#MinecraftHelp > 2022-01-20
#1 [00:31] * bildramer [~bildramer@2a02:587:6216:7100:ed0c:8bd5:4e2d:c045] has quit. (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
#2 [00:45] * bildramer [~bildramer@2a02:587:6208:5d00:7e7f:4fc2:cc4b:723] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3 [01:23] * cyphase [~cyphase@2600:1700:7800:4680::49] has quit. (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
#4 [01:30] * cyphase [~cyphase@2600:1700:7800:4680::49] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5 [01:50] * Match123 [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6 [01:50] * Match123 [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7 [01:50] * Match123 [webchat@] has left #minecrafthelp
#8 [02:02] * Banks [~BIG_CHEG@88-104-90-166.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#9 [02:50] * zkxs [~zkxs@ip70-178-189-23.ks.ks.cox.net] has quit. (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
#10 [03:05] * zkxs [~zkxs@ip70-178-189-23.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#11 [04:16] * bildramer [~bildramer@2a02:587:6208:5d00:7e7f:4fc2:cc4b:723] has quit. (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
#12 [04:26] * bildramer [~bildramer@2a02:587:6205:4000:b130:50ff:ee93:1f12] has joined #minecrafthelp
#13 [06:13] * cyphase [~cyphase@2600:1700:7800:4680::49] has quit. (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
#14 [11:21] * cyphase [~cyphase@172-10-166-228.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#15 [12:03] * Bnaks [~BIG_CHEG@88-104-90-166.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#16 [12:04] * Banks [~BIG_CHEG@88-104-90-166.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit. (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
#17 [12:40] * Banks [~BIG_CHEG@88-104-90-166.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#18 [13:41] * BillyRae [~tar@ec2-3-136-243-174.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com] has quit. (Quit: WeeChat 3.4)
#19 [14:24] * BillyRae [~tar@ec2-3-136-243-174.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#20 [15:18] * TheSilentLink [~TheSilent@host86-144-115-28.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has quit. (Quit: Good Bye! My bouncer has probably crashed or lost connection to the internet...)
#21 [15:20] * TheSilentLink [~TheSilent@host86-144-115-28.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#22 [18:11] * vhns [~vhns@li581-15.members.linode.com] has quit. (Quit: leaving)
#23 [18:14] * cyphase [~cyphase@172-10-166-228.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net] has quit. (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
#24 [18:26] * cyphase [~cyphase@2600:1700:7800:4680::49] has joined #minecrafthelp
#25 [19:43] * cyphase [~cyphase@2600:1700:7800:4680:ad7b:92e1:e5e1:b310] has joined #minecrafthelp
#26 [19:51] * Banks [~BIG_CHEG@88-104-90-166.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit. (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
#27 [20:28] * bildramer [~bildramer@2a02:587:6205:4000:b130:50ff:ee93:1f12] has quit. (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
#28 [20:29] * bildramer [~bildramer@athedsl-150020.home.otenet.gr] has joined #minecrafthelp
#29 [20:34] * cyphase [~cyphase@2600:1700:7800:4680:ad7b:92e1:e5e1:b310] has quit. (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
#30 [21:07] * cyphase [~cyphase@172-10-166-228.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#31 [22:59] * GreyBot [~Grey@c-73-145-7-72.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#32 [23:08] * cyphase [~cyphase@172-10-166-228.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net] has quit. (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
#33 [23:49] * lukegb [~lukegb@2a0a:54c0:0:17::2] has quit. (*.net *.split)
#34 [23:49] * knu [~knu@v055125.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp] has quit. (*.net *.split)
#35 [23:49] * zonia [~stotch@perrin.stotch.com] has quit. (*.net *.split)
#36 [23:49] * lukegb [~lukegb@2a0a:54c0:0:17::2] has joined #minecrafthelp
#37 [23:49] * knu [~knu@v055125.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp] has joined #minecrafthelp
#38 [23:49] * zonia [~stotch@perrin.stotch.com] has joined #minecrafthelp