit)
#109 [07:01] * ezzzzzzzzzgame_ [webchat@localhost] has quit. (Client Quit)
#110 [07:10] * Giuliano [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#111 [07:11] <Giuliano> hi i buyed minecraft from my phone on the official site cuz it dosen't work for me to sing in from the official site from pc and i buyed it from the officail site on phone when the tracsaction is goana be completed its like ORDER STATUS and it's white
#112 [07:14] * Giuliano [webchat@] has quit. (Client Quit)
#113 [07:23] * chubbygeek [webchat@host109-146-254-83.range109-146.btcentralplus.com] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#114 [08:00] * AAAGamer9914 [webchat@host-] has joined #minecrafthelp
#115 [08:01] * AAAGamer9914 [webchat@host-] has quit. (Client Quit)
#116 [08:01] * Ozz [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#117 [08:01] * Ozz [webchat@] has quit. (Network ban)
#118 [08:01] * AAAGamer9914 [webchat@host-] has joined #minecrafthelp
#119 [08:01] * Ozzy [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#120 [08:02] * AAAGamer9914 [webchat@host-] has quit. (Client Quit)
#121 [08:02] <Ozzy> Hey, I have the correct email and password but it still sais it is invalid credentials. What should i do to solve this? I have resetted password and so on several times trying.
#122 [08:02] <Ozzy> I can log-in on another pc.
#123 [08:03] * EggNog [webchat@h12.83.213.151.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#124 [08:03] <EggNog> So I can't log in to my current PC but CAN log in on my phone and my second PC, can anyone tell me why?
#125 [08:04] <EggNog> Or how to fix it?
#126 [08:04] <Ozzy> When did you activate minecraft account EggNog
#127 [08:04] <EggNog> I activated it on my phone Ozzy
#128 [08:04] <Ozzy> Which date
#129 [08:04] <EggNog> Today
#130 [08:04] <Ozzy> I have the same problem..
#131 [08:05] <EggNog> It will let me log in on my phone and my second PC, but not this one
#132 [08:06] <EggNog> I can't even log in on my browser
#133 [08:13] * lxtqs [webchat@aftr-62-216-201-134.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #minecrafthelp
#134 [08:14] <lxtqs> Hey, im don Greymagic27
#135 [08:14] <lxtqs> done
#136 [08:17] * Methanil [webchat@bb115-66-170-3.singnet.com.sg] has joined #minecrafthelp
#137 [08:19] <Methanil> I cant seem to login to either the mojang site or the minecraft launcher, i already reset the password 4 times and tried to login on different browsers.
#138 [08:23] * vegezi [webchat@37-219-165-17.nat.bb.dnainternet.fi] has joined #minecrafthelp
#139 [08:25] <EggNog> So have I, and it still isn't letting me log in, WTF
#140 [08:28] <vegezi> We bought my account on 2014 and forgot my password and username yikes
#141 [08:29] <vegezi> also im on my gmail but it isn't verified gg's
#142 [08:29] * Alistair [webchat@cweatherhog.plus.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#143 [08:31] <Alistair> Hey there! Can't sign into Minecraft Windows 10 - get 'We tried to sign you in to your Microsoft Account, but something went wrong.' When clicking Sign in at the bottom left of the main menu screen. All other sign in buttons do literally nothing.
#144 [08:32] * vegezi [webchat@37-219-165-17.nat.bb.dnainternet.fi] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#145 [08:33] <EggNog> Of course no one else is helping
#146 [08:34] * EggNog [webchat@h12.83.213.151.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#147 [08:40] * MrBaming [webchat@128.red-88-17-231.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#148 [08:40] <MrBaming> Hello
#149 [08:40] <Alistair> Hey!
#150 [08:40] <MrBaming> I have a problem with my minecraft
#151 [08:41] <MrBaming> I had a saved world and today I oppened the game and it is gone
#152 [08:41] <MrBaming> sorry for bad english im spanish
#153 [08:42] * Rqverse [webchat@cpe-98-146-163-116.natnow.res.rr.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#154 [08:42] <MrBaming> pitocueva
#155 [08:43] <Rqverse> Everytime i try to play minecraft it crashes then say that open gl not supported https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RqJ2NRqZQd/
#156 [08:47] * MrBaming [webchat@128.red-88-17-231.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#157 [08:57] * Methanil [webchat@bb115-66-170-3.singnet.com.sg] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#158 [09:05] * Jerrythepro123 [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#159 [09:06] <Jerrythepro123> I can't sign in and now i can't even change my password
#160 [09:11] <Rqverse> uninstall and then reinstall the game
#161 [09:12] <Rqverse> im no proffesiall but 9 times out of 10 it works
#162 [09:13] <Greymagic27> lxtqs, Hi. Try the game now, with any luck it should work
#163 [09:16] * darkruney [webchat@184-091-042-073.res.spectrum.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#164 [09:17] <darkruney> mojang wasn't helped me get my account in 5 plus years i just wat to play
#165 [09:17] <Greymagic27> darkruney, Hey. When did you send them an email?
#166 [09:17] <darkruney> yes 2 today and last one was like 6 years ago and they never got back to me
#167 [09:18] <Greymagic27> darkruney, Don't send anymore emails. Unfortunately, due to understaffing and unexpected sickness, the wait time for account support requests is currently longer than normal. Please refer to this page for an approximate wait time: https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/articles/359446
#168 [09:18] <Rqverse> Everytime i try to play minecraft it crashes and say that open gl is not supported https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RqJ2NRqZQd/
#169 [09:18] <Greymagic27> ??> Rqverse oem/hp/product-number
#170 [09:18] <Mightyena> Rqverse: We need your HP product number. To receive it, please press "Fn + Esc", and it should tell you the product number.
#171 [09:18] <Mightyena> Rqverse: If this doesn't work, search for "HP Support Assistant" in Windows. On the HP Support Assistant Home page, click My computer. Find the product number listed in the System information tab
#172 [09:19] <Rqverse> ok do i tell you the product number??
#173 [09:19] <Greymagic27> Yes please
#174 [09:19] <Rqverse> wait fn and esc?
#175 [09:20] <Greymagic27> Rqverse, That's if you're on a laptop. If you're not on a laptop: search for "HP Support Assistant" in Windows. On the HP Support Assistant Home page, click My computer. Find the product number listed in the System information tab
#176 [09:20] <Rqverse> ohhh okay
#177 [09:20] <darkruney> tho the fact ive waited 6 years is really pissing me off
#178 [09:20] <Absol> darkruney: Please keep it civil
#179 [09:21] <Greymagic27> darkruney, It's possible they missed that email. Wait for the reply to the one you've sent off today
#180 [09:23] <Rqverse> so i look up hp support assianst?
#181 [09:23] <Greymagic27> Rqverse, Yes please
#182 [09:23] <Rqverse> okay i did that now wht
#183 [09:23] <Rqverse> what*
#184 [09:23] <Greymagic27> Rqverse, On the HP Support Assistant Home page, click My computer. Find the product number listed in the System information tab
#185 [09:25] <darkruney> understaff my ass years for a reply
#186 [09:25] <Rqverse> i cant find it
#187 [09:26] <Greymagic27> Rqverse, The HP support assistant or the ID?
#188 [09:26] <Rqverse> ID
#189 [09:26] <Greymagic27> Rqverse, Are you on the 'my computer' section?
#190 [09:26] <darkruney> could you send them an email telling them to help me its been years i know im not ban
#191 [09:26] <Greymagic27> darkruney, I'm afraid not. You will need to wait for 2-3 months until you get a reply I'm afraid
#192 [09:27] <darkruney> fuck i waited years dam it
#193 [09:27] * Absol kicked darkruney from #minecrafthelp (Reason: arkruney :Keep it civilized, you are just a human being)
#194 [09:27] <Rqverse> no
#195 [09:27] <Greymagic27> Rqverse, Is it possible for you to send an image of what you see? If it contains personal information send it in a PM (/msg Greymagic27)
#196 [09:27] <Greymagic27> ??> Rqverse screenshot/external
#197 [09:27] <Mightyena> Rqverse: We need to see a screenshot of what you are describing. Please follow the instructions on this page: https://www.take-a-screenshot.org/
#198 [09:27] <Mightyena> Rqverse: After you have taken the screenshot, please go to https://www.imgur.com/. Click the cloud/arrow at the top, and use the interface select the screenshot from your computer, click "Start Upload", then give us the URL you are taken to.
#199 [09:28] * darkruney [webchat@184-091-042-073.res.spectrum.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#200 [09:28] <darkruney> i need help with my account its been years
#201 [09:28] <Greymagic27> darkruney, You will need to wait for a reply. There's nothing more we can do here
#202 [09:29] <darkruney> i mean what do i needa lawyer to come into this to play a game
#203 [09:29] * Gero1982 [webchat@d8d86f5bb.access.telenet.be] has joined #minecrafthelp
#204 [09:30] <Greymagic27> darkruney, I don't think a lawyer could help resolve a backlog. There's no law that I know of that say they can't have a backlog.
#205 [09:31] <Gero1982> Hello there, our minecraft server is down.Anybody can help or know who can help?
#206 [09:31] <darkruney> it's been years i've waited
#207 [09:31] <Greymagic27> Gero1982, Hey. Are you the server owner?
#208 [09:31] <Gero1982> No my friend
#209 [09:31] <Greymagic27> darkruney, It's possible they missed the email you sent 6 years ago. Wait for a reply to the email you sent today
#210 [09:31] <Gero1982> we are with 2 friends
#211 [09:31] <Greymagic27> Gero1982, Is your friend using a server host?
#212 [09:31] <Gero1982> yes
#213 [09:32] <Greymagic27> Gero1982, What server host are they using?
#214 [09:32] <Rqverse> do i need an account to do this?
#215 [09:32] <Gero1982>
#216 [09:32] <Greymagic27> Rqverse, Nope. You don't need any account for imgur
#217 [09:32] <Greymagic27> Gero1982, The server host, not the IP :P
#218 [09:33] <Gero1982> owkey sry, how can i check it?
#219 [09:33] <Rqverse> okay
#220 [09:33] <Greymagic27> Gero1982, Ask your friend, they should know who they're using to host the server
#221 [09:34] <Gero1982> ok in meantime nothing else that i can do?
#222 [09:34] <Greymagic27> Gero1982, You can ask your friend if the server is started up or not, that may help narrow down the issue
#223 [09:35] <darkruney> i'll give them a fewdays at least
#224 [09:35] <Gero1982> i will thx
#225 [09:35] <Greymagic27> darkruney, As I've said before. It's going to be at least 2-3 months before you hear anything back
#226 [09:35] <darkruney> it's not fair that i wait years after sent many emails in the past
#227 [09:36] <darkruney> if i have to i'll take it to small claims court
#228 [09:36] <Greymagic27> darkruney, I can't do anything to help further. Your only choice is to wait for a reply
#229 [09:37] <Rqverse> how do i get to my clipboard
#230 [09:37] * MaQ [webchat@cpc123668-leic20-2-0-cust914.8-1.cable.virginm.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#231 [09:37] <Rqverse> sorry im kinda stupid
#232 [09:38] <Greymagic27> Rqverse, If you've copied the image, just press CTRL+V on the upload screen on imgur. It will put the image straight into there :)
#233 [09:38] <MaQ> My payment has gone through paypal but account still says i dont won mine craft
#234 [09:38] <MaQ> won mine craft lol own*
#235 [09:38] <Greymagic27> MaQ, Hey. Did you get any confirmation email saying you've bought the game?
#236 [09:39] * darkruney [webchat@184-091-042-073.res.spectrum.com] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#237 [09:39] <MaQ> none Greymagic27
#238 [09:40] <Rqverse> okay now its on imgur what nexr
#239 [09:40] <MaQ> Greymagic27checked all focused, other and junk mailboxes
#240 [09:40] <Greymagic27> Rqverse, Send the URL here
#241 [09:40] <Greymagic27> MaQ, Give mojang an email, include as much information as possible:
#242 [09:40] <Greymagic27> ??> MaQ account/send-email
#243 [09:40] <Mightyena> MaQ: Send an email to Mojang with your Transaction ID and/or gift code, Mojang account email/Minecraft.net email, and any other relevant information, through this form: https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/emails/new
#244 [09:40] <Mightyena> MaQ: For wait times on replies refer to https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/articles/359446-when-will-i-hear-back-
#245 [09:40] <Rqverse> https://imgur.com/a/oheqxDa
#246 [09:40] <Rqverse> okay there
#247 [09:40] <Greymagic27> Rqverse, You're on the web page to download it. You need to press the windows key then search for it :P
#248 [09:41] <Rqverse> thats what i see when i look up hp support assiant
#249 [09:41] <Rqverse> oh xD
#250 [09:41] <MaQ> Greymagic27 am i right in reading there is just under a 3 month response time ?
#251 [09:42] <Greymagic27> MaQ, Sadly yes. It's going to be a while until you get a reply
#252 [09:42] <MaQ> wow nade payment today and ima have to wait three months before `i get to use the game
#253 [09:44] <Rqverse> okay i clicked on hp support assaint now what
#254 [09:44] <Greymagic27> Rqverse, On the HP Support Assistant Home page, click My computer. Find the product number listed in the System information tab
#255 [09:46] <Rqverse> 3LB89AA#ABA
#256 [09:46] <Rqverse> thats the product number
#257 [09:46] <Greymagic27> Rqverse, Thanks. Give me one second
#258 [09:46] <Rqverse> okay
#259 [09:47] <Greymagic27> Rqverse, Download and install this driver: https://support.hp.com/gb-en/drivers/selfservice/swdetails/hp-pavilion-595-p0000-desktop-pc-series/19390512/model/24153297/swItemId/ob-225029-1?sku=3LB89AA
#260 [09:48] <Rqverse> will it work after i install that?
#261 [09:48] <Greymagic27> Rqverse, Fingers crossed
#262 [09:48] * darkruney [webchat@184-091-042-073.res.spectrum.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#263 [09:48] <darkruney> so they deleted my account it seems
#264 [09:49] <Rqverse> i hope
#265 [09:49] <Greymagic27> darkruney, What was your account username? (Your minecraft IGN)
#266 [09:49] <darkruney> i had an account when you used usernames it was darkruney
#267 [09:50] * MaQ [webchat@cpc123668-leic20-2-0-cust914.8-1.cable.virginm.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#268 [09:50] <Greymagic27> darkruney, Did you ever change that account username to bbyabbie and migrate it?
#269 [09:50] <darkruney> i never changed anything on it
#270 [09:51] <Greymagic27> darkruney, If you didn't, then it's likely your account got hacked. Again, you'll need to wait for a reply from mojang
#271 [09:51] <darkruney> another 60 years and i guess that'll happen
#272 [09:51] * Rqverse [webchat@cpe-98-146-163-116.natnow.res.rr.com] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#273 [09:52] <Greymagic27> darkruney, It should only be around 2-3 months until you get a reply
#274 [09:53] <darkruney> Markus Persson would be sad to see what microsoft did to his game
#275 [09:53] <darkruney> cheap mf
#276 [09:53] <Greymagic27> darkruney, Microsoft own mojang, but as far as I know mojang still deal with customer support
#277 [09:55] <darkruney> well they are doing pretty bad buy todays standards i'd fill atleast 500 complaints myself if i worked their per day
#278 [09:56] <darkruney> if i make a new account is there any chance when they get backwith me they will redund me the money for the new one?
#279 [09:56] <Lord_Ralex> Unlikely.
#280 [09:56] * Ozzy [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#281 [09:56] <Lord_Ralex> Also, 500 in a workday would be a ticket a minute. Good luck with that.
#282 [09:58] <darkruney> i was giving a rouge number
#283 [09:58] <darkruney> most are simple
#284 [09:59] <darkruney> i could easyily look in the data and make thing easy tho idk what kinda of engine they built it on
#285 [09:59] <Lord_Ralex> Yeah..... no....
#286 [09:59] <darkruney> have you ever coded before?
#287 [10:00] <Lord_Ralex> Considering I'm a software engineer.
#288 [10:00] <Lord_Ralex> Yes.
#289 [10:00] <Lord_Ralex> Have you ever worked customer support?
#290 [10:00] <darkruney> yes
#291 [10:00] <darkruney> tho for tera online
#292 [10:01] <darkruney> they have a very simple way of geting all info ik mc was small when it started and still is
#293 [10:01] <darkruney> i'm just saying it's been years without reply
#294 [10:12] <lxtqs> Greymagic27 nope i can´t login
#295 [10:12] <lxtqs> Greymagic27 i think i have a MOJANG Ban
#296 [10:12] * Timothei [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#297 [10:13] <Greymagic27> lxtqs, Could you send another hijackthis log? If it's all clear then I'll hand you the instructions to email mojang if you've not already
#298 [10:13] <Timothei> I paid few minutes ago Minecraft but i still dont have it. Please help me
#299 [10:14] <Greymagic27> ??> Timothei account/send-email
#300 [10:14] <Mightyena> Timothei: Send an email to Mojang with your Transaction ID and/or gift code, Mojang account email/Minecraft.net email, and any other relevant information, through this form: https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/emails/new
#301 [10:14] <Mightyena> Timothei: For wait times on replies refer to https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/articles/359446-when-will-i-hear-back-
#302 [10:15] <Timothei> i have already done this and they say to wait or to go there to get some help ..
#303 [10:16] <Greymagic27> Timothei, We're only volunteers, meaning we can't deal with account issues. You'll need to wait for a reply from mojang. Unfortunately, due to understaffing and unexpected sickness, the wait time for account support requests is currently longer than normal. Please refer to this page for an approximate wait time: https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/articles/359446
#304 [10:18] <Timothei> i'm so sad..
#305 [10:25] * lxtqs [webchat@aftr-62-216-201-134.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#306 [10:35] * Lord_of_Life [~Lord@] has quit. (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
#307 [10:36] * Lord_of_Life [~Lord@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#308 [10:44] * Zyciu [webchat@87-207-11-164.dynamic.chello.pl] has joined #minecrafthelp
#309 [10:46] * ewewew [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#310 [10:47] <ewewew> Hello
#311 [10:47] <ewewew> can someone help me
#312 [10:47] <Zyciu> I have a problem. When im playing on my friend's server (not modded or plugins) it get kick with a messege: Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host can you help?
#313 [10:47] <Greymagic27> ewewew, Hi! What's the issue?
#314 [10:47] <Greymagic27> Zyciu, Hi. Let's start by checking if anything on your PC is causing this issue. HiJackThis is a program that will show us a basic overview of programs running on your computer. While it does sound scary, it does not give us any personal or sensitive information. Follow the steps which Mightyena will send below:
#315 [10:47] <Greymagic27> ??> Zyciu tools/hjt
#316 [10:47] <Mightyena> Zyciu: Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hjt/files/2.0.5%20beta/HijackThis.exe/download
#317 [10:47] <Mightyena> Zyciu: Run HijackThis as Administrator, choose "I accept", then "Do a system scan and save a log file". After a while a text file will open. Copy everything, put the log on https://paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link.
#318 [10:47] <ewewew> Is it true if you deleted the email linked to your minecraft account it still works?
#319 [10:48] <Greymagic27> ewewew, I think it may. Although you won't be able to get any system emails from mojang should you need to reset any account details
#320 [10:49] <ewewew> Because I deleted the linked email and i dont know the password anymore but i still know the email address
#321 [10:50] <Greymagic27> ewewew, Because you deleted the email, the only way you can recover the password is by emailing mojang and asking them to reset it
#322 [10:50] <Greymagic27> ??> ewewew account/send-email
#323 [10:50] <Mightyena> ewewew: Send an email to Mojang with your Transaction ID and/or gift code, Mojang account email/Minecraft.net email, and any other relevant information, through this form: https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/emails/new
#324 [10:50] <Mightyena> ewewew: For wait times on replies refer to https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/articles/359446-when-will-i-hear-back-
#325 [10:51] <ewewew> Ok I alredy did that thanks
#326 [10:52] <ewewew> What happens when they reply me?
#327 [10:52] <Greymagic27> ewewew, They'll give you some instructions I suspect
#328 [10:52] * matlorp [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#329 [10:53] <matlorp> Hello, when I launch minecraft, this one crash, my GPU is updated, I allow 2Gb of RAM to minecraft. I have the latest version of Java. I don't know from where that can come. Can you help me ?
#330 [10:54] <ewewew> And so I can reset my password without the email and when I have access to my account i can change the email?
#331 [10:54] <Greymagic27> matlorp, Hey. Let's see if we can identify a reason for the crash:
#332 [10:54] <Greymagic27> ??> matlorp launcher/log-txt
#333 [10:54] <Mightyena> matlorp: We need to see your full launcher log, which is created in the game directory.
#334 [10:54] <Mightyena> matlorp: First open your .minecraft folder (If you don't know how to get there, ask), then try to launch the game. Then in the .minecraft folder open the launcher_log file, and copy its content to https://paste.ubuntu.com. Click "Paste!", then share with us the link (the URL) that it takes you to.
#335 [10:54] <Zyciu> HI im back with the Ubuntu link https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3s2WGvHbjh/
#336 [10:55] <Greymagic27> ewewew, No. The change email request would be sent to the email you used to sign up the account with
#337 [10:55] <Greymagic27> If you want to change the email, you'll need to ask mojang
#338 [10:55] <Greymagic27> Zyciu, Remove hamachi
#339 [10:55] <Zyciu> Ok
#340 [10:55] <matlorp> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mkNSty3bxQ/
#341 [10:56] <Greymagic27> matlorp, Wait for the game to crash, then send the log again
#342 [10:57] <Zyciu> Done
#343 [10:58] <matlorp> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CWFhrgn8ht/ for me, it's the same log, something change ?
#344 [10:58] <Greymagic27> matlorp, Can you connect to any other servers without the game crashing?
#345 [10:58] <Greymagic27> Zyciu, Try now, see if you still get the error
#346 [10:58] <Zyciu> Thanks very much
#347 [10:59] <ewewew> Ok, so I will get a response from mojang support to my email that I used to create my minecraft account that i still have
#348 [10:59] <ewewew> right?
#349 [10:59] * matlorp [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#350 [10:59] <Greymagic27> ewewew, When you email them, use an email you have access to.
#351 [10:59] <ewewew> Thank you
#352 [11:00] * matlorp [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#353 [11:01] <Zyciu> Its working thanks Greymagic27
#354 [11:01] <Zyciu> Have a good day
#355 [11:01] <matlorp> Can I have the pastbin site again ?
#356 [11:01] <Greymagic27> Zyciu, You as well!
#357 [11:01] <Greymagic27> matlorp, https://paste.ubuntu.com
#358 [11:01] * Zyciu [webchat@87-207-11-164.dynamic.chello.pl] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#359 [11:03] <matlorp> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/x9PJ9nQCMC/
#360 [11:04] <Greymagic27> matlorp, Are you using any mods when joining this server?
#361 [11:04] <matlorp> No !
#362 [11:04] <Greymagic27> ??> matlorp launcher/log
#363 [11:04] <Mightyena> matlorp: Please follow the instructions on this page: https://minecraftirc.net/support-articles/get-minecraft-log/
#364 [11:05] * Zyciu [webchat@87-207-11-164.dynamic.chello.pl] has joined #minecrafthelp
#365 [11:05] <Zyciu> Hi
#366 [11:05] <Zyciu> I need help
#367 [11:05] <Greymagic27> Zyciu, Hey. Did the issue occur again?
#368 [11:05] <Zyciu> Yes
#369 [11:05] <Greymagic27> Zyciu, Can you try disabling your firewall?
#370 [11:05] <Zyciu> Ok i will try
#371 [11:07] <Zyciu> Done i will try playing
#372 [11:07] * DarkNoddy [~mordi@191.90-149-25.nextgentel.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#373 [11:08] <Zyciu> Nope still not working
#374 [11:08] <Greymagic27> Zyciu, Could you see if the error occurs on this server?
#375 [11:08] <Greymagic27> mctest.ae97.net
#376 [11:08] <Zyciu> Like?
#377 [11:08] <Zyciu> Logs?
#378 [11:09] <Greymagic27> Zyciu, What do you mean?
#379 [11:09] <Zyciu> or for other players
#380 [11:09] <Greymagic27> Zyciu, No, just see if you get the error message after being on that server for a while
#381 [11:09] <Zyciu> ok i will try
#382 [11:09] <matlorp> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/83m8K3r5dG/
#383 [11:10] <Greymagic27> ??> matlorp av/adwcleaner
#384 [11:10] <Mightyena> matlorp: Malwarebytes ADWCleaner is a utility to clean a PC which is infested with malware. Download it here: https://toolslib.net/downloads/finish/1-adwcleaner/1999/
#385 [11:10] <Mightyena> matlorp: Run it, click Scan Now, once it completes the scan click Clean & Repair, restart the computer when it asks you to and come back here for further instructions.
#386 [11:10] * DarkNoddy [~mordi@191.90-149-25.nextgentel.com] has quit. (Client Quit)
#387 [11:10] <matlorp> ok, I'll try that
#388 [11:10] <Zyciu> still it doesnt work
#389 [11:12] <Greymagic27> Zyciu, Could you try joining the server, and staying on the server, whilst using a mobile hotspot?
#390 [11:12] <Zyciu> ok i will try
#391 [11:12] * DarkNoddy [~mordi@191.90-149-25.nextgentel.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#392 [11:14] * Zyciu [webchat@87-207-11-164.dynamic.chello.pl] has joined #minecrafthelp
#393 [11:15] <Zyciu> Nope it doesnt work
#394 [11:15] <Greymagic27> Zyciu, Hmm ok. I'd like to see if it's a windows related problem or something on that user.
#395 [11:15] <Greymagic27> ??> Zyciu win/profile
#396 [11:15] <Mightyena> Zyciu: It may be helpful to isolate whether this is a problem with your user account, or with your system as a whole.
#397 [11:15] <Mightyena> Zyciu: Please create a new user profile (a computer user, not a new Minecraft account), log in as that user, and try Minecraft from there. If it works, there's something on your profile that's breaking Java or Minecraft. If not, there's something amiss with your system as a whole.
#398 [11:16] <Zyciu> ok will try
#399 [11:16] * Zyciu [webchat@87-207-11-164.dynamic.chello.pl] has quit. (Client Quit)
#400 [11:20] <matlorp> Ok, I'ts end !
#401 [11:21] <Greymagic27> matlorp, Quarentine anything it's found, then restart your PC when prompted
#402 [11:21] <matlorp> It's already restarted
#403 [11:22] <Greymagic27> matlorp, Hmm ok. Try the game now
#404 [11:24] <matlorp> it seems to work, thank you !
#405 [11:24] <Greymagic27> matlorp, No problem! Enjoy playing :)
#406 [11:25] * matlorp [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#407 [11:29] * Nippy [webchat@c83-251-26-217.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #minecrafthelp
#408 [11:30] <Nippy> i cant loggin
#409 [11:30] <Nippy> login*
#410 [11:30] <Greymagic27> Nippy, Hey. When you try, does it produce any message?
#411 [11:30] <Nippy> yeah tthat its the wrong username or password
#412 [11:31] <Greymagic27> Nippy, Are you using any VPN, or have any VPN installed?
#413 [11:31] <Nippy> nope
#414 [11:31] * Zyciu [webchat@87-207-11-164.dynamic.chello.pl] has joined #minecrafthelp
#415 [11:31] <Zyciu> HI im the remote host guy
#416 [11:31] <Greymagic27> Nippy, Alright. Let's check and see if you have any incompatible software on your PC that's known to cause this issue. HiJackThis is a program that will show us a basic overview of programs running on your computer. While it does sound scary, it does not give us any personal or sensitive information. Follow the steps which Mightyena will send below:
#417 [11:31] <Zyciu> it didint work
#418 [11:31] <Greymagic27> ??> Nippy tools/hjt
#419 [11:31] <Mightyena> Nippy: Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hjt/files/2.0.5%20beta/HijackThis.exe/download
#420 [11:31] <Mightyena> Nippy: Run HijackThis as Administrator, choose "I accept", then "Do a system scan and save a log file". After a while a text file will open. Copy everything, put the log on https://paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link.
#421 [11:32] * Jack3002 [webchat@97e07f3d.skybroadband.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#422 [11:32] * Jack3002 [webchat@97e07f3d.skybroadband.com] has quit. (Client Quit)
#423 [11:32] * Nippy [webchat@c83-251-26-217.bredband.comhem.se] has quit. (Client Quit)
#424 [11:32] <Greymagic27> Zyciu, If it didn't work on a new user, then it would signal that either a program transferred over to that user or a windows problem. Can you send another hijackthis log?
#425 [11:32] <Greymagic27> ??> Zyciu tools/hjt
#426 [11:32] <Mightyena> Zyciu: Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hjt/files/2.0.5%20beta/HijackThis.exe/download
#427 [11:32] <Mightyena> Zyciu: Run HijackThis as Administrator, choose "I accept", then "Do a system scan and save a log file". After a while a text file will open. Copy everything, put the log on https://paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link.
#428 [11:32] <Zyciu> noproblem
#429 [11:34] <Zyciu> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WPGQZd4BT6/
#430 [11:38] * hedocratic [webchat@ti0006q161-3135.bb.online.no] has joined #minecrafthelp
#431 [11:38] <hedocratic> is realms down?
#432 [11:41] * hedocratic [webchat@ti0006q161-3135.bb.online.no] has quit. (Client Quit)
#433 [11:41] <Zyciu> Hello?
#434 [11:41] * Viperish [webchat@c-73-28-103-64.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#435 [11:41] <Viperish> i need help with a texture pack
#436 [11:42] <Viperish> i dont know how to change the look of like, iron ingots and gold ingots
#437 [11:44] <Zyciu> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WPGQZd4BT6/
#438 [11:44] * DarkNoddy [~mordi@191.90-149-25.nextgentel.com] has quit. ()
#439 [11:45] * Viperish [webchat@c-73-28-103-64.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has quit. (Client Quit)
#440 [11:46] * DarkNoddy [~mordi@191.90-149-25.nextgentel.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#441 [11:53] * Zyciu [webchat@87-207-11-164.dynamic.chello.pl] has joined #minecrafthelp
#442 [11:53] <Zyciu> i need help
#443 [11:56] * Zyciu [webchat@87-207-11-164.dynamic.chello.pl] has quit. (Client Quit)
#444 [12:03] * Zyciu [webchat@87-207-11-164.dynamic.chello.pl] has joined #minecrafthelp
#445 [12:03] <Zyciu> hi
#446 [12:05] * Abisumaru [webchat@cpe-67-11-139-208.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#447 [12:05] <Zyciu> hi
#448 [12:05] <Abisumaru> To be honest, this new setup for email is getting extremely asinine and bothersome. >->
#449 [12:06] <Abisumaru> Also, hello and good day to you.
#450 [12:06] <Zyciu> thanks
#451 [12:06] <Zyciu> good luck with the problem
#452 [12:06] <Abisumaru> Yeah, I don't think I will have much luck.
#453 [12:07] <Zyciu> me too...
#454 [12:07] <Abisumaru> This seems to be an ongoing issue since after November 2012.
#455 [12:07] <Zyciu> what the matter?
#456 [12:07] <Abisumaru> My account is around that time period. It's the login.
#457 [12:07] <Zyciu> oh
#458 [12:07] <Abisumaru> I used to login with my username rather than my email.
#459 [12:07] <Zyciu> thats suck
#460 [12:07] <Abisumaru> BUUUUUUUUUU~T.
#461 [12:07] <Zyciu> buuuut
#462 [12:08] <Abisumaru> Now, they changed it and apparently, my account, the only one I had is lost.
#463 [12:08] <Abisumaru> As if it overwrote my previous account.
#464 [12:08] * Nick [webchat@p5DCBBED9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #minecrafthelp
#465 [12:08] <Zyciu> ok
#466 [12:08] <Abisumaru> So now I can only play the demo.
#467 [12:08] <Zyciu> thats sucks
#468 [12:08] <Abisumaru> Which is strange since I was playing yesterday on Wynncraft.
#469 [12:09] * Nick is now known as Guest77945
#470 [12:09] <Guest77945> Hi, I'm unable to login despite having the account since 2010.
#471 [12:09] <Zyciu> wow
#472 [12:09] <Guest77945> tried different variations of passwords and even my email
#473 [12:09] <Guest77945> any help?
#474 [12:09] <Zyciu> so mach problems with accounts
#475 [12:09] <Abisumaru> I tried playing Pixelmon on Technic and I got booted from MC Launcher and after that I couldn't login.
#476 [12:09] <Abisumaru> Yeah.
#477 [12:09] <Guest77945> "Your Minecraft account has already been migrated to a Mojang account."
#478 [12:09] <Guest77945> although I hadn't made a mojang account until today
#479 [12:10] <Guest77945> I think someones stolen my account..
#480 [12:10] <Abisumaru> I had both profiles with the same email address.
#481 [12:10] <Zyciu> i have a problem with a server
#482 [12:10] <Abisumaru> Neither registered when I added every possible password I can remember.
#483 [12:11] <Abisumaru> And hopefully, they don't come back to me and say, "We need your Transaction ID."
#484 [12:11] <Guest77945> I've sent a message on their contact us page, awaiting a response which may be months?
#485 [12:11] <Abisumaru> Exactly.
#486 [12:11] <Guest77945> bit ridiculous
#487 [12:11] <Abisumaru> Honestly, they should refund us, so I can at least just pay the difference to buy Minecraft.
#488 [12:13] <Guest77945> Also, apparently my username is available?
#489 [12:13] <Guest77945> https://namemc.com/minecraft-names
#490 [12:18] <Abisumaru> I personally feel, this should be automatically resolved.
#491 [12:18] <Zyciu> same
#492 [12:19] <Abisumaru> If you have both username, email, and one of the passwords used on the account, you should have the - without a doubt - your account back.
#493 [12:19] <Abisumaru> But no.
#494 [12:19] <Abisumaru> It asks for current rather than recent passwords.
#495 [12:20] <Abisumaru> My PW is 15 characters long and I couldn't login with my username.
#496 [12:20] * Guest77945 [webchat@p5DCBBED9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#497 [12:20] <Abisumaru> I went to the Mojang and Minecraft website to reset my password to my email address associated to that account...
#498 [12:20] <Abisumaru> No email sent.
#499 [12:20] <Abisumaru> I waited for hours and nothing.
#500 [12:21] <Abisumaru> Even now, in the morning, I re-sent a password recovery and nothing.
#501 [12:21] <Zyciu> Rip
#502 [12:22] <Abisumaru> Like, I get it. Stuff happens.
#503 [12:22] <Abisumaru> But that is no excuse to fist us.
#504 [12:22] <Abisumaru> Why have two different websites!?
#505 [12:23] <Zyciu> ....
#506 [12:23] <Zyciu> i mean
#507 [12:23] <Abisumaru> Let the legacy users sign in with their usernames without the database problem.
#508 [12:23] <Zyciu> i cant help you
#509 [12:23] <Abisumaru> Of course, I'm just ranting.
#510 [12:24] <Zyciu> i have a problem with a server connetion soo...
#511 [12:24] <Abisumaru> Lack of signal?
#512 [12:24] <Zyciu> noh
#513 [12:24] <Zyciu> remote host dissconetc
#514 [12:24] <Abisumaru> Like just signing in?
#515 [12:25] <Abisumaru> I never ran into that issue.
#516 [12:25] <Zyciu> im playing for like 15 sec and it kicks me
#517 [12:25] * tbb123dk [webchat@83-88-73-248-dynamic.dk.customer.tdc.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#518 [12:25] <tbb123dk> hi
#519 [12:25] * Cind3rr [webchat@cpe-104-33-131-141.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#520 [12:25] <Zyciu> Hi!
#521 [12:25] <Cind3rr> Hello?
#522 [12:25] <Abisumaru> Oh wow.
#523 [12:25] <Zyciu> hi!
#524 [12:25] <tbb123dk> Ehmm im not quite sure how i got here, but im looking for some serious help
#525 [12:25] * Nick [webchat@p5DCBBED9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #minecrafthelp
#526 [12:25] <Zyciu> for what?
#527 [12:25] <Abisumaru> Trust me.
#528 [12:26] * Nick [webchat@p5DCBBED9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit. (Client Quit)
#529 [12:26] <Abisumaru> We're all looking for help.
#530 [12:26] <tbb123dk> what do u mean
#531 [12:26] <Zyciu> diffrent problems
#532 [12:26] * Cind3rr [webchat@cpe-104-33-131-141.socal.res.rr.com] has quit. (Client Quit)
#533 [12:26] <Zyciu> diffrent people
#534 [12:26] <tbb123dk> well okay, i have a huge problem for months now, i am trying to host a server for me and my brother, but the command to make a bat and put in "java -Xmx2048M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.1.14.4.jar nogui" and run it simply does not work
#535 [12:26] <tbb123dk> anyone got some experience`?
#536 [12:27] <Zyciu> nah
#537 [12:27] <Zyciu> i got a problem with server too...
#538 [12:27] <tbb123dk> yeah
#539 [12:27] <tbb123dk> whats urs
#540 [12:27] <Abisumaru> I mean, I don't know how you have a problem hosting a server.
#541 [12:28] <Abisumaru> You can just download hamachi.
#542 [12:28] <Zyciu> dissconect by a remote host
#543 [12:28] * KKAS123 [webchat@149-161-215-187.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu] has joined #minecrafthelp
#544 [12:28] <Abisumaru> And both of you will be connected, you just need his IPv4 or v6 address.
#545 [12:28] <Abisumaru> Then he can join your server at any time with hamachi.
#546 [12:28] <tbb123dk> okay thats not the problem, the problem is its very slow, because there is only 200mb ram
#547 [12:28] <tbb123dk> and there is no way to increasse that
#548 [12:29] <tbb123dk> with the officail minecraft_server downlaoder
#549 [12:29] <Abisumaru> Also, there is instructions online that says how to do a server.
#550 [12:29] <Abisumaru> The problem lies with poor PCs.
#551 [12:29] <tbb123dk> yes and i did all that, but like im saying, it dosent work, the bat dosent run. and no its not my poor pc cus i tried on litteraly 5 differnet pcs including mine
#552 [12:29] <Abisumaru> If you want a fast server, you need a heavier PC with a lot more RAM.
#553 [12:29] <tbb123dk> bruh
#554 [12:29] <tbb123dk> i got 16gb
#555 [12:29] <tbb123dk> i can run it trust me
#556 [12:30] <tbb123dk> its just locked at 200mb
#557 [12:30] <KKAS123> Hey, for some reason I'm unable to log into my minecraft account on PC. I had to download it from mojang, and when I bought it, I bought it by logging into my account from my phone. Im able to log into my mojang account, but not my MC. When I tried to log into the game itself on PC, it didn't work
#558 [12:30] <Abisumaru> https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tutorials/Setting_up_a_server
#559 [12:31] <Abisumaru> "Using the Xms and Xmx parameters, the initial and maximum memory size for Java can be specified. By default, your server runs with about 100 MB of RAM, which is very little. Most people will change their server to run with more, for example:"
#560 [12:31] <Zyciu> KKAS123 no idea
#561 [12:31] <Abisumaru> java -Xms512M -Xmx1G ...
#562 [12:31] <Abisumaru> java -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M ...
#563 [12:31] <Abisumaru> java -Xms1G -Xmx2G ...
#564 [12:31] <Abisumaru> Literally, word per word on how it is done.
#565 [12:32] <tbb123dk> okay yes, but when i then run the .bat it does not work it just dosent launch anything
#566 [12:32] <Abisumaru> Minecraft and Mojang accounts are different KKAS123
#567 [12:32] <Abisumaru> I suggest to further read the instructions, you might of missed a step.
#568 [12:33] <Abisumaru> I did it before and I ran into no issues if you go line by line.
#569 [12:33] <tbb123dk> okay can i maby add u on discord or something if u would please help
#570 [12:33] <tbb123dk> ill send compensation paypal wise
#571 [12:33] <Abisumaru> This is volunteer work not pay services.
#572 [12:34] <tbb123dk> ill send my discord, just hit me up if u wanna help no pressure
#573 [12:34] <tbb123dk> Hans Pebble#5039
#574 [12:35] <Abisumaru> https://youtu.be/bduCIIK4G4o
#575 [12:35] * Sartry [webchat@81-225-24-4-no2410.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#576 [12:35] <Sartry> hello
#577 [12:36] <Abisumaru> Sup.
#578 [12:36] <Zyciu> hi!
#579 [12:36] * KKAS123 [webchat@149-161-215-187.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#580 [12:36] <Sartry> i dont remember answer on some questions
#581 [12:37] <Abisumaru> KKAS123 anyway, it is best you sent them a response to your issue.
#582 [12:38] <Abisumaru> 'Cause honestly, this chatroom and the very idea this exists shows two things: laziness and wishful thinking.
#583 [12:40] <Abisumaru> So I'll be honest with my opinion, but this is poorly constructed service similar to their lack luster human interface.
#584 [12:40] * Abisumaru [webchat@cpe-67-11-139-208.satx.res.rr.com] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#585 [12:49] * Coltan [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#586 [12:49] <Coltan> I cannot log into Mojang also cannot log into my Minecraft account.
#587 [12:56] * tbb123dk [webchat@83-88-73-248-dynamic.dk.customer.tdc.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#588 [13:00] * bys3bi_ [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#589 [13:02] * mike5 [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#590 [13:02] <mike5> hello
#591 [13:02] <mike5> need some help
#592 [13:04] <bys3bi_> when i will start minecraft this message comes: " unable to start minecraft Runtime environment. This is most likely caused by a corruption. Please try to reinstall minecraft. " i need some help pls
#593 [13:13] <mike5> i cannot log in on my account ..i cannot even receive email for resetting my password ..need feedback ASAP
#594 [13:16] * Zyciu [webchat@87-207-11-164.dynamic.chello.pl] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#595 [13:16] * retav [webchat@b2b-37-24-2-4.unitymedia.biz] has joined #minecrafthelp
#596 [13:17] * retav [webchat@b2b-37-24-2-4.unitymedia.biz] has quit. (Client Quit)
#597 [13:17] <mike5> anybody here?
#598 [13:30] * SharpshooterFurret [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#599 [13:32] <SharpshooterFurret> Hello I have a question. If I forgot my password and I dont have access to my Email to change it and I contact Mojang support do I have to be loged in my account to change it then?
#600 [13:32] <SharpshooterFurret> I mean change the Email
#601 [13:34] <SharpshooterFurret> Please someone help me
#602 [13:37] <urielsalis> ??> SharpshooterFurret account/send-email
#603 [13:37] <Mightyena> SharpshooterFurret: Send an email to Mojang with your Transaction ID and/or gift code, Mojang account email/Minecraft.net email, and any other relevant information, through this form: https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/emails/new
#604 [13:37] <Mightyena> SharpshooterFurret: For wait times on replies refer to https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/articles/359446-when-will-i-hear-back-
#605 [13:38] <SharpshooterFurret> That doesnt respond my question
#606 [13:38] <bys3bi_> when i will start minecraft this message comes: " unable to start minecraft Runtime environment. This is most likely caused by a corruption. Please try to reinstall minecraft. " i need some help pls
#607 [13:39] <urielsalis> ??> bys3bi_ tools/hjt
#608 [13:39] <Mightyena> bys3bi_: Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hjt/files/2.0.5%20beta/HijackThis.exe/download
#609 [13:39] <Mightyena> bys3bi_: Run HijackThis as Administrator, choose "I accept", then "Do a system scan and save a log file". After a while a text file will open. Copy everything, put the log on https://paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link.
#610 [13:39] <urielsalis> SharpshooterFurret, no
#611 [13:40] <SharpshooterFurret> So you mean if I contact them to change Email I dont have to be loged in my Account to change it is that what you mean?
#612 [13:40] <urielsalis> SharpshooterFurret, yes, but you need to prove its your account
#613 [13:41] <SharpshooterFurret> Yes with transaction id right?
#614 [13:41] <mike5> why mno reply on me?
#615 [13:41] <SharpshooterFurret> or you mean another thing?
#616 [13:41] <urielsalis> hi mike5, what is your issue?
#617 [13:41] <urielsalis> SharpshooterFurret, transaction ID is usually the way, but they decide what is enough proof
#618 [13:42] <SharpshooterFurret> Ok thank you so much i thought my i was going to lose my account
#619 [13:42] <mike5> i cannot log in on my account..ive try to reset my password but i did not get any email from it.
#620 [13:42] <SharpshooterFurret> I alredy sent the email with my transaction id
#621 [13:42] <SharpshooterFurret> I just have to wait now
#622 [13:43] <SharpshooterFurret> Also I have another Question how long do they take to reply me?
#623 [13:43] <SharpshooterFurret> I dont want to wait 1 month
#624 [13:44] <SharpshooterFurret> nevermind I know now thanks for the help
#625 [13:45] <mike5> i have purchase 4 accountants but now cannot be open anymore
#626 [13:45] <urielsalis> ??> mike5 account/send-email
#627 [13:45] <Mightyena> mike5: Send an email to Mojang with your Transaction ID and/or gift code, Mojang account email/Minecraft.net email, and any other relevant information, through this form: https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/emails/new
#628 [13:45] <Mightyena> mike5: For wait times on replies refer to https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/articles/359446-when-will-i-hear-back-
#629 [13:46] <mike5> @Mightyena i already did ...
#630 [13:46] <urielsalis> mike5, then you need to wait for them to answer
#631 [13:47] <mike5> they will answer me by email? right?
#632 [13:47] <mike5> should i send all transaction ID or one at the time?
#633 [13:48] <mike5> cause i have more than 5 accounts not working.
#634 [13:48] <urielsalis> mike5, you are having problems with 4 different accounts? And you dont receive the password reset email for any of them?
#635 [13:50] <mike5> yes before i receive email for password reset ..but now no more.when i log in its says invalid username/email....
#636 [13:50] <urielsalis> mike5, so you do receive the password reset emails?
#637 [13:50] <mike5> but i have all the transaction number when i purchase the game
#638 [13:50] <urielsalis> ??> mike5 tools/hjt
#639 [13:50] <Mightyena> mike5: Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hjt/files/2.0.5%20beta/HijackThis.exe/download
#640 [13:50] <Mightyena> mike5: Run HijackThis as Administrator, choose "I accept", then "Do a system scan and save a log file". After a while a text file will open. Copy everything, put the log on https://paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link.
#641 [13:51] <mike5> no more i did receive email on password reset
#642 [13:52] <bys3bi_> Mightyena her is the link http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dYkZScnyYC/plain/
#643 [13:54] <urielsalis> bys3bi_, uninstall Avira
#644 [13:54] <mike5> ok i will try
#645 [13:56] * pboj [webchat@S0106f0f249afda73.no.shawcable.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#646 [13:56] * bys3bi_ [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#647 [13:58] <mike5> done
#648 [13:58] <mike5> what next
#649 [13:58] <mike5> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GJsdYB2Qvk/
#650 [13:59] * Zeke_ [webchat@net.click4net.cz] has joined #minecrafthelp
#651 [14:01] <mike5> Mightyena
#652 [14:01] * Edwin_RC [webchat@pool-71-190-182-237.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#653 [14:01] <Edwin_RC> hey
#654 [14:01] <Edwin_RC> so my account got hacked a while back
#655 [14:01] <Edwin_RC> and I got it back, but the name was changed
#656 [14:01] <Edwin_RC> I also have another account
#657 [14:01] <mike5> Mightyena https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GJsdYB2Qvk/
#658 [14:02] <Edwin_RC> I just changed the name of that account
#659 [14:02] <Edwin_RC> Im trying to change the name of this account to that name, but it keeps saying it's unavailable
#660 [14:03] * Edwin_RC [webchat@pool-71-190-182-237.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has quit. (Client Quit)
#661 [14:03] * Wes [webchat@c-76-26-73-43.hsd1.wv.comcast.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#662 [14:04] <Zeke_> hello um i have an issue when ever i try to join a server it just says to restart the launcher and when i do that i gotta log back in and my password doesnt work so i gotta reset it and then new one wont work so yeah, can anyone please help me ? thanks ^^
#663 [14:05] <Wes> I know my transaction ID and username, but not my password. Help?
#664 [14:06] * bys3bi_ [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#665 [14:06] <bys3bi_> i need some help
#666 [14:06] <urielsalis> bys3bi_, uninstall Avira
#667 [14:06] <urielsalis> ??> Wes account/send-email
#668 [14:06] <Mightyena> Wes: Send an email to Mojang with your Transaction ID and/or gift code, Mojang account email/Minecraft.net email, and any other relevant information, through this form: https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/emails/new
#669 [14:06] <Mightyena> Wes: For wait times on replies refer to https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/articles/359446-when-will-i-hear-back-
#670 [14:06] <bys3bi_> i already did it
#671 [14:06] <urielsalis> bys3bi_, restart your pc and try the game again
#672 [14:07] <urielsalis> ??> Zeke_ tools/hjt
#673 [14:07] <Mightyena> Zeke_: Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hjt/files/2.0.5%20beta/HijackThis.exe/download
#674 [14:07] <Mightyena> Zeke_: Run HijackThis as Administrator, choose "I accept", then "Do a system scan and save a log file". After a while a text file will open. Copy everything, put the log on https://paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link.
#675 [14:07] <Wes> july 26th??? that's how backed up the support team is??
#676 [14:07] <bys3bi_> but when i will log in, in minecraft thre is that message: "make sure you are online"
#677 [14:08] <mike5> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GJsdYB2Qvk/ this is the link
#678 [14:09] <urielsalis> Wes, unfortunately yes
#679 [14:09] * frustratedmom [webchat@c-68-46-97-199.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#680 [14:09] <urielsalis> bys3bi_, have you restarted your pc after uninstalling avira?
#681 [14:09] <mike5> so what next?
#682 [14:10] <bys3bi_> ok i restart my pc
#683 [14:10] <Wes> If they already wrote back in june and I just replied will I still have to wait?
#684 [14:10] <mike5> Mightyena what next should i do?
#685 [14:10] <urielsalis> Wes, not sure how that works
#686 [14:10] <Wes> okay cool. thanks I really appreciate the help!
#687 [14:11] <Wes> Just frustrating because ive been trying to get this account back for awhile, ya know
#688 [14:11] * frustratedmom [webchat@c-68-46-97-199.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has quit. (Client Quit)
#689 [14:11] * Gaw [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#690 [14:11] * Zeke_ [webchat@net.click4net.cz] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#691 [14:12] <Gaw> Hi?
#692 [14:13] <urielsalis> hi Gaw
#693 [14:13] <mike5> hello
#694 [14:13] * Wes [webchat@c-76-26-73-43.hsd1.wv.comcast.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#695 [14:13] <Gaw> Hii, I'm having some issues while trying to log in into my Mojang account.
#696 [14:13] <urielsalis> Gaw, What issue?
#697 [14:14] <mike5> no more reply?
#698 [14:14] <Gaw> Whenever I enter my log in info, and press the log in button, It doesn't do anything.
#699 [14:14] <Gaw> It just makes the log in button grey ish colour and I don't see anything happening.
#700 [14:15] <urielsalis> ??> Gaw tools/hjt
#701 [14:15] <Mightyena> Gaw: Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hjt/files/2.0.5%20beta/HijackThis.exe/download
#702 [14:15] <Mightyena> Gaw: Run HijackThis as Administrator, choose "I accept", then "Do a system scan and save a log file". After a while a text file will open. Copy everything, put the log on https://paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link.
#703 [14:15] * Mikadau [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#704 [14:17] * bys3bi_ [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#705 [14:17] <bys3bi_> I have now restarted my pc but it still doesn't work
#706 [14:17] * mike5 [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#707 [14:18] * mike5 [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#708 [14:18] <mike5> hello
#709 [14:18] <mike5> Mightyena i send the link
#710 [14:18] <mike5> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GJsdYB2Qvk/
#711 [14:19] * Mikadau [webchat@] has quit. (Client Quit)
#712 [14:19] <Gaw> I have posted the logs on the dedicated Website you sent me.
#713 [14:20] <bys3bi_> I have now restarted my pc but it still doesn't work
#714 [14:21] <urielsalis> Gaw, send me the link
#715 [14:21] <urielsalis> ??> bys3bi_ win/reinst
#716 [14:21] <Mightyena> bys3bi_: You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#717 [14:21] <Mightyena> bys3bi_: To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the dialog, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#718 [14:21] <Gaw> urielsalishttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wqvFqHfV3Q/
#719 [14:22] <mike5> no answer why?
#720 [14:24] <urielsalis> ??> Gaw info/mcleaks
#721 [14:24] <Mightyena> Gaw: The usage of MCLeaks or AltDispenser tools (which are illegal) have been causing issues for many Minecraft users.
#722 [14:24] <Mightyena> Gaw: To correct these, remove the tool, and remove all entries containing mojang in your system's Host file. After removing it, you must change your password to avoid having your account compromised.
#723 [14:24] <urielsalis> ??> Gaw win/hosts/edit
#724 [14:24] <Mightyena> Gaw: To edit your Host file, please do the following: Go to the Start Menu and locate notepad. Right click notepad and select Run as Administrator
#725 [14:24] <Mightyena> Gaw: Press File, then Open. Enter %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts as the "File name" and press "Open"
#726 [14:26] <mike5> ok now one reply on me
#727 [14:26] <Gaw> How do I remove the tool?
#728 [14:27] <mike5> any one see my message?
#729 [14:28] <bys3bi_> Mightyena yet there is again this message: "unable to start minecraft runtime environment. This is most likely cuased by
#730 [14:28] <bys3bi_> cuased by a corruption.
#731 [14:29] <bys3bi_> caused*
#732 [14:31] <mike5> how about me issue any solution ?
#733 [14:32] * dan [webchat@net-93-149-225-138.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has joined #minecrafthelp
#734 [14:33] * dan [webchat@net-93-149-225-138.cust.vodafonedsl.it] has quit. (Client Quit)
#735 [14:39] * Gaw [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#736 [14:44] <bys3bi_> yet there is again this message: "unable to start minecraft runtime environment. This is most likely caused by a corruption. please try to reinstall minecraft."
#737 [14:51] * Brietsy [webchat@S01069050caa70373.su.shawcable.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#738 [14:51] * BenFil [webchat@filkins5.plus.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#739 [14:51] <BenFil> Minecraft isn't allowing me to join servers via the addable server listings but i can connect via direct connect
#740 [14:51] <BenFil> can you help?
#741 [14:52] <bys3bi_> if i want to start my minecraft this message comes: "unable to start minecraft runtime environment. This is most likely caused by a corruption. please try to reinstall minecraft."
#742 [14:53] <bys3bi_> pls help
#743 [15:00] <Brietsy> heya. having an issue where when I try to create a minecraft world (single player, Java edition), loading gets to about 27%, then the program stops responding, freezing up until I end the task in task manager. this happens every time I try to start the game. I updated java, and my video card, both are up to date. I went into the JVM options and in
#744 [15:00] <Brietsy> creased the amount of memory allocated for the minecraft java VM. I tried loading up the windows 10 version, and had no issues with it. any suggestions what to try next?
#745 [15:01] <Brietsy> before updating java, the error I got from it was that it had run out of memory, if that helps
#746 [15:05] * MrMitgation [webchat@ip68-97-77-76.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#747 [15:17] * Llama [webchat@cpc142518-jarr14-2-0-cust131.16-2.cable.virginm.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#748 [15:18] <Llama> hey, just need some help with Minecraft sound issues, I downloaded a shader and then when activated, my game turned black.. I managed to get the shader to work and in the same process managed to change sound so that it no longer works anymore.. I have uninstalled the game multiple times.. I have checked sound in game and on my bottom right sound se
#749 [15:18] <Llama> ttings, checked my headset and uninstalled and reinstalled, I have then restarted my pc and then checked every other game, everything works but Minecraft after multiple deletes and uninstalls including uninstalling java and retrying..
#750 [15:24] * KKAS123 [webchat@149-161-215-187.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu] has joined #minecrafthelp
#751 [15:24] * bys3bi_ [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#752 [15:25] <KKAS123> Whenever I try to log into minecraft (java), it says "Login failed. Invalid email or password." I'm able to log into Mojang with the same credentials, however, and I've tried changing the password to no effect. I waited the recommended wait time and tried again (at least 3 times), and I've emailed customer service already but haven't got a response
#753 [15:25] <KKAS123> yet. I want to say that I bought the game only today, but the account I have is quite old, made back in 2014. Anyone have any ideas on what to do?
#754 [15:26] <Llama> I got no clue my guy. check the launcher and the accounts again.
#755 [15:28] <KKAS123> I have the latest launcher, and no other accounts
#756 [15:28] <KKAS123> Can't even log onto minecraft.net with the same credentials (on my laptop, managed to log in with my phone).
#757 [15:29] <Llama> i think i honestly had the exact same issue
#758 [15:29] <Llama> Minecraft just buggy as hell
#759 [15:29] <Llama> when did you activate your acccount
#760 [15:30] <KKAS123> I've had the account from 2014 onwards, but due to financial circumstances only today have I been able to buy the game
#761 [15:30] <Llama> yeah i understand that but honestly have no idea my guy ! that sounds more in depth than my issue
#762 [15:32] <KKAS123> I understand, but thanks for trying to help anyway. Guess I'll just have to wait for tech support to get back to me
#763 [15:32] <KKAS123> *customer
#764 [15:32] * KKAS123 [webchat@149-161-215-187.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#765 [16:01] * Alistair [webchat@cweatherhog.plus.com] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#766 [16:10] <mike5> so nobody answer after i send the link.
#767 [16:32] * EJackH2 [webchat@70-127-251-193.res.bhn.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#768 [16:34] <EJackH2> I try to connect to my friends modded server and an error message pops up saying,"Game crashed while ticking screen." The mods are Naruto mod, NotEnoughItems, CodeChickenCore, and CustomsNPCs. Please help me. Thanks!
#769 [16:35] <EJackH2> it is 1.7.10
#770 [16:35] <EJackH2> with forge
#771 [16:46] * EJackH2 [webchat@70-127-251-193.res.bhn.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#772 [16:46] <EJackH2> I try to connect to my friends modded server and an error message pops up saying,"Game crashed while ticking screen." The mods are Naruto mod, NotEnoughItems, CodeChickenCore, and CustomsNPCs. Please help me. Thanks!
#773 [16:47] <EJackH2> 1.7.10 forge
#774 [17:00] * llama [webchat@host109-151-0-102.range109-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
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#776 [17:02] * Refund [webchat@cpe-70-120-171-129.elp.res.rr.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#777 [17:02] <Refund> Minecraft was purchased without my permission, can I get a refund?
#778 [17:04] * Refund [webchat@cpe-70-120-171-129.elp.res.rr.com] has quit. (Client Quit)
#779 [17:16] * Denzel [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#780 [17:18] <Denzel> hello just having trouble with my account as I haven't downloaded the pc version of Minecraft in years and now wish to download but looks to be my account has been migrated on feb 7th 2019 but this was not requested by me which leads me to believe my account has been stolen
#781 [17:20] * AuraCremisi [webchat@93-41-127-28.ip81.fastwebnet.it] has joined #minecrafthelp
#782 [17:21] <AuraCremisi> non riesco ad accedere ne al minecraft launcher nel sul sito della minecraft come posso fare?
#783 [17:23] * Denzel [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#784 [17:25] * Denzel [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#785 [17:27] <Denzel> hello just need help with my account as my Minecraft as been migrated on feb 7 2019 but was not done by me
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#787 [17:35] * MLDoggy [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
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#790 [18:09] * athing [webchat@ool-44c53445.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#791 [18:09] <athing> hi
#792 [18:09] <athing> i need help now
#793 [18:10] <athing> I put in the right password and e mail but it still wont let me in
#794 [18:10] <athing> my account
#795 [18:10] <athing> and there is no error message
#796 [18:10] <athing> i have also tried resseting my password but that does not work
#797 [18:18] * MacMoney [webchat@91-235-10-58.miex.de] has joined #minecrafthelp
#798 [18:24] <MacMoney> I wanted to play Lan but whenever i join i get kicked after a while and get a error mesage that says "Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: Badly compressed packet"
#799 [18:26] * sxp81 [webchat@46-117-60-21.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #minecrafthelp
#800 [18:27] <sxp81> i cant install shaders
#801 [18:30] <sxp81> #minecrafthelp
#802 [18:34] * Soe [webchat@h71.215.96.50.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#803 [18:36] * Lemon [webchat@host-122-089.host.lemoyne.edu] has joined #minecrafthelp
#804 [18:37] <Soe> Hey! Ive been having trouble launching minecraft. Ive had the game for a while on my laptop and it has worked just fine, but recently my screen on my laptop broke and I got a replacement from my school for now (2008 13-inch macbook running yosemite and latest java version). The issue is that every time i start minecraft, the launcher crashes, then
#805 [18:37] <Soe> a few seconds later the actual game starts running (it is only a black screen) and then crashes a few seconds after. Then the launcher starts again. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?
#806 [18:38] <Lemon> Every time I try to play Minecraft I get an error that says "Game crashed an unexpected issue occurred and the game has crashed. we're sorry for the inconvenience.
#807 [18:41] <Soe> Hey! Ive been having trouble launching minecraft. Ive had the game for a while on my laptop and it has worked just fine, but recently my screen on my laptop broke and I got a replacement from my school for now (2008 13-inch macbook running yosemite and latest java version). The issue is that every time i start minecraft, the launcher crashes, then
#808 [18:41] <Soe> a few seconds later the actual game starts running (it is only a black screen) and then crashes a few seconds after. Then the launcher starts again. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?
#809 [18:43] <Lemon> Every time I try to play Minecraft I get an error that says "Game crashed an unexpected issue occurred and the game has crashed. we're sorry for the inconvenience."
#810 [18:46] * gabe [webchat@c-67-189-141-19.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#811 [18:46] <gabe> i need finding my account email
#812 [18:46] <gabe> help
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#814 [18:47] * sxp81 [webchat@46-117-60-21.bb.netvision.net.il] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#815 [18:59] * MacMoney [webchat@91-235-10-58.miex.de] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#816 [19:03] * Zaburabi [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#817 [19:04] * L [webchat@cm-] has joined #minecrafthelp
#818 [19:05] <Zaburabi> Have someone purchase a new realm instead of renewing the existing one? I didn't wait for a "fix" so I renewed my existing one so now I paid twice, can 1 be refunded?
#819 [19:06] <L> Hi,i bought the game in 2013. now i cant buy a new acc on same mail and i am not getting reset password email. anyone know a fast fix?
#820 [19:09] * Cayson [webchat@c-76-27-76-189.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#821 [19:11] <Cayson> When loggin in on minecraft.net/minecraft laucher, it doen't work. Doesn't even say, "wrong password"
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#825 [19:17] * Cayson [webchat@c-76-27-76-189.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#826 [19:18] <Cayson> I cant login tolaucher, it doen't work. Doesn't even say, "wrong password" (I have tried resetting password)
#827 [19:19] * coolcop [webchat@45-19-108-243.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#828 [19:20] <coolcop> I have tried like 15 times and restarted my competer and my game keeps crashing right before the loading baar is done loading
#829 [19:25] * Cayson [webchat@c-76-27-76-189.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#830 [19:27] * coolcop [webchat@45-19-108-243.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#831 [19:29] <coolcop> My Game keeps crashing right before the loading bar finshish loading
#832 [19:29] <coolcop> I have tried 15 times and reasarted my compouter
#833 [19:37] * L [webchat@cm-] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#834 [19:47] * Yugibear_51 [webchat@177-36-32-239.avato.com.br] has joined #minecrafthelp
#835 [19:48] * zxx [webchat@host86-165-86-227.range86-165.btcentralplus.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#836 [19:48] <zxx> i cant log in
#837 [19:49] * zxx [webchat@host86-165-86-227.range86-165.btcentralplus.com] has quit. (Client Quit)
#838 [19:51] <Yugibear_51> I lost my email
#839 [19:52] * athing [webchat@ool-44c53445.dyn.optonline.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#840 [19:58] * beefyballs [webchat@S0106789684be214b.va.shawcable.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
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#842 [19:59] * anthoken [webchat@d66-183-52-159.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#843 [19:59] * beefyballs [webchat@S0106789684be214b.va.shawcable.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
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#846 [20:01] * Brietsy [webchat@S01069050caa70373.su.shawcable.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#847 [20:12] * mongooseman4242 [webchat@pool-108-35-4-76.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
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#849 [20:56] * AuraCremisi [webchat@93-41-127-28.ip81.fastwebnet.it] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#850 [20:56] * AloinkRebornV2 [webchat@189-89-139-49.STATIC.itsweb.com.br] has joined #minecrafthelp
#851 [20:56] <AloinkRebornV2> hi
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#853 [20:58] * Purekiller214 [webchat@cpe-70-115-247-149.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#854 [21:00] <Purekiller214> hello, I need to know how to download Minecraft for java edition. I still have the redeem code since 2013. I don't want to buy the again.
#855 [21:25] * Kar [webchat@c-76-20-146-55.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#856 [21:26] <Kar> Hi, trying to play Minecraft on a lan server at home with my fiancé. However, whenever I try connecting to the server I get the io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection timed out, how can this be fixed?
#857 [21:28] <Purekiller214> are your devices that you are trying to play Minecraft all connected to the same internet ?
#858 [21:28] <Kar> yes
#859 [21:36] * Kar [webchat@c-76-20-146-55.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#860 [21:44] * mike5 [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#861 [21:50] * DarkNoddy [~mordi@191.90-149-25.nextgentel.com] has quit. ()
#862 [22:34] * Lord_of_Life_ [~Lord@] has joined #minecrafthelp
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#864 [22:46] * cbam [webchat@cpe-98-145-92-44.natnow.res.rr.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#865 [22:47] <cbam> I need help with servers. it says that its outdated everytime i try to join a server
#866 [22:50] * peachykia [webchat@70-246-73-6.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
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