#MinecraftHelp > 2019-11-23
#1 [00:01] * Arathorn9 [webchat@65-130-218-8.slkc.qwest.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#2 [00:06] * tumbleweed [~bildramer@p200300CF373AB200421A6BF164E1A1A9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3 [00:22] * nonconductors [~phroa@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4 [00:31] * nonconductors [~phroa@] has quit. (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
#5 [00:32] * Leeevirrr [webchat@85-76-87-14-nat.elisa-mobile.fi] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6 [00:32] * Leeevirrr [webchat@85-76-87-14-nat.elisa-mobile.fi] has quit. (Client Quit)
#7 [00:33] * Leeevirrr [webchat@85-76-87-14-nat.elisa-mobile.fi] has joined #minecrafthelp
#8 [00:35] <Leeevirrr> My minecraft launcher dont start and my account says i dont have minecraft
#9 [00:36] * Maslorez [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#10 [00:37] <Maslorez> can't login to MultiMc (invalid credentials, although credentials are correct I double checked triple checked and it doesn't work please send help immediately
#11 [00:42] * Maslorez [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#12 [00:47] * Maslorez [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#13 [00:48] <Maslorez> can't connect to any third party minecraft launcher
#14 [00:48] <Maslorez> need help
#15 [00:49] <Andrio> Maslorez, does the official one work?
#16 [00:49] <Maslorez> Yes it works
#17 [00:50] <Andrio> Maslorez, we don't support MultiMc here unfortunately.
#18 [00:52] <Maslorez> What about other launchers?
#19 [00:52] <Maslorez> They don't accept my credentials either
#20 [01:10] <Maslorez> Hello?
#21 [01:12] <Maslorez> Volunteer - run come on what is this
#22 [01:12] <Maslorez> Don't they have enough money to run a real tech. support center?
#23 [01:12] <Maslorez> Jesus Christ
#24 [01:20] <Andrio> Maslorez, we don't support those either.
#25 [01:20] <Andrio> And some of them are under suspicion for stealing accounts
#26 [02:10] * TBHockeyKid [webchat@c-73-11-211-159.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#27 [02:11] <TBHockeyKid> Hello all, I am currently having issues with opening my Minecraft Launcher, I have ran as admin, and uninstalled/reinstalled
#28 [02:27] * Yagi [webchat@177-62-59-221.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #minecrafthelp
#29 [02:28] * Yagi [webchat@177-62-59-221.dsl.telesp.net.br] has quit. (Client Quit)
#30 [02:41] <Andrio> TBHockeyKid, what issues?
#31 [02:42] <TBHockeyKid> my launcher won't open
#32 [02:58] <Andrio> TBHockeyKid, what happens when you try?
#33 [02:58] <TBHockeyKid> nothing happens, doesn't load up anything
#34 [02:58] <TBHockeyKid> nothing happens, doesn't load up anything
#35 [03:29] * Andrio [Andrio@questers-rest.andriocelos.net] has left #minecrafthelp
#36 [03:29] * Andrio [Andrio@questers-rest.andriocelos.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#37 [03:30] <Andrio> TBHockeyKid, try enabling a compatibility mode for Windows Vista (right click -> Properties) then disabling it after starting the launcher
#38 [03:32] * kashike [kashike@is.sleeping.in.the.kingdom.of.kandarin.xyz] has quit. (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
#39 [03:33] <TBHockeyKid> So launching it to vista worked
#40 [03:34] <TBHockeyKid> let me try disabling and moving back to win10
#41 [03:34] <TBHockeyKid> or win 8 sorry
#42 [03:36] <TBHockeyKid> after reverting back to win8, it quickly popped up a "cleaning files" window, then wouldn't open afterward
#43 [03:50] * benhunter09 [Ben@2600:3c01:e001:3999::900] has quit. (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
#44 [03:57] * benhunter09 [Ben@2600:3c01:e001:3999::900] has joined #minecrafthelp
#45 [03:59] * kashike [kashike@is.sleeping.in.the.kingdom.of.kandarin.xyz] has joined #minecrafthelp
#46 [04:11] <Victorr> fuck
#47 [04:11] <Absol> Victorr: Please keep it civil
#48 [04:11] <Victorr> fuck
#49 [04:12] * Absol kicked Victorr from #minecrafthelp (Reason: ictorr :Keep it civilized, you are just a human being)
#50 [04:14] * DUBS [webchat@173-26-81-247.client.mchsi.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#51 [04:14] <DUBS> how do i refund java edition
#52 [04:18] * DUBS [webchat@173-26-81-247.client.mchsi.com] has quit. (Client Quit)
#53 [04:35] * Bubblebat [webchat@212-37-118-121.dynamic.varnamo.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#54 [04:36] <Bubblebat> Hello, ive been having some trouble with block lag and entity lag on my singleplayer server and thought I could seek help here.
#55 [04:41] <TBHockeyKid> Absol the fix still didn't work
#56 [04:56] * Nathanael [webchat@mek33-h02-31-39-69-66.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr] has joined #minecrafthelp
#57 [04:56] <Nathanael> Hello, I have a problem. Minecraft has stopped working. Now that I start it: org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated .Here is my dxdiag:
#58 [04:56] <Nathanael> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WDdPxrptMf/
#59 [04:59] <Nathanael> Help me please
#60 [04:59] * Nathanael [webchat@mek33-h02-31-39-69-66.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr] has quit. (Client Quit)
#61 [05:09] * bea [webchat@89.red-88-25-98.staticip.rima-tde.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#62 [05:09] <bea> Hi i need help please
#63 [05:12] <bea> The problem that i have is I deleted my email and I cant recover it , so i cant change my minecraft email . I know the username, the password and my old email but i want to put a new one...
#64 [05:20] <bea> HI ???????????????????
#65 [05:23] <bea> for this reason I cant accept the security questions ir order to change my email cause it doesn't exist anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#66 [05:25] <bea> #minecrafthelp
#67 [05:26] <bea> #minecrafthelp The problem that i have is I deleted my email and I cant recover it , so i cant change my minecraft email . I know the username, the password and my old email but i want to put a new one. For this reason I cant accept the security questions ir order to change my email cause it doesn't exist anymore
#68 [05:30] <Andrio> ??> bea account/send-email
#69 [05:30] <Mightyena> bea: Send an email to Mojang with your Transaction ID and/or gift code, Mojang account email/Minecraft.net email, and any other relevant information, through this form: https://help.minecraft.net/hc/requests/new
#70 [05:33] <bea> thanks but I had my Transaction ID in my deleted account...
#71 [05:33] <bea> D:
#72 [05:35] <bea> #minecrafthelp It is neccessary to change the email I deleted ? or I can play with a deleted email, knowing the username and password?
#73 [05:46] <Andrio> ??> bea account/trans-ID
#74 [05:46] <Mightyena> bea: How to find your Transaction ID: https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/360029977371-What-is-a-transaction-ID-
#75 [05:47] <Andrio> bea, yes
#76 [05:59] * TBHockeyKid [webchat@c-73-11-211-159.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#77 [06:25] * Odsen [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#78 [06:25] <Odsen> Hello!
#79 [06:25] <Odsen> I'm having trouble migrating my old minecraft account
#80 [06:25] <Odsen> Seems like I can't do it. I've tried with many different emails but it doesnt seem to work
#81 [07:09] * Zunaka [~IceChat9@2a02:c7f:9cbd:df00:386d:39a:bcaf:718d] has joined #minecrafthelp
#82 [07:14] * Tico [webchat@ip565b8cf8.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #minecrafthelp
#83 [07:15] * Tico [webchat@ip565b8cf8.direct-adsl.nl] has quit. (Client Quit)
#84 [07:18] * quintessences [~K9-Relay@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#85 [07:50] * Al_Saher [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#86 [07:51] <Al_Saher> Hi, I've been experiencing issues with my minecraft launcher for about a week and a half now. It just won't load, I click on the icon on my desktop and nothing happens, I see the little blue circle and then it disappears and nothing happens, no matter how long I wait. I tried to launch it with admin rights or to delete and re download it again from
#87 [07:51] <Al_Saher> minecraft, it just won't work. The weirdest thing is that nothing happened between the last time it worked and the first time it didn't. So thanks a lot if you're able to help me, it's not a pressing matter but it kinda annoy me to not be able to go back to my game after quite some time spent :)
#88 [08:29] * adamfilip [webchat@d24-141-137-142.home.cgocable.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#89 [08:30] <adamfilip> hello. I cannot login to minecraft even after resetting password
#90 [08:52] * kai [webchat@cpc153765-ldry4-2-0-cust182.2-1.cable.virginm.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#91 [08:52] <kai> My minecraft wont open
#92 [08:52] * kai is now known as Guest82210
#93 [08:52] * kai is now known as Guest82210
#94 [08:53] * Guest82210 [webchat@cpc153765-ldry4-2-0-cust182.2-1.cable.virginm.net] has left #minecrafthelp
#95 [08:54] * JackSucksAtLife [webchat@cpc153765-ldry4-2-0-cust182.2-1.cable.virginm.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#96 [08:54] <JackSucksAtLife> I cant open minecraft please help
#97 [09:01] * Mongoose [webchat@d24-141-137-142.home.cgocable.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#98 [09:01] <Mongoose> hi
#99 [09:01] <Mongoose> ive been having many troubles loging into my mojang account
#100 [09:01] <Mongoose> ya see
#101 [09:02] <Mongoose> on minecraft, it says invalid username or password
#102 [09:02] <Mongoose> even if i change it
#103 [09:02] <Mongoose> and, on mojang, when i press login nothing happens.
#104 [09:02] <Mongoose> ive even tried making a new account
#105 [09:03] <Mongoose> still doesnt work
#106 [09:03] <adamfilip> just email mojang this chat is pointless
#107 [09:04] <Mongoose> whats their email?
#108 [09:05] * adamfilip [webchat@d24-141-137-142.home.cgocable.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#109 [09:07] <Mongoose> oh
#110 [09:07] <Mongoose> yo, whats mojangs email.
#111 [09:12] <JackSucksAtLife> idk
#112 [09:12] <JackSucksAtLife> good luck getting a staff member
#113 [09:18] <Mongoose> yeah ikr
#114 [09:18] * kaito [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#115 [09:18] <kaito> hello
#116 [09:19] <kaito> I bought minecraft Mac version but I can't open this program ten-to-one
#117 [09:20] <kaito> I using Macbook Pro 2018 15inch with Intel i7-8750h + AMD Radeon Pro 555X
#118 [09:20] <kaito> May I ask you refund?
#119 [09:21] * kaito [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#120 [09:22] <kaito> I using Macbook Pro 2018 15inch with Intel i7-8750h + AMD Radeon 555X
#121 [09:23] <kaito> I bought minecraft for Mac but I cant open this game ten-to-one
#122 [09:23] <kaito> May I ask you about refund?
#123 [09:25] <JackSucksAtLife> you have to wait for a million hours to get a staff member on
#124 [09:25] <kaito> WTF
#125 [09:31] * kaito [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#126 [09:35] * MINEGAMER69 [webchat@bd360f46.virtua.com.br] has joined #minecrafthelp
#127 [09:38] * yann [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#128 [09:38] <yann> hi !
#129 [09:38] <yann> I have a problem with the launcher.
#130 [09:41] <Mongoose> Bumpkin
#131 [09:43] <yann> When I click on the launcher, it's launch but it's stopping in few seconds
#132 [09:47] * yann [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#133 [10:09] * Al_Saher [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#134 [10:12] <JackSucksAtLife> my minecraft keeps crashing. I need to put a video in 10 minutes
#135 [10:12] * Icannotconnect [webchat@CPEac202ebaece3-CMac202ebaece0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#136 [10:12] <JackSucksAtLife> my minecraft keeps crashing. I need to put a video in 10 minutes
#137 [10:13] <Icannotconnect> Hello whenever I open minecraft it gives me an error that says I crashed it happens whenever I press play or play offline in the minecraft launcher
#138 [10:13] <Icannotconnect> hi jack
#139 [10:13] <JackSucksAtLife> Hello
#140 [10:13] <Icannotconnect> r u real?
#141 [10:13] <JackSucksAtLife> Im BIG yputuber
#142 [10:13] <Icannotconnect> i know but i dont belive ur the real on sorry
#143 [10:14] <JackSucksAtLife> Okay
#144 [10:14] <Icannotconnect> here if ur real post something on twitter with the words kazoo king in it right now
#145 [10:14] <JackSucksAtLife> I lost my password
#146 [10:15] <Icannotconnect> ok ur not real
#147 [10:15] <JackSucksAtLife> My twitter got haked
#148 [10:15] <Icannotconnect> and whats ur twitter accont
#149 [10:15] * Icannotconnect [webchat@CPEac202ebaece3-CMac202ebaece0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit. (Client Quit)
#150 [10:15] <JackSucksAtLife> you should know if your a fan of me
#151 [10:15] <JackSucksAtLife> my minecraft keeps crashing. I need to put a video in 10 minutes
#152 [10:15] <JackSucksAtLife> my minecraft keeps crashing. I need to put a video in 10 minutes
#153 [10:15] <JackSucksAtLife> my minecraft keeps crashing. I need to put a video in 10 minutes
#154 [10:17] <Mongoose> oh yeah, youre a famous youtuber
#155 [10:17] <JackSucksAtLife> Yes im big famous youtuber
#156 [10:17] <JackSucksAtLife> i got 1 million subs
#157 [10:17] <Mongoose> ye
#158 [10:21] <Mongoose> yo jack
#159 [10:21] <Mongoose> are ye gonna mention minecraft irc in the next vid so i know this is really you?
#160 [10:30] * ThomasSchuster [webchat@rt01.sle.186-219-128-80.sebratel.net.br] has joined #minecrafthelp
#161 [10:31] * ThomasSchuster [webchat@rt01.sle.186-219-128-80.sebratel.net.br] has quit. (Client Quit)
#162 [10:35] * Paaryna [webchat@cable-tku-50deee-167.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #minecrafthelp
#163 [10:38] <Paaryna> Hello! (And sorry for the bad england)I have issues with launching minecraft. It goes to the loading screen, but then it freezes and crashes. I have tried to reinstall it, but it doesn't work.
#164 [10:50] * Qdogsorrells [webchat@24-32-178-124.ansncmtc01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#165 [10:52] <Qdogsorrells> -805306369 Can you help me fix this crash? it says Not responding
#166 [10:53] * alexx [webchat@188-27-97-218.rdsnet.ro] has joined #minecrafthelp
#167 [10:54] <Qdogsorrells> Can anybody help
#168 [10:55] <JackSucksAtLife> same
#169 [10:55] <Qdogsorrells> it won't let you play to
#170 [10:56] <alexx> hello. I had bought minecraft 4 months ago, and now i can't play. i reinstal and crash. i have winwows 7
#171 [10:56] <Qdogsorrells> same
#172 [10:58] <alexx> it say "Minecraft launcher has stop working"
#173 [10:59] * Browni [webchat@78-135-12-111.extendbroadband.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#174 [10:59] <Browni> I can not login
#175 [10:59] <JackSucksAtLife> try deleting minecraft and restall Qdogsirrells
#176 [11:00] <alexx> i reinstall 3 times. java also
#177 [11:00] <Browni> I get this error : Invalid username or password
#178 [11:01] <Browni> in minecraft.net ı can not login in also
#179 [11:01] <JackSucksAtLife> then click forgot password
#180 [11:01] <Browni> I changed 3 times
#181 [11:01] <JackSucksAtLife> must be your username then
#182 [11:02] <JackSucksAtLife> or email
#183 [11:02] <Browni> no its right
#184 [11:02] <Browni> i am sure
#185 [11:02] <JackSucksAtLife> I dont know then :/
#186 [11:02] <Browni> :=
#187 [11:03] <JackSucksAtLife> and it is no way getting a staff member on here aswell
#188 [11:04] <Browni> then what can ı do
#189 [11:04] <JackSucksAtLife> umm
#190 [11:04] <JackSucksAtLife> maybe email
#191 [11:04] <Browni> ıts right bruh
#192 [11:04] <JackSucksAtLife> i mean email them
#193 [11:05] <Browni> oh
#194 [11:05] <Browni> ok
#195 [11:05] <Browni> its maybe about my computer
#196 [11:06] <JackSucksAtLife> Nah it just maybe a bug
#197 [11:06] <Browni> 'cause ı can login to website with my phone
#198 [11:06] * binni [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#199 [11:06] <JackSucksAtLife> can you log in with your computer?
#200 [11:06] <Browni> no
#201 [11:06] <JackSucksAtLife> uhmm
#202 [11:06] <JackSucksAtLife> its just a bug i guess
#203 [11:06] <Browni> ı read forums about that problem
#204 [11:07] * binni [webchat@] has quit. (Client Quit)
#205 [11:07] <Browni> they told turn off vpn and it will works
#206 [11:08] <Browni> but it didn't work
#207 [11:08] * Qdogsorrells [webchat@24-32-178-124.ansncmtc01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#208 [11:08] * Idroo [webchat@ip5655c268.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #minecrafthelp
#209 [11:09] <Idroo> Hi, I bought the Minecraft Java edition for my little brother a while ago, but we're not able to log in. We've tried changing the password, re-downloading the launcher etc.. but none of it works. Could you guys perhaps help us with this?
#210 [11:10] <Browni> ı got same problem
#211 [11:11] <Browni> there is nobody can help us
#212 [11:11] <JackSucksAtLife> minecraft sucks at this time
#213 [11:11] <JackSucksAtLife> everything wrong
#214 [11:11] <Browni> yes
#215 [11:12] <Browni> ı paid 23 euros for it
#216 [11:12] <JackSucksAtLife> i payed 17 pounds
#217 [11:13] * knu [~knu@v055125.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp] has joined #minecrafthelp
#218 [11:15] <Browni> ıts same
#219 [11:15] <Browni> ı think
#220 [11:15] <Browni> :D
#221 [11:16] <Browni> what is your name jack
#222 [11:17] <Idroo> Can someone help? Or is minecraft just down..?
#223 [11:20] <JackSucksAtLife> idk
#224 [11:20] <JackSucksAtLife> it might be
#225 [11:20] * MikePlays_ [webchat@user185-94-5-51.luminet.cz] has joined #minecrafthelp
#226 [11:20] * Browni [webchat@78-135-12-111.extendbroadband.com] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#227 [11:21] <MikePlays_> Hi, can I ask here for help with resource pack?
#228 [11:22] <JackSucksAtLife> whats wrong with it
#229 [11:28] * alexx [webchat@188-27-97-218.rdsnet.ro] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#230 [11:28] * Idroo [webchat@ip5655c268.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#231 [11:44] * mrsupershark1 [webchat@cpc93350-hers8-2-0-cust119.6-3.cable.virginm.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#232 [11:44] <mrsupershark1> can someone help it dose not let me play online
#233 [11:45] <mrsupershark1> ?
#234 [11:49] * mrsupershark1 [webchat@cpc93350-hers8-2-0-cust119.6-3.cable.virginm.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#235 [11:51] * Black_Frost_ [webchat@c-73-175-98-62.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#236 [11:51] <Black_Frost_> hey, whenever I click on my Minecraft icon, it wont open.
#237 [11:57] * Zunaka [~IceChat9@2a02:c7f:9cbd:df00:386d:39a:bcaf:718d] has quit. (Quit: Copywight 2016 Elmer Fudd. All wights wesewved.)
#238 [12:10] * mrsupershark [webchat@cpc93350-hers8-2-0-cust119.6-3.cable.virginm.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#239 [12:11] <mrsupershark> hey I cant play mincecraft online and I don't know why
#240 [12:11] <mrsupershark> can someone help
#241 [12:12] <mrsupershark> ?
#242 [12:14] * mrsupershark [webchat@cpc93350-hers8-2-0-cust119.6-3.cable.virginm.net] has quit. (Client Quit)
#243 [12:48] * Red_M [~potato@] has quit. (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
#244 [12:50] * Red_M [~potato@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#245 [12:55] * JackSucksAtLife [webchat@cpc153765-ldry4-2-0-cust182.2-1.cable.virginm.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#246 [13:52] * Wobonion [webchat@host174320070160.direcway.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#247 [13:53] <Wobonion> Minecraft updater says "unable to update minecraft launcher" then closes.
#248 [13:55] * Wobonion [webchat@host174320070160.direcway.com] has quit. (Client Quit)
#249 [14:06] * Wobonion [webchat@host174320070160.direcway.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#250 [14:07] <Wobonion> Minecraft updater says "unable to update minecraft launcher" then closes.
#251 [14:08] * Wobonion [webchat@host174320070160.direcway.com] has quit. (Client Quit)
#252 [14:16] * Chris [webchat@47-219-248-199.jkvlcmta01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#253 [14:17] * Mongoose [webchat@d24-141-137-142.home.cgocable.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#254 [14:17] <Chris> My Minecraft will not open and i have tried a lot to fix it.
#255 [14:21] * Chris [webchat@47-219-248-199.jkvlcmta01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#256 [14:21] * Black_Frost_ [webchat@c-73-175-98-62.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#257 [14:22] <Chris> My Minecraft will not open and i have tried many things to fix it. Would someone be able to help?
#258 [14:24] * BatT [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#259 [14:26] * BatT [webchat@] has quit. (Client Quit)
#260 [14:28] * BatTheGamer [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
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#262 [14:33] * Black_Frost_ [webchat@c-73-175-98-62.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#263 [14:33] <Black_Frost_> hey my Minecraft wont open, any helf?
#264 [14:34] <Black_Frost_> help?
#265 [14:34] * SeafoxCEO [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#266 [14:35] <SeafoxCEO> Hi, just bought minecraft java for macos. I'm running up to date macos and just downloaded the launcher
#267 [14:35] <SeafoxCEO> launcher crashes on start
#268 [14:35] <SeafoxCEO> I have the crash log if it helps
#269 [14:38] * josh1 [webchat@sbs.2011.ilikemedia.co.uk] has joined #minecrafthelp
#270 [14:39] <josh1> jiya
#271 [14:39] <josh1> hiya
#272 [14:39] <josh1> i have a problem with my account..
#273 [14:39] <josh1> could anyone give me a nudge in the direction to take
#274 [14:40] <GreyVulpine> josh1 - Send in a support ticket to Mojang's Customer Support using: https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/requests/new
#275 [14:41] * Chris [webchat@47-219-248-199.jkvlcmta01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#276 [14:44] <josh1> cool cheers
#277 [14:44] * josh1 [webchat@sbs.2011.ilikemedia.co.uk] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#278 [14:46] <Black_Frost_> my Minecraft wont open
#279 [14:46] <Black_Frost_> any help pls
#280 [14:46] * Nick [webchat@dyn-72-33-2-241.uwnet.wisc.edu] has joined #minecrafthelp
#281 [14:46] <Nick> I cannot open minecraft on my computer. I click on minecraft launcher and the minecraft app and there is no response
#282 [14:46] * Nick is now known as Guest84934
#283 [14:47] <Guest84934> I have tried to delete and redownload the game but I cannot since Minecraft Launcher is always open in NToser.DAT
#284 [14:47] * Guest84934 [webchat@dyn-72-33-2-241.uwnet.wisc.edu] has quit. (Client Quit)
#285 [14:49] * XVampierX [webchat@84-29-120-192.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has joined #minecrafthelp
#286 [14:49] <XVampierX> hey
#287 [14:49] <XVampierX> can you help me?
#288 [14:50] <XVampierX> i have a really weard robot voice that is repeating everythinng that is in my chat
#289 [14:55] * robin [webchat@ool-44c6139b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#290 [14:55] * robin [webchat@ool-44c6139b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#291 [14:55] * robin [webchat@ool-44c6139b.dyn.optonline.net] has left #minecrafthelp
#292 [14:56] * PMN [webchat@p5487B38C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #minecrafthelp
#293 [14:58] * robin [webchat@ool-44c6139b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#294 [14:58] <robin> does any1 know what causes this problem https://imgur.com/a/QJcdRsR
#295 [15:00] * robin [webchat@ool-44c6139b.dyn.optonline.net] has quit. (Client Quit)
#296 [15:02] * sglilyy [webchat@ool-44c6139b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#297 [15:03] <sglilyy> whatcauses this problem when i connect to a server https://imgur.com/a/QJcdRsR
#298 [15:12] * watsup [webchat@x5d840457.dyn.telefonica.de] has joined #minecrafthelp
#299 [15:12] <watsup> how to refund
#300 [15:12] <watsup> minecraft
#301 [15:12] <watsup> halp
#302 [15:12] * watsup [webchat@x5d840457.dyn.telefonica.de] has quit. (Client Quit)
#303 [15:29] * jo [webchat@71-89-245-212.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
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#305 [15:32] * Black_Frost_ [webchat@c-73-175-98-62.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#306 [15:39] * phroa [~phroa@] has quit. (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
#307 [15:49] * phroa [~phroa@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#308 [16:01] * Randy [webchat@82-72-24-116.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has joined #minecrafthelp
#309 [16:01] <Randy> Hello
#310 [16:03] <Randy> i want to migrating my account but i dont now my old email
#311 [16:28] * PMN [webchat@p5487B38C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#312 [16:36] * EParker700 [webchat@pool-72-95-38-39.hrbgpa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#313 [16:36] <EParker700> hello
#314 [16:36] <EParker700> is anyone here
#315 [16:37] <EParker700> I need help
#316 [16:37] <EParker700> my mc won't start from the shortcut I Have to manually start the launcher
#317 [16:37] * EParker700 [webchat@pool-72-95-38-39.hrbgpa.fios.verizon.net] has quit. (Client Quit)
#318 [16:38] * Phauxstus [webchat@ip-217-030-078-044.aim-net.cz] has joined #minecrafthelp
#319 [16:38] <Phauxstus> hello
#320 [16:38] <Phauxstus> I have a problem, normal java edition MC
#321 [16:39] <Phauxstus> I start it up on win 10, the launcher's just a dark gray screen
#322 [16:39] <Phauxstus> can't do anything
#323 [16:39] <Phauxstus> this place is dead, innit
#324 [16:42] * Kevin7 [webchat@88-111-16-131.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#325 [16:43] <Kevin7> When i join a server i can play for 2 seconds before it crashes
#326 [16:43] <Kevin7> i have reinstalled minecraf
#327 [16:43] <Kevin7> java
#328 [16:43] <Kevin7> all sorts
#329 [16:44] * Phauxstus [webchat@ip-217-030-078-044.aim-net.cz] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#330 [16:50] * Kevin7 [webchat@88-111-16-131.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#331 [16:54] * DarkNoddy [~mordi@191.90-149-25.nextgentel.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#332 [17:05] * MikePlays_ [webchat@user185-94-5-51.luminet.cz] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#333 [17:23] * needhelp [webchat@cpe-104-172-69-225.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
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#335 [18:30] * SetShiro [webchat@static.belong.com.au] has joined #minecrafthelp
#336 [18:34] <SetShiro> Hi, I got a problem. My minecraft launcher wont start. I did everything that I was told on the websiotes and I played once on it. Reinstallation didn't work. I double click it or run as administrator and I get the blue loading circle, and then it dissapears and nothing happens.
#337 [18:43] * Nathan [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#338 [18:44] <Nathan> So... I really am trying to play Minecraft but it’s been like 5 years since I’ve played it and I don’t remember my email. I remember my username that I used though if that helps.
#339 [18:48] * Nathan [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#340 [18:49] * _Nathan [webchat@96-38-97-139.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#341 [18:50] <_Nathan> So like I’m trying to play Minecraft but I don’t remember my email, I’m trying to avoid paying money for another copy, its been like 5 years since I’ve played but I really my username if that can help find my email idk... please help
#342 [18:51] <_Nathan> remember*
#343 [19:23] * Elwin [webchat@client-] has joined #minecrafthelp
#344 [19:30] <Elwin> Hello, I am currently unable to connect to any minecraft server. Every time I try to connect, it gets to the "logging in" screen and then says "Failed to log in: The authentication servers are down for maintenance." This has been going on for months and I have attempted to solve the problem in many ways, including logging out and back into my MC ac
#345 [19:30] <Elwin> count, reinstalling MC, updating java, changing username, turning off firewall, and setting port 25565 to allow incoming and outgoing traffic (don't know how relevant this is). Thanks for any help you can provide!
#346 [19:51] * DemonCryS23 [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#347 [19:52] <DemonCryS23> Hi, anyone that could assist me with something, I have sent a request for help a few days ago and still have not received any info through e-mail.
#348 [19:57] * DemonCryS23 [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#349 [20:01] * Sensed [webchat@hmtnon0222w-lp140-01-65-94-133-130.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #minecrafthelp
#350 [20:01] <Sensed> Hello
#351 [20:01] <Sensed> Anyone in here?
#352 [20:01] <Sensed> No one here?
#353 [20:01] <Sensed> hellllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
#354 [20:01] <Sensed> A N Y O N E I N H E R E
#355 [20:02] * Sensed [webchat@hmtnon0222w-lp140-01-65-94-133-130.dsl.bell.ca] has quit. (Client Quit)
#356 [20:33] * sageayselwolf [webchat@mobile-107-77-198-94.mobile.att.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#357 [20:33] <sageayselwolf> i need help with forge and mods
#358 [20:33] <sageayselwolf> anyone know anything about that or someone I can ask
#359 [21:18] * creqtedood [webchat@pool-108-20-76-207.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#360 [21:18] <creqtedood> Hello?
#361 [21:19] * creqtedood [webchat@pool-108-20-76-207.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit. (Client Quit)
#362 [21:30] * HiThere [webchat@pool-108-48-14-184.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#363 [21:31] <HiThere> Hello! My minecraft launcher suddenly won't open. It quits immediately upon being run. I am on MacOS10.14
#364 [21:33] * HiThere [webchat@pool-108-48-14-184.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has quit. (Client Quit)
#365 [21:56] * coop [webchat@BYOD-NATout-129-174-182-70.byod.gmu.edu] has joined #minecrafthelp
#366 [21:58] <coop> Hello! Am I able to get access to my old account from username alone?
#367 [21:58] <coop> I no longer use the email that it is linked to, and $30 is fairly steep to go in on again. Thanks
#368 [22:00] * Jayden_M [webchat@173-242-142-42.pool.dsl.bbtel.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#369 [22:00] <coop> hello
#370 [22:00] <Jayden_M> Hey Ive just downloaded minecraft and when I try to open it, it just decides to not open at all. Just gives the loading circle and then stops. Any ideas?
#371 [22:01] <Andrio> coop, do you have access to that email inbox?
#372 [22:01] <coop> try a fresh installation? im not too sure what that could be exactly.
#373 [22:01] <Jayden_M> I've done both uninstalling Java and Minecraft and they both do not work.
#374 [22:01] <coop> I dont think that i do. i believe the email was deleted when i cleaned up my accounts
#375 [22:01] <Jayden_M> And what do you mean email inbox?
#376 [22:01] <Andrio> Jayden_M, try to right click the launcher > Properties > Compatibility > set a compatibility mode for Windows Vista, then remove it after it's started successfully
#377 [22:01] <coop> that was to me
#378 [22:02] <Jayden_M> kk
#379 [22:02] <coop> Andrio yea, unfortunately i dont think that i have access to the email anymore
#380 [22:03] <coop> but i do have the username...
#381 [22:03] * CubeTheThird [~cubetheth@dhcp-108-168-126-184.cable.user.start.ca] has joined #minecrafthelp
#382 [22:04] * Jayden_M [webchat@173-242-142-42.pool.dsl.bbtel.com] has quit. (Client Quit)
#383 [22:05] <coop> halo
#384 [22:06] * coop [webchat@BYOD-NATout-129-174-182-70.byod.gmu.edu] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#385 [22:09] * Mxrsr [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#386 [22:09] <Mxrsr> hi
#387 [22:09] <CubeTheThird> hello Mxrsr
#388 [22:10] <Mxrsr> wait I have to translate what I have to say, I don't speak English.
#389 [22:10] <Mxrsr> ps
#390 [22:10] <Mxrsr> pls*
#391 [22:10] <CubeTheThird> take your time
#392 [22:11] <Mxrsr> I have a problem, because today I just redeemed a Minecraft Java code, and I also read that they gave you that of Windows 10. But I get an error.
#393 [22:12] <Mxrsr> The error says that they have not yet reloaded the codes for windows 10 something like that
#394 [22:12] <CubeTheThird> Mxrsr, the windows 10 code is only valid for those who bought the game a few years ago. Also, there is currently a problem with the code generator, which they should be fixing soon
#395 [22:12] <Mxrsr> And I don't know what to do, whether to wait or stay like this.
#396 [22:12] * DarkNoddy [~mordi@191.90-149-25.nextgentel.com] has quit. ()
#397 [22:13] <Mxrsr> 27/5000
#398 [22:13] <Mxrsr> Are they for old people?
#399 [22:13] <Mxrsr> I just bought it, today.
#400 [22:13] <Mxrsr> Do I have to wait or stay like this?
#401 [22:14] <CubeTheThird> Mxrsr, yes, the Windows 10 code is only for older accounts. That deal has expired
#402 [22:14] <Mxrsr> I just have to wait for years nothing else?
#403 [22:15] <CubeTheThird> Mxrsr, if you purchased the game today, you will not be receiving a Windows 10 code for free
#404 [22:16] <Mxrsr> How long I have to wait?
#405 [22:16] <Mxrsr> ;(
#406 [22:17] <CubeTheThird> Mxrsr, unless you have purchased the game before October 19 2018, you will not receive a free code
#407 [22:18] <Mxrsr> aaaws sad :(
#408 [22:18] <Mxrsr> thx bro
#409 [22:19] * Mxrsr [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#410 [22:37] * AmazingRaccoon [webchat@cpe-72-131-17-126.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#411 [22:39] <AmazingRaccoon> Whenever I start up my minecraft with the new launcher it will start up and show the mojang loading screen and then the bar will always get stuck at one part
#412 [22:39] <CubeTheThird> AmazingRaccoon, let's have you run a malware scan
#413 [22:40] <CubeTheThird> ??> AmazingRaccoon av/adwcleaner
#414 [22:40] <Mightyena> AmazingRaccoon: Malwarebytes ADWCleaner is a utility to clean a PC which is infested with malware. Download it here: https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/adwcleaner
#415 [22:40] <Mightyena> AmazingRaccoon: Run it, click Scan Now, once it completes the scan click Clean & Repair, restart the computer when it asks you to and come back here for further instructions.
#416 [22:45] * Jibor [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#417 [22:47] <Jibor> I accidently changed my name how do I revert this action?
#418 [22:48] <CubeTheThird> Jibor, you will have to contact Mojang support, though you will probably have to wait the 30 day period to revert it
#419 [22:48] <CubeTheThird> ??> Jibor mojang/email
#420 [22:48] <Mightyena> Jibor: You can email Mojang by going here: https://help.minecraft.net/hc/requests/new
#421 [22:48] <Mightyena> Jibor: Note: Do NOT send more than one at a time.
#422 [22:48] * Andrio [Andrio@questers-rest.andriocelos.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#423 [22:51] <Jibor> ty
#424 [22:54] * AmazingRaccoon [webchat@cpe-72-131-17-126.wi.res.rr.com] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#425 [22:55] * Jibor [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#426 [23:15] * darkgeminos [webchat@173-217-65-64-lkch.mid.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#427 [23:15] <darkgeminos> my minecraft wont launch and i have tried everything
#428 [23:17] * darkgeminos [webchat@173-217-65-64-lkch.mid.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit. (Client Quit)
#429 [23:33] * BonnieSilver [webchat@c-73-180-56-71.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#430 [23:34] <BonnieSilver> Hi there! My Minecraft launcher will not load minecraft -- when I click on it, it pulls up the 'downloading updates' screen, finishes updating, and then closes out and doesn't launch the game...