#1 [00:00] <almostroot> __import__: I'm having trouble finding a use for Google+
#2 [00:01] <__import__> almostroot, :P
#3 [00:01] <__import__> You asked for the invite :P
#4 [00:01] <wippler> ermmm im still having some trouble with this how do i have them scan my system?
#5 [00:02] <almostroot> wippler: Click the gray GRAPHICS DRIVERS button.
#6 [00:02] <Finamenon> now that spot isnt lagging
#7 [00:02] <Finamenon> seriously what the hell is up with this
#8 [00:03] <wippler> is this gunna mess up my computer?
#9 [00:04] <almostroot> wippler: If you don;t want advice, please don't ask. :/
#10 [00:04] <almostroot> Finamenon: Minecraft is inside your head....
#11 [00:04] <wippler> No im not saying i dont want the advice i was wondering if this will scrue up my computer
#12 [00:04] <almostroot> Most likely, no.
#13 [00:05] <wippler> Ok thankyou im trying it right now
#14 [00:05] <Finamenon> its always the same spot, its just not consistent lag.. really bizarre
#15 [00:05] * Product [Product@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#16 [00:05] <Product> Hey guys.
#17 [00:05] <almostroot> Product: Hola.
#18 [00:06] <Product> almostroot: Haii !:P
#19 [00:06] <almostroot> Product: Como est as?
#20 [00:06] <Product> almostroot: Bien, y tu ?
#21 [00:06] <Product> almostroot: I suck at spanish tests in school :P
#22 [00:06] * rootbeer2468 [rootbeer2468@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#23 [00:06] <__import__> SPANISH RULEZ
#24 [00:06] <wippler> so after i do this it will work? ;D
#25 [00:07] <Product> It's cool, but I suck in it. :P
#26 [00:07] <almostroot> Product: Asi asi. Despedido a alguien. Consiguió un aumento de sueldo.
#27 [00:07] * almostroot live in a border state.
#27 [00:07] <Product> almostroot: Muy bien :), es el espanol tu lenguahe numero uno ?
#28 [00:07] <almostroot> lives*
#29 [00:07] <wippler> almostroot, After i download this thing it will let me do this classic thing?
#30 [00:08] * odenthaa [odenthaa@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#31 [00:08] <Product> almostroot: Please don't remember me in "Preterito Perfecto" Lol.
#32 [00:08] <almostroot> Product: Yo vivo en Texas. Imposible no aprender algo.
#33 [00:08] <Product> almostroot: Ooo muy bien !:)
#34 [00:08] <almostroot> wippler: Hopefully.
#35 [00:08] * [OSU]Odysimus [[OSU]Odysimus@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#36 [00:08] <__import__> almostroot, no sabia que hablabas espanol!
#37 [00:08] <wippler> ok
#38 [00:08] <almostroot> Product: Meh. Es muy popular en estos momentos. >.<
#39 [00:09] <Product> almostroot: El preterito Perfecto ?
#40 [00:09] <almostroot> __import__: Lo suficiente para sobrevivir.
#41 [00:09] <__import__> Heh
#42 [00:09] <__import__> Aprendi por mi esposa
#43 [00:10] <almostroot> __import__: Me encanta mujeres hispanas.
#44 [00:10] <Product> almostroot: Yo siempre tiene tiene mal puntos con el "Preterito Perfecto"
#45 [00:10] <__import__> Es Mexicana xD
#46 [00:10] <Product> import: No, almostroot gusta las Venzuelanas.
#47 [00:11] * mib_g5zzl8 [mib_g5zzl8@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#48 [00:11] <__import__> Tuve que aprender porq no habla ingles.
#49 [00:11] <almostroot> Product: Mi gramática es horrible a veces también.
#50 [00:11] <Finamenon> is it possible the chunk isnt corrupted? the map loads fine
#51 [00:11] <__import__> Product, yo estoy hablando de mi esposa.
#52 [00:11] <Finamenon> it just randomly lags the whole server a LOT when people are in it
#53 [00:11] <__import__> Finamenon, how much ram does the server have>
#54 [00:11] <__import__> s/>/?/
#55 [00:11] <almostroot> Finamenon: Very possible. Server software is VERY beta.
#56 [00:11] <Finamenon> I allocated a gig of ram
#57 [00:12] <__import__> If you have more, give it more.
#58 [00:12] <Finamenon> it rarely goes over 300
#59 [00:12] <Product> almostroot: Mi gramatica es siempre malo en espanol, "Note: We talk Papiamento en Aruba, it isn't too far from Spanish, a lot of words are the same.
#60 [00:12] <__import__> Ah.
#61 [00:12] <Finamenon> the most I ever saw it use was 500
#62 [00:12] <__import__> Product, kinda like french :P
#63 [00:12] <almostroot> Product: Then you know how screwed up English grammar is, right?
#64 [00:12] <__import__> er, Aci como el frances
#65 [00:12] <wippler> almostroot thanks so much ur awesome! :D
#66 [00:12] <almostroot> wippler: Glad it worked. :)
#67 [00:13] <Product> almostroot: Yeah kinda, but I think English is much easier for me then Spanish.
#68 [00:13] * Kimax [Kimax@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#69 [00:13] <__import__> Product, wut?
#70 [00:13] <almostroot> Product: You are one of the few I know.
#71 [00:13] <Finamenon> ok, well lets just say its not corrupt
#72 [00:13] <Finamenon> what -would- cause this type of lag in a specific location
#73 [00:13] <Product> almostroot: You know, where do you know them ?
#74 [00:13] <__import__> Finamenon, is there lots of lava?
#75 [00:13] <__import__> in that spot?
#76 [00:13] <Finamenon> there is nearby yes
#77 [00:13] <Product> almostroot: In this IRC Chat, or these who can talk Spanish,?
#78 [00:13] <Finamenon> but its not consistent lag
#79 [00:13] <almostroot> Product: I have many friends all over the world. Been to a few international confrences.
#80 [00:13] <__import__> Probably why.
#81 [00:14] <Finamenon> thats why im confused
#82 [00:14] <Finamenon> its only randomly laggy, to the point that people disconnect
#83 [00:14] <__import__> Idk, I don't know server mechanics in this case.
#84 [00:14] <Product> almostroot: Nice :P, Have you even been in Aruba ?
#85 [00:14] <Product> almostroot: It's a small Island in the Caribean sea.
#86 [00:14] <__import__> Does the server have a stable internet connection, with a decent UP rate?
#87 [00:14] <Finamenon> yes, but it lags me too on the localhost
#88 [00:14] <__import__> Alright, goodnight peeps.
#89 [00:14] <almostroot> Product: Mainly North America and Europe. Not many islands. Not too fond of water, lol.
#90 [00:14] <Finamenon> like everyone gets 1fps
#91 [00:14] <__import__> Hasta manana, todos.
#92 [00:15] <Finamenon> ever if they are nowhere near it
#93 [00:15] <Product> almostroot: Oh, I understand what you mean with not too fond of water :P
#94 [00:15] <almostroot> __import__: night. Thanks for the Google+.
#95 [00:15] <Finamenon> it just takes one person to go through it and it might lag
#96 [00:15] <__import__> :) YW
#97 [00:15] <almostroot> Finamenon: Lags EVERYone?
#98 [00:15] <almostroot> Not jsut that person?
#99 [00:15] <__import__> Finamenon, try to open it in MCedit
#100 [00:15] <__import__> open, save
#101 [00:15] * Count [Count@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#102 [00:15] <Product> almostroot: Spreek je Nederlands jonge ?
#103 [00:15] <__import__> it can sometimes fix corruption.
#104 [00:15] <Finamenon> everyone yeah
#105 [00:15] <__import__> ok, *poof*
#106 [00:16] <almostroot> Product: Just What I can pick up through knowing German and LAtin.
#107 [00:16] <Finamenon> that was an affirmative to you root
#108 [00:16] <almostroot> Finamenon: I figured. Try import's suggestion.
#109 [00:16] <Product> almostroot: Not German, it's Dutch xD, we also learn Dutch in school.
#110 [00:16] <Finamenon> ok
#111 [00:16] <Finamenon> will mcedit inform me of corruption?
#112 [00:16] <almostroot> Product: I knew the language. Saying that knowing German and Latin helps me read it.
#113 [00:16] <almostroot> Finamenon: Will error check when it saves.
#114 [00:17] <Product> almostroot: Oh, yeah that's true. A lot of Dutch words are the same as German and English, and Latin :P
#115 [00:17] <Finamenon> and obviously the server needs to be down for this yeah?
#116 [00:17] <almostroot> Finamenon: Yes. Can't have changes to the map occuring at the same time.
#117 [00:18] <Finamenon> can I run mcedit on a backup of the same server or will that still cause issues?
#118 [00:18] <almostroot> Finamenon: Probably not, but you will over to overwrite the map, so that means still downtime.
#119 [00:18] <Finamenon> fair enough
#120 [00:18] <Finamenon> thank you for the help
#121 [00:19] <almostroot> Good luck.
#122 [00:19] <Product> almostroot: I want to ask you something, howmuch do you think a Classic server can handle players, if it can handle 20 slots in a Beta server ?
#123 [00:19] <Product> How many slots*
#124 [00:21] <almostroot> Product: I'm sure more than that.
#125 [00:21] <Product> almostroot: Oh ok, thank you. Because I have it now on 20 slots, and it doesn't lag at all.
#126 [00:22] <Product> almostroot: You know the VPS you've setted up for me.
#127 [00:22] <almostroot> Mhmm. Working well?
#128 [00:22] <Product> almostroot: Yeah super good, thanks :)
#129 [00:22] <Product> almostroot: Not having any problems at all, working super good :)
#130 [00:23] <almostroot> Very cool.
#131 [00:23] <almostroot> AFK for a sec.
#132 [00:23] <Product> almostroot: Ok :)
#133 [00:23] * nipper [nipper@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#134 [00:23] <Product> I'll also be AFK, eating something.
#135 [00:24] <rootbeer2468> Hey almost?
#136 [00:26] <almostroot> Back.
#137 [00:26] <almostroot> What's up rootbeer2468?
#138 [00:27] <Product> Ok I'am back :)
#139 [00:27] <Product> hey rootbeer, I remember you :)
#140 [00:27] <Product> rootbeer: Did you portforward yet ?
#141 [00:27] <rootbeer2468> This is kinda not about minecraft but do you know why it tales so long to buffer youtube videos?
#142 [00:27] <rootbeer2468> Umm Actually no lol
#143 [00:28] <rootbeer2468> Takes*
#144 [00:28] <Product> rootbeer: I'll give you a TUT to make it faster.
#145 [00:28] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Most ISPs throttle the bandwidth from YouTube and Netflix.
#146 [00:28] <Product> rootbeer: It's a very usefull Tutorial, that will speed up some stuff.
#147 [00:28] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Could try enabling html5 and that may help: youtube.com/html5
#148 [00:28] <rootbeer2468> make what youtube buffering?
#149 [00:28] <Product> almostroot: True.
#150 [00:28] <Product> almostroot: That Tutorial will prevent that.
#151 [00:29] <Product> almostroot: It'll make bandwith easier.
#152 [00:29] * Shnaw [Shnaw@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#153 [00:29] <Product> Just give me a second to search for it, it's on a forum.
#154 [00:29] <rootbeer2468> Ok I went to youtube.com/html5
#155 [00:30] <rootbeer2468> Ok product
#156 [00:31] <AndrewPH> almostroot: afaik almost no ISPs actively throttle bandwidth from youtube
#157 [00:31] <AndrewPH> dunno about netflix, but I haven't heard of it from major ones
#158 [00:32] <Product> Ok I found tutorial.
#159 [00:32] <rootbeer2468> Ok
#160 [00:32] <Product> Give me a second to paste it.
#161 [00:32] <rootbeer2468> Alright product
#162 [00:32] <almostroot> AndrewPH: According to about 30 different benchmarks, my local area TWC does by about 15-20% vs non-steaming media bandwidth.
#163 [00:33] <rootbeer2468> Hey im downloading google chrome frame for the html5
#164 [00:33] * oblMraptor [oblMraptor@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#165 [00:33] <Product> http://pastebin.com/eiPuc5qi
#166 [00:34] <Product> rootbeer: I think that Tutorial is usefull.
#167 [00:34] <Product> almostbeer: Please check it, if it is good.
#168 [00:34] <almostroot> AndrewPH: The college I work for is also a tier two ISP. I cheated.
#169 [00:36] <almostroot> Product: ..... That looks like it does nothing.
#170 [00:36] <Product> almostroot: I'am not sure, but I've seen some comments that they have seen the diffrence.
#171 [00:36] <rootbeer2468> where is CMD?
#172 [00:37] <Product> almostroot: But I don't think it does something with ISP, only with PC.
#173 [00:37] <rootbeer2468> Ok i just wanna make my youtube videos not take so long to play....
#174 [00:37] <rootbeer2468> or buffer.
#175 [00:38] <Product> rootbeer: Buy speeder internet from your ISP :)
#176 [00:38] <Product> rootbeer: Just kiddin, sorry that's the only Tutorial I know.
#177 [00:38] <rootbeer2468> oh.... well what about html5?
#178 [00:39] <Product> html5, isn't that a coding language for websites ?
#179 [00:39] <almostroot> Product: Yes, but it allows them to embed videos without using flash palyer.
#180 [00:39] <almostroot> Uses alternate servers than the main ones.
#181 [00:39] <rootbeer2468> it says to do it i need google chrome frame...
#182 [00:39] <Product> almostroot: Oh now I get it, thank you :)
#183 [00:40] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Google chrome is your friend. Are you using Firefox now?
#184 [00:40] <rootbeer2468> No IE
#185 [00:40] <rootbeer2468> 7 i think
#186 [00:40] <Product> almostroot: Do you think it is able to fix bad video card drivers, when I load .exe version of Minecraft ?
#187 [00:40] <rootbeer2468> I have firefox though
#188 [00:40] <Product> almostroot: I really want that .exe version, but I always get bad video card error.
#189 [00:40] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Please, for the love of god, use Chrome of Firefox.
#190 [00:41] <Product> almostroot: True, IE sucks.
#191 [00:41] <rootbeer2468> Chrome of firefox?
#192 [00:41] <almostroot> Product: Updated your video card drivers yet?
#193 [00:41] <Product> almostroot: I have to do that via their website, right ?
#194 [00:41] <almostroot> Chrome or* Firefox
#195 [00:41] <almostroot> Product: nVidia card?
#196 [00:41] <Product> almostroot: Hmm but what video card I have ?
#197 [00:41] <Product> almostroot: That's the problem, I don't know what video card.
#198 [00:41] <rootbeer2468> Oh well i got firefox already downloaded.... should i start using that browser instead of IE?
#199 [00:41] <Product> almostroot: Is there any way to know it ?
#200 [00:42] <almostroot> Run a dxdiag or look at the adapter in Display Settings.
#201 [00:42] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Yes.
#202 [00:42] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Please.
#203 [00:42] <rootbeer2468> Ok, What will it do about youtube?
#204 [00:42] * mib_hwrgg6 [mib_hwrgg6@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#205 [00:42] <Product> almostroot: Ok, I'll try the dxdiag :)
#206 [00:42] <Product> Ok, I see all information
#207 [00:43] <rootbeer2468> What will it do about youtube almostroot?
#208 [00:43] * Storm3y [Storm3y@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#209 [00:43] <mib_hwrgg6> Hi i have a minecraft account but when I downloaded minecraft and ran it, it updated and all that happened was i got a black screen. I cant play please help
#210 [00:44] <Product> almostroot: What is the name of Video Card there, because I can't find video card, I only see some system settings.
#211 [00:44] <rootbeer2468> Setting up Firefox now Almostroot.
#212 [00:44] <Product> rootbeer: I recommend you more for Google Chrome :)
#213 [00:45] <rootbeer2468> Hmmm Ok xD
#214 [00:45] <almostroot> Product: Win7 XP or Vista?
#215 [00:45] <Product> I only see chip: Intel System Manufactered: Intel
#216 [00:45] <Product> XP.
#217 [00:45] <mib_hwrgg6> can anyone help me?
#218 [00:45] <rootbeer2468> so he has an intel graphics card?
#219 [00:45] <Product> almostroot: Is it on the "Display" tab ?
#220 [00:46] <rootbeer2468> Downloading Google Chrome
#221 [00:46] <almostroot> Product: Don;t remember hwere exactly. Could right click My Computer, click Manage, go to Device Manager and look for video card adapters.
#222 [00:46] <Product> Ok :) I'll do that.
#223 [00:47] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Chrome and Firefox handle web media much better than IE in general.
#224 [00:47] <rootbeer2468> So.... It could run youtube better?
#225 [00:48] <Product> Proccesors; Intel
#226 [00:49] <Product> Wait, I'll provide you a screenshot of Diax something.
#227 [00:49] <rootbeer2468> Chrome is downloading... Then I
#228 [00:49] <rootbeer2468> Im getting html5
#229 [00:50] * mib_29zdcr [mib_29zdcr@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#230 [00:50] <Product> http://k.min.us/idFndy.JPG Please check it almostroot
#231 [00:50] <rootbeer2468> Anybody know a good free screen recorder?
#232 [00:50] <Product> rootbeer: Camtasia Studio 5
#233 [00:50] <rootbeer2468> Like BSR
#234 [00:50] <Product> I mean 7
#235 [00:50] <Product> or something like that.
#236 [00:51] <Product> I don't know the latest brand of Camtasia.
#237 [00:51] <rootbeer2468> free?
#238 [00:51] <almostroot> ??> Product gpu/intel
#239 [00:51] <VoxelHead> Product: (gpu/intel) You can get drivers for Intel video cards and chipsets here: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/
#240 [00:51] <Product> Nope, but you can easily get a cracked one.
#241 [00:51] <Product> Ok :)
#242 [00:51] <rootbeer2468> k
#243 [00:51] * Boreeas [Boreeas@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#244 [00:51] <Product> Thank you very much almostroot :)
#245 [00:51] <Product> Your always giving the best support :)
#246 [00:52] <rootbeer2468> lol
#247 [00:52] <Product> Wait, almostroot: What do I have to type in search bar.
#248 [00:52] <rootbeer2468> Man i need more RAM
#249 [00:52] * mib_f4he57 [mib_f4he57@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#250 [00:53] <Product> almostroot: I'am kinda confused, because there is some search bar download, and video cards, etc.
#251 [00:53] <rootbeer2468> Almostroot or product how do i get more RAM? lol
#252 [00:53] <Product> rootbeer: Well you have to add it manually on your pc.
#253 [00:54] <Product> rootbeer: By buyying a new RAM.
#254 [00:54] <Product> rootbeer: Do you have Win 7 ?
#255 [00:54] <almostroot> Product: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&DwnldID=16835&ProdId=2102&lang=eng
#256 [00:54] <Product> Thanks bro !:)
#257 [00:54] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Run a dxdiag and I'll see if I have some.
#258 [00:54] <rootbeer2468> No xp
#259 [00:54] <almostroot> ??> rootbeer2468 dxdiag
#260 [00:54] <rootbeer2468> Ok you want me to pastebin it to u?
#261 [00:54] <Product> rootbeer: If you had Win 7, you can get more RAM from your USB.
#262 [00:55] <Product> I have seen a Tutorial, you use your USB as a RAM.
#263 [00:55] <Product> But you need 64 bit I guess.
#264 [00:55] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Yes please.
#265 [00:55] <rootbeer2468> hmmm kewl almost when i do dxdiag u want me to pastebin it to u?
#266 [00:56] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Yes please.
#267 [00:56] <Product> almostroot: Thank you, I'am downloading it right now :)
#268 [00:56] <Product> almostroot: I'll be very happy when I can use .exe version.
#269 [00:56] <rootbeer2468> Alright hold on
#270 [00:56] <Product> X-ray pwns bro :)
#271 [00:57] <almostroot> Product: I use Zombe's flight and nocloud mods and the Minimap mod.
#272 [00:57] <rootbeer2468> lol
#273 [00:57] <Product> almostroot: Nice, I'll also use Zombe it's super good :)
#274 [00:57] * b0xxy [b0xxy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#275 [00:57] <Product> almostroot: Have you ever used x-ray ?
#276 [00:57] <rootbeer2468> Wish mods would work on mine
#277 [00:57] <Product> almostroot: You can see all hidden chests, diamonds etc.
#278 [00:58] <almostroot> Product: Not my thing. :/ I either use the hell out of bukkit commands or try to do striaght-line vanilla.
#279 [00:58] <Product> almostroot: Oh nice, that's cool :P
#280 [00:58] <rootbeer2468> straight line vanilla????
#281 [00:58] <Product> Ok guys, I'll install the card, it may restart my pc.
#282 [00:58] <almostroot> Just created a new vanilla server actually. getting my butt handed to me.
#283 [00:58] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Just meaning a stock, no mods server.
#284 [00:58] <rootbeer2468> Ok
#285 [00:59] <rootbeer2468> Lol oh hey almost you can create servers?
#286 [00:59] <Product> almostroot: I want to ask you.
#287 [00:59] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: I have quite the handful at this point, lol.
#288 [00:59] <Product> why doesn't Minecraft make it's own commands.
#289 [00:59] <Product> Like Bukkit, so they don't need them.
#290 [00:59] <almostroot> Product: They are going to be lazy and let projects like bukkit handle it.
#291 [01:00] <rootbeer2468> Us three should like start a server? Is it possible? Because if almost can start it he could make us admins
#292 [01:00] <Product> almostroot: Oh ok :P Thanks, but mostly Bukkit doesn't have a great support like Mojang, and it takes them some days to update it, they have to do hard work.
#293 [01:00] <rootbeer2468> Is that possibble?
#294 [01:00] <Product> And most of servers uses Bukkit, and that sucks for the players.
#295 [01:00] <Product> So the players will be effected.
#296 [01:00] <rootbeer2468> What is bukkit?
#297 [01:01] <Product> Bukkit is a
#298 [01:01] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Only one admin is really needed on a well-configured server. My primary bukkit server has no mods/ops/admins other than myself, and users have almost full control.
#299 [01:01] <rootbeer2468> Here almostroot http://pastebin.com/gr7UpkN3
#300 [01:01] <Product> server like it's modified, so you can use more commands.
#301 [01:01] <Product> Ok, I'll install the video card program, it may restart my pc :)
#302 [01:02] <rootbeer2468> Oh, Yeah i understand almost its just lol i wanna help run a server like help make sure ppl following rules and everything With nobody griefing and stuff like taht
#303 [01:02] * leaper [leaper@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#304 [01:03] <Product> I think it's restarting
#305 [01:03] <almostroot> Getting freezes with the new Mac JAva update. :/
#306 [01:03] <Product> everything
#307 [01:03] <Product> Not sure.
#308 [01:03] <rootbeer2468> Here is the system info Almostroot http://pastebin.com/gr7UpkN3
#309 [01:03] * nip [nip@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#310 [01:03] <rootbeer2468> That sucks....
#311 [01:03] <Product> Noo
#312 [01:03] <Product> I'am going
#313 [01:03] <Product> to be r
#314 [01:04] <leaper> I tried to send my transaction to the email but when I checked the history the payment wasnt there, I used master card
#315 [01:04] <rootbeer2468> But yeah i think it would be pretty kewl Helping someone run a server and stuff. Thats why i wanted to start one but.... Yeah
#316 [01:05] * nip [nip@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#317 [01:06] <rootbeer2468> Almostroot?\
#318 [01:06] <almostroot> Doing some work for tomorrow, so I'm in and out. What's up?
#319 [01:07] * Fangedgameer [Fangedgameer@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#320 [01:08] <rootbeer2468> here the dxdiag
#321 [01:08] <Fangedgameer> Need a link to risucraft channel please
#322 [01:08] <rootbeer2468> http://pastebin.com/gr7UpkN3
#323 [01:08] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Don't think I have any spare memory for your computer, but I'll check the random box-o-ram tomorrow.
#324 [01:08] <almostroot> I got it.
#325 [01:08] * kermie [kermie@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#326 [01:08] <almostroot> Fangedgameer: /join #risucraft
#327 [01:08] <Fangedgameer> thank you
#328 [01:08] <rootbeer2468> Oh ok
#329 [01:08] <rootbeer2468> But yeah i think it would be pretty kewl Helping someone run a server and stuff. Thats why i wanted to start one but.... Yeah\
#330 [01:09] <kermie> I am using a computer from 2003 that has software from 2008 but it wont let me run minecraft
#331 [01:09] <kermie> can anyone help me?
#332 [01:09] <rootbeer2468> I have a computer from 05 and it runs minecraft....
#333 [01:09] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: I get the hint, lol. I'll think about it.
#334 [01:09] <rootbeer2468> ID what your prob could be wbu almostroot?
#335 [01:09] <kermie> i try to run it in browser and the screen is just grey
#336 [01:10] <almostroot> kermie: Elaborate on your issue please.
#337 [01:10] * linduxed [linduxed@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#338 [01:10] <kermie> well I used to own a 2009 hp laptop that ran minecraft just fine
#339 [01:10] <rootbeer2468> YAY! haha, that would be awesome almostroot
#340 [01:10] <kermie> until the hardrive died
#341 [01:10] <rootbeer2468> :D
#342 [01:10] <almostroot> kermie: Try updating Java first.
#343 [01:10] <rootbeer2468> that sucks...
#344 [01:10] <kermie> now I have a huge full on pc that I knwo can handle minecraft but I can get it to perform the task
#345 [01:10] <kermie> how do I do that
#346 [01:10] <almostroot> ??> kermie getjava
#347 [01:10] <VoxelHead> kermie: (getjava) http://www.java.com/en/download/
#348 [01:11] <kermie> what exactly is java?
#349 [01:11] <rootbeer2468> Chrome is still installing
#350 [01:11] <rootbeer2468> Isn't it something that helps run games?
#351 [01:11] <almostroot> kermie: Programming stuff. Minecraft is written in it.
#352 [01:11] <kermie> ahhhh ok
#353 [01:11] <rootbeer2468> Oh.
#354 [01:11] <kermie> well its being installed
#355 [01:12] <rootbeer2468> I didn't even know myself :P
#356 [01:12] <rootbeer2468> It should download pretty fast kermie
#357 [01:13] <kermie> ok
#358 [01:13] <kermie> hold on
#359 [01:13] * Product [Product@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#360 [01:13] <rootbeer2468> Almostroot will kermie might have to update his graphics card?
#361 [01:13] <Product> Hey guys.
#362 [01:13] <Product> I'am back.
#363 [01:14] <Product> My screen got now much bigger
#364 [01:14] <rootbeer2468> Welcome back! xD
#365 [01:14] <Product> and everything is small
#366 [01:14] <Product> Lol.
#367 [01:14] <Product> I have now more space.
#368 [01:14] <rootbeer2468> Nice
#369 [01:14] <almostroot> Product: Everything is running at the correct resolution now, lol.
#370 [01:14] <Product> almostroot: Do you remember my Desktop ?
#371 [01:14] <almostroot> Product: ... yes
#372 [01:14] * armada120 [armada120@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#373 [01:14] * almostroot still has nightmares.
#373 [01:14] <kermie> WOOOOOOOOO
#374 [01:14] <Product> almostroot: It was full, and do you remember the startup Icons.
#375 [01:14] <kermie> but thank you so much
#376 [01:14] <kermie> your all brillian
#377 [01:14] <kermie> t
#378 [01:14] <almostroot> kermie: Glad it worked. Have fun.
#379 [01:15] <Product> When you couldn't reach putty.
#380 [01:15] <almostroot> The bot thinks you're spamming, lol.
#381 [01:15] <Product> almostroot: Me ?
#382 [01:15] <rootbeer2468> Lol
#383 [01:15] <almostroot> kermie:
#384 [01:15] <Product> Oh because he said w00000
#385 [01:15] <Product> Now you can see all the icons on startup.
#386 [01:15] <Product> And you can easily reach Putty folder.
#387 [01:15] <rootbeer2468> Ha hey almost since i downloaded chrome should youtube run better?
#388 [01:15] <Product> xD :)
#389 [01:16] <almostroot> The first thing I'm buying with my new raise is a nook color I think.
#390 [01:16] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Hopefully.
#391 [01:16] <Product> Ok, I'll try Minecraft.exe thanks :)
#392 [01:16] <rootbeer2468> Cool
#393 [01:16] <almostroot> Product: Glad to ehar it. I did notice the teamviewer screen was way small.
#394 [01:16] <rootbeer2468> BRB switching over to chrome
#395 [01:17] <Product> almostroot: Thank you, oh I'am sure that didn't help you when you was on TV :)
#396 [01:17] <Product> W0000000T
#397 [01:17] <Product> I CAN PLAY !!!!
#398 [01:17] <Product> ON .EXE
#399 [01:17] <Product> ALMOSTROOT: I LOVE YOU
#400 [01:17] * rootbeer2468 [rootbeer2468@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#401 [01:17] <almostroot> Product: I love me too, lol.
#402 [01:18] <rootbeer2468> Hey Im Back
#403 [01:18] <Product> almostroot: I'am sure you do :)
#404 [01:18] <Product> almostroot: Do you also love Justin Bieber ?
#405 [01:18] * Freddy [Freddy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#406 [01:19] <Product> Wow !! dude no lag at all.
#407 [01:19] <Product> Thanks :)
#408 [01:19] <rootbeer2468> Hey almostroot..... chrome seems really slow...
#409 [01:19] <Product> Nooo
#410 [01:19] <Product> you diss Chrome it's fast dude.
#411 [01:20] <Product> Just try it for more time, and you'll love it.
#412 [01:20] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Make sure IE is clsoed. Your computer is kinda lacking in umph.
#413 [01:20] <rootbeer2468> It is closed
#414 [01:20] <Product> IE is really slow, Idk if the version 9 is also slow, is it ?
#415 [01:21] * m0nk [m0nk@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#416 [01:21] <rootbeer2468> I dnt have it so IDK
#417 [01:21] <Product> I think almostroot has it, but I think also it's slow because he likes Chrome and Firefox.
#418 [01:21] <Product> almostroot: Do you think it is an good idea to make a voice server for help ?
#419 [01:22] <almostroot> I've updated my virtual machine to it, but never really used it.
#420 [01:22] <Product> almostroot: Oh ok :P
#421 [01:22] <almostroot> Product: No. Bad enough people spamming an IRC channel.
#422 [01:22] <rootbeer2468> When i buffered a video it seemed faster lol
#423 [01:22] <Product> almostroot: Oh ok :)
#424 [01:22] <rootbeer2468> xD
#425 [01:23] <Product> rootbeer: True :)
#426 [01:23] <Product> almostroot: There is anti-spam here right ?
#427 [01:23] <Product> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
#428 [01:23] <Product> I'am sorry.
#429 [01:24] <Product> Yay he forgive me.
#430 [01:24] <Product> Now I know there is an anti-spam :)
#431 [01:24] <rootbeer2468> Hey Almostroot if you decided to make a server that i could be an admin on... (if you let me :) ) Have any idea what kind it would be? creative? survival?
#432 [01:25] <Product> 1 second guys, I'am checking something out on YouTube.
#433 [01:25] <rootbeer2468> Lol product
#434 [01:25] <rootbeer2468> Ok
#435 [01:26] <rootbeer2468> No. It buffers the exact same IE did.
#436 [01:26] <Product> Guys do you like my Intro ?
#437 [01:26] <Product> www.youtube.com/ene
#438 [01:27] <armada120> maybe your internet is so slow it doesnt make a difference
#439 [01:27] <rootbeer2468> Idk it goes to websites and stuff just fine.
#440 [01:27] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Go to youtube.com/html5 and enable it.
#441 [01:29] <rootbeer2468> Alright
#442 [01:29] <Product> I'am afk, 1 sec.
#443 [01:30] <armada120> on html5 vids if you right click the vid and hit download video it opens a new tab and rick rolls you
#444 [01:30] <armada120> not kidding
#445 [01:31] <almostroot> YEah, awesome, right?
#446 [01:31] <rootbeer2468> Hey, Which one do i download?
#447 [01:31] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Of what?
#448 [01:31] <armada120> go to any vid thats not made by a partner
#449 [01:31] <armada120> right click on it
#450 [01:31] <armada120> hit download
#451 [01:32] <rootbeer2468> i went to html5 what do i go to now?
#452 [01:32] <armada120> did you enable it?
#453 [01:32] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Click the join link.
#454 [01:32] <rootbeer2468> join the html5 trial?
#455 [01:33] <armada120> yes
#456 [01:33] <rootbeer2468> tok
#457 [01:33] <rootbeer2468> ok
#458 [01:33] <armada120> no go to a random vid. then right click and hit download video
#459 [01:33] <armada120> now*
#460 [01:33] <Product> almostroot: If I want to install Xray, do I have to only extract the Xray 1.6.6 items, or also ModLoader items ?
#461 [01:33] <rootbeer2468> well for one thing will it buffer?????
#462 [01:33] * TheBadShepperd [TheBadShepperd@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#463 [01:34] <armada120> initially the loading may take longer
#464 [01:34] <armada120> but it usually plays all the way through
#465 [01:34] <rootbeer2468> .............................
#466 [01:35] <almostroot> Product: Modloader first, then mods.
#467 [01:36] <almostroot> I think I'm out for the night. Later everyone.
#468 [01:36] <armada120> why would you mod hours before an update
#469 [01:36] <rootbeer2468> watch this video
#470 [01:36] <rootbeer2468> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tHH_g1M1-g&feature=feedrec_grec_index
#471 [01:36] <almostroot> armada120: Hold your breath, lol. I won't be doing the update anytime soon.
#472 [01:36] <rootbeer2468> seriously
#473 [01:36] <rootbeer2468> its crazy
#474 [01:37] <armada120> im updating imediatly
#475 [01:37] <armada120> i want pistons
#476 [01:37] * Kealper waves to almostroot
#476 [01:38] * [OSU]Odysimus [[OSU]Odysimus@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#477 [01:39] <almostroot> Hi Kealper!
#478 [01:39] <almostroot> Night Kealper!
#479 [01:40] <almostroot> Enjoy your screwed up sleep schedule, lol.
#480 [01:40] <rootbeer2468> Lol
#481 [01:40] <rootbeer2468> Almost what you doing?
#482 [01:40] * Sqozza [Sqozza@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#483 [01:40] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Going to sleep.
#484 [01:40] <Product> almostroot: Night :)
#485 [01:40] <rootbeer2468> You go to bed early?
#486 [01:40] <rootbeer2468> why?
#487 [01:41] <Product> It's like 1AM where he lives.
#488 [01:41] <rootbeer2468> I live in the same state as him
#489 [01:41] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Had to fire someone today, extra work tomorrow to catch up.
#490 [01:41] <Product> Oh ok :)
#491 [01:41] <rootbeer2468> Oh that sucks. Night man!
#492 [01:41] <rootbeer2468> talk to you tomorrow!
#493 [01:41] <Product> almostroot: Have a good night root :)
#494 [01:41] <Product> Thanks for all your help :)
#495 [01:41] <almostroot> State employment: Where Overtime lives, but you don't get paid for it, lol.
#496 [01:42] <rootbeer2468> Lol
#497 [01:42] <almostroot> Night all. Have fun.
#498 [01:42] <Product> :)
#499 [01:42] <rootbeer2468> xD
#500 [01:42] <Product> Thanks Night.
#501 [01:42] <rootbeer2468> Oh think about the server xD
#502 [01:42] <rootbeer2468> Lol
#503 [01:42] <rootbeer2468> :D
#504 [01:42] <rootbeer2468> Hahaha
#505 [01:43] <rootbeer2468> So whats uo product?
#506 [01:43] <rootbeer2468> up
#507 [01:43] <Product> Nm root :)
#508 [01:43] <Product> What's up with you ?
#509 [01:43] <rootbeer2468> Same! Haha xD
#510 [01:44] <Product> :)
#511 [01:44] <Product> I'am checking a server, brb 1 min
#512 [01:44] <rootbeer2468> Kkk
#513 [01:44] <rootbeer2468> KK
#514 [01:44] <Product> Who has almostroot to fire today ?
#515 [01:45] <rootbeer2468> What?
#516 [01:45] <rootbeer2468> I live like an hour away from him haha
#517 [01:45] <Product> Almostroot said that he had to fire someone.
#518 [01:45] <Product> Lol, nice.
#519 [01:45] <Product> Who is that someone ?
#520 [01:45] <rootbeer2468> Yeah
#521 [01:46] <rootbeer2468> What about it?
#522 [01:46] <rootbeer2468> IDK
#523 [01:46] <rootbeer2468> Someone at tstc
#524 [01:46] <Product> tstc ?
#525 [01:46] <Product> What's that ?
#526 [01:47] * eightbitben [eightbitben@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#527 [01:47] <rootbeer2468> A college he works at
#528 [01:47] <Product> Oh ok :)
#529 [01:47] <Product> I'll be afk for some time.
#530 [01:51] * SevFTW [SevFTW@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#531 [01:55] <Planck> * Product: AFK for some time. Fired.
#532 [01:59] * wilma [wilma@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#533 [02:05] * acky [acky@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#534 [02:06] * LordEddi [LordEddi@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#535 [02:10] * PcJamesy [PcJamesy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#536 [02:19] * tmp [tmp@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#537 [02:20] <tmp> when i try to log in on the stand alone launcher it just comes up with a black screen
#538 [02:20] * rootbeer2468 [rootbeer2468@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#539 [02:20] <armada120> did you try to mod
#540 [02:20] <tmp> no
#541 [02:21] <armada120> are you on mac or pc
#542 [02:21] <tmp> pc
#543 [02:21] <armada120> is your computer very old?
#544 [02:21] <tmp> nat very like 2 years
#545 [02:22] <armada120> are you running 7
#546 [02:22] <tmp> yh
#547 [02:22] <armada120> is it after you log in
#548 [02:23] <tmp> yes
#549 [02:23] <armada120> have you been able to play before or is this your first time
#550 [02:23] <tmp> first time
#551 [02:23] <armada120> did you download the .jar or .exe from the minecraft website?
#552 [02:24] * JBlackthorne [JBlackthorne@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#553 [02:24] <tmp> ive tried both
#554 [02:25] <armada120> you probably have 64 bit java
#555 [02:25] <armada120> which sometime causes problems
#556 [02:25] <tmp> how do i fix it
#557 [02:25] <armada120> im trying to see
#558 [02:26] <tmp> kk
#559 [02:27] * nipper [nipper@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#560 [02:27] * Blackthorne [Blackthorne@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#561 [02:29] <armada120> attempt this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=far54gHO-W0&feature=related
#562 [02:29] <armada120> it may not work though
#563 [02:29] <tmp> is it safe
#564 [02:29] <armada120> the link or what it tells you to do
#565 [02:30] <armada120> youtube is safe
#566 [02:30] * mib_lt2sbk [mib_lt2sbk@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#567 [02:35] <tmp> that doesnt help
#568 [02:36] * Ludd [Ludd@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#569 [02:38] <armada120> ill see if i can get someone to help
#570 [02:42] * Furball75 [Furball75@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#571 [02:42] <Furball75> armada120 ?
#572 [02:42] <armada120> yes?
#573 [02:43] <armada120> tmp is the one who needs help
#574 [02:43] <armada120> oh he left
#575 [02:43] <armada120> fail
#576 [02:43] <Furball75> lol
#577 [02:43] * whidgle [whidgle@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#578 [02:43] <armada120> sorry about that. he was here a minute ago
#579 [02:43] <Furball75> he will prolly post it on the forum
#580 [02:44] <armada120> atleast he was smart enough to come here
#581 [02:45] * Furball75 [Furball75@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#582 [02:54] * Omena [Omena@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#583 [02:56] * Reap3354 [Reap3354@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#584 [02:56] * PcJamesy [PcJamesy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#585 [03:07] * Juze [Juze@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#586 [03:18] * Reaper3354 [Reaper3354@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#587 [03:18] * ferminter [ferminter@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#588 [03:19] <Reaper3354> anyone out there got a moment to help me? Can't connect to minecraft.net, no matter what I do
#589 [03:19] <ferminter> ok when i go on minecraft i log it then it freezes black i have uninstalled java then re-install it and nothing happend
#590 [03:20] * Patze [Patze@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#591 [03:23] <Reaper3354> anyone?
#592 [03:25] * kermit [kermit@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#593 [03:25] <lemon-rev> Reaper3354 what have you tryed to connect to it ?
#594 [03:25] <Reaper3354> how do you mean?
#595 [03:26] <lemon-rev> well is it the broswer that cant connect so trying a dfferent one or is it say your antivirus scanner that might be blocking it ?
#596 [03:26] <kermit> I cant seem to run the game on beta i have payed for it but it just wont work i am losing my mind please what should i do
#597 [03:27] <Reaper3354> launcher can't connect, browser version at mc.net doesn't load at all and gives me a java type error
#598 [03:27] <lemon-rev> kermit windows / mac ?
#599 [03:27] <kermit> windows
#600 [03:27] <lemon-rev> kermit uninstall and reinstall java from java.com
#601 [03:27] <Reaper3354> I can login at minecraft.net, but I can't run anything, no browser, no launcher.
#602 [03:27] <kermit> thanks ill try now
#603 [03:28] <lemon-rev> Reaper3354 so you can log into the site so you can reach it, just when you try and run though the broswer what happens ?
#604 [03:28] <Reaper3354> it gives me a white screen with an error, I click error, hit details and it gives me a bunch of like 'minecraft launcher not found' lines
#605 [03:28] <Reaper3354> I got it copied if you'd like me to post the error
#606 [03:29] <lemon-rev> please
#607 [03:30] * DanteDave22 [DanteDave22@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#608 [03:30] <lemon-rev> pase
#609 [03:30] <Reaper3354> one moment, chat box is too limited, lemme splice it up
#610 [03:30] <lemon-rev> reaper
#611 [03:30] <lemon-rev> no
#612 [03:30] <lemon-rev> ok
#613 [03:30] <lemon-rev> if its a big error can you please pastebin it
#614 [03:31] <Reaper3354> it's not that big actually
#615 [03:31] <Reaper3354> and I wouldn't know how to paste-bin.
#616 [03:31] <lemon-rev> goto the site pastebin.com and paste the error there submit it then it should give you a link
#617 [03:31] <lemon-rev> paste the link in here
#618 [03:31] <Reaper3354> ah, ok I'll do that, one moment
#619 [03:32] <kermit> i still cant get onto it do u know what i should do now
#620 [03:32] <lemon-rev> ??> kermit win/dxdiag
#621 [03:32] <VoxelHead> kermit: (win/dxdiag) Press the Win+R keys, and type "dxdiag" (no quotes) in the box. Press enter. If prompted about verifying WHQL, select Yes. Once it has finished loading, click the "Save All Information" button and save it to your desktop.
#622 [03:32] <VoxelHead> kermit: (win/dxdiag) Open the file you just saved, and copy the contents. Paste them on http://pastebin.com/ and click Submit. Then, copy the link you are sent to, and paste it in the IRC channel.
#623 [03:33] <Reaper3354> http://pastebin.com/X5wChvtx <---- that should be it Lemon
#624 [03:33] <DanteDave22> can someone help me with an annoying payment problem please,. i just recently bought minecraft premium, but, as usual something has gone wrong, and i do not have it, nor do i have a confirmation email, so the way it seems to me, there is nothing i can do????? :/
#625 [03:33] <lemon-rev> looking
#626 [03:34] <Reaper3354> that error is what it gives me when I try to connect through the Browser at Minecraft.net - Lemon
#627 [03:34] <lemon-rev> Reaper3354 can you please uninstall and reinstall java from java.com please
#628 [03:34] <Reaper3354> I'll give it a shot
#629 [03:34] <kermit> where should i put the dxdiag
#630 [03:35] <lemon-rev> DanteDave22 we are not part of mojang but we can tell you to only check your account and make sure the payment has gone though or use a valid credit card
#631 [03:35] <lemon-rev> kermit vox said pastebin it at pastebin.com
#632 [03:35] <kermit> thanks
#633 [03:35] <DanteDave22> Ok how can i do that?
#634 [03:36] <lemon-rev> DanteDave22 contact your bank or do it online and ask if the payment got blocked by your bank
#635 [03:37] * Urughak [Urughak@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#636 [03:38] * Massih [Massih@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#637 [03:38] <kermit> where is the win key???????????????????????
#638 [03:38] <Massih> Hello, can some one help me?
#639 [03:38] <lemon-rev> kermit next to ctrl and alt
#640 [03:38] * fuogo [fuogo@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#641 [03:38] <lemon-rev> massih we arent mind readers
#642 [03:39] <Massih> When i try to run minecraft I get an error and a .txt file apears on my desktop I just bought the game and don't know what to do...
#643 [03:39] * Reaper3354 [Reaper3354@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#644 [03:39] <lemon-rev> massih ok thanks please goto pastebin.com and paste the error you get in that txt file please and submit it it should give you a link and paste it in here
#645 [03:39] <Massih> ok one sec
#646 [03:39] <Reaper3354> aright I'm back. redownloading and installing java now
#647 [03:40] <lemon-rev> np Reaper3354
#648 [03:41] <Massih> Okay I did it http://pastebin.com/fLdnvQK7
#649 [03:41] <lemon-rev> thanks
#650 [03:42] <lemon-rev> massih windows / mac ?
#651 [03:42] <Massih> Windows XP
#652 [03:42] <lemon-rev> sweet
#653 [03:42] <lemon-rev> massih please add/remove java then reinstall it via java.com please
#654 [03:42] <Massih> ok
#655 [03:42] <Massih> JDK too?
#656 [03:42] <lemon-rev> please
#657 [03:43] <Massih> I be right back
#658 [03:45] * acky [acky@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#659 [03:45] * The_amoeba [The_amoeba@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#660 [03:45] <Reaper3354> aright Lemon, java has been reinstalled. shall I try running MC through the browser?
#661 [03:46] <lemon-rev> please
#662 [03:46] * Znops [Znops@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#663 [03:46] <The_amoeba> HEY GUYS. I got a questions about animal spawning. It no longer works! is this just a glitch? plz help! ^^
#664 [03:46] <Znops> can someone help with java errror
#665 [03:46] <lemon-rev> The_amoeba what have you done tryed to mod mc ?
#666 [03:47] <lemon-rev> znops remove java reinstall it via java.com
#667 [03:47] <Znops> done that
#668 [03:47] <Znops> hs_pid
#669 [03:47] <The_amoeba> nope, I have no mods at all... I just play vanilla, so to speak, lol XD is anyone else having this problem? :)
#670 [03:47] <lemon-rev> hang on
#671 [03:47] <Znops> hs_err_pid****
#672 [03:47] <kermit> where would the link be
#673 [03:48] * Massih [Massih@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#674 [03:48] <The_amoeba> no pigs, sheep, etc. they spawned before... no longer...I really miss themm :(
#675 [03:48] <lemon-rev> ??> znops win/dxddiaag
#676 [03:48] <Massih> I reinstalled my java and it did not work i still get the same...
#677 [03:48] <lemon-rev> ??> znops win/dxdiaag
#678 [03:48] <lemon-rev> ??> znops win/dxdiag
#679 [03:48] <VoxelHead> znops: (win/dxdiag) Press the Win+R keys, and type "dxdiag" (no quotes) in the box. Press enter. If prompted about verifying WHQL, select Yes. Once it has finished loading, click the "Save All Information" button and save it to your desktop.
#680 [03:48] <VoxelHead> znops: (win/dxdiag) Open the file you just saved, and copy the contents. Paste them on http://pastebin.com/ and click Submit. Then, copy the link you are sent to, and paste it in the IRC channel.
#681 [03:48] <Reaper3354> well, looks like java got messed up, browser MC is loading now Lemon. thanks
#682 [03:48] <lemon-rev> The_amoeba look did you modify mc at all ?
#683 [03:49] <lemon-rev> np Reaper3354 you can try downloading the exe and launching it that way
#684 [03:49] <Massih> lemon-rev I did what you said and i still get the same error...
#685 [03:49] <Reaper3354> yeah, about to try it. thanks Lemon
#686 [03:50] * Campy [Campy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#687 [03:50] <lemon-rev> ok massih follow vox instructions please as well
#688 [03:50] <Reaper3354> yup, it was java. thanks a bunch Lemon
#689 [03:50] <lemon-rev> np
#690 [03:50] <The_amoeba> no... I didn't mitify anything... they just stopped spawning... I searched everywhere for half an hour. No spawn. Hostile mobs still show up..but no wolves, pigs, sheeps, etc.
#691 [03:51] <The_amoeba> motify*
#692 [03:51] <kermit> VoxelHead please help me I dont know where the link that you told me about is
#693 [03:51] <lemon-rev> The_amoeba dude it could be the suroundings what type of area are you in ?
#694 [03:51] <lemon-rev> ?? bot
#695 [03:51] <VoxelHead> bot: Yes, I'm a bot.
#696 [03:51] <lemon-rev> what link ?
#697 [03:51] <lemon-rev> pastebin.com its a site
#698 [03:52] <Znops> http://pastebin.com/NwezFEph
#699 [03:52] <Znops> ok
#700 [03:52] <Massih> So what do i have to do i still got the same error http://pastebin.com/fLdnvQK7
#701 [03:52] <The_amoeba> I've been from taiga, desert, to rainforest. Nothin. However I do have a healthy population of trained wolves. (17 of em) do you think tat could be it?
#702 [03:52] <lemon-rev> znops thanks
#703 [03:52] <Znops> I also put the info from the error in there
#704 [03:52] <kermit> this is what he sent me "Open the file you just saved, and copy the contents. Paste them on http://pastebin.com/ and click Submit. Then, copy the link you are sent to, and paste it in the IRC channel."
#705 [03:53] <lemon-rev> znops please update your video driver its out of date by about 2 years ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 < thats your video card
#706 [03:54] <lemon-rev> massih i dont belive your running the latest jar version please doulbe check you are running latest version
#707 [03:54] * armada120 [armada120@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#708 [03:54] <Znops> ok thanks but I've done that, well not successfully but I tried and faild
#709 [03:54] <lemon-rev> and massih please do a dxdiag for me as well please
#710 [03:55] <lemon-rev> hm
#711 [03:55] <Znops> soo help plz
#712 [03:55] <Massih> How do i perform a dxdiag
#713 [03:55] <lemon-rev> ??> massih win/dxdiag
#714 [03:55] <VoxelHead> massih: (win/dxdiag) Press the Win+R keys, and type "dxdiag" (no quotes) in the box. Press enter. If prompted about verifying WHQL, select Yes. Once it has finished loading, click the "Save All Information" button and save it to your desktop.
#715 [03:55] <VoxelHead> massih: (win/dxdiag) Open the file you just saved, and copy the contents. Paste them on http://pastebin.com/ and click Submit. Then, copy the link you are sent to, and paste it in the IRC channel.
#716 [03:55] <The_amoeba> I mean, it feels pretty barren without any wild animals and I'm the only one i know without spawning passive animals in my game :(
#717 [03:56] <Znops> is it still spawning enemys
#718 [03:56] <The_amoeba> Yessir
#719 [03:56] <kermit> i still cant get onto beta please what should i do next
#720 [03:56] <Znops> lol
#721 [03:56] <Massih> Ah thanks it saving now.
#722 [03:57] <Massih> http://pastebin.com/h8B5Yb2g
#723 [03:57] <Massih> That's the link to the dxdiag
#724 [03:57] <Znops> can someone guide me through updating videodriver?
#725 [03:57] * SlashLife [SlashLife@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#726 [03:57] <lemon-rev> http://www.pcpitstop.com/drivers/download/ATI~Mobility~Radeon~HD~5470.html < is for driver ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 and you want windows 7 64 bit
#727 [03:57] <kermit> The_amoeba at least you can get onto it i cant
#728 [03:58] <Znops> thank you very mutch
#729 [03:58] <The_amoeba> lol I guess kermit ;)
#730 [03:58] <kermit> init m8
#731 [03:58] <lemon-rev> massih first your ram might be a problem mc requires at least a gig of ram but ill keep checking
#732 [03:58] <kermit> http://pastebin.com/h8B5Yb2g
#733 [03:58] <kermit> there is the link what should i do next
#734 [03:58] <The_amoeba> BUT I MISS MAH PIGS :(
#735 [03:58] <lemon-rev> massih please update your video drivers they are way out of date RADEON 9200 SERIES
#736 [03:59] <kermit> yeah the pigs r awesome
#737 [03:59] <The_amoeba> I mean... all my other worlds can spawn pigs ans sheep, but not my main world...
#738 [03:59] <kermit> weird
#739 [04:00] <Massih> http://www.pcpitstop.com/drivers/download/ATI~Mobility~Radeon~HD~5470.html Doesn't have any download links to the driver...
#740 [04:00] <Znops> the site won't give me an option to dl the driver
#741 [04:00] <Massih> Oh wait that wasn't for me
#742 [04:00] * Sqozza [Sqozza@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#743 [04:01] <Znops> II'm not this dumb
#744 [04:01] <The_amoeba> So maybe it's just a glitch? If so then maybe I should kill off some of my wolves? I DONT KNOW ANYMORE
#745 [04:01] <kermit> maybe im waiting to find out where
#746 [04:02] <kermit> i mean what i should do to gety onto it
#747 [04:02] <lemon-rev> massih http://www.fileplanet.com/84407/80000/fileinfo/ATI-CATALYST-v10.4-Drivers-%28WinXP---32bit%29 please try this one, its latest i can find for xp
#748 [04:03] <Massih> Ok thanks alot man i apreciate your work
#749 [04:03] <Massih> ill try that now
#750 [04:03] <lemon-rev> k
#751 [04:03] <lemon-rev> kermit are you massih
#752 [04:04] <Massih> No
#753 [04:04] <kermit> no
#754 [04:04] <lemon-rev> lol ok then
#755 [04:04] <Planck> Hmm, just how many wolves The_amoeba?
#756 [04:04] <The_amoeba> 17 of em XD
#757 [04:05] <kermit> please please please help
#758 [04:05] <lemon-rev> ok wtf, massih and kermit you gave me the same link to pastebin exactly so now im confused by which one im looking at
#759 [04:05] <Massih> lol?
#760 [04:05] <lemon-rev> massih im sure im reading yours
#761 [04:05] <lemon-rev> when you did your pastebin first
#762 [04:05] <kermit> ok ill paste my 1
#763 [04:05] <lemon-rev> ok
#764 [04:06] <Massih> I am going to restart my pc be right back+D
#765 [04:06] <lemon-rev> np
#766 [04:06] * fenster [fenster@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#767 [04:06] <kermit> http://pastebin.com/X5wChvtx
#768 [04:06] * neme [neme@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#769 [04:06] <lemon-rev> kermit much better
#770 [04:07] <lemon-rev> kermit thats the java error im after your dxdaig sorry :)
#771 [04:07] <The_amoeba> I mean, before I take a sword to my wolves, I just wanna know that the facttnat I have too many wolves can lead to the despawning of passive mobs.
#772 [04:07] <kermit> what should i do
#773 [04:07] <The_amoeba> fact* lol
#774 [04:07] <lemon-rev> ??> kermit win/dxdiag
#775 [04:07] <VoxelHead> kermit: (win/dxdiag) Press the Win+R keys, and type "dxdiag" (no quotes) in the box. Press enter. If prompted about verifying WHQL, select Yes. Once it has finished loading, click the "Save All Information" button and save it to your desktop.
#776 [04:07] <VoxelHead> kermit: (win/dxdiag) Open the file you just saved, and copy the contents. Paste them on http://pastebin.com/ and click Submit. Then, copy the link you are sent to, and paste it in the IRC channel.
#777 [04:07] <Znops> http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/651/unleddz.png/
#778 [04:07] <fenster> should we have the minecraft jar file when we purchased minecraft?
#779 [04:08] <lemon-rev> the win + r key is the windows looking key near spacebar
#780 [04:08] <Znops> this is what I get on the driver page
#781 [04:08] <lemon-rev> 2010 is the one you want i belive znops
#782 [04:08] <lemon-rev> 2010
#783 [04:08] <kermit> so i should do the same thing as last time
#784 [04:09] <lemon-rev> znops look for the newest version number
#785 [04:09] <lemon-rev> please just repaste it, the link got messed up
#786 [04:09] <Znops> k but there are no dl links
#787 [04:10] <lemon-rev> hm, so you cant like select one of those ?
#788 [04:11] <Znops> right
#789 [04:11] <Znops> cant select anything really just see the info things
#790 [04:11] <lemon-rev> znops
#791 [04:11] <lemon-rev> ok
#792 [04:11] <kermit> http://pastebin.com/X5wChvtx
#793 [04:12] <lemon-rev> znops the driver you have gotten is recent enough for ati to still have it, how ever i belive theres newer or the same type of driver out, i hope we can find it
#794 [04:13] <lemon-rev> kermit http://pastebin.com/h8B5Yb2g < that is what im hopeing to find when you do the pastebin sorry dude but java error cant help with that alone
#795 [04:14] <kermit> so what should i do
#796 [04:14] <kermit> lemon-rev so what should i do
#797 [04:14] <lemon-rev> kermit do you know how to follow vox instructions ?
#798 [04:14] <kermit> no how
#799 [04:14] <lemon-rev> hm
#800 [04:14] <Znops> my friend was looking for a fix to this and found a forum where some computer genious(had a lot of schooling in computer stuff) had a similar problem and he was "baffled" by why he couldn't play the game
#801 [04:15] <Znops> yeah me too lemon
#802 [04:15] * quaddle [quaddle@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#803 [04:15] <lemon-rev> start or win +r is like your round button on the bar down bottem of screen looks round and is at left hand side
#804 [04:15] <Znops> ur a nice guy lemon thx for your help bro
#805 [04:15] <lemon-rev> np znops
#806 [04:16] <lemon-rev> kermit should be a bar you can type stuff into type dxdiag and press enter
#807 [04:16] * Massih [Massih@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#808 [04:17] <Massih> lemon-rev I did everything you said but still it won't work...
#809 [04:17] <lemon-rev> massih as i said it now then comes down to the amount of ram you have on that computer
#810 [04:17] <kermit> should i do it after i press win and r
#811 [04:17] <lemon-rev> hm, well yes please do
#812 [04:17] <kermit> ok
#813 [04:18] <Massih> So... I just wasted my money basicly...
#814 [04:18] <Znops> lemon-rev I might have found it
#815 [04:18] <quaddle> can someone tell me how to download minecraft so i can play it
#816 [04:18] <lemon-rev> massih please
#817 [04:18] <lemon-rev> goto minecraft.net and login and please press broswer < and tell me what happens next
#818 [04:18] <lemon-rev> other from that i cant help
#819 [04:18] <quaddle> k
#820 [04:19] * rev-lemon [rev-lemon@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#821 [04:19] <rev-lemon> znops good luck if you didnt get last message
#822 [04:19] * rev-lemon [rev-lemon@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#823 [04:19] <kermit> and should i save all information and then go to pastebin.com
#824 [04:19] <rev-lemon> yes kermit
#825 [04:19] <quaddle> it says u need to buy it
#826 [04:19] <kermit> ok thanks
#827 [04:19] <rev-lemon> and then submit it then paste the url in here
#828 [04:20] <fenster> hi, should we have the minecraft "jar" file when we purchased minecraft? My kids want me to get it from another site to use with minecraft but other players seem to have got it when the downloaded.
#829 [04:20] <Massih> rev-lemon it worked in the browser:D
#830 [04:20] <Massih> thanks alot bye!
#831 [04:20] <rev-lemon> quaddle we arent mojang please check your account and see if the payment went though
#832 [04:20] <quaddle> how do u download mincraft
#833 [04:20] <rev-lemon> massih well at least it worked
#834 [04:21] <rev-lemon> quaddle what exactly is the troulbe
#835 [04:21] <Znops> ok but I dl minecraft to see how it would work on my computer I didn't buy it }YET{ I intend to if it works (cus MC is awesome) could that affect anything?
#836 [04:21] <rev-lemon> fenster do not use anything other from minecraft.net otherwise you will be at a loss of cash
#837 [04:21] <quaddle> rev-lemon its saying i didnt download it
#838 [04:21] <kermit> could i have the link again please
#839 [04:22] <rev-lemon> znops it wont work because you havent paid for it, theres a demo of it, but you have to find it
#840 [04:22] <rev-lemon> znops apparently you have like 45 mins of play before it becomes none active
#841 [04:22] <Znops> the same file works fine for others
#842 [04:22] <rev-lemon> kermit pastebin.com
#843 [04:23] <rev-lemon> znops thats because they have brought it
#844 [04:23] <fenster> rev-lemon , thanks that is what I have been telling the kids! So is using mods or texture packs not part of official minecraft?
#845 [04:23] <Znops> EAX=0x00000000 0x00000000 is pointing to unknown location EBX=0x00000000 0x00000000 is pointing to unknown location] these are .dll files that I'm aperently missing
#846 [04:23] <quaddle> rev-lemon do u have to buy minecraft
#847 [04:23] <rev-lemon> fenster correct and can stop it from running properly or at all
#848 [04:23] <rev-lemon> quaddle there is a demo of minecraft but yes basicly buy it or dont play it
#849 [04:24] <Znops> what oh
#850 [04:24] <Znops> no
#851 [04:24] <rev-lemon> znops please dont paste direct errors in here
#852 [04:24] <quaddle> rev-lemon where can u get the download
#853 [04:24] <rev-lemon> ?? demo
#854 [04:24] <VoxelHead> demo: Minecraft now has a demo available. PCGamer's article here: http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/04/19/download-the-minecraft-demo/ gives the details. In short, it has all the tools of Minecraft survival, and 'locks' itself after 90 minutes.
#855 [04:24] <VoxelHead> demo: The Direct Download link is available here: http://dl.pcgamer.com/minecraft_pcgdemo.exe
#856 [04:25] <quaddle> rev-lemon i mean the demo
#857 [04:25] <Znops> my friends play it online and it works just fine not payd for
#858 [04:25] <rev-lemon> quaddle wtf i just gave you the link
#859 [04:25] <Znops> ok sorry
#860 [04:25] <rev-lemon> znops thats because it is cracked
#861 [04:25] <quaddle> rev-lemons oops i fell asleep i guess
#862 [04:25] <rev-lemon> np
#863 [04:26] <kermit> pastebin.com here is the link back
#864 [04:26] <Znops> ok but that same friend has downloaded the same torrent and set it up the same way om my laptop and it wont work
#865 [04:26] <rev-lemon> hm
#866 [04:26] <Znops> I intend on buying it IF it will work
#867 [04:26] <Znops> that is truth
#868 [04:26] <rev-lemon> kermit when you goto pastebin.com < you paste whats in the file from dxdiag and then submit it to the site then you goto the url up the top and paste the link in here
#869 [04:27] <rev-lemon> znops, then you need to find a way of downloading the crk and i wont help you there
#870 [04:27] <Sqozza> I spent /three/ goddamn hours messing with my desktop.
#871 [04:27] <rev-lemon> sqozza do not come in here and blame us for your crap
#872 [04:27] <fenster> rev-lemon sorry if I am asking really basic stuff (ha, I am over 30 so lucky I can even access here). But should there have been a "jar" file in the offical minecraft paid download?
#873 [04:28] <Sqozza> rev-lemon: Wat.
#874 [04:28] <kermit> i have pasted what was in the file and submitted
#875 [04:28] <Sqozza> Where did I blame anyone for anything?
#876 [04:28] <Znops> my best guess is that I'm missing eax.dll and ebx.dll and I can't find ebx.dll but I've put eax.dll in sys32 but it still gives the same error
#877 [04:28] <rev-lemon> fenster yes theres a jar and a exe version of the game
#878 [04:28] <rev-lemon> kermit what you pasted what pastebin.com :)
#879 [04:28] <rev-lemon> [18:29] <kermit> pastebin.com here is the link back
#880 [04:28] <rev-lemon> that is what you did
#881 [04:29] <Znops> nono he dl the crk with the rest that is not the issue
#882 [04:29] <fenster> rev-lemon I have re-downloaded it and still no jar file, any ideas what to do?
#883 [04:29] <quaddle> rev-lemon thank you i got the demo
#884 [04:29] <rev-lemon> fenster you havent brought the game have you ?
#885 [04:29] <rev-lemon> quaddle np
#886 [04:29] <kermit> ooohhh but i couldnt acces pastebin withthe link you gave me sorry
#887 [04:30] <rev-lemon> kermit then please google it to access it please
#888 [04:30] <fenster> rev-lemon yes I have paid the money and dowloaded the beta version
#889 [04:30] <Znops> I'm too broke to buy it if it don't work u see
#890 [04:30] * [L] [[L]@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#891 [04:30] <rev-lemon> fenster ok when you got the file from minecraft.net was it just a file with no .exe or with no .jar at the end ?
#892 [04:31] <kermit> so how would you acces the file
#893 [04:31] <kermit> i will do it again anyway hanks for ur help
#894 [04:31] <rev-lemon> kermit with notepad
#895 [04:31] <kermit> aaahhh ok
#896 [04:31] <rev-lemon> fenster please rename the file that you got from the site to minecraft.exe please
#897 [04:32] <fenster> rev-lemon just got the exe
#898 [04:32] <Znops> lemon-rev I'm installing driver I'll get back to you
#899 [04:32] <kermit> i have done it
#900 [04:32] <rev-lemon> np
#901 [04:32] <Znops> lol rev-lemon sorry
#902 [04:33] <rev-lemon> znops np, kermit please give us the link the url to pastebin please
#903 [04:33] <Znops> sonofab
#904 [04:33] <kermit> http://pastebin.com/dgYB6SjH
#905 [04:33] <rev-lemon> ok
#906 [04:33] <kermit> there u r
#907 [04:33] <Znops> well maybe black ops will stop laggin now
#908 [04:33] <rev-lemon> much better kermit
#909 [04:34] <rev-lemon> kermit im just looking to see if new drivers are out for your video card
#910 [04:34] <Znops> what is a good irc channel for general tech help?
#911 [04:35] <rev-lemon> general tech is general mayhap #help
#912 [04:35] <Znops> thx bro
#913 [04:36] <rev-lemon> kermit i dont belive your video card will run minecraft but please goto minecraft.net and login and click broswer on home page and tell me if it works ?
#914 [04:37] <kermit> ok m8
#915 [04:38] <kermit> no it dont work:(
#916 [04:38] <rev-lemon> kermit im sorry your video card is too out of date for minecraft :(
#917 [04:39] <kermit> can i help it
#918 [04:39] <rev-lemon> kermit buy a new one yes you can help :P
#919 [04:40] <kermit> what type of card would i need to buy
#920 [04:41] <rev-lemon> hangon
#921 [04:41] <kermit> i just need to know this andthen i will go thanks
#922 [04:41] <kermit> thanks
#923 [04:42] <rev-lemon> ?? requirements
#924 [04:42] <VoxelHead> requirements: Minecraft is a modern game, with modern requirements. It is also still under active development, so the code is by no means optimized (what do you expect? It's in beta!). As such, you will not be able to reasonably expect the game to run on a system with less than 1.5GiB of RAM- the game itself allocates 1GB at startup. You will also need a somewhat modern video card and relatively fast CPU.
#925 [04:42] <rev-lemon> hm
#926 [04:42] <rev-lemon> that didnt help
#927 [04:42] * Znops [Znops@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#928 [04:43] <Znops> I found the demo
#929 [04:43] <Znops> it
#930 [04:43] <Znops> didn't
#931 [04:43] <Znops> work
#932 [04:43] <rev-lemon> znops oh, what does it do znops ?
#933 [04:44] <kermit> thanks bro you have been a big help ;)
#934 [04:44] <kermit> bye
#935 [04:44] <rev-lemon> kermit np later
#936 [04:44] <fenster> rev-lemon changed it to .exe
#937 [04:46] <rev-lemon> fenster now see what happens when you launch it
#938 [04:47] * panitaliemom [panitaliemom@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#939 [04:47] * [L] [[L]@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#940 [04:48] * krebbit [krebbit@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#941 [04:49] <krebbit> Hey i cant play minecraft...
#942 [04:49] <krebbit> and error keeps popping up everytime it starts to load
#943 [04:49] <krebbit> and says failed to load minecraft
#944 [04:49] <krebbit> can anyone helpo me?
#945 [04:49] <rev-lemon> kerbbit windows / mac
#946 [04:49] <krebbit> windows
#947 [04:50] <rev-lemon> ??> kerbbit win/dxdiag
#948 [04:50] <VoxelHead> kerbbit: (win/dxdiag) Press the Win+R keys, and type "dxdiag" (no quotes) in the box. Press enter. If prompted about verifying WHQL, select Yes. Once it has finished loading, click the "Save All Information" button and save it to your desktop.
#949 [04:50] <VoxelHead> kerbbit: (win/dxdiag) Open the file you just saved, and copy the contents. Paste them on http://pastebin.com/ and click Submit. Then, copy the link you are sent to, and paste it in the IRC channel.
#950 [04:50] <fenster> rev-lemon it has loaded with .exe thanks. Not sure if this solves the .jar problem but daughter not here to ask... will check back in later if still prob. Thanks heaps.
#951 [04:51] * ArmEagle [ArmEagle@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#952 [04:51] <rev-lemon> np good luck fenster
#953 [04:52] <krebbit> The error says Pixel format not accelerated
#954 [04:52] <rev-lemon> kerbbit that could be your trouble then, either that or update your video drivers
#955 [04:53] <krebbit> i just bought a new graphics card like a month ago?
#956 [04:53] <krebbit> how do i update it
#957 [04:53] <rev-lemon> kerbbit please follow vox instrutions and maybe then i can help
#958 [04:53] <rev-lemon> irc is what your chatting in now
#959 [04:55] <krebbit> http://pastebin.com/8JmWYfDK
#960 [04:55] * Matsrunar [Matsrunar@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#961 [04:55] <krebbit> there
#962 [04:55] <rev-lemon> ty
#963 [04:55] <Matsrunar> hello i need help :(
#964 [04:56] <krebbit> 1 sec hes helping me real quick
#965 [04:56] <Matsrunar> sorry
#966 [04:56] <krebbit> its cool lol
#967 [04:57] * Tris [Tris@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#968 [04:57] <krebbit> im just hoping he can help me
#969 [04:57] <krebbit> lol
#970 [04:57] <Matsrunar> lol
#971 [04:58] <Matsrunar> how do this work ?
#972 [04:58] <krebbit> idk lol
#973 [04:59] <krebbit> Rev lemon u figure anything out yet?
#974 [04:59] <krebbit> :*(
#975 [04:59] <Matsrunar> how do i get help?
#976 [05:00] <krebbit> idk
#977 [05:00] <krebbit> im just hoping rev lemon can help me....
#978 [05:00] <rev-lemon> krebbit dude your driver seems to be the latest you can have
#979 [05:00] <krebbit> Then what do i do?
#980 [05:00] <rev-lemon> maybe you need to reinstall java. uninstall it first though
#981 [05:00] <rev-lemon> ?? krebbit win/reinst
#982 [05:01] <rev-lemon> ??> krebbit win/reinst
#983 [05:01] <VoxelHead> krebbit: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#984 [05:01] <VoxelHead> krebbit: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#985 [05:01] <rev-lemon> now Matsrunar wtf is the trouble you havent done anything just ask what is the trouble please tell
#986 [05:02] <Matsrunar> yes uhm when i play online at my favourite server, as soon as i open my inventory the sh*t just shuts down
#987 [05:02] <krebbit> ummmm theres no minecraft folder
#988 [05:02] <rev-lemon> Matsrunar does this happen in singleplayer ?
#989 [05:03] <Matsrunar> noo
#990 [05:03] <rev-lemon> krebbit .minecraft < is what your looking for with the . <
#991 [05:03] <rev-lemon> Matsrunar have you spoken to your other people on the server about it ?
#992 [05:03] <Matsrunar> the whole window just turns to the minecraft dirtbackround and then black...
#993 [05:03] <krebbit> the %AppData% theres no minecraft folder in there
#994 [05:03] <Matsrunar> no not yet
#995 [05:04] <rev-lemon> Matsrunar see if someone else is having the same trouble as you
#996 [05:04] <Matsrunar> thx, shall if not?
#997 [05:04] <rev-lemon> krebbit goto minecraft.net and login and click broswer and tell me what happens
#998 [05:05] <rev-lemon> Matsrunar not sure what your asking but please log into your server and ask them if they get the same thing
#999 [05:05] <krebbit> Wherees browser at?
#1000 [05:06] <rev-lemon> homepage of minecraft.net
#1001 [05:06] <krebbit> im trying to play classic minecraft
#1002 [05:06] <krebbit> i logged in
#1003 [05:06] <rev-lemon> krebbit then im or cant help, classic is or cant be helpd if its not working
#1004 [05:08] <Matsrunar> it was only one guy who where in and he has not answered...
#1005 [05:08] <krebbit> Org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: pixel format not accelerated
#1006 [05:08] <krebbit> thtats the whole error
#1007 [05:08] <rev-lemon> krebbit i told you i cant help you with classic
#1008 [05:08] * Tony90 [Tony90@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1009 [05:09] <Matsrunar> but playing on other servers work....
#1010 [05:09] <rev-lemon> Matsrunar it could be something that the server your crashing is a mod or something that is conflicted with
#1011 [05:10] <krebbit> how do i reinstal java?
#1012 [05:10] <rev-lemon> java.com
#1013 [05:10] <krebbit> well i mean how to uninstall
#1014 [05:11] <rev-lemon> control pannel add / remove
#1015 [05:11] <Matsrunar> sound kinda thinkable...
#1016 [05:11] <Matsrunar> i can contact the owner of the server
#1017 [05:12] <rev-lemon> dont know depends if you know who it is
#1018 [05:13] * Rannare [Rannare@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1019 [05:14] * quaddle [quaddle@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1020 [05:14] <quaddle> hi some one knows release from 1,7 ?
#1021 [05:22] * Kade [Kade@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1022 [05:23] <[L]> Soon
#1023 [05:29] * nipper [nipper@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1024 [05:32] <SinZ> very soon
#1025 [05:34] * keret [keret@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1026 [05:34] <keret> hey
#1027 [05:34] <keret> need some help
#1028 [05:34] <keret> i cant find the minecraft folder
#1029 [05:35] <keret> in the applicattion support
#1030 [05:35] <keret> PLEASE HELP!!
#1031 [05:35] <keret> i got a mac
#1032 [05:36] * oblMraptor [oblMraptor@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1033 [05:36] <keret> help me
#1034 [05:41] * Zyferus lobs a water baloon @ Sqozza
#1034 [05:41] * Sqozza catches fire
#1034 [05:41] <Zyferus> can you let me back n again
#1035 [05:42] <Zyferus> ban me in my sleep... how crude
#1036 [05:42] <Zyferus> :P
#1037 [05:42] <Zyferus> i didn;t realise it had that trigger, anyways, i had just loaded that for personal use
#1038 [05:42] <Zyferus> but that trigger is off
#1039 [05:58] * Timmooo [Timmooo@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1040 [05:59] <Zyferus> I'll take being ignored as a no, Thanks for the prompt reply :P lol
#1041 [06:06] <Sqozza> Zyferus
#1042 [06:06] <Sqozza> I was LP'ing Amnesia
#1043 [06:06] <Sqozza> Tempban for autorejoin, I'll unban you now
#1044 [06:07] <Sqozza> There we go, unbant.
#1045 [06:08] <Zyferus> Thank you, a simple warning on first offence, as opposed to an instant kick, would have been preferred, but thank you.
#1046 [06:08] * BarryCarlyon [BarryCarlyon@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1047 [06:08] <Sqozza> Zyferus: Rules, sir. More people need to read them. :D
#1048 [06:09] <Zyferus> i had read them, but i do have difficulty which rules apply to which chans when i idle and observe and participate in so many
#1049 [06:10] <Zyferus> this is why on first offence, it;s prefered that a warning, a reminder, is offered.
#1050 [06:10] <Sqozza> If you have your own uptime script, it's best to be set as an alias, not as a spoken command.
#1051 [06:10] <Zyferus> if it;s not corrected, then action can be taken.
#1052 [06:10] <Zyferus> well i didn;t code it, i did not realise it was active
#1053 [06:10] <Sqozza> heh
#1054 [06:11] <Zyferus> i have told it to be disabled, and if it creates a problem, i will remove that part of the script
#1055 [06:11] <Sqozza> That's fine.
#1056 [06:11] <Sqozza> Just making sure rules are followed. Scripts are fine if only you can activate them, afaik
#1057 [06:11] <Zyferus> i don;t want spoken reply scripts running on my client anyways
#1058 [06:12] <Zyferus> in a way i thank you for finding it so i could kill it
#1059 [06:12] <Zyferus> i don;t mind, just prefer, for any offender, the first time they break a rule, please try yo warn them before you kick them. That is my request
#1060 [06:14] * togawac [togawac@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1061 [06:14] * mib_21da7p [mib_21da7p@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1062 [06:18] <mib_21da7p> the .minecraft file in roaming in appdata has gone missing but the game works fine and when i search .minecraft it says it is in roaming in appdata but i cant see it. can anone help
#1063 [06:21] <Zyferus> display hidden files and folders?
#1064 [06:33] * mib_i940wu [mib_i940wu@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1065 [06:33] <mib_i940wu> how do i find a dungeon? please help!
#1066 [06:33] * cbreaker [cbreaker@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1067 [06:34] <mib_21da7p> thanks zyferus it worked
#1068 [06:35] * cbreaker [cbreaker@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#1069 [06:37] * blah123 [blah123@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1070 [06:37] * j4mie [j4mie@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1071 [06:37] <blah123> how do i find a dungeon? please help1
#1072 [06:37] <blah123> !
#1073 [06:38] <bezaban> blah123: there is no magic trick, except for looking at the world in some editor or using the underground map in dynmap.
#1074 [06:40] * mib_m2jq1b [mib_m2jq1b@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
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#1076 [06:47] * nono [nono@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1077 [06:48] <nono> kelkun peu maider pour un probleme svp ? :S
#1078 [06:49] * pico [pico@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1079 [06:49] * Tanjoodo [Tanjoodo@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1080 [06:51] <relsqui> I don't even speak that language and I can tell how bad that spelling was :P
#1081 [06:52] * pudgetta [pudgetta@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1082 [06:56] <GreyVulpine> supposed to be french
#1083 [06:57] <relsqui> that was my assumption, yaeh
#1084 [06:57] <GreyVulpine> kelkun = quelqun, svp = sil vous plait
#1085 [06:57] <GreyVulpine> horrid spellings
#1086 [06:57] <Senjai|ZzZzZ> Yep
#1087 [06:57] <Senjai|ZzZzZ> press your windows key
#1088 [06:57] <relsqui> I think "svp" could be considered a direct translation of "pls" :P
#1089 [06:57] <GreyVulpine> heh, yeah
#1090 [07:11] * Chanito [Chanito@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1091 [07:22] * Snowblind [Snowblind@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1092 [07:34] * Kaito [Kaito@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1093 [07:34] * EntityReborn [EntityReborn@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1094 [07:39] <Sqozza> Annoying AMSG: Brb shower
#1095 [07:40] * romper9 [romper9@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1096 [07:44] * mib_7gg9in [mib_7gg9in@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1097 [07:44] <romper9> When i log in, all i get is a blank black screen\1
#1098 [07:45] <romper9> Sorry that should just be blank black screen.
#1099 [07:45] <romper9> Any ideas what i can do??
#1100 [07:46] * Urughak [Urughak@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1101 [07:47] <bezaban> romper9: make sure you have up to date and functioning graphics drivers
#1102 [07:48] <romper9> I'm useless at computers. Where would i find that out?
#1103 [07:49] * SoftZero [SoftZero@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1104 [07:51] * Urughak [Urughak@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1105 [07:54] * TheNytangel [TheNytangel@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1106 [07:55] <TheNytangel> 1.7? :o
#1107 [07:55] * w [w@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1108 [07:55] * djteilchen [djteilchen@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1109 [07:55] * Count|net [Count|net@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1110 [07:59] <TheNytangel> D:
#1111 [07:59] <TheNytangel> 1.7 later?
#1112 [07:59] <Keltinray> 1.7 later
#1113 [07:59] <TheNytangel> :(
#1114 [08:00] <TheNytangel> 1.7 in 5 hours?
#1115 [08:00] <Keltinray> There's video now though
#1116 [08:00] <TheNytangel> I saw it two times already
#1117 [08:00] * EntityReborn__ [EntityReborn__@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1118 [08:00] <TheNytangel> Ok, gonna go
#1119 [08:01] * romper8 [romper8@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1120 [08:02] <romper8> When i login all i get is a blank black screen. My graphics driver seems up to date. Any ideas pleas???
#1121 [08:08] * quiggle [quiggle@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1122 [08:12] * Count|net [Count|net@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1123 [08:14] * miner23 [miner23@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1124 [08:15] <miner23> It says i neeed to update video card drivers how do i do this?
#1125 [08:17] <miner23> hello?
#1126 [08:18] <romper8> Any one else had that blank screen thing/ I've checked the driver, it's up to date.
#1127 [08:18] * Donutfail [Donutfail@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1128 [08:23] * wnerw [wnerw@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1129 [08:29] * Pommesgabel [Pommesgabel@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1130 [08:30] * mib_vaswsf [mib_vaswsf@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1131 [08:30] * Count|net [Count|net@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1132 [08:31] <mib_vaswsf> hi, i troied to download a mob on my mac OS, and i deleted the original minecraft folder, now i cant run minecraft and when i downlaod minecraft again, it wont let me access the folder, as it is not there
#1133 [08:31] <mib_vaswsf> can i have some help please
#1134 [08:34] * w [w@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1135 [08:35] <LordEddi> Patience is a virtue that guy clearly didnt master..
#1136 [08:36] * asnoehu [asnoehu@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1137 [08:47] * Count3 [Count3@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1138 [08:49] * wippler [wippler@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1139 [09:17] * Ordona [Ordona@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1140 [09:22] * Super_Napalm [Super_Napalm@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1141 [09:23] <Super_Napalm> Hey I'm running a Minecraft Server (no mods). Can connect fine, set me and my girlfriend as ops but for some reason I can't open my inventory but she can :/
#1142 [09:24] <oldtopmanserver> ??> Super_Napalm win/reinst
#1143 [09:24] <VoxelHead> Super_Napalm: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#1144 [09:24] <VoxelHead> Super_Napalm: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#1145 [09:24] <oldtopmanserver> Super_Napalm: have your girlfriend use those instructions
#1146 [09:32] * MrBobSicles [MrBobSicles@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1147 [09:32] <MrBobSicles> Can Anyone Help Me?
#1148 [09:33] <MrBobSicles> :)
#1149 [09:33] <MrBobSicles> ;)
#1150 [09:33] <MrBobSicles> Can Anyone Help Me???
#1151 [09:33] <GreyVulpine> Only if you tell us with what.
#1152 [09:34] <MrBobSicles> When I try to join a Server it says "This IP does not match your name."
#1153 [09:35] <MrBobSicles> It only happens to a Certain server
#1154 [09:35] <MrBobSicles> Any Idea's?
#1155 [09:36] * KevinB [KevinB@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1156 [09:36] * monkey [monkey@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1157 [09:37] * onix [onix@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1158 [09:39] <GreyVulpine> MrBobSicles - No idea, probably a custom server plugin
#1159 [09:39] <GreyVulpine> MrBobSicles - You’ll probably need to check out the server’s forum/website
#1160 [09:40] <onix> Hello I keep getting an "out of memory" error despite having 8GB of ram and minecraft using less than 300MB
#1161 [09:40] <Sqozza> 1.7 is out. </amsg>
#1162 [09:40] <GreyVulpine> It happens, just wait for 1.7, releasing today
#1163 [09:40] * GreyVulpine stabs Sqozza
#1163 [09:40] <Sqozza> What
#1164 [09:40] <Sqozza> It is
#1165 [09:40] <Sqozza> seriously
#1166 [09:40] <GreyVulpine> Really, did you need to use an amsg?
#1167 [09:41] <Sqozza> Yes.
#1168 [09:41] <GreyVulpine> Oi.
#1169 [09:41] * GreyVulpine braces for the flood of people’s “WHY WON’T MY SERVER WORK NOW”
#1169 [09:43] * houze [houze@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
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#1171 [09:44] * supahsreepah9000 [supahsreepah9000@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1172 [09:45] <supahsreepah9000> Hey guys, I'm having a problem with my smp map, when anyone joins the server, it doesnt load, but they just start falling. It used to work fine... now it just doesnt. Anyone seen this before?
#1173 [09:46] <GreyVulpine> Yes, most likely it’s a network issue.
#1174 [09:46] * onix [onix@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#1175 [09:46] <supahsreepah9000> Its weird because it happens to me too.
#1176 [09:46] <supahsreepah9000> Does the server go through the network for my own client to connect?
#1177 [09:46] <GreyVulpine> Either the server does not have enough upload bandwidth, it has a security or firewall blocking packets, or the client isn’t fast enough to download those packets
#1178 [09:47] <GreyVulpine> Depends, are you running the client locally?
#1179 [09:47] <supahsreepah9000> Yes
#1180 [09:47] <GreyVulpine> Then no
#1181 [09:47] <supahsreepah9000> And the server has been working fine for a month
#1182 [09:47] * MrBobSicles [MrBobSicles@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1183 [09:47] <GreyVulpine> I’d start off with checking your security software.
#1184 [09:47] <supahsreepah9000> Then, no reason whatsoever, this happens
#1185 [09:47] * Kurimus [Kurimus@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1186 [09:47] <MrBobSicles> So, any helo?
#1187 [09:47] <MrBobSicles> Help*?
#1188 [09:47] <supahsreepah9000> Aight
#1189 [09:48] <GreyVulpine> <@GreyVulpine> MrBobSicles - No idea, probably a custom server plugin
#1190 [09:48] <GreyVulpine> <@GreyVulpine> MrBobSicles - You’ll probably need to check out the server’s forum/website
#1191 [09:48] <MrBobSicles> Ok thanks
#1192 [09:48] <supahsreepah9000> Hmm
#1193 [09:48] <supahsreepah9000> I read somewhere Skype messes up the server, you know if this is true?
#1194 [09:48] <GreyVulpine> I don’t believe that’s true.
#1195 [09:49] <supahsreepah9000> alrighty
#1196 [09:49] <supahsreepah9000> im out
#1197 [09:49] <supahsreepah9000> thanks
#1198 [09:49] * bletch [bletch@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1199 [09:50] * Vallsten [Vallsten@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1200 [09:51] <Vallsten> My minecraft wont start, it crashes after login screen
#1201 [09:51] <Vallsten> Keep getting large textfiles with errors
#1202 [09:52] <Vallsten> A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#1203 [09:52] <Vallsten> #
#1204 [09:52] <Vallsten> # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x000000000e76d238, pid=5360, tid=5896
#1205 [09:52] <Vallsten> #
#1206 [09:52] <Vallsten> # JRE version: 6.0_26-b03
#1207 [09:52] <Vallsten> Anyone who knows how to fix "Problematic Frame: C [atio6axx.dll+0xd238]"?
#1208 [09:54] * PizzaBoy [PizzaBoy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1209 [09:54] <GreyVulpine> Vallsten - Update your ATI video drivers
#1210 [09:54] <GreyVulpine> Next time, use www.pastebin.com to share your error reports
#1211 [09:54] <Vallsten> Ok, sry. Just a beginner with irc
#1212 [09:56] <Vallsten> When I download newest drivers from ATI and install them my system reboots, then when it starts I have no video drivers. Then I go to Device manager and there's an "(!)" on my video card driver so I download it that way.
#1213 [09:57] * mib_qll1aw [mib_qll1aw@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1214 [09:57] * Rensik [Rensik@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1215 [09:57] <Vallsten> There it says it's the last driver version but I dunno..
#1216 [09:57] <mib_qll1aw> is here anibody netherlands??
#1217 [09:58] * mib_kjcvqj [mib_kjcvqj@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1218 [09:58] <Vallsten> No, but I was in netherlands two weeks ago at Pinkpop!
#1219 [09:58] <mib_kjcvqj> I cant connect to minecraft.net in the lancher help?
#1220 [09:58] <mib_qll1aw> :P but i have a problem with the minecraft it schows an error
#1221 [09:58] <Rensik> alrighty. Where can I find this 1.7 update? I can't seem to find it :/
#1222 [09:59] <mib_kjcvqj> when you click login in launch
#1223 [09:59] <mib_kjcvqj> i cant seen to connect though
#1224 [10:00] * mib_yhxtip [mib_yhxtip@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1225 [10:00] <xolotl> mib_kjcvqj: The auth servers are a little slow; just try again after waiting a minute or two
#1226 [10:00] <Rensik> what about our servers?
#1227 [10:01] <Rensik> the 1.6 ones aren't gonna work now, are they?
#1228 [10:01] <mib_kjcvqj> YES got it to work thanks
#1229 [10:01] <mib_qll1aw> i get this error [org.lwjgl.lwjglexception pixel format not accelerated] :(
#1230 [10:01] <mib_yhxtip> after i downloaded the upgate wen i put down a piston i put the lever on the blok obove it and when i flicked the lever my world crashed and i get a black screen wen i try to play on the world
#1231 [10:01] <mib_qll1aw> org.lwjgl.lwjglexception pixel format not accelerated <------ can anibody help me with that???
#1232 [10:02] * mineboy [mineboy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1233 [10:03] * hipy [hipy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1234 [10:03] <mib_yhxtip> is there any way i can save my world now
#1235 [10:03] <hipy> Hi, i am trying to connect to my server but now i get user not premium(what does that mean) i have mc 1.6.6, and bukkit server
#1236 [10:04] <mineboy> i cant connect to minecraft .net and how do download the offline part?
#1237 [10:04] * mib_6xdwgt [mib_6xdwgt@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1238 [10:04] <mineboy> HI i cant connect to minecraft .net and how do download the offline part?
#1239 [10:05] <hipy> Hi, i am trying to connect to my server but now i get user not premium(what does that mean) i have mc 1.6.6, and bukkit server
#1240 [10:05] <mineboy> i cant connect to minecraft .net and how do download the offline part?
#1241 [10:05] * shelbyt500 [shelbyt500@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1242 [10:06] <hipy> Hi, i am trying to connect to my server but now i get user not premium(what does that mean) i have mc 1.6.6, and bukkit server
#1243 [10:06] <hipy> great support
#1244 [10:06] * mobile [mobile@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1245 [10:06] * rc [rc@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1246 [10:06] <mineboy> user premium is when you paid for the game
#1247 [10:06] * Sqozza|DC [Sqozza|DC@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1248 [10:06] <Rensik> ... outdated server >.< how do we update our servers?
#1249 [10:07] <[L]> Download the jar file
#1250 [10:07] <Ordona> Redownload it
#1251 [10:07] <[L]> hipy: We're unofficial support
#1252 [10:07] <Rensik> ok
#1253 [10:07] <[L]> So don't demand or expect answers
#1254 [10:07] <hipy> so where is the official supprot
#1255 [10:07] * medgno [medgno@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1256 [10:07] <[L]> There is none
#1257 [10:07] <[L]> Well
#1258 [10:07] <[L]> There is
#1259 [10:07] <[L]> But you usually don't get any answers
#1260 [10:07] <[L]> Either way
#1261 [10:07] <shelbyt500> hi im am trying to connect to my freinds server and i know it works but i keep getting an outdated server message.
#1262 [10:07] <[L]> The servers are VERY busy right now
#1263 [10:07] <[L]> So it might not verify you just yet
#1264 [10:07] <[L]> I wouldn't throw a tantrum just yet.
#1265 [10:08] <hipy> I cant login on the minecraft server, and i dont want to update since i have a multiplayer server
#1266 [10:08] <[L]> Any outdated servers = ARE out dated server
#1267 [10:08] <[L]> Servers do not update automatically
#1268 [10:08] <xolotl> hipy: So... don't update?
#1269 [10:08] <[L]> You must update them manually.
#1270 [10:08] * mariehane [mariehane@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1271 [10:08] <[L]> Minecraft now offers you the question to update or not
#1272 [10:08] <shelbyt500> is there a way to up date it?
#1273 [10:08] <[L]> You don't listen do you
#1274 [10:08] <[L]> You must update them manually
#1275 [10:08] <xolotl> hipy: If you already HAVE updated, restore from your backup (wink), or settle for the mcpatcher shenanigans
#1276 [10:08] <[L]> Redownload it
#1277 [10:09] * progme [progme@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1278 [10:09] * scoth [scoth@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1279 [10:09] * medgno [medgno@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#1280 [10:09] * medgno [medgno@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1281 [10:09] * mib_9mymjg [mib_9mymjg@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1282 [10:09] * MOOcow102 [MOOcow102@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1283 [10:10] <scoth> So, I was playing with pistons underwater in a waterfall, and it did the Saving Chunks after I triggered it and now my world won't load
#1284 [10:10] * kermie [kermie@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1285 [10:10] * codyhenry [codyhenry@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1286 [10:10] <xolotl> scoth: Hm, that seems nonideal. You could try opening the world in MCEdit and then saving it
#1287 [10:10] <xolotl> scoth: Make a backup copy of the world first, though.
#1288 [10:11] <xolotl> scoth: If that doesn't work, I might be able to do something with it
#1289 [10:11] * medgno [medgno@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1290 [10:11] * SevFTW [SevFTW@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1291 [10:11] <scoth> Also, despite having not been on this server in months, I'm apparently banned in #minecraft. Dunno why. I'll give that a shot though
#1292 [10:11] * medgno [medgno@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1293 [10:11] <kermie> help i was playing on the update i put down a piston and bam mc crashes i think the update doesnt work because i cant get on that world anymore
#1294 [10:11] <xolotl> scoth: IRC bans definitely have the possibility of affecting more than the person they were inteded for
#1295 [10:11] * AwkwardJoe [AwkwardJoe@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1296 [10:11] <scoth> Aye
#1297 [10:12] * NinjaKirby [NinjaKirby@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1298 [10:12] <xolotl> er, intended.
#1299 [10:12] <codyhenry> Hello. Minecraft keeps crashing on me since 5 minutes ago when i updated to 1.7. Any suggestions?
#1300 [10:12] <AwkwardJoe> Can someone help me with a technical issue?
#1301 [10:12] <scoth> Been an IRC op on other networks for longer than I care to admit. /me is getting old
#1302 [10:12] <xolotl> kermie: Maybe try opening the world in MCEdit and then re-saving. Make a backup copy first.
#1303 [10:12] * SevFTW [SevFTW@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1304 [10:13] <kermie> mc edit?
#1305 [10:15] <xolotl> kermie: MCEdit.
#1306 [10:15] * pleaskan [pleaskan@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1307 [10:15] * trekky920 [trekky920@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1308 [10:15] <pleaskan> there is a bug on new update
#1309 [10:15] <trekky920> what bug is that
#1310 [10:15] <kermie> i think it might be because minecraft is down and no one can connect to minecraft .net
#1311 [10:15] <trekky920> because i cant log into the game, and some of the admin commands on multiplayer arent working
#1312 [10:15] * mib_95koxm [mib_95koxm@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1313 [10:16] <pleaskan> when i try to push a torch with pusher
#1314 [10:16] <mib_95koxm> hello
#1315 [10:16] * xarcus [xarcus@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1316 [10:16] <trekky920> minceraft is not down. my friend is logging into it atm. he's playing 1.7 Beta
#1317 [10:16] <AwkwardJoe> Can someone tell me what I can do to fix this? I've tried EVERYTHING! Everytime I start up Minecraft, I put in my account details and asks me if I want to update, even if I'm on the latest version. Then when I press "Yes", it says "determining packages to load", then "downloading packages", then finally, "fatal error occurred (4): failed to download lwjgl.jar
#1318 [10:16] <codyhenry> Hello. Minecraft keeps crashing on me since 5 minutes ago when i updated to 1.7. Any suggestions?
#1319 [10:17] <AwkwardJoe> Then under it: Retrieving: lwjgl.jar 20%
#1320 [10:17] * Misklahr [Misklahr@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1321 [10:17] <kermie> if i play through browser i can to my main problem is the new updat crashed on of my worlds
#1322 [10:17] <trekky920> Is there an admin on here or something that can actually HELP us?
#1323 [10:17] <mib_95koxm> I have a problem, I bought minecraft 2 days ago and minecraft still hasnt sent an email yet nor can I play the beta version. What happened? and no i didnt pay with paypal
#1324 [10:18] <mib_95koxm> Do i buy it again or what
#1325 [10:18] <trekky920> Do you have a valid email address? and did you type it in correctly?
#1326 [10:18] <mib_95koxm> Yes
#1327 [10:18] * mib_echdb0 [mib_echdb0@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1328 [10:18] <mib_95koxm> it said it was succesful
#1329 [10:18] <trekky920> Hmmm...
#1330 [10:18] <trekky920> Maybe it has something to do with the 1.7 patch
#1331 [10:18] <mib_95koxm> i checked the bank transaction and it wasnt in there yet
#1332 [10:18] <mib_echdb0> were do i downlad the free version
#1333 [10:18] <Misklahr> I found a bug in 1.7. Who do I contact? (It crashes your minecraft and you wont be able to play on that world again)
#1334 [10:18] <mib_95koxm> was it canceled?
#1335 [10:18] <trekky920> the Free version is on the site
#1336 [10:19] <mib_echdb0> yeh were though
#1337 [10:19] <pleaskan> i can log on i made the PUSHER BLOCK i've put him near a torch and when i've activate the pusher i've brown screen saying "saving chunks" i tried to relaunch my world and i've black screen PLZ REPORT
#1338 [10:19] <kermie> misklar thats wat happend to me
#1339 [10:19] <trekky920> Mikslhar, everyone is getting that problem
#1340 [10:19] <mib_echdb0> tells me im not premium
#1341 [10:19] <AwkwardJoe> Can someone tell me what I can do to fix this? I've tried EVERYTHING! Everytime I start up Minecraft, I put in my account details and asks me if I want to update, even if I'm on the latest version. Then when I press "Yes", it says "determining packages to load", then "downloading packages", then finally, "fatal error occurred (4): failed to download lwjgl.jar
#1342 [10:19] <mib_95koxm> im not premium either YET I BOUGHT IT
#1343 [10:19] <Misklahr> yeah, it was the torch....
#1344 [10:19] <mib_95koxm> people say i should recieve an email almost instantly
#1345 [10:20] <mib_95koxm> ................
#1346 [10:20] <mib_echdb0> does any1 have a link for downloading free version
#1347 [10:20] <mib_95koxm> no need to dl free vers
#1348 [10:20] <mib_95koxm> its on web
#1349 [10:20] <mib_echdb0> oh ok
#1350 [10:20] <codyhenry> Hello. Minecraft keeps crashing on me since 20 minutes ago when i updated to 1.7. Any suggestions?
#1351 [10:20] <mib_echdb0> thank
#1352 [10:20] <pleaskan> damed torch bug xD
#1353 [10:20] <kermie> mine crashed wen i used a piston with the lever on the block obove it
#1354 [10:20] <mib_95koxm> how can i contact minecraft
#1355 [10:21] <pleaskan> @kermie same on me
#1356 [10:21] <mib_95koxm> anyone have their number?
#1357 [10:21] <kermie> it was my first world to im ticed of
#1358 [10:21] <Misklahr> 0449911
#1359 [10:21] <Misklahr> 213123
#1360 [10:21] <mib_95koxm> ?
#1361 [10:21] <mib_95koxm> thats their number?
#1362 [10:21] <Misklahr> oh, sry, whong chat
#1363 [10:21] <Misklahr> nope
#1364 [10:21] <mib_95koxm> oh
#1365 [10:21] <mib_95koxm> do u kno their number?
#1366 [10:22] <mib_95koxm> cuz there was an error
#1367 [10:22] <mib_95koxm> with payment
#1368 [10:22] <mib_95koxm> cant seem to contact them
#1369 [10:22] <NinjaKirby> mib_95koxm, I think the only way is Emailing them via the Help System on the official site
#1370 [10:22] <codyhenry> Hello. Minecraft keeps crashing on me since 5 minutes ago when i updated to 1.7. Any suggestions? Been here around 15 minutes now since asking
#1371 [10:23] <mib_95koxm> sorry i cant help
#1372 [10:23] <mib_95koxm> i dont even have it
#1373 [10:23] <mib_95koxm> thats y im here
#1374 [10:23] <mib_95koxm> wont recieve my email
#1375 [10:23] <mib_95koxm> ;p
#1376 [10:23] * Diablothein [Diablothein@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1377 [10:23] <codyhenry> I wasn't asking you, dude!
#1378 [10:23] <mib_95koxm> :D
#1379 [10:23] <Diablothein> Kealpybby! I'm back!
#1380 [10:23] <mib_95koxm> is there anyone who can help
#1381 [10:24] <mib_95koxm> in here
#1382 [10:24] <Sqozza> Summation of current update
#1383 [10:24] <Sqozza> [00:22:43] <+Sqozza> ALL R DERP
#1384 [10:24] <NinjaKirby> If a PC restart, and reinstallation/wipes of the usual files doesn't solve new issues, then I'd imagine it's just waiting up for a 1.7.1 patch.
#1385 [10:24] <Sqozza> It's full of bugs at the moment, wait for another patch
#1386 [10:24] <Misklahr> Do you have to "Play offline" when you start Minecraft?
#1387 [10:24] <Diablothein> Lol, I can't connect to minecraft.net, so, no update for me :D
#1388 [10:24] <mib_95koxm> HOW CAn i contact MINECRAFT
#1389 [10:24] <mib_95koxm> !!!!
#1390 [10:24] <mib_95koxm> the faq site is no help
#1391 [10:24] <mib_95koxm> whatsoever
#1392 [10:25] <Diablothein> Via the minecraft forums
#1393 [10:25] * lumines [lumines@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1394 [10:25] <Diablothein> and you don't contact minecraft.
#1395 [10:25] <kermie> can anyone tell me if i will be able to play on my world on 1.7.1
#1396 [10:25] <Diablothein> You contact Mojang.
#1397 [10:25] <mib_95koxm> ok
#1398 [10:25] <mib_95koxm> how can
#1399 [10:25] <mib_95koxm> i contact mojang
#1400 [10:25] <mib_95koxm> this is a personal prob
#1401 [10:25] <mib_95koxm> not a bug
#1402 [10:25] <pleaskan> you can't contact minecraft, minecraft contact you lol
#1403 [10:25] <mib_95koxm> they havent
#1404 [10:25] <mib_95koxm> thats the prob
#1405 [10:25] <Misklahr> lol
#1406 [10:26] <mib_95koxm> i nede my confirmation email
#1407 [10:26] <mib_95koxm> yet
#1408 [10:26] <mib_95koxm> they havent
#1409 [10:26] <pleaskan> my save is screwed T-T
#1410 [10:26] <mib_95koxm> it said i purcahsed it
#1411 [10:26] <Diablothein> what's your account name?
#1412 [10:26] <xolotl> mib_95koxm: You can try mailing payment@mojang.com with your details; that's the best you can do
#1413 [10:26] * Zipmeister [Zipmeister@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1414 [10:26] <mib_95koxm> ok thanks man
#1415 [10:26] <xolotl> mib_95koxm: But keep in mind that sometimes it does take a little bit for an account to get fully updated
#1416 [10:26] <Zipmeister> Hey
#1417 [10:26] <mib_95koxm> like how long
#1418 [10:26] <mib_95koxm> its been 2 days
#1419 [10:26] <mib_95koxm> and i havent used paypal
#1420 [10:26] <Zipmeister> got a problem with my friend not managing to connect to my server
#1421 [10:27] <mib_95koxm> so it should be almost immeadiatly
#1422 [10:27] <Zipmeister> get's this issue:
#1423 [10:27] <Zipmeister> Connection lost
#1424 [10:27] <Zipmeister> Response code
#1425 [10:27] <Zipmeister> : 503 for url:
#1426 [10:27] <Diablothein> Zip, minecraft.net is down.
#1427 [10:27] <mib_95koxm> ok thanks anyways ill see what i can do
#1428 [10:27] <Diablothein> 'lo vox
#1429 [10:27] <kermie> will i be able to play on my world on 1.7.1 because it crashed my world?
#1430 [10:27] <Zipmeister> fine..
#1431 [10:27] <codyhenry> Hello. Minecraft keeps crashing on me since 5 minutes ago when i updated to 1.7. Any suggestions?
#1432 [10:27] <NinjaKirby> Zipmeister, Pastebin
#1433 [10:27] <Diablothein> wait for 1.7.1
#1434 [10:27] <codyhenry> Can't even log in
#1435 [10:27] <Zipmeister> next time I'll make a huge ducking wall :D
#1436 [10:27] <Zipmeister> it's not long
#1437 [10:27] <GreyVulpine> codyhenry - Did you install any mods for 1.6?
#1438 [10:27] <Zipmeister> it's 3 lines
#1439 [10:28] <codyhenry> nope
#1440 [10:28] <GreyVulpine> codyhenry - Any texture packs?
#1441 [10:28] <codyhenry> yes
#1442 [10:28] <GreyVulpine> codyhenry - That would be why
#1443 [10:28] <Zipmeister> Connection lost - Response code - : 503 for url:
#1444 [10:28] <GreyVulpine> codyhenry - What operating system are you on
#1445 [10:28] <Zipmeister> I ton' think that needs paste bin
#1446 [10:28] <codyhenry> do i need to patch them
#1447 [10:28] <GreyVulpine> Zipmeister - Yes, the website is down
#1448 [10:28] <GreyVulpine> codyhenry - Yes
#1449 [10:28] <codyhenry> mac osx
#1450 [10:28] <Zipmeister> I heard
#1451 [10:28] <codyhenry> thanks!
#1452 [10:28] <GreyVulpine> codyhenry - Right now, you need to delete the texture pack from: ~/library/application support/minecraft/texturepacks
#1453 [10:28] <codyhenry> i'll let you know if it worked
#1454 [10:29] <GreyVulpine> codyhenry - That’ll allow you to load minecraft with default textures
#1455 [10:29] <codyhenry> cool
#1456 [10:29] <codyhenry> just leave the default?
#1457 [10:29] * gerzel [gerzel@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1458 [10:29] <GreyVulpine> Yes
#1459 [10:29] <codyhenry> sweet
#1460 [10:29] <Misklahr> have you all lost your achievements?
#1461 [10:29] <GreyVulpine> Hmm?
#1462 [10:29] <Misklahr> I have...
#1463 [10:29] <Misklahr> >_>
#1464 [10:30] <GreyVulpine> It happens, not hard to get them in the first place.
#1465 [10:30] <GreyVulpine> They’re stored locally, on your computer
#1466 [10:30] <kermie> will i get my world back
#1467 [10:30] <Misklahr> I know, just wondering if anyone else got the same "problem" :P
#1468 [10:31] * MuumiJumala [MuumiJumala@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1469 [10:31] <GreyVulpine> Misklahr - It happens... yes. Achievements gotten using one computer will not transfer to another computer. It’s stored locally on that computer only. Also, deleting the stats folder from .minecraft will reset achivements
#1470 [10:31] * doody00 [doody00@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1471 [10:32] <doody00> i cant turn on the sound in minecraft please help
#1472 [10:32] <codyhenry> Thanks GreyVulpine. That worked!
#1473 [10:32] <tyteen4a03> GreyVulpine: MC.net unavailable from here, can you check?
#1474 [10:32] <GreyVulpine> Minecraft is down for me as well tyteen4a03
#1475 [10:32] <GreyVulpine> !isdown
#1476 [10:32] <GreyBot> GreyVulpine: It's not just you! http://www.minecraft.net looks down from here.
#1477 [10:32] <tyteen4a03> hm, we should put this on the topic
#1478 [10:32] <doody00> i can play minecraft
#1479 [10:32] <GreyVulpine> doody00 - The website
#1480 [10:32] <doody00> its beta 1.7
#1481 [10:32] <doody00> oh
#1482 [10:32] <tyteen4a03> and the auth server is down for me too
#1483 [10:33] * Hexaholic [Hexaholic@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1484 [10:33] <tyteen4a03> updates are put on Amazon S3, so that doesn't matter
#1485 [10:33] <kermie> will u put on this page as soon as you know 1.7.1 is out
#1486 [10:33] <tyteen4a03> unless it is really THAT powerful that everybody put S3 down, but it's really unlikely
#1487 [10:33] <Hexaholic> Grey u here?
#1488 [10:33] <doody00> -its out right know
#1489 [10:33] <Diablothein> Grey! how goes?
#1490 [10:33] <doody00> i have it
#1491 [10:33] <GreyVulpine> Hexaholic - Yes
#1492 [10:34] <Hexaholic> Me and my mate cant connect to our server
#1493 [10:34] <GreyVulpine> Diablothein - 1.7 is out, so.. we’re getting the floooooood of people
#1494 [10:34] <GreyVulpine> Hexaholic - Update your server. 1.7 is out.
#1495 [10:34] <Hexaholic> Ah
#1496 [10:34] <Hexaholic> ill go tell him
#1497 [10:34] <Diablothein> I noticed, I popped in as I saw it was released to see the flood.
#1498 [10:34] <GreyVulpine> tyteen4a03 - It happens.
#1499 [10:34] <GreyVulpine> tyteen4a03 - We’ve been seeing this for multiple updates
#1500 [10:34] <tyteen4a03> Amazon S3 though o.o
#1501 [10:34] * GreyVulpine nods
#1501 [10:35] <GreyVulpine> It really isn’t unheard of.
#1502 [10:35] <tyteen4a03> well that sucks, try to get Valve to sponser some servers!
#1503 [10:35] <GreyVulpine> Heh..
#1504 [10:35] * Hexaholic Licks Grey
#1504 [10:35] <Hexaholic> Ty :P
#1505 [10:35] <tyteen4a03> is the website and the db itself on cloud?
#1506 [10:35] <GreyVulpine> I’ve been seeing this since alpha turned into beta.. and Mojang switched to Amazon’s S3
#1507 [10:35] <GreyVulpine> Yes
#1508 [10:36] <GreyVulpine> The authentication server’s behind a load balancer, with a cluster of servers
#1509 [10:36] <doody00> can you tell me how to fix the sound minecraft closes when i try to turn it on
#1510 [10:36] <Hexaholic> oh
#1511 [10:36] <Hexaholic> there site is down as well
#1512 [10:36] <Hexaholic> thats mybe why we cant connect? :L
#1513 [10:36] <GreyVulpine> Many times, the load balancer just takes a crap
#1514 [10:36] <tyteen4a03> yes, they are both hosted on S3
#1515 [10:36] <GreyVulpine> Hexaholic - That too, yes
#1516 [10:36] <Hexaholic> damnit
#1517 [10:36] <Hexaholic> i wanted to push my mate in lava again :(
#1518 [10:36] <kermie> :(
#1519 [10:37] <tyteen4a03> GreyVulpine: they say all servers are normal
#1520 [10:37] <tyteen4a03> lol
#1521 [10:37] <GreyVulpine> Looks like 1.7_01 will be out momentarily as wel
#1522 [10:37] <kermie> im gona cry i lost my world
#1523 [10:37] <tyteen4a03> if they have a bug, yeah
#1524 [10:37] <Diablothein> I've been here since the last day of alpha :D
#1525 [10:37] * Anrijs [Anrijs@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1526 [10:37] * XavierSMRH [XavierSMRH@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1527 [10:37] <GreyVulpine> Been here since September-ish
#1528 [10:37] <doody00> before i go can you help me with my problem
#1529 [10:37] <Diablothein> (and I did play it before 9.9 )
#1530 [10:37] <tyteen4a03> Diablothein: August, beat me :P
#1531 [10:37] <GreyVulpine> doody00 - With?
#1532 [10:37] <doody00> the sound
#1533 [10:38] <GreyVulpine> doody00 - Do you get any error reports when it crashes?
#1534 [10:38] <doody00> i cant turn it on
#1535 [10:38] <Hexaholic> Wutt
#1536 [10:38] <Diablothein> You know what really grinds my gears? Minecraft is going to Failbox and not PS3
#1537 [10:38] <doody00> yes
#1538 [10:38] <Hexaholic> now its saying im not premium!
#1539 [10:38] <Hexaholic> >.<
#1540 [10:38] <GreyVulpine> doody00 - Please copy the contents of that error report, paste it to www.pastebin.com, and give us the URL to it
#1541 [10:38] <XavierSMRH> Pistons seem to be very glitchy. I tried to make a water gate, and it crashed when I activated it.
#1542 [10:38] <tyteen4a03> hm, S3 seems to have a limit
#1543 [10:38] <GreyVulpine> XavierSMRH - Known bug
#1544 [10:38] <GreyVulpine> XavierSMRH - 1.7_01 will be out shortly
#1545 [10:39] <XavierSMRH> Good.
#1546 [10:39] <kermie> tyteen4a03 same here
#1547 [10:39] <XavierSMRH> Thank you.
#1548 [10:39] <GreyVulpine> http://twitter.com/#!/notch/status/86442916926603265
#1549 [10:39] <tyteen4a03> kermie:august?
#1550 [10:39] <GreyVulpine> “Put up 1.7_01, fixing the right clicking on sheep, and the piston crash, and makes crashed worlds loadable again. Client and server.”
#1551 [10:39] <doody00> ?
#1552 [10:39] <tyteen4a03> I guess it's time for Notch to raise its bandwidth to 100TB :P
#1553 [10:39] <doody00> ?
#1554 [10:39] <XavierSMRH> I'll idle here just in case.
#1555 [10:39] <GreyVulpine> doody00 - Please copy the contents of that error report, paste it to www.pastebin.com, and give us the URL to it
#1556 [10:40] <Diablothein> 1.7_01 is out
#1557 [10:40] * mib_1g6njk [mib_1g6njk@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1558 [10:40] <GreyVulpine> That way, we can actually read the report
#1559 [10:40] <tyteen4a03> GreyVulpine: I seem to be able to still download the minecraft.jar
#1560 [10:40] <tyteen4a03> hmm
#1561 [10:40] * GreyVulpine shrugs
#1561 [10:40] <Hexaholic> Im not paying for thisd game again >.<
#1562 [10:40] <Diablothein> hexa, email
#1563 [10:40] <Hexaholic> games been fine since i bought it
#1564 [10:40] <Hexaholic> now its saying im not prem
#1565 [10:41] <XavierSMRH> :O I got 1.7_01 before Notch updated his blog! Weird...
#1566 [10:41] <GreyVulpine> Easy there Hexaholic..
#1567 [10:41] <tyteen4a03> the website also loads, but very slowly
#1568 [10:41] <Diablothein> hexa, email them about the problem.
#1569 [10:41] <Hexaholic> nvm
#1570 [10:41] <Hexaholic> its working
#1571 [10:41] <Hexaholic> lol
#1572 [10:41] <GreyVulpine> For website stuff, follow mollstam’s twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/mollstam
#1573 [10:41] <kermie> 1.7.1 is out:)
#1574 [10:41] <Hexaholic> damn u bot
#1575 [10:41] <XavierSMRH> 1.7_01 is out, yay
#1576 [10:41] <Diablothein> kermie, it's 1.7_01, not 1.7.1
#1577 [10:42] <tyteen4a03> I backed up my bin just in case :P
#1578 [10:42] <mib_1g6njk> ok i put a water source block in front of a piston and when i activated it the whole map broke
#1579 [10:42] <GreyVulpine> mib_1g6njk - Update your minecraft again, 1.7_01 fixes that
#1580 [10:42] <kermie> thank u i got my world back
#1581 [10:42] <doody00> #
#1582 [10:42] <tyteen4a03> I think 1.7_02 will be out soon
#1583 [10:42] <Diablothein> and then 1.7_03
#1584 [10:42] <mib_1g6njk> how do u update again
#1585 [10:42] <GreyVulpine> mib_1g6njk - Close minecraft, launch it again
#1586 [10:43] <doody00> i have to go because my moms VERY mad that im on the computer
#1587 [10:43] <mib_1g6njk> i have done that
#1588 [10:43] <tyteen4a03> I have to go because my canteen in the camp is closing soon
#1589 [10:43] <tyteen4a03> better buy something to eat, brb
#1590 [10:44] <GreyVulpine> mib_1g6njk - Make sure you’re running 1.7_01, by pressing F3 in-game
#1591 [10:44] <tyteen4a03> ]Also, we removed Herobrine again in 1.7_01
#1592 [10:44] <mib_1g6njk> ok
#1593 [10:45] <mib_1g6njk> thnx u beautiful bitch
#1594 [10:45] <GreyVulpine> O.o
#1595 [10:45] <PyroPeter_> about the water-bug: http://pastebin.com/0vsTxtpL
#1596 [10:45] <PyroPeter_> that is what gets printed by the server
#1597 [10:46] <tyteen4a03> I am a beautiful bitch! :DDDDDDDD
#1598 [10:46] * OurLeaf [OurLeaf@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1599 [10:47] * mib_12uyhr [mib_12uyhr@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1600 [10:47] <OurLeaf> My game just crashed...
#1601 [10:47] <mib_12uyhr> same
#1602 [10:47] <tyteen4a03> update to 1.7_01
#1603 [10:47] <Diablothein> leaf, update.
#1604 [10:47] <mib_12uyhr> and it wont update
#1605 [10:47] <tyteen4a03> close your game and open again
#1606 [10:47] <tyteen4a03> try again
#1607 [10:47] <OurLeaf> I didn't know pistons pushing torches would make your game crash...
#1608 [10:47] <OurLeaf> Or worldsave
#1609 [10:47] <mib_12uyhr> thats the fifth time but ok
#1610 [10:47] <tyteen4a03> the server is experiencing a EXTREMELY high load and it might crash your game at any time
#1611 [10:47] * mib_l4jpyt [mib_l4jpyt@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1612 [10:47] <OurLeaf> Okay...
#1613 [10:48] * mr_wibble [mr_wibble@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1614 [10:48] <tyteen4a03> next time an update is out I recommend you to backup your old stable one
#1615 [10:48] <mib_l4jpyt> hi can someone help me
#1616 [10:48] <GreyVulpine> mib_l4jpyt - With?
#1617 [10:48] <mib_12uyhr> keeps saying it cant connect to minecraft.net
#1618 [10:48] <GreyVulpine> The site’s having some technical difficulties.. just be patient
#1619 [10:48] <Diablothein> extreme load on servers, be patient.
#1620 [10:48] <mib_l4jpyt> i have the problem when I want to connect to an server i get the problem end of stream
#1621 [10:48] <mib_12uyhr> ok
#1622 [10:49] <mr_wibble> after the update and logging in minecraft got black und freezes? could you help me ?
#1623 [10:49] <GreyVulpine> mr_wibble - Did you mod minecraft in any way?
#1624 [10:49] * Pulec [Pulec@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1625 [10:49] <OurLeaf> So the my corrupted world will be fixed if I update to 1.7_01?
#1626 [10:49] <mr_wibble> no
#1627 [10:49] <GreyVulpine> mr_wibble - Did you use any texture packs?
#1628 [10:49] <GreyVulpine> OurLeaf - Yes
#1629 [10:49] <OurLeaf> Oh
#1630 [10:49] <OurLeaf> :D
#1631 [10:49] <OurLeaf> Thanks alot.
#1632 [10:49] * aikaramba [aikaramba@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1633 [10:49] <mr_wibble> Yes iam useing an texture pack
#1634 [10:49] <OurLeaf> *minecraftrulz*
#1635 [10:49] <GreyVulpine> mr_wibble - That would be why, please delete it
#1636 [10:49] <mib_l4jpyt> so I have restartet my pc and my rout
#1637 [10:49] <mr_wibble> thankyou
#1638 [10:50] <mib_12uyhr> so hows everyone
#1639 [10:50] <Misklahr> They have removed some of the bugs, but you will encounter a bug if you try to push a lever.....
#1640 [10:50] <GreyVulpine> mib_12uyhr - Tired
#1641 [10:50] <mib_12uyhr> really
#1642 [10:50] * genevievre [genevievre@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1643 [10:51] <genevievre> hi
#1644 [10:51] <GreyVulpine> ‘lo
#1645 [10:51] <mib_12uyhr> yer you would be with all these ppl asking you stuff
#1646 [10:51] <mib_l4jpyt> can nobody help me?+
#1647 [10:51] <OurLeaf> The startmenuthingy only shows 1.7
#1648 [10:51] <GreyVulpine> mib_l4jpyt - Just wait for servers to update
#1649 [10:51] <genevievre> can you help me? after the 1.7 update there's a blackscreen when I start Minecraft
#1650 [10:51] <GreyVulpine> OurLeaf - Restart minecraft, it’ll update
#1651 [10:52] <GreyVulpine> genevievre - Did you use any mods or texture packs before?
#1652 [10:52] <OurLeaf> I see
#1653 [10:52] <mib_l4jpyt> no the server is up to date
#1654 [10:52] <genevievre> yes
#1655 [10:52] <mib_l4jpyt> (i have version 1.6.6)
#1656 [10:52] <genevievre> single player commands toomanyitems and misas texture pack
#1657 [10:52] <GreyVulpine> genevievre - Please uninstall or delete the .minecraft folder
#1658 [10:52] <genevievre> ok
#1659 [10:52] <GreyVulpine> (save your saves folder)
#1660 [10:52] <GreyVulpine> Mods break minecraft when it updates
#1661 [10:52] <genevievre> ok
#1662 [10:52] * drewth1 [drewth1@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1663 [10:53] <PyroPeter_> why did nobody check if pushing water leads to a crash before the update was released?
#1664 [10:53] <XavierSMRH> I did
#1665 [10:53] <drewth1> does anyone know why i cant connect to minecraft.net in my game?
#1666 [10:53] <PyroPeter_> XavierSMRH: and it worked?
#1667 [10:53] <XavierSMRH> LOL piston spaz! Rapid pulser
#1668 [10:53] <tyteen4a03> genevievre: If you have installed any mod that add new blocks
#1669 [10:53] <OurLeaf> Yay :3 Workd.
#1670 [10:54] <XavierSMRH> This is fyn
#1671 [10:54] <GreyVulpine> drewth1 - The website is currently experiencing a high load, please be patient
#1672 [10:54] <XavierSMRH> *fun
#1673 [10:54] <OurLeaf> Thanks Grey
#1674 [10:54] * GreyVulpine nods
#1674 [10:54] <mib_12uyhr> so im guessing this happens every time it updates ppl just crowed in asking questions poor ops
#1675 [10:54] <drewth1> ok i thought the minecraft.net crashed or something thanks
#1676 [10:54] <XavierSMRH> Pyro: Nope. Checked in here, asked, fixed in 1.7_01
#1677 [10:54] <genevievre> Can't connect to minecraft.net
#1678 [10:54] <GreyVulpine> mib_12uyhr - Indeed
#1679 [10:54] <kermie> thank u so much grey
#1680 [10:54] <genevievre> is there
#1681 [10:55] * GreyVulpine nods
#1681 [10:55] <PyroPeter_> XavierSMRH: so there is 1.7_01 also for the server
#1682 [10:55] <PyroPeter_> ?
#1683 [10:55] * JduPois [JduPois@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1684 [10:55] <GreyVulpine> PyroPeter_ - Yes
#1685 [10:55] <JduPois> I have a technical issue wit hminecraft
#1686 [10:56] <tyteen4a03> update to 1.7_01 before asking
#1687 [10:56] <GreyVulpine> JduPois - We have technical answers for minecraft.
#1688 [10:56] <JduPois> i did
#1689 [10:56] * lild [lild@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1690 [10:56] * VoxelHead kicked lild from #minecrafthelp (Reason: Banned: Take two weeks to calm yourself down.)
#1691 [10:56] <JduPois> force update button
#1692 [10:56] <tyteen4a03> what
#1693 [10:56] <JduPois> but logging in fails
#1694 [10:56] <tyteen4a03> why was lild banned?
#1695 [10:56] <genevievre> Now when I log in there is a message: Can't connect to minecraft.net
#1696 [10:56] <GreyVulpine> JduPois - The site is experiencing a high load, please be patient
#1697 [10:56] <tyteen4a03> JudPois: Yes, the MC server is very unstable
#1698 [10:56] <JduPois> can't connect to minecraft.net
#1699 [10:56] <tyteen4a03> I mean, a high load
#1700 [10:56] <JduPois> :P
#1701 [10:56] <JduPois> ow
#1702 [10:56] <tyteen4a03> so play offline
#1703 [10:56] <GreyVulpine> It happens with these updates.
#1704 [10:56] <JduPois> k
#1705 [10:56] <JduPois> ty
#1706 [10:57] <mib_12uyhr> everyone listen to grey and stop asking the same questions
#1707 [10:57] <GreyVulpine> mib_12uyhr - It’s okay.
#1708 [10:57] <GreyVulpine> I’m pretty used to it.
#1709 [10:57] <drewth1> is there any rough time it will be back to normal?
#1710 [10:57] <JduPois> if new people come in this chatroom they couldnt have read the text before they logged in
#1711 [10:57] * mib_tjlv80 [mib_tjlv80@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1712 [10:57] <JduPois> so they will prob ask the same q
#1713 [10:57] <GreyVulpine> drewth1 - A few days after updates.
#1714 [10:57] * JduPois [JduPois@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#1715 [10:58] <mib_12uyhr> i mean the ppl asking stuff they asked already
#1716 [10:58] * Mightytobbes [Mightytobbes@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1717 [10:58] <GreyVulpine> Nope.
#1718 [10:58] <drewth1> ok
#1719 [10:58] * JoelDaMole789 [JoelDaMole789@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1720 [10:58] <drewth1> thanks grey
#1721 [10:58] <JoelDaMole789> Has Server 1.7 come out?
#1722 [10:58] <Mightytobbes> hi guys, i have a prob with my mc
#1723 [10:58] <GreyVulpine> JoelDaMole789 - yes
#1724 [10:58] <mib_12uyhr> a few days really?
#1725 [10:58] <GreyVulpine> Mightytobbes -What problem?
#1726 [10:59] <GreyVulpine> mib_12uyhr - Happens every time. You get the people who update immediately, and then the people who wait a day or two to update
#1727 [10:59] <Mightytobbes> When i started the game, i entered my account name and password, then the mojand symbol appears and then the background of the window changes to this dirt background
#1728 [10:59] * skippydippy [skippydippy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1729 [10:59] <GreyVulpine> Both will get the same problems.
#1730 [10:59] <Mightytobbes> then it stays like this for 5 seconds
#1731 [10:59] * Daz [Daz@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1732 [10:59] <Mightytobbes> and the mc window gets black
#1733 [10:59] <mib_12uyhr> oh ok
#1734 [10:59] <Mightytobbes> i updated my java, restarted the game and my computer
#1735 [10:59] <mib_12uyhr> hey i noticed they 'remove' herobrine like every update
#1736 [10:59] <GreyVulpine> Mightytobbes - Did you modify minecraft in any way, installed any mods or texture packs?
#1737 [11:00] <Mightytobbes> texture packs, yes
#1738 [11:00] <GreyVulpine> mib_12uyhr - Yeah, “Herobrine” was a myth that Notch wants to die..
#1739 [11:00] <GreyVulpine> Mightytobbes - Do you know how to remove it?
#1740 [11:00] <Mightytobbes> with the mc patcher?
#1741 [11:00] * slimer [slimer@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1742 [11:00] * mib_bxsnsp [mib_bxsnsp@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1743 [11:00] <mib_12uyhr> i know but that just makes it live longer
#1744 [11:00] <GreyVulpine> Mightytobbes - the MC patcher is a mod in itself. Mods break when minecraft updates
#1745 [11:00] <mib_bxsnsp> can any one help me
#1746 [11:01] <GreyVulpine> Mightytobbes - Please go to your .minecraft folder, and delete everything except for the saves folder
#1747 [11:01] <Mightytobbes> ok, then i dont know how to remove these mods
#1748 [11:01] <slimer> Is minecraft down
#1749 [11:01] <GreyVulpine> Mightytobbes - When you run minecraft again, it’ll redownload everything
#1750 [11:01] <GreyVulpine> Mightytobbes - Could you tell me your operating system?
#1751 [11:01] * j4mie [j4mie@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1752 [11:01] <Mightytobbes> Windows XP
#1753 [11:01] <GreyVulpine> slimer - Yes, the site is experiencing a high load right now, please be patient
#1754 [11:01] <Mightytobbes> gonna try this, mom
#1755 [11:01] <GreyVulpine> Mightytobbes - Go to your start menu -> run command, type in: %appdata%
#1756 [11:01] * deathspawn [deathspawn@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1757 [11:01] <slimer> ok thank you.
#1758 [11:01] <GreyVulpine> Mightytobbes - Find the .minecraft folder there, delete everything inside except for the saves folder
#1759 [11:02] <JoelDaMole789> is there a new CraftBukkit? I run the batch and its still 1.6.6 even though i replaced the server exe with a 1.7
#1760 [11:02] * DalaamPrince [DalaamPrince@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1761 [11:02] <GreyVulpine> JoelDaMole789 - Usually, bukkit takes at least a few days to update
#1762 [11:02] <DalaamPrince> hi
#1763 [11:02] <GreyVulpine> JoelDaMole789 - You can check #bukkit for that
#1764 [11:02] <DalaamPrince> coul someone kindly point me in the direction of how to update my server to 1.7?
#1765 [11:02] * shmoo [shmoo@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1766 [11:02] * JoelDaMole789 [JoelDaMole789@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1767 [11:02] <mib_bxsnsp> can someone help me i just downloded the new update 4 minecraft and the sever i play on it says it outdated when the sever owner updates his minecraft can i get back on his sever anyone
#1768 [11:02] <GreyVulpine> DalaamPrince - Redownload it from http://www.minecraft.net/download.jsp
#1769 [11:03] <shmoo> hey i just got the update and its sawing i have ann oudated server
#1770 [11:03] <GreyVulpine> mib_bxsnsp - When the server owner updates, you’ll be able to get back on, yes
#1771 [11:03] <shmoo> how do i fix my .bat
#1772 [11:03] <GreyVulpine> shmoo - The server owner needs to update the server manually
#1773 [11:03] * frogzilla [frogzilla@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1774 [11:03] <shmoo> how
#1775 [11:03] <shmoo> i own the server
#1776 [11:03] <frogzilla> hello
#1777 [11:03] <GreyVulpine> shmoo - If you’re running vanilla, just redownload and replace your server with http://www.minecraft.net/download.jsp
#1778 [11:03] <GreyVulpine> The site will always have the latest version
#1779 [11:03] <Mightytobbes> ok, its working, except the multiplayer server of course. Thanks vulpine ;)
#1780 [11:03] <GreyVulpine> frogzilla - ‘lo
#1781 [11:03] <shmoo> um wats vanilla
#1782 [11:04] <GreyVulpine> ?? vanilla
#1783 [11:04] <mib_12uyhr> well if its gonna take a couple of days i dont think ill wait on here see ya all gonna go to bed
#1784 [11:04] <VoxelHead> vanilla: vanilla (adj.): Bland; original; with no garnish. In the context of Minecraft, a server or client with no mods, skins, texture packs, or other customizations.
#1785 [11:04] <mib_12uyhr> grey hope the flood dies down
#1786 [11:04] <frogzilla> my minecraft wont connect to minecraft.net
#1787 [11:04] * Zion [Zion@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1788 [11:04] <GreyVulpine> mib_12uyhr - Heh, it won’t
#1789 [11:04] <frogzilla> what can i do?
#1790 [11:04] <shmoo> k
#1791 [11:04] <GreyVulpine> frogzilla - The site’s experiencing a high load, just be patient
#1792 [11:04] <frogzilla> ah right
#1793 [11:04] <frogzilla> okay
#1794 [11:04] <frogzilla> thanks :)
#1795 [11:04] <Zion> Hello, I can't log in to my minecraft
#1796 [11:04] <mib_12uyhr> lol well its the thought that counts right anyway see ya
#1797 [11:04] <GreyVulpine> Zion - The site’s experiencing a high load, just be patient
#1798 [11:04] <GreyVulpine> mib_12uyhr - Indeed, thanks :)
#1799 [11:05] <DalaamPrince> thanks GreyVulpine that worked swimmingly
#1800 [11:05] <frogzilla> @zion nore can i
#1801 [11:05] * Passenger91 [Passenger91@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1802 [11:05] <Zion> Oh thats why it is saying "Can't connect to minecraft.net'?
#1803 [11:05] <DalaamPrince> might i suggest putting that tidbit of advice in the topic so you're not explaining it to 4500 people today?
#1804 [11:05] * yoshi [yoshi@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1805 [11:05] <GreyVulpine> DalaamPrince - Wouldn’t matter. People usually don’t read the topic anyways
#1806 [11:05] <DalaamPrince> lulz k
#1807 [11:06] <Passenger91> Herp derp
#1808 [11:06] <shmoo> also what is included in 1.7
#1809 [11:06] <GreyVulpine> shmoo - http://mcupdate.tumblr.com/
#1810 [11:06] * Pulec [Pulec@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1811 [11:06] <Passenger91> I came just at the wrong moment ;_;
#1812 [11:06] <Zion> It's working now :)
#1813 [11:06] * Rechyte [Rechyte@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1814 [11:06] * sinedeviance [sinedeviance@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1815 [11:06] <frogzilla> mine isnt
#1816 [11:06] <kermie> does herobrin exist
#1817 [11:06] <GreyVulpine> kermie - No
#1818 [11:06] <frogzilla> no
#1819 [11:07] <sinedeviance> hi all. is it just me, or did notch break beds in the 1.7 update?
#1820 [11:07] <kermie> aaaawwwwwwww
#1821 [11:07] <GreyVulpine> sinedeviance - Notch broke a lot of stuff.
#1822 [11:07] <shmoo> it keeps saying i have and outdated server
#1823 [11:07] <XavierSMRH> sine: graphical error?
#1824 [11:07] <sinedeviance> GreyVulpine: is there a list of things up yet?
#1825 [11:07] <GreyVulpine> It’s kinda expected with updates nowadays
#1826 [11:07] <Rechyte> Should I assume that the fact i can't connect to minecraft.net with the launcher just a server overload?
#1827 [11:07] * montezuma [montezuma@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1828 [11:07] <GreyVulpine> Rechyte -Yes
#1829 [11:07] <kermie> then why doe the patch say he was removed silly notch tis tis
#1830 [11:07] <GreyVulpine> kermie - Because he wants it to die
#1831 [11:07] <Zion> Umm I just went to single player and my screen went black :L
#1832 [11:07] <sinedeviance> XavierSMRH: yep. the sides are missing. at first i thought it was my texture pack because i just released an update, but then i went back and checked and it looked fine
#1833 [11:07] <montezuma> i keep getting and outdated server message how do i fix plz help
#1834 [11:08] <GreyVulpine> montezuma - Are you running the server?
#1835 [11:08] * mib_i0828k [mib_i0828k@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1836 [11:08] <XavierSMRH> sine: Reopen MC.
#1837 [11:08] <kermie> ????? lol
#1838 [11:08] <frogzilla> update the server
#1839 [11:08] <montezuma> yeah
#1840 [11:08] <sinedeviance> XavierSMRH: okay.
#1841 [11:08] <GreyVulpine> montezuma - The server owner needs to update the server again
#1842 [11:08] <montezuma> hoe
#1843 [11:08] <montezuma> how
#1844 [11:08] <GreyVulpine> montezuma - Download it from http://www.minecraft.net/download.jsp
#1845 [11:08] <Zion> Any idea why my screen went black?
#1846 [11:08] <GreyVulpine> Replace yours
#1847 [11:08] <sinedeviance> XavierSMRH: lol. new update is up
#1848 [11:08] <GreyVulpine> Zion - Usually, a mod or texture pack.
#1849 [11:08] <XavierSMRH> Yep.
#1850 [11:08] * cornelius [cornelius@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1851 [11:08] <montezuma> how do i do that
#1852 [11:08] <kermie> cause he wants to die ??????
#1853 [11:08] * Count [Count@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1854 [11:09] <sinedeviance> aw... 1.7_01
#1855 [11:09] <GreyVulpine> montezuma - Download the server from http://www.minecraft.net/download.jsp and replace it on your server
#1856 [11:09] <sinedeviance> now i have to update my release thread again :\
#1857 [11:09] <Zion> Ahh my creatures mod then..
#1858 [11:09] <GreyVulpine> kermie - No, because he wants people to stop asking about herobrine.
#1859 [11:09] <GreyVulpine> Zion - Yeah, that’ll do it
#1860 [11:09] * Sluggo [Sluggo@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1861 [11:09] <Passenger91> I can't connect to Minecraft.net; That means I can't update ;_;
#1862 [11:09] <GreyVulpine> Zion - Mods and texture packs break minecraft every time it updates
#1863 [11:09] <sinedeviance> beds are still broken
#1864 [11:09] * micsen [micsen@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1865 [11:09] * UMA [UMA@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1866 [11:10] <Sluggo> hey, could anyone tell me why i can't connect to minecraft ?
#1867 [11:10] <micsen> my server crashes when i try move a torch whit a piston
#1868 [11:10] <Rechyte> So if mods and texture packs break it, simply reinstalling fixes it?
#1869 [11:10] <Misklahr> Pushing levers with pistons will crash your game...
#1870 [11:10] <GreyVulpine> Rechyte - Yes, do you know how to access the files for minecraft?
#1871 [11:10] <UMA> So they gonna fix dis shit or what
#1872 [11:10] <Rechyte> Yeah
#1873 [11:10] <XavierSMRH> sine: I got this too. Reopen again. If it doesn't work, then I can't help you.
#1874 [11:10] <sinedeviance> Rechyte: not usually, no. each mod has to be updated to work with the new minecraft updates.
#1875 [11:10] <montezuma> ok i got the mincraft.exe but im still getting and outdated mssg
#1876 [11:10] <GreyVulpine> Rechyte - Yeah, deleting everything but the saves folder will force minecraft to update
#1877 [11:11] <GreyVulpine> montezuma - No, you need to download the minecraft_server file, and replace it
#1878 [11:11] <cornelius> I cant connect to Minecraft and apparently my username can't be found
#1879 [11:11] <Rechyte> I haven't updated to 1.7 yet, having the connection issue
#1880 [11:11] <sinedeviance> XavierSMRH: yeah it's still wonky. no biggie, there's nothing you can do about it. thanks anyways :D
#1881 [11:11] <montezuma> what server file the .jar
#1882 [11:11] <Rechyte> so updating now should fix it or should i delete the folder first?
#1883 [11:11] <XavierSMRH> Sure thing. That's weird though, it worked for me.
#1884 [11:11] <XavierSMRH> Ah well.
#1885 [11:12] <frogzilla> cant connect to minecraft.net :@
#1886 [11:12] <GreyVulpine> Rechyte - Delete everything in the folder except for the saves folder
#1887 [11:12] <sinedeviance> Rechyte: if you want to update, try running the in-browser version on minecraft.net, it will update your local client to 1.7
#1888 [11:12] <GreyVulpine> Then just cross your fingers and hope you can connect
#1889 [11:12] <mib_i0828k> Hi i'm trying to run minecraft and got this error everytime it tries and gets this new beta 1.7 update. i get this same message "failed to launch sers/(myname)/library/application support/minecraft.jar (no such file or directory), retrieving lwjgl_util.jar 39%
#1890 [11:12] <sinedeviance> thats how i updated to 1.7, i couldnt get through logins
#1891 [11:12] <Rechyte> Alright, Cool thanks.
#1892 [11:12] * Stese [Stese@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1893 [11:12] <cornelius> When I try to login on the site it tells me that my username can't be found
#1894 [11:12] <montezuma> wil this destroy my world
#1895 [11:12] <sinedeviance> Rechyte: keep in mind that NONE of your mods will work after updating.
#1896 [11:12] <frogzilla> ooo
#1897 [11:13] <GreyVulpine> mib_i0828k - Try going to /Users/yourname/library/application support/minecraft/ and deleting everything there except for worlds
#1898 [11:13] <GreyVulpine> er
#1899 [11:13] <frogzilla> that helps :D
#1900 [11:13] <GreyVulpine> except for saves
#1901 [11:13] <sinedeviance> Rechyte: you'll have to wait until they're updated.
#1902 [11:13] <kermie> herobrin was real
#1903 [11:13] * CruelNoise [CruelNoise@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1904 [11:13] <Ketsueki> Wow... 1.7_01 sounds 'fun' http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Version_history fixed almost everything except pushing roses?
#1905 [11:13] <kermie> i saw him
#1906 [11:13] * genevievre [genevievre@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1907 [11:13] <UMA> duoikjwqdiolk*
#1909 [11:13] * Count|net [Count|net@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1910 [11:13] * Biel_Wunde [Biel_Wunde@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1911 [11:13] <UMA> NIOOOOO O
#1912 [11:13] <genevievre> where can I download the new server files for 1.7?
#1913 [11:14] <kermie> pedobear will get you
#1914 [11:14] <Ketsueki> GreyVulpine: it isn't inside the .minecraft directory under windows?
#1916 [11:14] <xolotl> genevievre: minecraft.net
#1917 [11:14] <mib_i0828k> you mean like my minecraft alias?
#1918 [11:14] <genevievre> but the last server I had was an .exe file
#1919 [11:14] <xolotl> genevievre: So download the EXE version
#1920 [11:14] <Zion> Okay I dont get it, I deleted my mods
#1921 [11:15] <genevievre> and if I start the server a message appears: java.net.BindException: Address already in use: bind
#1922 [11:15] <GreyVulpine> genevievre - Close down your current server before launching it
#1923 [11:15] * kpj [kpj@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1924 [11:15] <genevievre> it is closed
#1925 [11:15] * napoleon [napoleon@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1926 [11:15] <Zion> Okay I deleted my .minecraft folder, hopefully that works
#1927 [11:16] <xolotl> genevievre: No it isn't, if you're getting that error.
#1928 [11:16] <kpj> Hello, when i try to login, i always get a balck screen
#1929 [11:16] <kpj> *black
#1930 [11:16] <montezuma> um im still getting the outdated thing i need some help
#1931 [11:16] <genevievre> but there isn't the process jawaw.exe
#1932 [11:16] * mr_evil [mr_evil@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1933 [11:16] <mr_evil> Hello?
#1934 [11:16] <mib_i0828k> i redownloaded minecraft and replaced my old on and got rid of the alias file, but i dont know where to go now.
#1935 [11:16] <Zion> Wow, I am dumb
#1936 [11:16] <Zion> I deleted my saves :(
#1937 [11:16] <xolotl> genevievre: A process is bound to the same port that Minecraft is trying to bind on. It's almost certainly your old server.
#1938 [11:17] <kpj> i always get a black minecraft screen
#1939 [11:17] <genevievre> should I restart my PC?
#1940 [11:17] <montezuma> help i need help with the outdated server msg
#1941 [11:17] <GreyVulpine> kpj - Did you mod minecraft in any way?
#1942 [11:17] <mr_evil> Guys, I have just downloaded the new update and when I try to play on minecraft it gives me a black scren
#1943 [11:17] <GreyVulpine> montezuma - Please download the server again from http://www.minecraft.net/download.jsp
#1944 [11:17] <kpj> just version 1.6.6
#1945 [11:17] <montezuma> i did
#1946 [11:17] <GreyVulpine> montezuma - Then you’ll replace your minecraft_server with the one from the site
#1947 [11:17] <OurLeaf> I think notch should make it so that water falls more smooth...
#1948 [11:17] <kpj> before i updated to 1.7
#1949 [11:17] <OurLeaf> Like sand :D
#1950 [11:17] <GreyVulpine> montezuma - Did you run the server again?
#1951 [11:17] <Zion> What is a good seed for generating maps?
#1952 [11:17] <montezuma> how
#1953 [11:17] <mib_i0828k> i tried downloading singleplayer commands and MCedit but both failed. singleplayers commands just doubled the list of file commands in the bin i already had.
#1954 [11:17] <OurLeaf> Quesadila
#1955 [11:18] <montezuma> how do i replace it
#1956 [11:18] <kpj> mr_evil same here
#1957 [11:18] <GreyVulpine> Zion - seeds are random, there is no ‘feature’ specific to one seed
#1958 [11:18] <XavierSMRH> Man, pistons are AWESOME :D
#1959 [11:18] <OurLeaf> It has 2 dungeons next to eachother
#1960 [11:18] <mr_evil> Guys.
#1961 [11:18] <mr_evil> Guys,
#1962 [11:18] <mr_evil> Hellooo?
#1963 [11:18] <GreyVulpine> montezuma - Delete your minecraft_server, then download a new one from http://www.minecraft.net/download.jsp
#1964 [11:18] <GreyVulpine> mr_evil - What?
#1965 [11:18] <GreyVulpine> mr_evil - What?
#1966 [11:18] <Stese> mr_evil... wait your turn
#1967 [11:18] <GreyVulpine> mr_evil - What do you want?
#1968 [11:18] <Stese> it's rather busy in here...
#1969 [11:18] <mr_evil> Can you help me.
#1970 [11:18] <GreyVulpine> mr_evil - What is it?
#1971 [11:18] <GreyVulpine> mr_evil - With?
#1972 [11:18] <genevievre> thx i downloaded the .exe and it works :-)
#1973 [11:18] <mib_i0828k> should i just delete everything minecraft and redownload it?
#1974 [11:18] <mr_evil> I have downloaded the nex update
#1975 [11:18] <xolotl> Zion: Just ignore the seed box - the only reason to use it is if you wanted to check out some specific map that someone's given you the seed for
#1976 [11:18] <GreyVulpine> mr_evil - And it black screens?
#1977 [11:18] <mr_evil> and all i get is a black screen
#1978 [11:19] <mr_evil> yeh
#1979 [11:19] <kpj> like me :P
#1980 [11:19] <GreyVulpine> mr_evil - What operating system are you on?
#1981 [11:19] <GreyVulpine> mr_evil - Windows? Mac? Linux?
#1982 [11:19] <mib_i0828k> Mac OSX
#1983 [11:19] <mr_evil> Windows 7
#1984 [11:19] <kpj> mac os
#1985 [11:19] <GreyVulpine> mr_evil - Please go to your start menu, in the search bar, type in: %appdata
#1986 [11:19] <GreyVulpine> er
#1987 [11:19] <GreyVulpine> %appdata%
#1988 [11:19] * mib_f8bahu [mib_f8bahu@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1989 [11:19] <GreyVulpine> find the .minecraf folder, delete everything inside except for the saves folder
#1990 [11:19] <GreyVulpine> Then restart minecraft
#1991 [11:19] * Sun7zu [Sun7zu@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#1992 [11:20] <mr_evil> ok thanks
#1993 [11:20] <GreyVulpine> kpj - Please go to your hard drive, go to /Library/Application support/minecraft/
#1994 [11:20] <mib_i0828k> i duplicated my textures, worlds, and character files.
#1995 [11:20] <mr_evil> ill try that :)
#1996 [11:20] <GreyVulpine> kpj - Delete everything but the saves folder
#1997 [11:20] <mib_i0828k> so i just delete everything else minecraft?
#1998 [11:20] <mib_f8bahu> how do i update my minecraft game
#1999 [11:20] <GreyVulpine> mib_i0828k - You delete everything but the saves folder
#2000 [11:20] <kpj> okay
#2001 [11:20] * Maciek98PL [Maciek98PL@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2002 [11:20] <montezuma> ok so now do i delete my .bat and make a new one
#2003 [11:20] <GreyVulpine> mib_f8bahu - Just run minecraft again, it’ll ask to be updated
#2004 [11:20] <mib_f8bahu> and...
#2005 [11:20] * Kman547 [Kman547@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2006 [11:20] <Stese> <mib_f8bahu > what OS (WIndows Mac rr Linux)
#2007 [11:21] <GreyVulpine> montezuma - No
#2008 [11:21] <mib_f8bahu> yay! thaks :-)
#2009 [11:21] <GreyVulpine> montezuma - Just run the new minecraft_server again
#2010 [11:21] <mib_i0828k> ok deleted
#2011 [11:21] <montezuma> ok thanx
#2012 [11:21] <GreyVulpine> mib_i0828k - Run minecraft
#2013 [11:21] <montezuma> bye byye
#2014 [11:21] <Stese> GreyVulpine > Do you have PM's disabled?
#2015 [11:21] <GreyVulpine> Oi.
#2016 [11:22] <GreyVulpine> I have over 20 channels open, I don’t normally see PMs
#2017 [11:22] * smerft [smerft@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2018 [11:22] <mr_evil> the %appdata% didn't show me anything to do with minecraft
#2019 [11:22] <mib_i0828k> i still get the same messages
#2020 [11:22] <GreyVulpine> mr_evil - Do you see a roaming folder?
#2021 [11:22] <mr_evil> No.
#2022 [11:23] <GreyVulpine> mr_evil - Okay, do you see a .minecraft folder?
#2023 [11:23] <GreyVulpine> mr_evil - Note the period.
#2024 [11:23] <mr_evil> It says nothig can be found
#2025 [11:23] <kpj> ok, it worked
#2026 [11:23] <kpj> thanks a lot
#2027 [11:23] <mr_evil> ill find that folder if you want
#2028 [11:23] <Stese> mr_evil > type %appdata% into your start search box
#2029 [11:23] <smerft> hi where can i download offline button and i cant connect to minecraft.net
#2030 [11:23] <UMA> just keep trying
#2031 [11:24] <smerft> hi where can i download the offline button and i cant connect to minecraft.net
#2032 [11:24] <Stese> Minecraft.net might be a bit busy atm
#2033 [11:24] <Stese> smerft > read up...
#2034 [11:24] <smerft> kk how about the offline button?
#2035 [11:25] <smerft> oh srry
#2036 [11:25] * TimBothe1st [TimBothe1st@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2037 [11:25] <TimBothe1st> Hi
#2038 [11:25] <Stese> not sure what you mean about offline button
#2039 [11:25] <GreyVulpine> ‘lo
#2040 [11:25] <GreyVulpine> smerft - Did you pay for minecraft?
#2041 [11:26] <smerft> yes
#2042 [11:26] <mib_i0828k> guys this is confusing, what do i need to remove? what exactly cause i've removed all things minecraft related and i still get the same message
#2043 [11:26] <GreyVulpine> smerft - What does it say above “Not downloaded”?
#2044 [11:26] <smerft> yes
#2045 [11:26] <GreyVulpine> “yes” isn’t the right answer
#2046 [11:26] * sinedeviance [sinedeviance@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2047 [11:26] <mr_evil> do i download it again?
#2048 [11:26] * frogonia [frogonia@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2049 [11:26] <TimBothe1st> eehm can someone help me?
#2050 [11:26] <GreyVulpine> mib_i0828k - Could you repeat what message you get?
#2051 [11:26] <smerft> below it says (not downloaded)
#2052 [11:26] <Stese> TimBothe1st > Whats the issue?
#2053 [11:27] <GreyVulpine> smerft - What does it say above “not downloaded
#2054 [11:27] <TimBothe1st> I had a Server but i dont want to update
#2055 [11:27] <frogonia> How do i fix my server when it says "outdated server"
#2056 [11:27] <TimBothe1st> and i play Minecraft on Mac
#2057 [11:27] * Productsfriend [Productsfriend@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2058 [11:28] <Productsfriend> Hello all !
#2059 [11:28] <mr_evil> Now it won't log in.
#2060 [11:28] <frogonia> How do i fix my server when it says "outdated server"
#2061 [11:28] <Productsfriend> It's Product, I'am TeamViewing my friend.
#2062 [11:28] <Productsfriend> almostroot is there ?
#2063 [11:28] <frogonia> How do i fix my server when it says "outdated server"
#2064 [11:28] <GreyVulpine> frogonia - Redownload the server from http://www.minecraft.net/download.jsp
#2065 [11:28] * zenon [zenon@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2066 [11:28] * curmet [curmet@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2067 [11:28] <GreyVulpine> frogonia - Stop spamming, we can see the first time
#2068 [11:28] <TimBothe1st> and when the Update Question come i press no
#2069 [11:28] <Stese> ok, then tell it not to update then, and down download the new server
#2070 [11:28] <mr_evil> It says can't connect to minecraft.net
#2071 [11:28] <mr_evil> and in the offline it says not downloaded
#2072 [11:28] <Productsfriend> Ok guys, I want to update my video card.
#2073 [11:29] <Stese> frogonia > download the latest server .eve from minecraft.net
#2074 [11:29] <smerft> No it says after I login its says try again and below it it says play offline (not downloaded
#2075 [11:29] <Productsfriend> My video card is Intel.
#2076 [11:29] <GreyVulpine> ??> Productsfriend gpu/intel
#2077 [11:29] <VoxelHead> Productsfriend: (gpu/intel) You can get drivers for Intel video cards and chipsets here: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/
#2078 [11:29] <TimBothe1st> and then is there a black screen in the minecraft window
#2079 [11:29] <Productsfriend> Thank you, but there is a search bar.
#2080 [11:29] * mib_j7sge9 [mib_j7sge9@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2081 [11:29] <Productsfriend> Could you please provide me a dircect link.
#2082 [11:29] <GreyVulpine> Productsfriend - Try the intel driver update utility
#2083 [11:29] <mib_i0828k> help
#2084 [11:29] <Productsfriend> To where i HAVE TO DOWNLOAD
#2085 [11:29] <zenon> how do i get minecraft back to 166?
#2086 [11:29] <Productsfriend> Sorry cpas.
#2087 [11:30] <Productsfriend> Caps* I'am on teamviewer.
#2088 [11:30] <TimBothe1st> have someone the same problem and knows how to fix?
#2089 [11:30] <GreyVulpine> mib_i0828k - Could you repeat what message you get?
#2090 [11:30] <curmet> hello, i can't seem to connect to minecraft, can i fix it ?
#2091 [11:30] <mr_evil> Vulpine
#2092 [11:30] <Productsfriend> Ok grey, I'll try that.
#2093 [11:30] <GreyVulpine> mr_evil - Yes?
#2094 [11:30] <mr_evil> my is fucked up.
#2095 [11:30] <GreyVulpine> Your.. what?
#2096 [11:30] <mr_evil> mine*
#2097 [11:30] <Stese> TimBothe1st > goto /Library/Application support/minecraft/ and remove all the folders other than saves... then re-run Minecraft
#2098 [11:30] * TheReddeH [TheReddeH@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2099 [11:30] <Stese> it will redownload all the files
#2100 [11:30] <mr_evil> it says i haven't downloaded minecraft now
#2101 [11:31] <Passenger91> I don't think any texture packs are 1.7 ready
#2102 [11:31] <GreyVulpine> mr_evil - One moment
#2103 [11:31] <mib_i0828k> i get
#2104 [11:31] <mib_i0828k> "failed to launch sers/(myname)/library/application support/minecraft.jar (no such file or directory), retrieving lwjgl_util.jar 39%
#2105 [11:31] * huddler [huddler@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2106 [11:31] <mr_evil> I know why mine black screened in the first place
#2107 [11:31] <mib_i0828k> i was told to delete everything but worlds. did that and nothing changed after i re-downloaded minecraft
#2108 [11:31] <mr_evil> because i was using a texture pack
#2109 [11:32] * montezuma [montezuma@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2110 [11:32] <smerft> when i first got the game it says would you like to download the offline part but I didnt where can I download the offline part now ?
#2111 [11:32] * Arseny_Arveladze [Arseny_Arveladze@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2112 [11:32] <frogonia> Im downloading the new server and it is stuck the download bar will not move and it has been lke this for 5 mins
#2113 [11:33] <GreyVulpine> mr_evil, smerft - Looks like the authentication server’s just overloaded right now, just be patient
#2114 [11:33] <GreyVulpine> I can’t connect myself
#2115 [11:33] <Arseny_Arveladze> Bad login ((( i have got lic minecraft.... this is in all lic servers((
#2116 [11:33] <smerft> kk srry
#2117 [11:33] <GreyVulpine> Arseny_Arveladze - I’m sorry, I don’t understand
#2118 [11:33] <huddler> when I try to play minecraft classic, I see a message that says: fatal error occured, unable to load icon and progressbar images
#2119 [11:33] <curmet> i can't seem to connect to minecraft, can anyone help me ?
#2120 [11:33] <GreyVulpine> Arseny_Arveladze - what’s the lic minecraft?
#2121 [11:33] * charmander [charmander@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2122 [11:34] <GreyVulpine> huddler - Do you know how to clear your browser’s cache and temporary files?
#2123 [11:34] <Arseny_Arveladze> license minecraft
#2124 [11:34] <GreyVulpine> curmet - I can’t either
#2125 [11:34] <huddler> any ideas on how to get past it
#2126 [11:34] <smerft> me ethier
#2127 [11:34] <GreyVulpine> Arseny_Arveladze - We will not help you pirate minecraft
#2128 [11:34] <GreyVulpine> Arseny_Arveladze - Either pay for it, or leave
#2129 [11:34] <OurLeaf> play offline?
#2130 [11:34] * Count|net [Count|net@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2131 [11:34] <frogonia> Im downloading the new server and it is stuck the download bar will not move and it has been lke this for 5 mins
#2132 [11:34] <GreyVulpine> huddler - Do you know how to clear your browser’s cache and temporary files?
#2133 [11:34] * charmander [charmander@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#2134 [11:34] <GreyVulpine> frogonia - minecraft_server.exe or .jar?
#2135 [11:34] <huddler> no I dont
#2136 [11:34] <Arseny_Arveladze> i bought minecraft!
#2137 [11:34] <Arseny_Arveladze> gift code!
#2138 [11:34] <frogonia> server.exe
#2139 [11:35] <mib_i0828k> hello? was someone going to help?
#2140 [11:35] * mib_3h89h6 [mib_3h89h6@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2141 [11:35] <GreyVulpine> frogonia - Try http://www.minecraft.net/download/Minecraft_Server.exe
#2142 [11:35] <Arseny_Arveladze> You have already have the full version of the game! YAY!
#2143 [11:35] <smerft> how do i ply offline?
#2144 [11:35] <frogonia> thas what i downloaded
#2145 [11:35] <GreyVulpine> smerft - Just wait, the minecraft servers are overloaded
#2146 [11:35] <GreyVulpine> frogonia - Try it again
#2147 [11:35] <Arseny_Arveladze> but Bad login...
#2148 [11:36] <GreyVulpine> Arseny_Arveladze - What operating system are you on?
#2149 [11:36] <TimBothe1st> eehm i have tried it but the black screen is there again
#2150 [11:36] <frogonia> when it asks me if i want to save it
#2151 [11:36] <Arseny_Arveladze> win xp service pack 3
#2152 [11:36] <frogonia> and it gives me the option to change the files name
#2153 [11:36] * jkr [jkr@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2154 [11:36] <Stese> Tim > Are you using any addons
#2155 [11:36] <GreyVulpine> Arseny_Arveladze - Please go to your start menu, in the Run Command, type in: %appdata%
#2156 [11:36] <GreyVulpine> Arseny_Arveladze - Please find the .minecraft folder, and delete everything inside except for “Saves”
#2157 [11:36] <frogonia> should i change it from minecraft_server to minecraft_server.exe
#2158 [11:36] <GreyVulpine> frogonia - Yes
#2159 [11:37] <TimBothe1st> eehm i think no :D
#2160 [11:37] <GreyVulpine> TimBothe1st - Any mods at all? Any texture packs?
#2161 [11:37] <Arseny_Arveladze> ok i try (sorry for my english) )
#2162 [11:37] <curmet> so i can't log in cause server is overloaded ? is there a way to see server status ?
#2163 [11:37] <Productsfriend> Hey guys. Can you please provide me a direct link to update this: http://k.min.us/idJKri.JPG
#2164 [11:38] <GreyVulpine> curmet - Nope
#2165 [11:38] <frogonia> it still stuck
#2166 [11:38] <curmet> bummer...
#2167 [11:38] <Productsfriend> http://k.min.us/idJKri.JPG
#2168 [11:38] * X-treme [X-treme@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2169 [11:38] <GreyVulpine> Productsfriend - Did the Intel driver update utilty not work?
#2170 [11:38] <TimBothe1st> eehm i have deleted my minecraft directionary and have re downloaded it sry for my english
#2171 [11:38] <Productsfriend> Nope, it takes forever GreyVupline.
#2172 [11:38] <TimBothe1st> also i think no
#2173 [11:38] <GreyVulpine> Productsfriend - What version of windows?
#2174 [11:39] <frogonia> My download is still taking forever
#2175 [11:39] <Productsfriend> GreyVupline: XP.
#2176 [11:39] <mib_i0828k> help
#2177 [11:40] <GreyVulpine> Productsfriend - I believe these are the drivers for you: http://downloadmirror.intel.com/17291/a08/win2k_xp14365.exe
#2178 [11:40] <mr_evil> grey
#2179 [11:40] <Productsfriend> Thanks very much :)
#2180 [11:40] <GreyVulpine> mib_i0828k - What exactly happens now?
#2181 [11:40] <GreyVulpine> mr_evil - Yeah, one sec
#2182 [11:40] <GreyVulpine> mr_evil - What’s up?
#2183 [11:40] <mib_i0828k> well the same thing i'm just confused now
#2184 [11:40] <mr_evil> so what your saying is that I can't connect because something is overloaded, and that it's not because my minecraft is broken?
#2185 [11:40] <GreyVulpine> mr_evil - Yes
#2186 [11:40] <TimBothe1st> i dont know how i can fix that
#2187 [11:40] <GreyVulpine> mr_evil - I can’t connect to minecraft.net via my launcher as well
#2188 [11:41] <mib_i0828k> i've deleted most of the minecraft stuff save for worlds folder
#2189 [11:41] <mr_evil> ok thanks for your help
#2190 [11:41] <X-treme> Help Please? http://www.truploader.com/view/765816, It happens every time i try to connect to a server... and im premium
#2191 [11:41] <X-treme> (take away the comma on the link) :s
#2192 [11:41] <GreyVulpine> X-treme - Windows?
#2193 [11:41] <X-treme> Yeah
#2194 [11:41] * pheleas_frog [pheleas_frog@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2195 [11:41] <Productsfriend> Greyvupline: Driver is not validated for computer.
#2196 [11:42] <pheleas_frog> hey i made shears but there invisble
#2197 [11:42] <GreyVulpine> X-treme - Try going to %appdata% via your search bar/run command. Look for the .minecraft folder, and delete everything inside except for “saves”
#2198 [11:42] <pheleas_frog> and i want to be able to see them
#2199 [11:42] <Productsfriend> GreyVupline: This is the screenshot: http://k.min.us/idJKri.JPG
#2200 [11:42] <GreyVulpine> X-treme Then try minecraft again
#2201 [11:42] <GreyVulpine> pheleas_frog - Using any texture packs?
#2202 [11:42] <pheleas_frog> yes
#2203 [11:42] <XavierSMRH> Alright, I made a shack out of leaves!
#2204 [11:42] <GreyVulpine> pheleas_frog - Please change them back to default
#2205 [11:42] <XavierSMRH> :D
#2206 [11:42] <pheleas_frog> ok
#2207 [11:42] <GreyVulpine> pheleas_frog -Your texturepack doesn’t have textures for the new shears
#2208 [11:42] <pheleas_frog> oh ok
#2209 [11:42] <frogonia> If i re-download the server does that eras my previous world
#2210 [11:42] * guacamole [guacamole@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2211 [11:42] <Stese> frogonia > No
#2212 [11:42] <GreyVulpine> frogonia- Not if you only replace the minecraft_server file
#2213 [11:42] <frogonia> ok tank god
#2214 [11:43] <frogonia> ok
#2215 [11:43] * christopherson [christopherson@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2216 [11:43] <guacamole> hello
#2217 [11:43] <Stese> frogonia > make a backup, incase the new version does something to your save
#2218 [11:43] <Productsfriend> GreyVupine: This is the dxdiag screenshot: http://k.min.us/idJKri.JPG
#2219 [11:43] <mr_evil> The only worrying thing grey is it says that i haven't downloaded singleplayer
#2220 [11:43] <GreyVulpine> One moment Productsfriend
#2221 [11:43] <Productsfriend> Ok :)
#2222 [11:43] <GreyVulpine> mr_evil - Just be patient.
#2223 [11:43] * aaune [aaune@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2224 [11:43] <christopherson> how do you get a mod?
#2225 [11:43] <mib_i0828k> ok look can i get a step by step run through of what i am meant to be doing?
#2226 [11:43] <GreyVulpine> christopherson - Mods right now, are broken until modders update them for 1.7
#2227 [11:44] <aaune> I have two issues I need help with; 1) I keep getting graphic bug all the time, blocks get invisible etc. 2) I keep getting "Minecraft ran out of memory". - What do?
#2228 [11:44] <Stese> mr_evil > the servers can't tell your game you are a valid user cos they are too busy... it'll sort itslef soon :)
#2229 [11:44] <GreyVulpine> christopherson- I wouldn’t start looking for them for at least a day or two
#2230 [11:44] <mib_i0828k> cause i've re downloaded minecraft three times already
#2231 [11:44] <christopherson> so how do i get pistons
#2232 [11:44] <GreyVulpine> christopherson- Update your minecraft
#2233 [11:44] <X-treme> GreyVulpine, It still says "Bad Login"
#2234 [11:44] <frogonia> Ok it deleted my world
#2235 [11:44] <frogonia> why did it delete my world
#2236 [11:44] <guacamole> helo?
#2237 [11:44] <Stese> frogonia > did you make a backup?
#2238 [11:44] <Stese> guacamole > Hi
#2239 [11:44] <frogonia> idk what that is
#2240 [11:44] <GreyVulpine> frogonia- It shouldn’t have, did you just replace the minecraft_server.exe file in the same folder?
#2241 [11:44] <guacamole> i need help
#2242 [11:45] <frogonia> yes
#2243 [11:45] <guacamole> i cant run my minecraft
#2244 [11:45] <GreyVulpine> guacamole - With?
#2245 [11:45] <GreyVulpine> X-treme - When you deleted everything inside .minecraft except for saves, did it fully delete everything?
#2246 [11:45] <frogonia> i redowladed the new server and hit replace
#2247 [11:45] <guacamole> i dont know why it was running fine earlier and now it stopped
#2248 [11:45] <frogonia> and it just deleted my world
#2249 [11:45] <X-treme> GreyVulpine, Yeah, it re-updated
#2250 [11:45] <mib_i0828k> "failed to launch sers/(myname)/library/application support/minecraft.jar (no such file or directory), retrieving lwjgl_util.jar 39%
#2251 [11:45] <X-treme> Only my worlds were left
#2252 [11:45] <GreyVulpine> X-treme - Also try deleting the launcher and redownlading it from http://www.minecraft.net/download.jsp
#2253 [11:45] <X-treme> Ok
#2254 [11:46] <frogonia> am i pretty much fucked
#2255 [11:46] * Tydukrule [Tydukrule@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2256 [11:46] <GreyVulpine> mib_i0828k - Are you running any sort of security software that may be blocking java from connecting?
#2257 [11:46] <GreyVulpine> mib_i0828k - Any sort of antivirus suite or firewall?
#2258 [11:46] <guacamole> i set up a multiyplayer server and that was working but now i cant sign into minecraft
#2259 [11:46] <Tydukrule> thats happening to you guys too?
#2260 [11:46] * w [w@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2261 [11:47] <Productsfriend> guamole: Did you portforward ?
#2262 [11:47] <mib_i0828k> no security software or antivirus
#2263 [11:47] <GreyVulpine> guacamole - Everybody’s experiencing issues connecting with the client
#2264 [11:47] <Stese> guacamole > authentication servers are overload, please be patient
#2265 [11:47] <GreyVulpine> ?? mc.net/authdown
#2266 [11:47] <VoxelHead> mc.net/authdown: If you get a "Can't connect to minecraft.net" via the downloaded beta client, and the website is up, the authentication server is most likely overloaded. Please be patient, and in the meantime, try using the in-browser client available at minecraft.net until Mojang can address this issue.
#2267 [11:47] <GreyVulpine> Hey, that still works
#2268 [11:47] * Diablodoct0r [Diablodoct0r@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2269 [11:47] <GreyVulpine> I wrote that for 1.3, way back in jan/feb
#2270 [11:47] <mib_i0828k> just re opened a minecraft .zip file
#2271 [11:47] <guacamole> well i cant sign in at all i can play offline but i plan to play with my friends
#2272 [11:47] <mib_i0828k> minecraft file and minecraft application came out
#2273 [11:48] <GreyVulpine> ??> guacamole mc.net/authdown
#2274 [11:48] <VoxelHead> guacamole: (mc.net/authdown) If you get a "Can't connect to minecraft.net" via the downloaded beta client, and the website is up, the authentication server is most likely overloaded. Please be patient, and in the meantime, try using the in-browser client available at minecraft.net until Mojang can address this issue.
#2275 [11:48] <frogonia> why did it delete my previous world
#2276 [11:48] * fuogo [fuogo@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2277 [11:48] <mib_i0828k> inside minecraft file is another minecraft application
#2278 [11:48] <GreyVulpine> mib_i0828k - Extract the minecraft.app file from minecraft.zip, and run it
#2279 [11:48] <frogonia> why did it delete my previous world when i re downloaded the server
#2280 [11:48] <mib_i0828k> minecraft launcher opened
#2281 [11:48] <GreyVulpine> frogonia - Did you delete the previous server’s “world” folder?
#2282 [11:49] <frogonia> no
#2283 [11:49] <GreyVulpine> frogonia - are you sure you replaced minecraft_server
#2284 [11:49] <frogonia> yes
#2285 [11:49] <guacamole> so its not my computer or is there somtihing i have to fix?
#2286 [11:49] <X-treme> GreyVulpine, Now it wont connect at all... http://www.truploader.com/view/748380
#2287 [11:49] <GreyVulpine> frogonia - Go back to the folder where you usually launch your server
#2288 [11:49] <Stese> frogonia > that will be why
#2289 [11:49] <mib_i0828k> loging in
#2290 [11:49] <fuogo> just looking for the updated launcher so I can disable auto update
#2291 [11:49] <Stese> guacamole > No, the issue is with minecraft.net atm
#2292 [11:49] <GreyVulpine> X-treme - Yes, I’m getting that as well, the auth server is down
#2293 [11:49] <mib_i0828k> new update available, update? yes
#2294 [11:49] <mib_i0828k> "failed to launch sers/(myname)/library/application support/minecraft.jar (no such file or directory), retrieving lwjgl_util.jar 39%
#2295 [11:49] <guacamole> ok thank you
#2296 [11:49] <X-treme> Oh
#2297 [11:50] <frogonia> ok thank you so much
#2298 [11:50] <frogonia> pce bys
#2299 [11:50] * SPaRT [SPaRT@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2300 [11:50] <frogonia> boys
#2301 [11:50] * rypa [rypa@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2302 [11:50] <rypa> Hello?
#2303 [11:50] <Productsfriend> GreyVupine: It still didn't do anything the driver update. It takes forever to load.
#2304 [11:50] <Stese> Hi RYpa
#2305 [11:50] <rypa> Hi:)
#2306 [11:50] <rypa> Is it my turn?
#2307 [11:50] <Productsfriend> Hi rypa :)
#2308 [11:50] <Stese> go for it
#2309 [11:50] <rypa> Ok, the thing is
#2310 [11:51] <rypa> My hotmail and minecraft acc got hacked
#2311 [11:51] <rypa> I tried recover my hotmail account
#2312 [11:51] <rypa> but it was rejected
#2313 [11:51] <Productsfriend> rypa: Please contact Mojang at support@mojang.com
#2314 [11:51] <rypa> Okay
#2315 [11:51] <Stese> http://www.minecraft.net/support/
#2316 [11:51] <mib_i0828k> what do i do?
#2317 [11:51] <Productsfriend> rypa: Please provide them as much as possible proof.
#2318 [11:51] <rypa> Send email to them?
#2319 [11:51] <rypa> Ok
#2320 [11:51] <rypa> I will
#2321 [11:51] <GreyVulpine> rypa - Just use the support page at minecraft.net/support
#2322 [11:51] * Gurkenglas [Gurkenglas@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2323 [11:51] <Productsfriend> Yeah the link Stese gave you.
#2324 [11:51] <GreyVulpine> There’s an option for ‘hacked’
#2325 [11:52] <Productsfriend> Yeah.
#2326 [11:52] <rypa> Yeah
#2327 [11:52] <rypa> I tried
#2328 [11:52] <Gurkenglas> Can you recommend a server to me that has 1.7 already?
#2329 [11:52] <GreyVulpine> Gurkenglas - Not aware of one at the moment
#2330 [11:52] <rypa> Aint rlly that helpful
#2331 [11:52] <Stese> Gurk > Minecraft.net forums
#2332 [11:52] <mib_i0828k> i hate computers.
#2333 [11:52] <rypa> to me
#2334 [11:52] <zchr> fill out ALL of them.
#2335 [11:52] <Productsfriend> GreyVupine: Could you please help me with updating video card, I use Windows XP.
#2336 [11:52] <Stese> rypa > then email them.
#2337 [11:52] <mib_i0828k> whenever they break no one can simply say "there's your problem"
#2338 [11:52] <Productsfriend> GreyVupine: And this is the Dxdiag screenshot: http://k.min.us/idJKri.JPG
#2339 [11:52] <mib_i0828k> "failed to launch sers/(myname)/library/application support/minecraft.jar (no such file or directory), retrieving lwjgl_util.jar 39%" explain
#2340 [11:53] <Productsfriend> mib: Servers are overloaded.
#2341 [11:53] <Stese> Productsfriend > you might have to uninstall your current drivers and reinstall the ones that Grey linked you earlier
#2342 [11:53] <XavierSMRH> Were brick textures redone, too?
#2343 [11:53] <zchr> lol, integrated graphics
#2344 [11:53] <Productsfriend> Stese: Oh, but doesn't it update it when installed ?
#2345 [11:53] <XavierSMRH> ?
#2346 [11:53] <Productsfriend> Stese: I tried it yesterday on my PC.
#2347 [11:53] <mib_i0828k> ok well some guys earlier told me to delete everything but worlds. so now what should i do?
#2348 [11:54] <Productsfriend> Stese: And it worked without unistalling.
#2349 [11:54] * TimBothe1st [TimBothe1st@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2350 [11:54] <mib_i0828k> i deleted minecraft and the minecraft alias
#2351 [11:54] <zchr> mib_i0828k: just wait for the servers to go back up
#2352 [11:54] <Stese> Productsfriend > I'm not sure why it would do that... but it's worth trying anyway
#2353 [11:54] <zchr> how are they having load issues? it's s3
#2354 [11:54] <Gurkenglas> How do I search in the forum for "1.7"?
#2355 [11:54] <TimBothe1st> hi
#2356 [11:54] <Gurkenglas> The search always interprets it as 17
#2357 [11:54] <Productsfriend> It gives me an error message that there aren't any drivers for it.
#2358 [11:55] <Productsfriend> So I think it's not the good link, do you ?
#2359 [11:55] <XavierSMRH> So were the bricks reskinned or what?
#2360 [11:55] <Stese> zchr > 9 million users... and a good potion of them re tryuing to update and login, go figure
#2361 [11:55] <Stese> :P
#2362 [11:55] <zchr> should've used cloudfront
#2363 [11:55] <Stese> there isn't an unlimited amount of bandwidth out therer you know
#2364 [11:55] <Stese> and bandwidth costs money
#2365 [11:55] <zchr> they could've deployed a cloudfront mirror in front of it
#2366 [11:56] <zchr> they wouldn't get charged for get requests, and it would be cached around the world
#2367 [11:56] <TimBothe1st> eehm i have a problem
#2368 [11:56] <GreyVulpine> zchr - They’re on Amazon’s S3 cloud
#2369 [11:56] <zchr> cdn's are supposed to be made to NOT have those sorts of problems
#2370 [11:57] <Stese> zchr > I theory, yes
#2371 [11:57] <zchr> GreyVulpine: cloudfront is an amazon service that takes a s3 bucket and mirrors it around the globe
#2372 [11:57] <TimBothe1st> i have an mac and i dont have updated an i dont want to update
#2373 [11:57] <GreyVulpine> It has been proven time and again, to be insufficient for their needs with every update, they were forced into it after moving from a local webserver running out of Notch’s house.
#2374 [11:57] <Stese> TimBothe1st > then don't update
#2375 [11:57] <TimBothe1st> and when i click on dont update
#2376 [11:57] <TimBothe1st> then i have a black screen on my mc window
#2377 [11:58] <GreyVulpine> TimBothe1st - Then something’s wrong with one or more of the minecraft files on your system. Unfortunately, the only way to fix it, is to delete the files and have minecraft redownload it
#2378 [11:58] <Stese> TimBothe1st > You'll need to find someone with the older client files, if you don't want the new onws
#2379 [11:58] <Stese> *ones
#2380 [11:58] <GreyVulpine> (Also, we frown on people redistributing older minecraft files)
#2381 [11:58] <GreyVulpine> (Goes against the ToS)
#2382 [11:59] <Stese> GreyVulpine > Apologies,
#2383 [11:59] <GreyVulpine> No worries.
#2384 [11:59] * frogaincia [frogaincia@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2385 [11:59] * Jonny [Jonny@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2386 [12:00] <Jonny> is anyone here to help me?
#2387 [12:00] * mib_p23qsx [mib_p23qsx@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2388 [12:00] <Jonny> can anyone help me about minecraft?
#2389 [12:00] <Stese> Jonny > ask your wuestion
#2390 [12:00] <Stese> *question
#2391 [12:00] <Jonny> right
#2392 [12:00] <Diablothein> Better to state your problem then ask if anyone can help.
#2393 [12:00] <Diablothein> We're here to help.
#2394 [12:00] <Jonny> i bought and downloaded minecraft and i played singleplayer and multiplayer for maybe a week
#2395 [12:00] * Netu_ [Netu_@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2396 [12:01] <Jonny> then my laptop crashed because of a trojan, not from minecraft, but this resulted in me resetting my laptop
#2397 [12:01] <Stese> ok
#2398 [12:01] <Jonny> i now cant log onto minecraft even though i have bought it :(
#2399 [12:01] <Diablothein> Try via the website.
#2400 [12:01] <Jonny> i re downloaded it from the website but it still wont work :/
#2401 [12:01] <Jonny> i have logged onto the website
#2402 [12:01] <Stese> ??> Jonny mc.net/authdown
#2403 [12:01] <VoxelHead> Jonny: (mc.net/authdown) If you get a "Can't connect to minecraft.net" via the downloaded beta client, and the website is up, the authentication server is most likely overloaded. Please be patient, and in the meantime, try using the in-browser client available at minecraft.net until Mojang can address this issue.
#2404 [12:02] * mib_bw17lr [mib_bw17lr@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2405 [12:02] <profgreenmau5> I purchased (or thought i did) the other day via amex, the website gave me a thank you message and all. I never received a email and i cant use the desktop minecraft yet.. ihave emailed with no response.. its been 4-5 days
#2406 [12:02] <Jonny> alright, thanks alot
#2407 [12:02] * Morrolan [Morrolan@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2408 [12:02] <mib_bw17lr> Is Minecraft working? Doesnt seem to let me log in
#2409 [12:02] <Gurkenglas> Works for me
#2410 [12:02] <Stese> Mib_bw >
#2411 [12:02] <frogaincia> can anyone answer me question
#2412 [12:02] <GreyVulpine> mib_bw17lr - Authentication server appears to be overloaded for many
#2413 [12:02] <Gurkenglas> Hasnt http://mcserverlist.net/ once featured filters?
#2414 [12:02] <Morrolan> Gurkenglas: Yes it did.
#2415 [12:02] <TimBothe1st> Stese i have my old bin but not the rest
#2416 [12:02] <Stese> frogaincia > Ask it
#2417 [12:03] <Gurkenglas> Why not anymore?
#2418 [12:03] <frogaincia> after i log in it says done loading but it is not all the way and it wont move it just keeps saying done loading but the bar is not fully green
#2419 [12:03] * Daz [Daz@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#2420 [12:03] <Morrolan> Gurkenglas: No idea, suggest you ask in #mcsl
#2421 [12:03] <Gurkenglas> kkthx
#2422 [12:03] * pico [pico@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2423 [12:03] <GreyVulpine> frogaincia - Try deleting the .minecraft files again, except for saves, then redownload it using the in-browser version at minecraft.net
#2424 [12:03] <GreyVulpine> It’ll work.
#2425 [12:03] <frogaincia> thx
#2426 [12:03] <frogaincia> but i did that 3 times now
#2427 [12:03] <Morrolan> Also, hey GreyVulpine :)
#2428 [12:03] <GreyVulpine> \o
#2429 [12:04] <GreyVulpine> Missed the rush of people for 1.7
#2430 [12:04] <Stese> untill the next time zone wakes up
#2431 [12:04] <Stese> :P
#2432 [12:04] <GreyVulpine> Also, authentication server for the downloaded client is down/overloaded
#2433 [12:04] <GreyVulpine> Looks like the in-browser one works
#2434 [12:05] <Morrolan> Yea, got home, fired up the PC, checked the forums of the server I'm admin on and had loads of people complaining 'that the server is down'
#2435 [12:05] * mr_trousers [mr_trousers@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2436 [12:05] * mr_trousers [mr_trousers@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#2437 [12:05] <Morrolan> It's not as if we had a message in the MOTD for some days. ^^
#2438 [12:05] * GreyVulpine snrks
#2438 [12:05] * ronjn [ronjn@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2439 [12:05] <profgreenmau5> Can someone please point me in the right direction... I purchased (or thought i did) the other day via amex, the website gave me a thank you message and all. I never received a email and i cant use the desktop minecraft yet.. ihave emailed with no response.. its been 4-5 days
#2440 [12:05] <Morrolan> Also, good to know about the auth server.
#2441 [12:05] <TimBothe1st> have someone the old client files for mac?
#2442 [12:06] <Morrolan> profgreenmau5: Could you check if your creditcard/paypal acc got charged the money?
#2443 [12:06] <GreyVulpine> TimBothe1st - Sorry, no. We don’t really suggest people go looking for old versions from random people on the internet
#2444 [12:06] <Morrolan> TimBothe1st: Check out a tool called 'MCNostalgia'
#2445 [12:06] <rypa> Hello again
#2446 [12:06] <profgreenmau5> checked my cc, no charge
#2447 [12:06] * krebbit [krebbit@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2448 [12:06] <GreyVulpine> profgreenmau5 - If there wasn’t a charge, then the transaction was never fully completed
#2449 [12:06] <Morrolan> profgreenmau5: I guess in this case you could simply try to buy it again.
#2450 [12:06] <mib_i0828k> so if i leave minecraft and come back on tomorrow will it be fixed?
#2451 [12:07] <krebbit> how do i update my server?
#2452 [12:07] * mib_qw9mm3 [mib_qw9mm3@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2453 [12:07] <Morrolan> !server
#2454 [12:07] <Morrolan> AuBot ?
#2455 [12:07] * figaro [figaro@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2456 [12:07] <GreyVulpine> No idea
#2457 [12:07] <profgreenmau5> okay will do, i just didnt want it to get double charged. But since it has been a few days id assume it didnt go through. Thanks!
#2458 [12:07] * Tanjoodo_Away [Tanjoodo_Away@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2459 [12:07] <figaro> im having a problem with updating my server
#2460 [12:07] <GreyVulpine> profgreenmau5 - It’s usually safe to assume that after a day
#2461 [12:07] <Morrolan> krebbit: Anyway, download the new server from www.minecraft.net/download.jsp and replace your existing file.
#2462 [12:07] <GreyVulpine> figaro - What problem?
#2463 [12:08] * Pulec [Pulec@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2464 [12:08] <figaro> i dont knw how to update it, it say's that it's 1.6.6, and me and my freind's cant get in
#2465 [12:08] <GreyVulpine> figaro -download the new server from www.minecraft.net/download.jsp and replace your existing file.
#2466 [12:08] * GreyVulpine steals Morrolan’s line.
#2466 [12:08] <Morrolan> Copy cat. :p
#2467 [12:08] * jkr_ [jkr_@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2468 [12:08] <aaune> [30 Jun. 2011][17:43:57] (aaune): I have two issues I need help with; 1) I keep getting graphic bug all the time, blocks get invisible etc. 2) I keep getting "Minecraft ran out of memory". - What do?
#2469 [12:08] * GreyVulpine grins.
#2469 [12:08] <figaro> but then we will loose our server
#2470 [12:09] <Morrolan> figaro: No, the world will stay.
#2471 [12:09] <Morrolan> figaro: Just replace the .exe/.jar file.
#2472 [12:09] <figaro> okay, ty
#2473 [12:09] <GreyVulpine> aaune - Does it still do it after updating to 1.7_01?
#2474 [12:09] <profgreenmau5> When i go pay for mincraft again i get this message " Your account is locked for outgoing transfers and credit/debit card payments therefore we cannot complete this transaction."
#2475 [12:10] <GreyVulpine> profgreenmau5 - You may need to call up cardmember services on your card.. see if there’s any issues on that end
#2476 [12:10] * kyizman [kyizman@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2477 [12:12] * w [w@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2478 [12:12] <Morrolan> '[18:08] <Keltinray> Ok, sooo... a piston touching it's own power-supplier = bad' ^^
#2479 [12:13] * onix [onix@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2480 [12:13] <Keltinray> Yeah, don't try it on a world you care about
#2481 [12:13] <mib_i0828k> deleted minecraft from applications support, how do i replace it after downloading the new minecraft?
#2482 [12:13] <Morrolan> Heh, you're here too. :D
#2483 [12:13] <OurLeaf> Grey, do you know Notch?
#2484 [12:13] <Morrolan> mib_i0828k: Just run the launcher again.
#2485 [12:13] <onix> Is 1.7 not working for anyone else?
#2486 [12:13] <Morrolan> mib_i0828k: It will then redownload the files for you.
#2487 [12:13] <GreyVulpine> mib_i0828k - Go to minecraft.net, use the in-browser client
#2488 [12:13] <Keltinray> Morrolan, God is my inspiration. I'm everywhere.
#2489 [12:13] <mib_i0828k> run the launcher?
#2490 [12:14] <GreyVulpine> OurLeaf - No, I do not.
#2491 [12:14] * Pulec [Pulec@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2492 [12:14] * whitrose02 [whitrose02@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2493 [12:14] <OurLeaf> Oh... cool :D
#2494 [12:14] <Morrolan> mib_i0828k: Or yea, better do what GreyVulpine said.
#2495 [12:14] <GreyVulpine> OurLeaf - We’re all just really dedicated fans here, volunteering our time to help others
#2496 [12:14] <OurLeaf> Yeah ...
#2497 [12:14] <OurLeaf> it was a joke...
#2498 [12:14] <mib_i0828k> where is the in browser client?
#2499 [12:15] <GreyVulpine> Heh, well, Notch does occasionally grab an op or two from here, to help with releases.
#2500 [12:15] <onix> Whenever I try to log into minecraft it just says logging in for ages :s
#2501 [12:15] <GreyVulpine> Did it back in 1.6.
#2502 [12:15] <Morrolan> mib_i0828k: http://www.minecraft.net/game/
#2503 [12:15] <GreyVulpine> onix - Known issue, authentication server is down, use Morrolan’s link
#2504 [12:15] <asnoehu> anyone know this erro since update:
#2505 [12:15] <OurLeaf> Hmm :D
#2506 [12:15] <asnoehu> at mz.e(SourceFile:104) read time out
#2507 [12:16] <asnoehu> also at mz.a
#2508 [12:16] <asnoehu> unable t connect
#2509 [12:16] <mib_i0828k> uhm... how does running the game set up its settings in application support?
#2510 [12:16] <GreyVulpine> asnoehu - Couldn’t really tell you, those are obfuscated names, doesn’t mean much to us
#2511 [12:17] <TimBothe1st> i have a new error :D
#2512 [12:17] <aaune> GreyVulpine: I haven't updated to 1.7. I'm at 1.6 still.
#2513 [12:17] <GreyVulpine> aaune - Bleh, I skipped 1.6 entirely myself.
#2514 [12:17] <aaune> Hehe okay. But is this supposed to be fixed?
#2515 [12:17] <GreyVulpine> Really, couldn’t tell you, back it up and try updating?
#2516 [12:17] <asnoehu> GreyVulpine: when I start the server it imediately gives these errors, and I am unable to connect to it
#2517 [12:18] <mib_i0828k> ok that did it, THANKS GUYS
#2518 [12:18] <GreyVulpine> You can always load the backup again if it doesn’t work
#2519 [12:18] <GreyVulpine> TimBothe1st - What error?
#2520 [12:18] <TimBothe1st> when i now by update click by update no it loads to Done loading but then it goes not more
#2521 [12:18] <Stese> asnoehu > copy your world folder somewhere safe and then rerun the server... does it start a new world correctly
#2522 [12:18] <TimBothe1st> also the loading bar is there
#2523 [12:18] <GreyVulpine> TimBothe1st - usually deleting the .minecraft files (except for saves) fixes that issue as well
#2524 [12:18] <GreyVulpine> Try doing it again
#2525 [12:19] <TimBothe1st> that i have already
#2526 [12:19] <GreyVulpine> TimBothe1st - Try it once more, then go to http://www.minecraft.net/game/
#2527 [12:19] <GreyVulpine> use the in-browser client there to download the files
#2528 [12:19] * hipy [hipy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2529 [12:19] <hipy> Hi, is mc down?
#2530 [12:20] <GreyVulpine> The authentication server for the downloaded client appears to be overloaded, try http://www.minecraft.net/game/
#2531 [12:20] * mib_a3sbns [mib_a3sbns@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2532 [12:21] <GreyVulpine> Bleh, alright, I think it’s died down enough.
#2533 [12:21] * GreyVulpine goes afking for a few
#2533 [12:22] * Smarag [Smarag@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2534 [12:23] * Minecraft93 [Minecraft93@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2535 [12:23] <Stese> i'll hover and answer what I can
#2536 [12:23] <asnoehu> Stese: it loads an works correctly
#2537 [12:23] * axia [axia@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2538 [12:24] * whitrose02 [whitrose02@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2539 [12:25] * jgchubbyred [jgchubbyred@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2540 [12:25] <Stese> asnoehu > sounds like your map has become corrput in someway... do you have backups?
#2541 [12:25] * Tanjoodo_ [Tanjoodo_@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2542 [12:25] <jgchubbyred> my minecraft cant connect to minecraft.net.. ive been trying for atleast an hour to no avail
#2543 [12:26] <Stese> ??> jgchubbyred mc.net/authdown
#2544 [12:26] <VoxelHead> jgchubbyred: (mc.net/authdown) If you get a "Can't connect to minecraft.net" via the downloaded beta client, and the website is up, the authentication server is most likely overloaded. Please be patient, and in the meantime, try using the in-browser client available at minecraft.net until Mojang can address this issue.
#2545 [12:26] <jgchubbyred> ok thanks
#2546 [12:26] <whitrose02> Anyone else getting a black launch screen?
#2547 [12:27] <Stese> whitrose02 > have you updated and are you using addons/mods/texture packs?
#2548 [12:27] <whitrose02> I don't have any
#2549 [12:27] <whitrose02> I did try to use minecraft.net/game to force update
#2550 [12:27] <whitrose02> Works in the browser just fine... :(
#2551 [12:27] <Stese> whitrose02> What OS are you running?
#2552 [12:28] <whitrose02> win7 64bit
#2553 [12:28] * titegtnodI [titegtnodI@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2554 [12:28] * xilef97 [xilef97@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2555 [12:28] <whitrose02> Ive got Java for 64 and 32, since I primarily use Chrome.
#2556 [12:28] <Stese> ok, type &appdata% into the start search bar
#2557 [12:29] * crynik [crynik@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2558 [12:29] <Stese> then go to the .minecraft folder... delete everything in there, other than your saves folder... and then re-run the minecraft launcher
#2559 [12:29] * lunaticmarksman [lunaticmarksman@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2560 [12:29] <xilef97> i wrote an e-mail at the minecraft support almost 2 weeks ago now, but the support hasn´t answered me yet... does anybody know why?
#2561 [12:29] <whitrose02> "No items match your search results"
#2562 [12:29] <TimBothe1st> my minecraft going not
#2563 [12:29] <Stese> sorry %appdata%
#2564 [12:29] <whitrose02> ah ty
#2565 [12:29] * fenster [fenster@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2566 [12:29] <Stese> typo :P
#2567 [12:30] * mib_oolftv [mib_oolftv@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2568 [12:30] <Stese> TimBothe1st > you might need a more considered response... you could post your issue at getsatisfaction.com/mojang
#2569 [12:30] <lunaticmarksman> heyy, uhh i installed a HD texture pack, with the patcher and whenever i launch the game and login, the window goes black, how do i get it back to a LD pack? cause i cant actually get to it?
#2570 [12:30] <whitrose02> Deleted
#2571 [12:30] <mib_oolftv> hey, could anyone help me :)?
#2572 [12:30] <Stese> lunaticmarksman > what OS?
#2573 [12:30] <lunaticmarksman> windows 7
#2574 [12:31] <Stese> mib_oolftv > Whats the issue
#2575 [12:31] <whitrose02> Stese> What next?
#2576 [12:31] <SPaRT> lunaticmarksman: delete the texture pack and restart minecraft
#2577 [12:31] <Stese> whitrose02 > run your launcher again
#2578 [12:31] <SPaRT> will be standard texture pack then
#2579 [12:31] <lunaticmarksman> i have done, the screen is still black
#2580 [12:31] <Stese> SPaRT > won't work if he's patched the mineraft.jar with MCpatcher...
#2581 [12:31] <crynik> Hey guys , I purchased minecraft before 5 minutes . Then I typed in my username and password . Late I closed minecraft 5 minutes later i tryed to go in again ... I clicked on Log in : Logging in ... Logging in ... Logging in ... Then it says : Can´t Connect to minecraft.net
#2582 [12:31] * Lunamon blinks
#2582 [12:31] * mania0023 [mania0023@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2583 [12:31] <SPaRT> i patched it, too
#2584 [12:32] <SPaRT> worked for me
#2585 [12:32] <mib_oolftv> well i bought the game and when i go to download it by clicking the download link on the minecraft homepage it says a link to install a desktop shortcut but nothing shows up for me to downl :(
#2586 [12:32] <Lunamon> Redownload game files, lunaticmarksman
#2587 [12:32] <Stese> lunaticmarksman > you'll need to go to %appdata%/.minecraft and delete all but Saves and rerun the launcher
#2588 [12:32] <rypa> AHHH
#2589 [12:32] <lunaticmarksman> okey dokey, i'll try that, cheers buddy
#2590 [12:32] <Lunamon> There's an option in the launcher to do that..
#2591 [12:32] <rypa> AHHH
#2592 [12:32] <whitrose02> Stese> Nada... isn't even showing the window as minecraft... shows the java launch logo.
#2593 [12:32] <rypa> My mother doesnt find the receipt..
#2594 [12:32] <rypa> For minecraft..
#2595 [12:32] <rypa> -.-
#2596 [12:33] <whitrose02> Minecraft hates me :(
#2597 [12:33] <Stese> whitrose02 > re download the launcher and try again, if not, make sure your java is up to date
#2598 [12:33] <asnoehu> Stese, placed backup, but I cannot as of yet find a cause for the corruption
#2599 [12:33] * Hejsan [Hejsan@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2600 [12:33] <whitrose02> I just reinstalled java twice. It's not that
#2601 [12:33] <Stese> asnoehu > it may have been the update to 1.7... it's done it to me before
#2602 [12:33] <lunaticmarksman> ah...still black window..
#2603 [12:33] * TXX [TXX@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2604 [12:33] * Sqozza [Sqozza@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2605 [12:34] <Stese> anyway, I've got to split... laters!
#2606 [12:34] <TXX> is the login server down?
#2607 [12:34] <Stese> ??> TTX mc.net/authdown
#2608 [12:34] <VoxelHead> TTX: (mc.net/authdown) If you get a "Can't connect to minecraft.net" via the downloaded beta client, and the website is up, the authentication server is most likely overloaded. Please be patient, and in the meantime, try using the in-browser client available at minecraft.net until Mojang can address this issue.
#2609 [12:34] <Stese> bye all
#2610 [12:34] <TXX> thank you very much stese (hope you read this)
#2611 [12:35] <whitrose02> Still black window of death for me too
#2612 [12:35] * Viro [Viro@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2613 [12:35] <TXX> imma try dl'ing the client again
#2614 [12:35] <lunaticmarksman> heyy uhh, i installed a HD texture pack, go on the launcher, deleted all my mods and packs, still black window, wtf?
#2615 [12:35] <crynik> Hey guys , it says : Unlicensed Copy :(or logged in from another location . purchase at minecraft.net ) But ive already purchased !!!!!
#2616 [12:35] <whitrose02> Actually it's not launching at all now. not even registering that it's minecraft
#2617 [12:35] * mr_pants [mr_pants@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2618 [12:35] <TXX> GUYS CALM DOWN
#2619 [12:35] <Hejsan> Trying to buy Minecraft but for some reason i get sent to some odd "moneybroker" site. I use a normal Visa card from Nordea. Any idea whats going on?
#2620 [12:36] <TXX> I GOT THIS
#2621 [12:36] <Viro> Does anybody know why a redstone torch on a powered block would not get turned off?
#2622 [12:36] <whitrose02> I even tried this super complicated method using a cmd window that this guy recommended a few days ago... http://getsatisfaction.com/mojang/topics/loading_screen_freezes_or_something?utm_content=topic_link&utm_medium=email&utm_source=reply_notification
#2623 [12:36] <TXX> Hejsan: that moneybroker site is that paypal ?
#2624 [12:36] <aaune> Still graphic glitch, GreyBot..
#2625 [12:36] <aaune> GreyVulpine*
#2626 [12:37] <Hejsan> No idea, some similiar i think, but i never had to visit any of those sites when i buy stuff online before.
#2627 [12:37] <aaune> Having to restart client all the time is not particularily awesome when the login server is choking..
#2628 [12:37] <lunaticmarksman> wow, 1.7 update completely screwed MC
#2629 [12:37] <PurpleHighwayman> that's just the company Mojang use to process payments, it's perfectly ok
#2630 [12:38] <TXX> Hejsan: lol if you are not sure, im not sure, com'on help me here
#2631 [12:38] <xilef97> why does minecraft show "failed to launch" if i want to update? something isn´t correct with minecraft.jar it says...
#2632 [12:38] <PurpleHighwayman> btw, how do you know if it's updated correctly?
#2633 [12:38] <whitrose02> Can anyone help me with my epic screen of black deathiness?
#2634 [12:38] <TXX> whitrose02: have you update your drivers?
#2635 [12:38] * BarryCarlyon [BarryCarlyon@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2636 [12:38] <asnoehu> test
#2637 [12:38] <TXX> asnoehu: works
#2638 [12:39] <whitrose02> Yes. Tried that and Java first
#2639 [12:39] <asnoehu> k TXX
#2640 [12:39] <xilef97> why does minecraft show "failed to launch" if i want to update? something isn´t correct with minecraft.jar it says...
#2641 [12:39] * gerzel [gerzel@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2642 [12:39] <TimBothe1st> whiterose02 i have the same problem too
#2643 [12:39] <lunaticmarksman> right my drivers are updated, i have a £1200 computer i think thats efficent enough to run MC, yet after the 1.7 update it's screwed and black window
#2644 [12:39] <lunaticmarksman> -.-
#2645 [12:39] * slimer [slimer@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2646 [12:40] <whitrose02> TimBothe1st> did you try loading from minecraft.net/game
#2647 [12:40] * BarryCarlyon [BarryCarlyon@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2648 [12:40] <whitrose02> TimBothe1st> that seems to fix it for most, but not me... I have epic fail.
#2649 [12:40] <rypa> Hello, I need some help
#2650 [12:40] <Lunamon> lunaticmarksman: Nothing is efficient enough to run a beta game
#2651 [12:40] <rypa> My mom use DNBnor which does not show reciept ids
#2652 [12:40] * Benjidono [Benjidono@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2653 [12:41] <rypa> How the hell would I recover my account then?
#2654 [12:41] <whitrose02> Can someone help me please?
#2655 [12:41] <xilef97> and me, too?
#2656 [12:41] <whitrose02> /sigh did all the helpers leave?
#2657 [12:41] <xilef97> i think so...
#2658 [12:42] <lunaticmarksman> lunamon, then why doesnt it work? i'd quite like to play MC after fixing a freaking computer that took me 6 hours
#2659 [12:42] * bain [bain@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2660 [12:42] <whitrose02> /cry
#2661 [12:42] <rypa> Fkfkfkfkfkfkfk
#2662 [12:42] <xilef97> i post it the fourth time:
#2663 [12:42] <xilef97> why does minecraft show "failed to launch" if i want to update? something isn´t correct with minecraft.jar it says...
#2664 [12:42] <bain> is their a patcher for beta 1.7? my texture packs need them for the water fire and special blocks again
#2665 [12:43] <bain> are you using a mac?
#2666 [12:43] <GreyVulpine> bain - No, wait a few days for the modders to get back to updating their mods
#2667 [12:43] <GreyVulpine> Check #risucraft to keep up to date on mods
#2668 [12:43] <Lunamon> Wait for a patch
#2669 [12:43] <bain> ah ok then... *sigh* but the origional texture looks soo ugly
#2670 [12:43] <GreyVulpine> bain - Pfft
#2671 [12:43] <lunaticmarksman> how long is that gonna take?
#2672 [12:44] * mib_k70wxp [mib_k70wxp@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2673 [12:44] <mib_k70wxp> Can I get some help?
#2674 [12:44] <GreyVulpine> If you’re going to run a custom HD texture pack, you’re going to have to live with minecraft breaking every time it updates
#2675 [12:44] <GreyVulpine> mib_k70wxp - With?
#2676 [12:44] <GreyVulpine> Okay then
#2677 [12:45] * wikkit [wikkit@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2678 [12:45] * jeffmac [jeffmac@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2679 [12:45] <whitrose02> When does the next patch come out? I don't think I'm gonna get this one running...
#2680 [12:46] <wikkit> if it says outdated server when you try to log in what can you do?
#2681 [12:46] <GreyVulpine> wikkit - Wait for the server owner to update their server
#2682 [12:46] * frogzilla [frogzilla@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2683 [12:46] <GreyVulpine> whitrose02 - 1.7_01 is out.. as for a later patch, we have no ETA on that yet
#2684 [12:47] <lunaticmarksman> argh, i cant play minecraft with a black screen -.-
#2685 [12:47] <frogzilla> can anyone help get the exe file?
#2686 [12:47] <GreyVulpine> lunaticmarksman - Did you mod minecraft or use a texture pack at all?
#2687 [12:47] <frogzilla> it doesnt dowload
#2688 [12:47] <whitrose02> lunaticmarksman> same problem...
#2689 [12:48] <jeffmac> so i log into minecrat and it asks to download, i log in and play for like 2 min and log out due to real life. i go log back in and it says downloading and doesnt go past that. is there an issue with the new issue?
#2690 [12:48] * CoderH [CoderH@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2691 [12:48] <frogzilla> just a file
#2692 [12:48] <lunaticmarksman> HD texture pack, for 1.6.6 version, iforgot to put it to orignal TP before updating so yeaah -.-
#2693 [12:48] <GreyVulpine> jeffmac - Try going to the launcher, then “force update” in the options menu, to the right of where you log in
#2694 [12:48] <GreyVulpine> lunaticmarksman - That would be why then
#2695 [12:49] <lunaticmarksman> GreyVulpin - how do i get it back up and running?
#2696 [12:49] <CoderH> idk if everyone has this problem: Client can't connect to minecraft.net ?
#2697 [12:49] <GreyVulpine> CoderH - Yes, the authentication server for the downloaded client is down, try the in-browser client at minecraft.net
#2698 [12:49] <lunaticmarksman> i've deleted all my 3rd party TP's
#2699 [12:49] <GreyVulpine> lunaticmarksman - What operating system are you on?
#2700 [12:49] <lunaticmarksman> windows 7 home prem
#2701 [12:49] <CoderH> thanks GreyVulpine:
#2702 [12:50] <GreyVulpine> lunaticmarksman - Go to your start menu, in the search bar, type in: %appdata%
#2703 [12:50] <GreyVulpine> Look for the .minecraft folder, delete everything inside except for the saves folder
#2704 [12:50] <GreyVulpine> Then try minecraft again
#2705 [12:50] <whitrose02> GreyVulpine> I already tried deleting all my data and it didn't fix it.
#2706 [12:50] <GreyVulpine> (use the in-browser client at minecraft.net)
#2707 [12:50] * minecraftfc [minecraftfc@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2708 [12:51] <minecraftfc> Hello?
#2709 [12:51] <GreyVulpine> whitrose02 - Tell me exactly how you did that?
#2710 [12:51] <GreyVulpine> minecraftfc - ‘lo
#2711 [12:51] * asnoehu [asnoehu@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2712 [12:51] * john6923 [john6923@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2713 [12:51] <minecraftfc> I can't rum my game...
#2714 [12:51] <GreyVulpine> And why is that?
#2715 [12:51] <minecraftfc> tt*run
#2716 [12:51] <minecraftfc> Don't know]
#2717 [12:51] <john6923> what os are you using?
#2718 [12:51] <GreyVulpine> Then how do you know it doesn’t run
#2719 [12:52] <minecraftfc> i tried to downgrade to 1.6
#2720 [12:52] <whitrose02> GreyVulpine> searched for %appdata%, deleted all but the saves, went to minecraft.net/game and reloaded, tried to load the launcher and its still black
#2721 [12:52] <minecraftfc> so i can go on a server
#2722 [12:52] <minecraftfc> and it messed it all up
#2723 [12:52] <jeffmac> ok so the screen says done loading, but wont go past that now?
#2724 [12:52] <minecraftfc> loades then does the black screen
#2725 [12:53] <john6923> its got a corrupted minecraft.jar file
#2726 [12:53] <GreyVulpine> minecraftfc - Usually means a minecraft file is corrupt, only way to fix that, is to delete the files and have minecraft download new ones
#2727 [12:53] <GreyVulpine> whitrose02 - Um, well, it worked before, yes?
#2728 [12:53] <minecraftfc> delete the /minecraft folder?
#2729 [12:53] <whitrose02> GreyVulpine> No
#2730 [12:53] <GreyVulpine> whitrose02 - No?
#2731 [12:53] <minecraftfc> * .minecraft
#2732 [12:53] <GreyVulpine> whitrose02 - Never on that computer?
#2733 [12:53] <whitrose02> GreyVulpine> new computer
#2734 [12:53] <OurLeaf> Grey
#2735 [12:54] * SPaRT [SPaRT@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2736 [12:54] <GreyVulpine> whitrose02 - Ah, okay, first two things to try, uninstall and reinstall java, and update your video card’s drivers
#2737 [12:54] <GreyVulpine> OurLeaf - yes?
#2738 [12:54] <OurLeaf> Where should I report that in some left turns riding a minecart
#2739 [12:54] <OurLeaf> you get hurt
#2740 [12:54] <whitrose02> GreyVulpine> I updated all my drivers, updated and restalled java several times... nada.
#2741 [12:54] * thesovietunion [thesovietunion@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2742 [12:54] <GreyVulpine> Bug tracker for mojang is at www.getsatisfaction.com/mojang
#2743 [12:54] <OurLeaf> kk
#2744 [12:54] <OurLeaf> thanks
#2745 [12:54] <whitrose02> GreyVulpine> Both 64 and 32 bit java
#2746 [12:54] <GreyVulpine> Or you can use the wiki, or twitter notch at @notch
#2747 [12:54] <lunaticmarksman> Greyvulpine - it wont let me delete the bin folder -.-
#2748 [12:54] <minecraftfc> so do i delete my .minecraft folder?
#2749 [12:54] <GreyVulpine> whitrose02 - Did you completely uninstall java before doing that
#2750 [12:54] <OurLeaf> Allrighty then.
#2751 [12:55] <minecraftfc> or just the bin?
#2752 [12:55] <GreyVulpine> lunaticmarksman - Don’t have minecraft running when you try and delete it
#2753 [12:55] <whitrose02> GreyVulpine> Yep even regedited
#2754 [12:55] <lunaticmarksman> it's not
#2755 [12:55] <GreyVulpine> minecraftfc - Everything inside .minecraft except for saves
#2756 [12:55] * onix [onix@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2757 [12:55] <GreyVulpine> lunaticmarksman - Look at the task manager’s “processes” list, “End Process” any javaw.exe processes you find
#2758 [12:55] <GreyVulpine> lunaticmarksman - Then try deleting it again
#2759 [12:55] <whitrose02> GreyVulpine> tried using this cmd mode too, but it didn't work either: http://getsatisfaction.com/mojang/topics/loading_screen_freezes_or_something?utm_content=topic_link&utm_medium=email&utm_source=reply_notification
#2760 [12:56] <GreyVulpine> whitrose02 - One sec, having a look.
#2761 [12:56] <thesovietunion> hi ive just re-downloaded minecraft and the .minecraft folder is empty and it cant connect to minecraft.net HELP pls
#2762 [12:56] <lunaticmarksman> beautiful thankyou Greyvulpine
#2763 [12:57] <Morrolan> thesovietunion: Use the online version and www.minecraft.net/game/ please.
#2764 [12:57] <minecraftfc> ive deleted it the .minecraft... now it says i havnt downloaded the game
#2765 [12:57] * confused [confused@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2766 [12:57] <Morrolan> minecraftfc: Log in to the launcher / the website and play it, it'll redownload it for you.
#2767 [12:57] <thesovietunion> kk 2 secs
#2768 [12:57] <Morrolan> minecraftfc: Well, I assume you bought the game?
#2769 [12:58] <aaune> FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
#2770 [12:58] * SPaRT [SPaRT@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2771 [12:58] <confused> I bought the game two days ago and every tim ewe try to go in it gives an error message What do I do?
#2772 [12:58] <aaune> MC keeps crashing and crap. zomg
#2773 [12:59] <lunaticmarksman> so now apparently i havent downloaded the fucking thing
#2774 [12:59] <GreyVulpine> lunaticmarksman - Use minecraft.net/game/
#2775 [12:59] * Dentarack [Dentarack@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2776 [12:59] * Feno [Feno@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2777 [12:59] <thesovietunion> ive done the thing online and on my computer it still won't connect
#2778 [12:59] * genshou [genshou@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2779 [13:00] <whitrose02> GreyVulpine> Any thoughts?
#2780 [13:00] <thesovietunion> any ideas GreyVulpine
#2781 [13:00] <Feno> minecraft.net are offline by me is it normal ?
#2782 [13:00] <GreyVulpine> whitrose02 - One moment, still reading the error report
#2783 [13:01] <whitrose02> Feno> Ur works makie no sensie...
#2784 [13:01] <Morrolan> Feno: Use the online version and www.minecraft.net/game/ please.
#2785 [13:01] <lunaticmarksman> ok so how come it wont let me play it from my launcher?
#2786 [13:01] <whitrose02> GreyVulpine> ty... issues suck
#2787 [13:01] <Morrolan> whitrose02: *ahem*
#2788 [13:01] <whitrose02> Morrolan> Si Senor?
#2789 [13:02] <thesovietunion> i've used the online version but due to the faqct that my computer is the slowest thing ever it works better gfor download
#2790 [13:02] * xorcon [xorcon@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2791 [13:02] <Morrolan> thesovietunion: You'll have to wait until the auth servers aren't overloaded anymore then.
#2792 [13:02] <thesovietunion> what does that mean???
#2793 [13:03] <whitrose02> these are not the droids your looking for...
#2794 [13:03] <lunaticmarksman> alrighty then! my launcher is now up and running BOO YAH! cheers Greyvulpine!
#2795 [13:03] <Morrolan> whitrose02: Ah, nevermind, at first I thought you'd write like 'Ur works makie no sensie...' all the time, which would have been kinda funny. ^^
#2796 [13:03] <GreyVulpine> whitrose02 - Did you update your video card’s drivers?
#2797 [13:03] <whitrose02> GreyVulpine> Yep
#2798 [13:03] <GreyVulpine> whitrose02 - From nvidia’s site, I take it?
#2799 [13:03] <Morrolan> thesovietunion: Right now the authentication servers of Minecraft are overloaded, because of the many people playing it I guess. It should be fine tomorrow or so.
#2800 [13:03] <whitrose02> Morrolan> Ty, I try to be funny time to time.
#2801 [13:03] <Morrolan> Mission accomplished. ;)
#2802 [13:03] <thesovietunion> ok but its a recurring problem
#2803 [13:04] <whitrose02> GreyVulpine> should I try again?\
#2804 [13:04] <Morrolan> thesovietunion: That it says that it can't connect to minecraft.net ?
#2805 [13:04] <thesovietunion> yes
#2806 [13:04] <GreyVulpine> whitrose02 - I just want to make sure that you got the updated video drivers from nvidia’s site, and not anywhere else.
#2807 [13:04] <Morrolan> thesovietunion: So it did happen before today? In this case it might be something different.
#2808 [13:04] <whitrose02> GreyVulpine> Naw, NVidia direct
#2809 [13:05] <thesovietunion> yes
#2810 [13:05] <thesovietunion> ive even re-downloaded
#2811 [13:05] <thesovietunion> i could check the firewall
#2812 [13:06] <whitrose02> GreyVulpine> oh and I turned off my Chrome Add-ons, my antivirus (Avira), and my firewall, just in case.
#2813 [13:06] <GreyVulpine> whitrose02 - It seems to be an issue with lwjgl, which could have either java, or video drivers attached with it.
#2814 [13:06] <GreyVulpine> You said you updated your video drivers, and completely wiped java before reinstalling it, yes?
#2815 [13:06] <whitrose02> GreyVulpine> maybe not in that order... try again?
#2816 [13:07] <GreyVulpine> No, just as long as you’ve done both of those
#2817 [13:07] * Netti [Netti@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2818 [13:07] * FIX94 [FIX94@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2819 [13:07] <GreyVulpine> I have one idea, but don’t know if it’ll help
#2820 [13:07] <FIX94> where is the adventure mode?
#2821 [13:08] <whitrose02> GreyVulpine> /cry
#2822 [13:08] <FIX94> I can't find it
#2823 [13:08] <Morrolan> FIX94: Not in this update.
#2824 [13:08] <whitrose02> I'm never gonna finish my sandstone house!
#2825 [13:08] <FIX94> awwww
#2826 [13:08] <GreyVulpine> whitrose02 - Try this: http://pastebin.com/q7Vg2Jk0
#2827 [13:08] <Morrolan> FIX94: And won't be in any update for quite some time. Adventure update (1.8) != adventure mode
#2828 [13:08] <GreyVulpine> Those are instructions on how to update the lwjgl files manually in your .minecraft folder
#2829 [13:08] * Biohazard|Coding [Biohazard|Coding@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2830 [13:09] <whitrose02> mmk be right back
#2831 [13:11] * xGalacticos [xGalacticos@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2832 [13:11] <xGalacticos> Hello!
#2833 [13:11] <FIX94> hi
#2834 [13:11] <xGalacticos> i've got a little problem
#2835 [13:11] <GreyVulpine> We have little solutions
#2836 [13:11] <xGalacticos> Thank you!
#2837 [13:12] <xGalacticos> Well i had a system update of windows
#2838 [13:12] <xGalacticos> and i tried to run beta
#2839 [13:12] <thesovietunion> Morrolan ive checked my firewall and it swtill won't work
#2840 [13:12] <xGalacticos> But i've ''haven't got the right plugin installed'
#2841 [13:12] <FIX94> java?
#2842 [13:12] <GreyVulpine> xGalacticos - You need to install java from java.com
#2843 [13:12] <xGalacticos> And i went redownloading java
#2844 [13:12] <xGalacticos> Still doesn't work
#2845 [13:13] <xGalacticos> Well , that's my problem
#2846 [13:13] <FIX94> uninstall the old versions
#2847 [13:13] <FIX94> then install the latest version
#2848 [13:13] <xGalacticos> Fix
#2849 [13:13] * RichardsonxD [RichardsonxD@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2850 [13:13] <xGalacticos> How you uninstall them?
#2851 [13:13] <GreyVulpine> xGalacticos - Depends on what your operating system is.
#2852 [13:13] <RichardsonxD> http://mibpaste.com/mWxe5z i need help with this on my minecraft server
#2853 [13:13] <xGalacticos> Windows
#2854 [13:14] <GreyVulpine> xGalacticos - Start -> control panel -> uninstall a program or add/remove a program
#2855 [13:14] <thesovietunion> pls help
#2856 [13:14] * CheekyJay [CheekyJay@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2857 [13:14] <xGalacticos> Okay , i will try that thank you already!
#2858 [13:14] <CheekyJay> Hello
#2859 [13:14] <CheekyJay> When I connect to a server
#2860 [13:14] <GreyVulpine> RichardsonxD - You using the latest 1.7_01 server?
#2861 [13:14] <RichardsonxD> yes.
#2862 [13:15] <CheekyJay> It said Outdates Server
#2863 [13:15] <GreyVulpine> CheekyJay - You need to wait for the server admin to update their server
#2864 [13:15] <RichardsonxD> i am the server admin
#2865 [13:15] <CheekyJay> Damn...
#2866 [13:15] <RichardsonxD> o
#2867 [13:15] <RichardsonxD> wrong one
#2868 [13:15] <thesovietunion> Morrolan?????????????????
#2869 [13:15] * hipy [hipy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2870 [13:15] <hipy> still down?
#2871 [13:15] <CheekyJay> Thats bad :(
#2872 [13:15] <GreyVulpine> RichardsonxD - try moving the world out, then run the server again to generate a new world, see if that world
#2873 [13:15] <GreyVulpine> works.
#2874 [13:15] <CheekyJay> I wish I didn't update it now :(
#2875 [13:16] <RichardsonxD> i have.. lots of times then after 10 15 min it does it again
#2876 [13:16] <RichardsonxD> Ever Since 1.7_01
#2877 [13:16] <GreyVulpine> RichardsonxD - Strange... This is on a vanilla 1.7_01 server?
#2878 [13:16] * mib_3cr8pw [mib_3cr8pw@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2879 [13:16] <GreyVulpine> No mods?
#2880 [13:16] <RichardsonxD> Yes.. The Bukkit One isnt out.. -_-
#2881 [13:16] <RichardsonxD> i wish it was.
#2882 [13:17] <RichardsonxD> Nothing
#2883 [13:17] <RichardsonxD> All New.
#2884 [13:17] <GreyVulpine> Yeah... I haven’t had the time to play around with the new server yet, so don’t have any idea if it causes any problems
#2885 [13:17] * Legolas1231 [Legolas1231@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2886 [13:17] <mib_3cr8pw> mon minecraft a cracher pk
#2887 [13:17] <CheekyJay> Grr. Any servers that work?
#2888 [13:17] <GreyVulpine> CheekyJay - Not that I’m aware of
#2889 [13:17] <CheekyJay> :(
#2890 [13:17] <RichardsonxD> The only server program that worked was bukkit.
#2891 [13:17] <RichardsonxD> then i updated then nothing worked
#2892 [13:17] <GreyVulpine> You running any sort of program in the background that may be corrupting those worlds?
#2893 [13:17] <mib_3cr8pw> mon minecraft a cracher pk
#2894 [13:18] <RichardsonxD> Nope.
#2895 [13:18] <GreyVulpine> No backup programs that may be running?
#2896 [13:18] <Legolas1231> Does someone know how to build the door out of pistons from the minecraft 1.7 trailer? :D
#2897 [13:18] <Legolas1231> I' m failing at it
#2898 [13:18] <RichardsonxD> No Backup programs
#2899 [13:19] <GreyVulpine> RichardsonxD - I’m sorry, I don’t know. Haven’t heard of anybody else having this problem for 1.7_01 yet.
#2900 [13:19] * kendle [kendle@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2901 [13:19] <GreyVulpine> Usually those errors occur from a corrupt world.
#2902 [13:19] <RichardsonxD> Yeah i made a new world
#2903 [13:19] <RichardsonxD> then
#2904 [13:19] <kendle> is minecraft.net down?
#2905 [13:19] <RichardsonxD> it just does it
#2906 [13:19] * mib_c86uve [mib_c86uve@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2907 [13:19] * FIX94 [FIX94@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#2908 [13:19] <RichardsonxD> Well Thanks for the help..
#2909 [13:19] <GreyVulpine> kendle - If you’re using the downloaded client, the authentication server for it is overloaded. Try the inbrowser version
#2910 [13:20] <GreyVulpine> RichardsonxD - Let us know if you figure out anything.
#2911 [13:20] <kendle> ah
#2912 [13:20] <RichardsonxD> Ok I will
#2913 [13:20] * dizzyone [dizzyone@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2914 [13:20] <RichardsonxD> Bye!
#2915 [13:20] * RichardsonxD [RichardsonxD@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#2916 [13:20] * joba [joba@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2917 [13:20] <CheekyJay> GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
#2918 [13:21] <CheekyJay> 0.0
#2919 [13:21] <CheekyJay> Nope
#2920 [13:21] <CheekyJay> oops ^
#2921 [13:22] <xGalacticos> Greyvulpine
#2922 [13:22] * SPaRT [SPaRT@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2923 [13:22] <GreyVulpine> Yeah?
#2924 [13:23] <xGalacticos> I tried deleting the old versions
#2925 [13:23] <GreyVulpine> ??< smp/servers
#2926 [13:23] * mib_4vkevz [mib_4vkevz@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2927 [13:23] <mib_3cr8pw> mon minecraft a cracher
#2928 [13:23] <xGalacticos> But it won't work
#2929 [13:23] <thesovietunion> my minecraft is working sort of now
#2930 [13:23] <mib_4vkevz> hi
#2931 [13:23] <GreyVulpine> xGalacticos - Could you perhaps upload a screenshot of what you’re seeing?
#2932 [13:23] <mib_4vkevz> can someone help me that know about the mac
#2933 [13:24] <mib_4vkevz> hellow?
#2934 [13:24] <GreyVulpine> mib_4vkevz - Only if you tell us what the problem is
#2935 [13:25] <mib_4vkevz> it hits a problem when updating
#2936 [13:25] <CheekyJay> How do I fix this
#2937 [13:25] <GreyVulpine> What problem would that be?
#2938 [13:25] <CheekyJay> http://miburl.com/uAlxNG
#2939 [13:26] <CheekyJay> Or is it a server error
#2940 [13:26] <GreyVulpine> CheekyJay - Use the in-browser client at minecraft.net
#2941 [13:26] <GreyVulpine> The downloaded client’s authentication server is overloaded
#2942 [13:26] <CheekyJay> Ok thanks
#2943 [13:27] <mib_4vkevz> it says users/my mac/library/aplaction support/minecraft/ bin/minecraft.jar
#2944 [13:27] <GreyVulpine> mib_4vkevz - What exactly does it say about that?
#2945 [13:27] <mib_4vkevz> thats it
#2946 [13:27] <CheekyJay> The inbrowser one lags my laptop -.-
#2947 [13:27] <mib_4vkevz> the whle page
#2948 [13:28] <CheekyJay> Ahhh! D: http://miburl.com/r8r7eI
#2949 [13:28] <Netti> mib_4vkevz: What exactly is your problem again?
#2950 [13:28] <mib_4vkevz> and faled to launch in the middle
#2951 [13:28] <mib_4vkevz> me?
#2952 [13:28] * mib_t9qy9e [mib_t9qy9e@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2953 [13:28] <Netti> I can't read a bit on this irc, let me change my style
#2954 [13:28] <mib_4vkevz> it wont update
#2955 [13:28] <Netti> There, better.
#2956 [13:28] <Netti> Mib, when you run Minecraft, click "options" then "force update".
#2957 [13:28] * dav [dav@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2958 [13:29] * minecraftproblemguy [minecraftproblemguy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2959 [13:29] * FaelenLeigh [FaelenLeigh@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2960 [13:29] <CheekyJay> What's new in the Update anyway?
#2961 [13:29] <Netti> Piston.
#2962 [13:29] <Netti> Then some.
#2963 [13:29] * DNNS [DNNS@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2964 [13:29] <CheekyJay> Piston?
#2965 [13:29] <Netti> .. I think.
#2966 [13:29] <mib_4vkevz> where ios that
#2967 [13:29] <Netti> Yeah, piston mod was made part of the game.
#2968 [13:29] <mib_4vkevz> is*
#2969 [13:30] <Netti> mib_4vkevz: it's on the main screen when you launch Minecract.app
#2970 [13:30] <dav> hi i cant figure out how to update my disc drivers on my computer?
#2971 [13:30] <Netti> Minecraft*
#2972 [13:30] <minecraftproblemguy> Can someone help me i just bought minecraft 2 days ago and i havent recieved my confirmation email nor can i play beta and no i did not use paypal
#2973 [13:30] * sardonyx [sardonyx@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2974 [13:30] <mib_4vkevz> ok i see it
#2975 [13:30] <DNNS> anyone know why i get an error every time i load minecraft
#2976 [13:30] <Netti> Great.
#2977 [13:30] <DNNS> its only on this laptop too
#2978 [13:30] <CheekyJay> I payed last night ^ I dont get a confirmation email
#2979 [13:30] <Netti> DNNS: Not until you share what error you're using.
#2980 [13:30] <CheekyJay> Buy I can play
#2981 [13:30] <mib_4vkevz> o thats not it
#2982 [13:30] <minecraftproblemguy> i payed
#2983 [13:30] <minecraftproblemguy> and i still
#2984 [13:30] <minecraftproblemguy> cant play
#2985 [13:30] <Netti> minecraftproblemguy: Do you just not know your password or what?
#2986 [13:30] <mib_4vkevz> ok
#2987 [13:30] <DNNS> hold on, i cant even connect to minecraft.net now
#2988 [13:31] <DNNS> wont load the gamne
#2989 [13:31] <minecraftproblemguy> i kno the password
#2990 [13:31] <GreyVulpine> ??> DNNS mc.net/authdown
#2991 [13:31] <VoxelHead> DNNS: (mc.net/authdown) If you get a "Can't connect to minecraft.net" via the downloaded beta client, and the website is up, the authentication server is most likely overloaded. Please be patient, and in the meantime, try using the in-browser client available at minecraft.net until Mojang can address this issue.
#2992 [13:31] * ellcraft [ellcraft@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2993 [13:31] <minecraftproblemguy> it just says im not premium
#2994 [13:31] <Netti> What do you get when you try to log in?
#2995 [13:31] <minecraftproblemguy> and i bought it
#2996 [13:31] * profgreenmau5 [profgreenmau5@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#2997 [13:31] <mib_4vkevz> no it says thesame thing
#2998 [13:31] <mib_4vkevz> 39%
#2999 [13:31] <GreyVulpine> minecraftproblemguy - Do you know if money was taken out of the financial institution you used to pay for the game
#3000 [13:31] <Netti> minecraftproblemguy: What says you're not premium?
#3001 [13:31] <dav> i cant load up the menu screen on it?
#3002 [13:31] <minecraftproblemguy> when i try to play
#3003 [13:31] <minecraftproblemguy> i cant play online
#3004 [13:31] <minecraftproblemguy> or offline
#3005 [13:31] <Netti> So at the login screen for Minecraft.
#3006 [13:31] <minecraftproblemguy> and no the transaction was not shwon
#3007 [13:32] * SPaRT [SPaRT@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3008 [13:32] <DNNS> omg, it finally worked
#3009 [13:32] <minecraftproblemguy> i checked my credit card company
#3010 [13:32] <GreyVulpine> minecraftproblemguy - Then the transaction was never fully completed. Try buying it again
#3011 [13:32] <minecraftproblemguy> and there was no transaction
#3012 [13:32] <minecraftproblemguy> will i get charged twice?
#3013 [13:32] <CheekyJay> How do you de-update it?
#3014 [13:32] <Netti> Only if they re-charge you.
#3015 [13:32] <GreyVulpine> minecraftproblemguy - You can take it up with your credit card company if it does
#3016 [13:32] <Netti> CheekyJay: You technically don't.
#3017 [13:32] <minecraftproblemguy> ok
#3018 [13:32] <xolotl> CheekyJay: You restore from your backup. :)
#3019 [13:32] <mib_4vkevz> it dident work the update
#3020 [13:32] <GreyVulpine> minecraftproblemguy - We see your issue frequently around here though.
#3021 [13:33] <minecraftproblemguy> thanksfor the help
#3022 [13:33] <GreyVulpine> g’luck
#3023 [13:33] <mib_4vkevz> :(
#3024 [13:33] <minecraftproblemguy> i cant contact anyone
#3025 [13:33] <ellcraft> please can someone help me i can't get on the game
#3026 [13:33] <minecraftproblemguy> except here
#3027 [13:33] <CheekyJay> You don't restore the laptop :s
#3028 [13:33] <minecraftproblemguy> there customer support from mojang is terrible
#3029 [13:33] <minecraftproblemguy> no emial or phone number
#3030 [13:33] <GreyVulpine> They have a support page at minecraft.net/support
#3031 [13:33] <mib_4vkevz> netti
#3032 [13:33] <Netti> mib_4vkevz: Take the hard route. Users/My User(your user here)/Library/Application Support/Minecraft/bin
#3033 [13:33] <Netti> Delete minecraft.jar
#3034 [13:33] <Netti> Then relaunch minecraft.
#3035 [13:33] <minecraftproblemguy> i checked
#3036 [13:33] <minecraftproblemguy> it doesnt help
#3037 [13:34] <minecraftproblemguy> the support page
#3038 [13:34] <xolotl> CheekyJay: You can also play some shenanigans with a thing called mcnostalgia
#3039 [13:34] * supermax1221 [supermax1221@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3040 [13:34] <mib_4vkevz> thats what it says
#3041 [13:34] <GreyVulpine> minecraftproblemguy - Right now, buy minecraft again, try using paypal.
#3042 [13:34] <minecraftproblemguy> ok i have a paypal account
#3043 [13:34] <mib_4vkevz> ok i'me in it
#3044 [13:34] <minecraftproblemguy> how lon gwill it take
#3045 [13:34] <mib_4vkevz> twhat now
#3046 [13:34] <Netti> Netti: mib_4vkevz: Take the hard route. Users/My User(your user here)/Library/Application Support/Minecraft/bin
#3047 [13:34] <Netti> [12:33pm] Netti: Delete minecraft.jar
#3048 [13:34] <minecraftproblemguy> instantly or
#3049 [13:34] <Netti> [12:33pm] Netti: Then relaunch minecraft.
#3050 [13:34] <GreyVulpine> minecraftproblemguy - We see people get it instantly, sometimes it’ll take a few hours.
#3051 [13:34] <Netti> I said three things, not one. :P
#3052 [13:34] <minecraftproblemguy> ok
#3053 [13:34] <minecraftproblemguy> anyways thanks
#3054 [13:34] * SlashLife [SlashLife@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3055 [13:34] <minecraftproblemguy> ill see what i can do
#3056 [13:34] <supermax1221> Minecraft wont log in
#3057 [13:35] * callmu [callmu@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3058 [13:35] <supermax1221> nm
#3059 [13:35] <GreyVulpine> supermax1221 - Try the inbrowser client at minecraft.net
#3060 [13:35] <mib_4vkevz> ps i have a mac if u dident know
#3061 [13:35] <Netti> ... yeah, I totally had no idea.
#3062 [13:35] <Netti> Derp.
#3063 [13:35] * GreyVulpine snrks
#3063 [13:35] * Sqozza [Sqozza@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3064 [13:35] <callmu> hi, so yeah, ive just bought minecraft and when i click login it says cant login, so i click play offline and it jst crashes straight away! help please?
#3065 [13:35] <mib_4vkevz> lol i love this help ty sooooooooooooo muchits working
#3066 [13:35] * living_Darkness [living_Darkness@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3067 [13:36] <mib_4vkevz> ty netti
#3068 [13:36] <Netti> callmu: As far as crashing, is your Java up to date?
#3069 [13:36] <mib_4vkevz> c ya
#3070 [13:36] <Netti> mib_4vkevz: No prob.
#3071 [13:36] <callmu> yeah i just downloaded the latest 1
#3072 [13:36] <Netti> callmu: Try restarting your computer, just for testing purposes.
#3073 [13:36] <living_Darkness> hey everyone, i've got a problem that, hopefully someone can help me resolve
#3074 [13:36] <Netti> It'll clear your random access memory.
#3075 [13:36] <callmu> ok thanks brb
#3076 [13:37] <GreyVulpine> living_Darkness - Ask away
#3077 [13:37] <Netti> living_Darkness: Deescribe.
#3078 [13:37] <living_Darkness> I updated to the 1.7 and than i was on my single player map and i was trying to set up a piston and i had some redstone torches out and some redstone wiring and placed the piston down
#3079 [13:38] * Maciek98PL [Maciek98PL@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3080 [13:38] <ellcraft> hi folks please can someone help
#3081 [13:38] <living_Darkness> when i did that my game froze and went to "Saving Chunks" and than everytime i try to load it up it continues to say that, flashes a white screen with what appears to be dos prompt or something and than goes to a black screen
#3082 [13:39] <GreyVulpine> Yup, did you happen to have a piston facing a lever?
#3083 [13:39] <living_Darkness> i didn't have any levers out, just a couple redstone torches and some wiring on the ground
#3084 [13:40] <GreyVulpine> Hmm.
#3085 [13:40] <living_Darkness> and im not sure which way the piston presses out as it was my first time putting a piston down
#3086 [13:40] <GreyVulpine> Pistons have a rather nasty tendancy to corrupt maps right now
#3087 [13:40] <living_Darkness> :-/ lucky me
#3088 [13:40] <GreyVulpine> Known issue is to have a piston face a lever.
#3089 [13:41] <GreyVulpine> Try downloading and using MCedit, delete the piston
#3090 [13:41] * callmu [callmu@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3091 [13:41] <GreyVulpine> Hopefully you’ll be able to get the map back
#3092 [13:41] <living_Darkness> do you know where i can find mcedit?
#3093 [13:41] <GreyVulpine> Google’s the best way
#3094 [13:41] <living_Darkness> ok, thanks i'll give that a try and if not im probably going to have to start a new map arent i?
#3095 [13:42] <GreyVulpine> Let’s go with MCedit for now, and we’ll work from there
#3096 [13:42] <living_Darkness> ok, i'll give it a try, i'll brb
#3097 [13:42] <Netti> callmu: what's the error message?
#3098 [13:43] <callmu> " a fatal error has been detected by the java runtime enviroment"
#3099 [13:43] * gratin [gratin@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3100 [13:43] <callmu> but this is like a seperate notepad file tht appears on my desktop
#3101 [13:44] <GreyVulpine> please pastebin it
#3102 [13:44] <GreyVulpine> ??> pastebin
#3103 [13:44] <callmu> apart frm tht there is no messages tht appear
#3104 [13:44] <GreyVulpine> ??pastebin
#3105 [13:44] <GreyVulpine> bah
#3106 [13:44] <GreyVulpine> ?? pastebin
#3107 [13:44] <VoxelHead> pastebin: Pastebin is a service run at http://www.pastebin.com/ which facilitates the sharing of information without flooding IRC channels. Paste your text there, click 'Submit', and give us the URL the site takes you do, and we can see what you have pasted.
#3108 [13:44] <gratin> is minecraft down?
#3109 [13:44] <GreyVulpine> gratin - Try the in-browser version at minecraft.net
#3110 [13:44] <Netti> No.
#3111 [13:44] <Netti> Minecraft is nevar down.
#3112 [13:44] <Netti> Nevar.
#3113 [13:44] * GreyVulpine coughs
#3113 [13:45] <OurLeaf> Evar. :3
#3114 [13:45] <gratin> yeah the login thing was down for maintanence but i can't login
#3115 [13:45] <gratin> so i thought it was down again
#3116 [13:45] * ellcraft [ellcraft@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3117 [13:45] <callmu> A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#3118 [13:45] <callmu> ok i dnt knw how to get the whole thing in.....
#3119 [13:46] <gratin> wait to update do you need to reinstall mods?
#3120 [13:46] <GreyVulpine> callmu - Please copy the contents of that and paste it at www.pastebin.com
#3121 [13:46] <ellcraft> please can someone help me with a problem
#3122 [13:46] <GreyVulpine> callmu - Then give us the URL to it
#3123 [13:46] <callmu> http://pastebin.com/rkUQg6SR
#3124 [13:46] <GreyVulpine> gratin - If you have mods, then yes, you’ll need to wait for the maker of that mod to update before installing it again for minecraft
#3125 [13:46] <GreyVulpine> callmu - You’ll need to update your ATI video drivers
#3126 [13:47] <sinedeviance> whats the best non-adminium or obsidian block to defend against ghast attacks?
#3127 [13:47] <callmu> and tht wil get it working?
#3128 [13:47] <GreyVulpine> callmu - Yes
#3129 [13:47] <sinedeviance> i want to build walls and a roof around my nether portal and also build a safehouse there
#3130 [13:48] <living_Darkness> ok, i downloaded MCEditPlusSchems but, it's a rar file, am i supposed to place this somewhere in the minecraft folders? or get a program to run the rar file?
#3131 [13:48] <callmu> ok thanks!
#3132 [13:48] * skippydippy [skippydippy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3133 [13:48] <callmu> ok, im being told tht i dont have an ATI video card, i have an integrated intel card and my drivers are up to date
#3134 [13:49] <GreyVulpine> callmu - Please tell me you don’t have a Toshiba C660 laptop.
#3135 [13:49] * Netti [Netti@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#3136 [13:49] <xolotl> living_Darkness: a rar file is like a zip file; it's just an archive of other stuff. If you can't extract it just by right-clicking and choosing "extract," you should be able to find an unrar program online
#3137 [13:49] <callmu> i do.....
#3138 [13:49] * GreyVulpine whimpers
#3138 [13:50] <GreyVulpine> callmu - Please PM me your email
#3139 [13:50] <GreyVulpine> I’ve got a solution for you
#3140 [13:50] <living_Darkness> ok thanks xolo, i'll try to extract it
#3141 [13:51] <GreyVulpine> callmu - Email sent. G’luck
#3142 [13:51] * FLAcK_ [FLAcK_@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3143 [13:51] <xolotl> living_Darkness: What's up with the "PlusSchems" on there, btw?
#3144 [13:51] <callmu> cheers buddy
#3145 [13:51] <xolotl> living_Darkness: You should grab MCEdit from http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/13807-mcedit-minecraft-world-editor-compatible-with-mc-beta-166/
#3146 [13:51] <ellcraft> since i downloaded minecraft for kids I can no longer get on the game. It just shows brown blocks and then the game screen goes blank.... help anyone
#3147 [13:51] <xolotl> living_Darkness: The windows versions are distributed as EXE files there.
#3148 [13:52] <xolotl> ??> ellcraft win/reinst
#3149 [13:52] <VoxelHead> ellcraft: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#3150 [13:52] <VoxelHead> ellcraft: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#3151 [13:52] <xolotl> ellcraft: Note that Minecraft for Kids may not work with the newest version of Minecraft yet
#3152 [13:52] <xolotl> ellcraft: (and following those instructions would require you to hop onto the newest version)
#3153 [13:52] <living_Darkness> im not sure, i googled it and took the first one i seen lol
#3154 [13:52] <ellcraft> cheers i'll try that
#3155 [13:53] * mib_nybgl7 [mib_nybgl7@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3156 [13:53] <xolotl> living_Darkness: Download it from the forum link; I'd be suspicious of anything else
#3157 [13:53] <living_Darkness> i'll get that one
#3158 [13:54] * xorcon [xorcon@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3159 [13:57] * Havanacus [Havanacus@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3160 [13:58] * HDlowrider [HDlowrider@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3161 [13:59] * mib_cqayof [mib_cqayof@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3162 [14:00] * mib_a9l8z1 [mib_a9l8z1@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3163 [14:00] * Wrenchy [Wrenchy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3164 [14:00] <Wrenchy> Hello
#3165 [14:01] <mib_a9l8z1> is someone there to help
#3166 [14:01] <HDlowrider> Hi
#3167 [14:02] <mib_a9l8z1> Hi
#3168 [14:02] <HDlowrider> What do you need help with?
#3169 [14:02] <Wrenchy> re loading minecraft after deleting the folder for it
#3170 [14:03] <Wrenchy> game wont load up
#3171 [14:03] <HDlowrider> Is there any errors?
#3172 [14:03] <Wrenchy> nothing pops up, it just stops loading
#3173 [14:03] <HDlowrider> What OS are you running?
#3174 [14:04] <Wrenchy> i tried deleting the files so it would re download the game but that doesnt work
#3175 [14:04] <mib_a9l8z1> question for someone...both of my sons wanted to build a world, so I decided to buy them both their own account. I bought the accounts under the same e-mail address. My youngest son started building his world and now my oldest son's world disappeared. Even when he logs into his account, my other son's world appears and not his. Any idea why?
#3176 [14:04] <xolotl> ellcraft: You deleted everything inside your ".minecraft" directory except the "saves" dir?
#3177 [14:04] <GreyVulpine> mib_a9l8z1 - Are they playing under the same computer account?
#3178 [14:04] <Wrenchy> yes, i copied the save file and deleted everything else in the minecraft file
#3179 [14:05] * CODsniperkid [CODsniperkid@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3180 [14:05] <GreyVulpine> mib_a9l8z1 - Worlds are saved in the computer account’s profile folder, at %appdata%/.minecraft/saves
#3181 [14:05] <TXX> mib_a9l8z1: GreyVulpine is onto something, maybe one deleted the others... mc doesn't currently care about world owner... and hence both have access to the same data regardless of the account
#3182 [14:05] * GreyVulpine nods
#3182 [14:06] <TXX> mib_a9l8z1: if they have their own windows account it might split the worlds up, since they get their own documents folder
#3183 [14:06] * mib_io66qc [mib_io66qc@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3184 [14:06] <TXX> GreyVulpine: do you know if having a multiple windows users, creates seperate app folders?
#3185 [14:06] <GreyVulpine> It does
#3186 [14:06] <mib_a9l8z1> I am confident that they didn't delete the others world. Are these worlds saved on the computer and NOT online?
#3187 [14:06] * Danthepianist [Danthepianist@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3188 [14:06] <GreyVulpine> mib_a9l8z1 - They are saved on the computer
#3189 [14:07] <HDlowrider> There is no cloud storage
#3190 [14:07] <mib_a9l8z1> I bought 2 different accounts
#3191 [14:07] <HDlowrider> Bad move
#3192 [14:07] <GreyVulpine> Those are two seperate minecraft accounts.
#3193 [14:07] <mib_a9l8z1> yes, 2 separate accounts. 2 separate log-ins.
#3194 [14:07] <GreyVulpine> If they’re playing on the same computer, under the same computer user account there, it’ll be seen by the computer as one minecraft account
#3195 [14:07] * quibbit [quibbit@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3196 [14:08] <Danthepianist> So... I can't log in. Do I just shut up and wait for a fix?
#3197 [14:08] <GreyVulpine> And I can promise you that minecraft will save the world under the computer’s account, not under the minecraft user account.
#3198 [14:08] <TXX> Danthepianist: well it's common, because of server load
#3199 [14:08] * EntityReborn [EntityReborn@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3200 [14:08] <GreyVulpine> Danthepianist - Use the in-browser client at minecraft.net
#3201 [14:08] <TXX> so just take a smoke break and check back
#3202 [14:08] <mib_a9l8z1> ok, is there a way of finding the missing world? Could it be saved somewhere else?
#3203 [14:08] <mib_io66qc> quik question will 1.8 have mod suport
#3204 [14:08] <GreyVulpine> Danthepianist - The downloaded client auth server is currently overloaded
#3205 [14:08] <GreyVulpine> mib_a9l8z1 - Using windows, yes?
#3206 [14:08] <Danthepianist> That doesn't work either though, because I'm stuck at downloading packages
#3207 [14:09] <GreyVulpine> Danthepianist - Windows?
#3208 [14:09] <Danthepianist> Yar
#3209 [14:09] <Danthepianist> I already deleted the appdata folder
#3210 [14:09] <Wrenchy> im stuck at downloading packages as well\
#3211 [14:09] <SlashLife> Why can't they fscking put up a second one?
#3212 [14:09] * fenster [fenster@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3213 [14:09] <SlashLife> Setting up slaves is not rocket science ...
#3214 [14:09] <GreyVulpine> SlashLife - They have 5, behind a load balancer, on amazon’s S3 cloud
#3215 [14:09] * Nightray [Nightray@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3216 [14:09] <GreyVulpine> It’s currently being overloaded with requests
#3217 [14:09] <quibbit> i cant log in the download and when i play offline i get a black screen
#3218 [14:10] <GreyVulpine> Danthepianist - Did it work before?
#3219 [14:10] <SlashLife> GreyVulpine: For some reason I think they'd be better off with DNS-RR then. :
#3220 [14:10] <SlashLife> :|
#3221 [14:10] <quibbit> yes
#3222 [14:10] <Danthepianist> I was playing last night
#3223 [14:10] <GreyVulpine> Danthepianist - Are you sure you deleting the whole .minecraft folder from appdata?
#3224 [14:10] <SlashLife> Btw.: Are you sure it isn't on EC2?
#3225 [14:10] <GreyVulpine> SlashLife - Er, sorry, yes, EC2 cloud
#3226 [14:10] <Danthepianist> Yep
#3227 [14:10] <SlashLife> After all S3 is their storage solution for all I know.
#3228 [14:10] <xolotl> mib_io66qc: http://notch.tumblr.com/post/6969771554/back-in-the-office-and-some-words-on-1-7-and-1-8 <- official "mod" support will be after 1.8
#3229 [14:10] * Bennyflop [Bennyflop@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3230 [14:10] <Nightray> Black screen? If you use HD texture packs update minecraft.jar to HD again
#3231 [14:10] <Bennyflop> Hi
#3232 [14:11] <mib_io66qc> will 1.8 have mod support
#3233 [14:11] <Bennyflop> I need help!
#3234 [14:11] <GreyVulpine> SlashLife - They’re serving up the minecraft files off of S3
#3235 [14:11] <Bennyflop> I downloaded the Free version
#3236 [14:11] <SlashLife> Yeah, ok, but I hope they don't serve my auth information. :p
#3237 [14:11] <xolotl> Bennyflop: There is no free version
#3238 [14:11] <GreyVulpine> Bennyflop - Downloaded.. the free version?
#3239 [14:11] <Bennyflop> But when I open it , It closes the window
#3240 [14:11] <xolotl> Bennyflop: The only thing you can play for free is Classic, which is web-only
#3241 [14:11] <Morrolan> mib_io66qc: Yes, I think it'll get introduced with 1.8. Some modders / modding groups might get access to the source sooner though.
#3242 [14:11] <Bennyflop> ]Yes, classic
#3243 [14:11] <Danthepianist> I googled my problem and the only solution seems to be the one I've tried a dozen times
#3244 [14:11] <xolotl> Bennyflop: There's no download for Classic
#3245 [14:12] <xolotl> Bennyflop: Except the server software, of course
#3246 [14:12] <Bennyflop> I try playing in browser
#3247 [14:12] <Morrolan> Bennyflop: Or do you mean the demo?
#3248 [14:12] <Bennyflop> but it dosen't load
#3249 [14:12] <Morrolan> Ah, ok.
#3250 [14:12] <GreyVulpine> Danthepianist - How far does it get in the progress bar?
#3251 [14:12] <SlashLife> Yay!
#3252 [14:12] <Bennyflop> I don't know
#3253 [14:12] <SlashLife> So flooding the auth servers actually DOES work.
#3254 [14:12] <Danthepianist> Less than 10%
#3255 [14:13] <GreyVulpine> Danthepianist - Then I want to say, it’s some sort of security software on your computer that may be blocking minecraft/java from connecting
#3256 [14:13] <Danthepianist> I turned off AVG
#3257 [14:14] <GreyVulpine> Danthepianist - The antivirus, or the security suite?
#3258 [14:14] * smkf [smkf@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3259 [14:15] <Bennyflop> Ok, I tried playing the classic version because a good freind of mine said it was a good game. So I went on this: http://www.minecraft.net/play.jsp All that happens is the minecraft logo appears, then The screen goes black. Can anyone help??
#3260 [14:15] <Bennyflop> Please? Anyone?
#3261 [14:16] <GreyVulpine> Try uninstalling and reinstalling java
#3262 [14:16] <Bennyflop> Got ya
#3263 [14:16] * surfhai [surfhai@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3264 [14:16] <Bennyflop> Is it the orange or the white Java I need?
#3265 [14:16] <Danthepianist> antivirus, and it's added as an exception on windows firewall... come to think of it, didn't I have that garbage turned off?
#3266 [14:16] <GreyVulpine> Bennyflop - Huh?
#3267 [14:17] <Bennyflop> Well, one Java has a whit backgreound, the other has an orange
#3268 [14:17] <GreyVulpine> Danthepianist - Any other software that has a network security aspect to it? Any other firewalls?
#3269 [14:17] <GreyVulpine> Bennyflop - Just use the installer from java.com
#3270 [14:17] <Danthepianist> I'm scouring my pc right now for anything like that :p
#3271 [14:17] <Bennyflop> Sure, I'll be back in a sec.
#3272 [14:17] <smkf> My Minecraft is the downloaded and when i went to play today. it said "Cant connect to minecraft.net" so i click Play offline.and the screen goes black
#3273 [14:17] <smkf> help?
#3274 [14:18] <GreyVulpine> smkf - Try using the in-browser client at minecraft.net
#3275 [14:18] <smkf> i did
#3276 [14:18] <smkf> it goes to the updater
#3277 [14:18] <smkf> and stays at 99%
#3278 [14:18] <GreyVulpine> Alright, I assume you’re on windows?
#3279 [14:18] <smkf> yes
#3280 [14:19] <GreyVulpine> Go to your start menu, in the search bar/run command, type in: %appdata%
#3281 [14:19] <smkf> ok
#3282 [14:19] <GreyVulpine> Find the .minecraft folder, delete everything inside except for saves
#3283 [14:19] <GreyVulpine> Then try minecraft again at the website’s in-brower line
#3284 [14:19] <GreyVulpine> link
#3285 [14:19] * Lilly [Lilly@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3286 [14:19] <smkf> i tried that earlier
#3287 [14:19] <smkf> anything else?
#3288 [14:20] <Danthepianist> Alright I'm quite positive there's nothing else
#3289 [14:20] <smkf> ok
#3290 [14:20] <smkf> ill tryit again
#3291 [14:20] <Danthepianist> Not talking to you XD
#3292 [14:20] * Starlight [Starlight@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3293 [14:20] <GreyVulpine> Danthepianist - Um, give me a minute to think here..
#3294 [14:21] <Lilly> Hey I need help with running Minecraft, ever since I got 1.7 it "cant connect to minecraft.net"
#3295 [14:21] <GreyVulpine> Try the in-browser client at minecraft.net Lilly
#3296 [14:21] <Lilly> okay
#3297 [14:22] * mib_np3twa [mib_np3twa@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3298 [14:22] <CoderH> Sorryfor asking here, i do't know if im allowed; is there a modloader for 1.7?
#3299 [14:22] <GreyVulpine> CoderH - Try asking in #risucraft
#3300 [14:22] <mib_np3twa> i need to reinstall
#3301 [14:22] <Lilly> hey! thanks!
#3302 [14:23] * mib_np3twa [mib_np3twa@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
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#3304 [14:23] * ihavenoidea [ihavenoidea@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3305 [14:24] <GreyVulpine> Danthepianist - Before continuing, could you completely wipe java and reinstall, also check to see that you don’t have any updated video card drivers you may need to install.
#3306 [14:24] <Danthepianist> Will do
#3307 [14:24] * rootbeer2468 [rootbeer2468@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3308 [14:24] <ihavenoidea> is there an easy way to reinstall the game?
#3309 [14:25] <GreyVulpine> ??> ihavenoidea win/reinst
#3310 [14:25] <VoxelHead> ihavenoidea: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#3311 [14:25] <VoxelHead> ihavenoidea: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#3312 [14:25] <ihavenoidea> on mac
#3313 [14:25] <GreyVulpine> bleh
#3314 [14:25] <GreyVulpine> Go to your ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft folder. Delete everything in there except for saves
#3315 [14:25] * Tydukrule [Tydukrule@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3316 [14:25] * whitrose02 [whitrose02@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3317 [14:25] <ihavenoidea> that makes sense will do.
#3318 [14:25] <GreyVulpine> Then go to minecraft.net, and use the in-browser client to let minecraft download the files again
#3319 [14:26] * CODsniperkid [CODsniperkid@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#3320 [14:26] <Tydukrule> My Minecraft says: "Can't Connect to minecraft.net" What do i do
#3321 [14:26] <ihavenoidea> i did download again but it says the files are missing i think i need to get rid of old versions thanks
#3322 [14:26] <GreyVulpine> Tydukrule - Use the in-browser client at minecraft.net
#3323 [14:26] <Morrolan> Tydukrule: Try the browser version at www.minecraft.net/game/
#3324 [14:27] <Tydukrule> is there any reason why it cant connect?
#3325 [14:27] <Tydukrule> it connected on the website
#3326 [14:28] * Todster8 [Todster8@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3327 [14:28] * leaper [leaper@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3328 [14:28] <GreyVulpine> SSL authentication server of the client is most likely down/overloaded
#3329 [14:28] <Todster8> i got a chunk error
#3330 [14:28] <Tydukrule> because of the update today?
#3331 [14:28] <Todster8> yes
#3332 [14:29] <GreyVulpine> Tydukrule - Yes
#3333 [14:29] <Tydukrule> ok
#3334 [14:30] <Tydukrule> Thank You
#3335 [14:30] <Todster8> i think it happens when you place a pressure plate on a block on top of a piston
#3336 [14:30] <whitrose02> GreyVulpine> Sorry had to grab breakfast with my mother-in-law... /sigh. The lwjgl update didn't work, so I reloaded my NVidia drivers again, and uninstalled and reinstalled java again. Still nothing.
#3337 [14:30] <leaper> hey guys um well i have been having probs logging into the game today any one know why?
#3338 [14:31] <Todster8> anyone know what i should do
#3339 [14:31] <Morrolan> Todster8: Activating a pressure plate on a block on a piston causes a crash. (http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Changelog)
#3340 [14:31] <Morrolan> leaper: Try the browser version at www.minecraft.net/game/ until the authentication server is back up.
#3341 [14:31] <Todster8> Thats ehat happened to me
#3342 [14:32] <Morrolan> Todster8: You could try to use MCEdit to remove the chunk in question, if you have nothing important there.
#3343 [14:32] * mib_zawru3 [mib_zawru3@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3344 [14:32] * TheNytangel [TheNytangel@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3345 [14:33] <Todster8> how do i update to 1.7 01
#3346 [14:33] <TheNytangel> Just open minecraft and login
#3347 [14:33] <whitrose02> GreyVulpine> Wow I just checked and I can't even get the in-browser one Minecraft to work now...
#3348 [14:33] <TheNytangel> New router, yay :)
#3349 [14:34] <Morrolan> Todster8: The client or the server!
#3350 [14:34] <Morrolan> In case of the client: What TheNytangel said. In case of the server: Download the newest one from www.minecraft.net/download.jsp
#3351 [14:35] * Danthepianist [Danthepianist@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3352 [14:35] <TheNytangel> Todster8, it wouldn't be 1.7_01 yet, just 1.7
#3353 [14:36] * Campy [Campy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3354 [14:36] <mib_zawru3> since updating to ver.1.7 my mincraft doesn't boot right... the menuscreen doesn't show up, i only get a black screen!
#3355 [14:36] <Todster8> the update log said 1.7_01 came out today as well
#3356 [14:36] <TheNytangel> !isdown
#3357 [14:36] <GreyBot> TheNytangel: It's just you. http://www.minecraft.net is up.
#3358 [14:36] <TheNytangel> :(
#3359 [14:37] <Todster8> and now i can't connect to minecraft.net
#3360 [14:37] * WWonka [WWonka@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3361 [14:37] * nip [nip@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3362 [14:37] <WWonka> hallo brauche hilfe mein minecraft startet nbichtmehr
#3363 [14:37] <TheNytangel> Todster8, neither can I
#3364 [14:38] * sparta [sparta@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3365 [14:38] <WWonka> can someone help me?
#3366 [14:38] <Todster8> i just connected to minecraft.net and i still get the chunk error
#3367 [14:38] <TheNytangel> Morrolan, I can't login. It says it can't connect to minecraft.net
#3368 [14:38] * Starlight [Starlight@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3369 [14:38] <TheNytangel> ??>> WWonka ask
#3370 [14:38] <WWonka> my minecraft dont start after the patch
#3371 [14:38] <sparta> same here
#3372 [14:39] <WWonka> i get only an blackscreen
#3373 [14:39] <Morrolan> Everyone whose client can't connect: Try the browser version at www.minecraft.net/game/ until the authentication server is back up.
#3374 [14:39] <mib_zawru3> me too
#3375 [14:39] * suppentoast [suppentoast@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3376 [14:39] <sparta> the authentication server? whats that?
#3377 [14:40] * WaaZa [WaaZa@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3378 [14:40] <Morrolan> sparta: The server which is used to verify that you paid for Minecraft.
#3379 [14:40] <suppentoast> help: i tried to activate a button with a piston and now my computer can´t build the world!!!!!!!!! how can i play my world again????
#3380 [14:41] <sparta> so once that comes back up, it'll verify and fix my problem? or?
#3381 [14:41] <TheNytangel> ??>> suppentoast win/reinst
#3382 [14:41] <Morrolan> sparta: Yes.
#3383 [14:41] * kermie [kermie@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3384 [14:41] <WaaZa> Hello, i have a question, what can happend if you mod minecraft ?
#3385 [14:41] <sparta> Okay, thanks.
#3386 [14:41] <TheNytangel> You tried to activate a button with a piston..
#3387 [14:41] <Morrolan> suppentoast: Download MCEdit, open the world in there, remove the chunk in question. Not really the most convenient way, but it should fix it.
#3388 [14:41] <GreyVulpine> You can remove the piston in MCedit as well
#3389 [14:42] <Morrolan> WaaZa: Well, worst case you'd have to reinstall it since it'd break Minecraft.
#3390 [14:42] <almostroot> So how bad did 1.7 fubar everything?
#3391 [14:42] <GreyVulpine> Pretty bad
#3392 [14:42] <Morrolan> WaaZa: or, actually, it could theoretically corrupt the world.
#3393 [14:42] <WaaZa> How do i reinstall it ?
#3394 [14:42] <GreyVulpine> Pistons have a LOT of bugs
#3395 [14:42] <TheNytangel> Lol, doesn't everything?
#3396 [14:42] <Morrolan> GreyVulpine: Oh, so only the pistion block gets corrupted, not the whole chunk? Atleast something.
#3397 [14:42] <Morrolan> Also, almostroot, it's horrible. Mojang doesn't seem to be able to test their updates even the slightest.
#3398 [14:43] <Morrolan> ./join #%$?!@&bash
#3399 [14:43] <WaaZa> Okay.. i have another question, When i'm trying to log into minecraft it says: Can't connect to minecraft.net, why ?
#3400 [14:43] <GreyVulpine> Morrolan - I’ve been checking getsatisfaction, some have reported good success will editing out the piston/lever/redstone torch/pressure plate and getting their world back
#3401 [14:43] <Morrolan> (No idea if this channel exists btw)
#3402 [14:43] <GreyVulpine> ??> WaaZa mc.net/authdown
#3403 [14:43] <VoxelHead> WaaZa: (mc.net/authdown) If you get a "Can't connect to minecraft.net" via the downloaded beta client, and the website is up, the authentication server is most likely overloaded. Please be patient, and in the meantime, try using the in-browser client available at minecraft.net until Mojang can address this issue.
#3404 [14:43] <Morrolan> GreyVulpine: Heh, it's certainly worth a shot, much more convenient than loosing the whole chunk. :)
#3405 [14:43] * mib_mc5n6u [mib_mc5n6u@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3406 [14:43] <Morrolan> Everyone whose client can't connect: Try the browser version at www.minecraft.net/game/ until the authentication server is back up.
#3407 [14:43] <WaaZa> GreyVulpine, what do you mean ?
#3408 [14:43] <Morrolan> This, WaaZa
#3409 [14:43] <TheNytangel> Woah.. what's up with the texture of cobblestone?
#3410 [14:43] <Todster8> where do i get MCedit
#3411 [14:43] <Morrolan> It got changed to a lighter one, TheNytangel
#3412 [14:44] <Morrolan> Google, Todster8...
#3413 [14:44] <almostroot> I am not surprised at all. Playable without pistons?
#3414 [14:44] * __import__ [__import__@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3415 [14:44] <Morrolan> almostroot: Well, some new bugs, but apart from that, yea.
#3416 [14:44] <mib_mc5n6u> is the whitelist server down?
#3417 [14:44] * r0w [r0w@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3418 [14:45] * pheleas_frog [pheleas_frog@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3419 [14:45] * TheNytangel needs to mine
#3419 [14:45] <pheleas_frog> Fatal error 4 - please help
#3420 [14:45] <Morrolan> mib_mc5n6u: The authentication server is struggling at the moment, yes.
#3421 [14:45] <WaaZa> Why is the minecraft servers down ?
#3422 [14:45] <Morrolan> pheleas_frog: Which version of the game, when do you get it etc.
#3423 [14:45] <Morrolan> WaaZa: Too much load.
#3424 [14:46] <pheleas_frog> the minecraft servers are down right now?
#3425 [14:46] <mib_zawru3> i get a black srceen instead of the game menu. logging in the authentification server doesn't seem to be my problem, though
#3426 [14:46] <mib_mc5n6u> keeps saying outdated when trying to connect
#3427 [14:46] <Morrolan> pheleas_frog: The authentication servers are, yes.
#3428 [14:46] * Cyber1337 [Cyber1337@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3429 [14:46] <Morrolan> mib_mc5n6u: Either your client or the server you're connecting to isn't updated.
#3430 [14:46] <WaaZa> For how long will the servers be down ?
#3431 [14:46] * jafarin [jafarin@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3432 [14:46] <Morrolan> mib_zawru3: Which operating system are you using?
#3433 [14:46] <Morrolan> WaaZa: We don't know. Should be fine by tomorrow I guess.
#3434 [14:46] <mib_mc5n6u> windows vista, have updated my drives
#3435 [14:47] <Morrolan> not you, mib_mc5n6u
#3436 [14:47] <pheleas_frog> oh, well i get a "fatal error 4" when trying to update to the newest version and im on mac
#3437 [14:47] <mib_zawru3> Morrolan vista
#3438 [14:47] <Morrolan> ??> mib_zawru3 win/reinst
#3439 [14:47] <VoxelHead> mib_zawru3: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#3440 [14:47] <VoxelHead> mib_zawru3: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#3441 [14:47] <Morrolan> Try this, mib_zawru3
#3442 [14:47] <Morrolan> pheleas_frog: Hmm, Mac. Not really familiar with it.
#3443 [14:47] <Todster8> i got mcedit, but i dont know how to even install it
#3444 [14:48] <WaaZa> http://www.minecraft.net/game/ Does not work, Just a black little screen
#3445 [14:48] <Morrolan> GreyVulpine: Fatal error 4 on mac?
#3446 [14:48] <GreyVulpine> minecraft classic?
#3447 [14:48] <Morrolan> Todster8: Extract it to somewhere, run it.
#3448 [14:48] <pheleas_frog> yes morrolan thats what i have
#3449 [14:48] * jack [jack@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3450 [14:48] * eliteblade46 [eliteblade46@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3451 [14:48] <pheleas_frog> morrolan what do i do
#3452 [14:48] <Morrolan> GreyVulpine will take care of you, pheleas_frog
#3453 [14:48] <GreyVulpine> Morrolan - I’ll need to know the exact error, usually it’s just deleting the minecraft file
#3454 [14:48] <GreyVulpine> er, files
#3455 [14:49] <Morrolan> Oh, there's more to it? Well then.
#3456 [14:49] * Armonik [Armonik@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3457 [14:49] <Morrolan> pheleas_frog: Could you copy the whole error and paste it on www.pastie.org ?
#3458 [14:49] <living_Darkness> thanks greyvulpine and xolotl for helpin me fix my file, i deleted the piston and the torches and the file loaded right up
#3459 [14:49] <Armonik> Hello
#3460 [14:49] <pheleas_frog> greyvulpine one second ill send you the full error
#3461 [14:49] <Diablothein> I have a plan, though that plan will fail.
#3462 [14:49] <GreyVulpine> living_Darkness - Good to hear
#3463 [14:49] <Morrolan> WaaZa: You could try to reinstall Minecraft. Which operating system are you using?
#3464 [14:49] <Morrolan> hey ArmEagle
#3465 [14:49] <living_Darkness> i won't be doing whatever the heck i did again
#3466 [14:49] <Morrolan> hey Armonik *
#3467 [14:49] <living_Darkness> lol
#3468 [14:49] <Morrolan> Sorry ArmEagle ;)
#3469 [14:50] <Armonik> I'm a french minecraft player and i have a little proble ..anyone can help me ? (sorry for my poor english)
#3470 [14:50] <suppentoast> WTF????
#3471 [14:50] * Mexiemeal [Mexiemeal@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3472 [14:50] <GreyVulpine> living_Darkness - Notch said he’s going to release 1.7_02 tomorrow, to take care of the piston corner cases like this
#3473 [14:50] <Armonik> problem
#3474 [14:50] <suppentoast> the pistons have a few bugs
#3475 [14:50] <Morrolan> Armonik: Only if you tell us your issue. ;)
#3476 [14:50] <jack> I payed for the game, haven't installed any mods, but now MC won't let me play online and show's the "unlicensed copy :(" message. What do I do?
#3477 [14:50] <living_Darkness> good, than i definetly WONT have this problem again lol
#3478 [14:50] <GreyVulpine> http://twitter.com/#!/notch/status/86499931354959872
#3479 [14:50] <Armonik> I can't install the version 1.7 of minecraft
#3480 [14:50] <Morrolan> jack: Try the browser version at www.minecraft.net/game/
#3481 [14:51] <pheleas_frog> morrolan greyvulpine Fatal error occured (4): /Users/<my user name>/library/application support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar
#3482 [14:51] <Morrolan> Armonik: 'can't install' ? What is the error you get?
#3483 [14:51] <Armonik> when i login that said "can't connect to minecraft .net"
#3484 [14:51] <mib_mc5n6u> ok just tried deleting everything, opened web version installed updates but still no joy
#3485 [14:51] <Morrolan> Armonik: Ok, try the browser version at www.minecraft.net/game/
#3486 [14:51] <Armonik> and that doesn't install the new version
#3487 [14:51] <mib_zawru3> VoxelHead thanks alot! now it works :D maybe my texturepack wasn't compatible to 1.7...
#3488 [14:51] <living_Darkness> ok
#3489 [14:51] <WaaZa> My browser version doesnt work
#3490 [14:51] <Morrolan> mib_zawru3: Yes, texture packs need to get updated.
#3491 [14:52] <Morrolan> WaaZa: Operating system?
#3492 [14:52] <suppentoast> now i did that: i build a piston under myself and put a block on the piston (i´m staying on the block) and then i put a pressure plate under myself and: saving chunks... [black screen]
#3493 [14:52] <living_Darkness> well, take care guys, if i need any help on anything else minecraft related, i know where to go
#3494 [14:52] <GreyVulpine> We’ll be here!
#3495 [14:52] <jack> Morrolan: thanks
#3496 [14:52] <WaaZa> Ye, This site rocks!
#3497 [14:52] <Morrolan> jack: You're welcome.
#3498 [14:52] <living_Darkness> ok, take care
#3499 [14:52] <Armonik> that's ok
#3500 [14:52] <WaaZa> You get the help you want
#3501 [14:52] <WaaZa> Windows vista
#3502 [14:52] <Morrolan> ??> WaaZa win/reinst
#3503 [14:52] <Armonik> In can play with this version
#3504 [14:52] <VoxelHead> WaaZa: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#3505 [14:52] <pheleas_frog> morrolan greyvulpine Fatal error occured (4): /Users/<my user name>/library/application support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar
#3506 [14:52] <VoxelHead> WaaZa: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#3507 [14:52] <Morrolan> You could try this, WaaZa, might fix it.
#3508 [14:52] <Morrolan> (The stuff VoxelHead said)
#3509 [14:53] <GreyVulpine> pheleas_frog - Try going to /Users/<my user name>/library/application support/minecraft/
#3510 [14:53] * mib_x8e1u4 [mib_x8e1u4@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3511 [14:53] <Morrolan> Also, still got a chemistry exam tomorrow, so I'll be afk for a bit.
#3512 [14:53] <GreyVulpine> pheleas_frog - Delete everything insdie the minecraft folder except for saves, then try minecraft again
#3513 [14:53] <TheNytangel> Disconnecting a second..
#3514 [14:53] <Armonik> And me...?
#3515 [14:53] <pheleas_frog> then try launching minecraft again? greyvulpine
#3516 [14:54] <GreyVulpine> pheleas_frog - Yes
#3517 [14:54] <Morrolan> <+Morrolan> Armonik: Ok, try the browser version at www.minecraft.net/game/
#3518 [14:54] <pheleas_frog> kk ill give it a try
#3519 [14:54] * TheNytangel [TheNytangel@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3520 [14:54] <mib_mc5n6u> keeps saying outdated server
#3521 [14:54] <Armonik> that's ok
#3522 [14:54] <Morrolan> mib_mc5n6u: Are both the server and the client updated?
#3523 [14:54] <GreyVulpine> mib_mc5n6u - Then the server you’re connecting to, hasn’t been updated by the server admin
#3524 [14:54] <mib_mc5n6u> yes
#3525 [14:54] <Armonik> the browser version is ok
#3526 [14:54] <Morrolan> Armonik: Well, you'll have to use this version then, until the auth server is fine again. (Should work by tomorrow)
#3527 [14:54] <WaaZa> VoxelHead, thank you verry much! it worked ;)
#3528 [14:54] <Morrolan> WaaZa: Heh, in the name of VoxelHead, you're welcome. ;)
#3529 [14:55] <Morrolan> Now, afk for real. :D
#3530 [14:55] <Armonik> Ok... thanks for your help=p
#3531 [14:55] <Armonik> Bye
#3532 [14:55] <WaaZa> How can you guys know so freaking much about theese problems ?
#3533 [14:55] <GreyVulpine> WaaZa - Too much time spent here..
#3534 [14:55] <Danthepianist> Black Magic
#3535 [14:55] <WaaZa> Haha :)
#3536 [14:55] <sinedeviance> hi all. is there an overlay file for minecarts that show where each 'corner' is so you can edit the texture properly?
#3537 [14:55] * mib_m7lh5k [mib_m7lh5k@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3538 [14:55] <sinedeviance> boats too
#3539 [14:56] <mib_mc5n6u> should i just leave it till tommorrow?
#3540 [14:56] <GreyVulpine> mib_mc5n6u - If you know who’s running the server, tell them to update their server for 1.7
#3541 [14:56] <mib_m7lh5k> Uhhh i need help
#3542 [14:57] <mib_mc5n6u> ok will do
#3543 [14:57] <GreyVulpine> mib_m7lh5k - With?
#3544 [14:57] <jafarin> hi everyone
#3545 [14:57] <jafarin> where I get 1.6.6 version?
#3546 [14:57] <mib_m7lh5k> Well i wanna play on a server and im not updating becuase the server is not at 1.7 yet, and when i click "Don't Update Now" it say "Done Loading" and doesnt load?
#3547 [14:58] * frogzilla [frogzilla@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3548 [14:58] * lazy [lazy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3549 [14:58] <Danthepianist> Ok... new problem... my graphics driver can't find compatible hardware.
#3550 [14:58] <Danthepianist> My computer hates me today
#3551 [14:58] <GreyVulpine> Oi, seems like everybody’s computer hates something today.
#3552 [14:59] <lazy> Are multiplayer down due to 1.7?
#3553 [14:59] * Hexaholic [Hexaholic@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3554 [14:59] <mib_m7lh5k> Well i wanna play on a server and im not updating becuase the server is not at 1.7 yet, and when i click "Don't Update Now" it say "Done Loading" and doesnt load? Can i have some help?
#3555 [14:59] <GreyVulpine> lazy - Not down, just the server admin(s) haven’t updated their servers yet
#3556 [14:59] <mib_m7lh5k> Its takes time unit notch relesase it
#3557 [14:59] <lazy> well why not?
#3558 [14:59] <GreyVulpine> mib_m7lh5k - Nothing you can do but delete the minecraft files so that it’ll download fresh files.
#3559 [14:59] <GreyVulpine> lazy - Check your name for that answer
#3560 [14:59] <jafarin> I have same problem with mib_m7lh5k
#3561 [15:00] <frogzilla> when i try to log into minecraft i am getting cant connect to minecraft I have been trying to download it all day & when i do it was giving me a black screen now it just says that
#3562 [15:00] <mib_m7lh5k> Yea
#3563 [15:00] <lazy> haha
#3564 [15:00] <mib_m7lh5k> Its probley a bug :P
#3565 [15:00] <GreyVulpine> frogzilla - Try the inbrowser client at minecraft.net
#3566 [15:00] <mib_m7lh5k> :? i need help
#3567 [15:00] <GreyVulpine> mib_m7lh5k - Nothing you can do but delete the minecraft files so that it’ll download fresh files.
#3568 [15:00] <jafarin> yeah and fresh files are 1.7
#3569 [15:01] * GreyVulpine nods
#3569 [15:01] <jafarin> I don't want it
#3570 [15:01] <GreyVulpine> Then you’re sorta stuck between a rock and a hard place..
#3571 [15:01] <mib_m7lh5k> Well the biggest problem is it takes 1-7 days for a release to update a server, and im getting a new laptop and it updates right away
#3572 [15:01] <mib_m7lh5k> Tomorrow im getting a new one
#3573 [15:02] <jafarin> where I can get v1.6.6 jar, pls?
#3574 [15:02] <Morrolan> jafarin: Check out a tool called MCNostalgia
#3575 [15:02] <Morrolan> also, screw chemistry
#3576 [15:02] <TheNytangel> zomg.. that zombie scared me half to death
#3577 [15:02] <frogzilla> grey- it said that it crashed?
#3578 [15:03] * mib_p51sur [mib_p51sur@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3579 [15:03] <GreyVulpine> frogzilla- What, huh?
#3580 [15:03] <mib_p51sur> help
#3581 [15:03] <GreyVulpine> frogzilla - I assume you’re on windows?
#3582 [15:03] <mib_p51sur> yes
#3583 [15:03] <GreyVulpine> Wasn’t directed at you mib_p51sur
#3584 [15:03] <mib_p51sur> i cant play on any server
#3585 [15:03] <frogzilla> yea when i clicked in it ..it did that java thing and then said that it crashed.. yes windows 7
#3586 [15:04] <GreyVulpine> frogzilla - Go to your start menu, in the search bar, type in: %appdata%
#3587 [15:04] <Morrolan> mib_p51sur: Getting the 'outdated' message?
#3588 [15:04] <GreyVulpine> frogzilla - Find the .minecraft folder, delete everything but the saves folder
#3589 [15:04] <GreyVulpine> frogzilla - Then try minecraft again at the website
#3590 [15:04] <Morrolan> mib_p51sur: If yes then it is because the servers you're trying to connect to didn't update yet.
#3591 [15:04] <frogzilla> okay i will BRB
#3592 [15:04] * HELPPLEASE [HELPPLEASE@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3593 [15:04] <Morrolan> Heh, I wonder what this guy needs :D
#3594 [15:04] <mib_p51sur> no server worked
#3595 [15:04] <HELPPLEASE> hello?
#3596 [15:04] * flabbergaster [flabbergaster@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3597 [15:05] <Morrolan> mib_p51sur: Again, most servers aren't updated yet.
#3598 [15:05] <Morrolan> hey HELPPLEASE
#3599 [15:05] * RichyGorgan [RichyGorgan@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3600 [15:05] <HELPPLEASE> I cant get my texture pack to work
#3601 [15:05] <Todster8> ok, i got mc edit and fixed my world
#3602 [15:05] <Todster8> thank you
#3603 [15:05] <mib_p51sur> ok removed all
#3604 [15:05] <mib_p51sur> except saves
#3605 [15:05] <Morrolan> HELPPLEASE: Most likely it is not updated yet, you'll have to wait for its author to update it.
#3606 [15:05] <Morrolan> Todster8: You're welcome. :)
#3607 [15:06] <RichyGorgan> Hi, I just mistakenly updated my minecraft to 1.7, breaking all my mods, how do I revert?
#3608 [15:06] <HELPPLEASE> Ok ty
#3609 [15:06] <Morrolan> RichyGorgan: Google for a tool called 'MCNostalgia'
#3610 [15:06] <RichyGorgan> ok ty
#3611 [15:06] <mib_p51sur> yh i updated to 1.7 and i cant play any server
#3612 [15:06] <mib_p51sur> brb
#3613 [15:06] <Morrolan> mib_p51sur: The _SERVERS_ aren't updated yet.
#3614 [15:07] <HELPPLEASE> Also when i log in it wont let me play online
#3615 [15:07] * ugh_please [ugh_please@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3616 [15:07] * VoxelHead kicked ugh_please from #minecrafthelp (Reason: Banned: Take two weeks to calm yourself down.)
#3617 [15:07] * peru_ [peru_@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3618 [15:07] <Morrolan> HELPPLEASE: Yea, the authentication server is having troubles atm. You'll have to use the in-browser version, which can be found at www.minecraft.net/game/
#3619 [15:08] <HELPPLEASE> k ty
#3620 [15:10] <HELPPLEASE> .............. it wont load............. the reason im so mad is cause i bought the game
#3621 [15:10] * lern [lern@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3622 [15:10] <lern> guys?
#3623 [15:10] <lern> I just met herobrine and crapped my pants
#3624 [15:10] <lern> and then he vanished
#3625 [15:10] <lern> =/
#3626 [15:10] <lern> who knew.
#3627 [15:11] <lern> He exists.
#3628 [15:11] <mib_p51sur> on minc-ecraft/game i still cant play
#3629 [15:11] <HELPPLEASE> Ok can someone tell me why it wont load?
#3630 [15:11] * nuclearwaffle [nuclearwaffle@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3631 [15:11] <mib_p51sur> there comes: Connection lost
#3632 [15:11] * EternalReach [EternalReach@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3633 [15:12] <HELPPLEASE> hello?
#3634 [15:12] <TheNytangel> >.>
#3635 [15:12] <mib_p51sur> MULTIPLAYER DOESNT WORK ON minecraft.net/game ether
#3636 [15:12] <mib_p51sur> always end of stream
#3637 [15:13] <mib_p51sur> HELLO???????????????
#3638 [15:13] <almostroot> ??> mib_p51sur attitude
#3639 [15:13] <VoxelHead> mib_p51sur: (attitude) The people in #MineCraftHelp offering assistance have no affiliation with Mojang, and are volunteering their time. Please treat them, and #MineCraftHelp, with respect.
#3640 [15:13] <TheNytangel> Try a different server, mib_p51sur
#3641 [15:13] <VoxelHead> mib_p51sur: (attitude) In short, the more of a jerk you are, the lower-proiority your questions will be. We are not the Mojang complaint department.
#3642 [15:14] <Morrolan> mib_p51sur: The SERVERS you are trying to connect to ARE NOT UPDATED yet.
#3643 [15:14] <mib_p51sur> Dude, do u think ur a king or something?
#3644 [15:14] <mib_p51sur> look how ur talking
#3645 [15:14] <Danthepianist> Do you think you are?
#3646 [15:14] <Danthepianist> Look how you're demanding
#3647 [15:14] <mib_p51sur> no
#3648 [15:14] * asdasd [asdasd@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3649 [15:14] <mib_p51sur> dumb question
#3650 [15:14] <asdasd> CAN SOMEONE HELP ME?
#3651 [15:14] <Morrolan> mib_p51sur: I already told you four times. DOn't you think I have the right to get angry now?
#3652 [15:15] <Morrolan> asdasd: With?
#3653 [15:15] <mib_p51sur> they wont
#3654 [15:15] * Enar_King [Enar_King@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3655 [15:15] <nuclearwaffle> I'm having trouble with Minecraft classic( I don't have the full version). Every time I open up classic multiplayer or single player, the window just goes black.
#3656 [15:15] <Enar_King> Hey, I used to have tons of errors but now I only have one
#3657 [15:15] <asdasd> My gamewont loadand im mad cause i just bought it
#3658 [15:15] <Enar_King> http://mibpaste.com/tzjbmy
#3659 [15:15] <Morrolan> asdasd: Define 'won't load' please.
#3660 [15:15] <Morrolan> nuclearwaffle: Are you using Windows?
#3661 [15:15] <nuclearwaffle> No, I'm on Ubuntu
#3662 [15:16] <asdasd> i click in browser and it just stays blank
#3663 [15:16] <Morrolan> nuclearwaffle: Do you know where to find the temporary internet files?
#3664 [15:16] <nuclearwaffle> No.
#3665 [15:16] <Morrolan> asdasd: Hmm, did it ever work before?
#3666 [15:17] <asdasd> No
#3667 [15:17] * mib_tv0uoc [mib_tv0uoc@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3668 [15:17] <asdasd> Classic did but not the other verson
#3669 [15:17] <mib_tv0uoc> adasd?
#3670 [15:17] <mib_tv0uoc> is that u from derp?
#3671 [15:17] <Morrolan> asdasd: Ok. Could you completely remove any java installation on your system are reinstall it?
#3672 [15:17] <asdasd> huh?
#3673 [15:18] <mib_tv0uoc> im pikequest1 have u ever played on houseofderp?
#3674 [15:18] <asdasd> sure ima stay in chat and let you know if it works
#3675 [15:18] <GreyVulpine> Enar_King - Did you run the file using minecraft.jar, downloaded from http://www.minecraft.net/download.jsp
#3676 [15:18] <Enar_King> i'll try
#3677 [15:18] <Morrolan> nuclearwaffle: Which browserr are you using?
#3678 [15:18] <Morrolan> browser*
#3679 [15:18] <nuclearwaffle> Google Chrome.
#3680 [15:18] * schnozzle [schnozzle@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3681 [15:19] <Morrolan> nuclearwaffle: Wipe your temp folder. Found this by googling: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1443985
#3682 [15:19] <nuclearwaffle> Okay
#3683 [15:20] * Notoriousninja [Notoriousninja@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3684 [15:20] <Notoriousninja> hi
#3685 [15:20] <Morrolan> hey Notoriousninja
#3686 [15:20] <Notoriousninja> can anyone tell me why i cant login atm?
#3687 [15:20] * lern [lern@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#3688 [15:20] <TheNytangel> Notoriousninja, try the browser
#3689 [15:20] <GreyVulpine> ??> Notoriousninja mc.net/authdown
#3690 [15:20] <VoxelHead> Notoriousninja: (mc.net/authdown) If you get a "Can't connect to minecraft.net" via the downloaded beta client, and the website is up, the authentication server is most likely overloaded. Please be patient, and in the meantime, try using the in-browser client available at minecraft.net until Mojang can address this issue.
#3691 [15:20] <asdasd> Ok how do i uninstall?
#3692 [15:20] <Enar_King> It doesn't work, it says Can't connect to minecraft.net
#3693 [15:21] <GreyVulpine> Enar_King - Try the in-browser version
#3694 [15:21] <Enar_King> That works
#3695 [15:21] <Notoriousninja> ah i see
#3696 [15:21] <Enar_King> But normal
#3697 [15:21] <Notoriousninja> ok i will try the browser
#3698 [15:21] <Enar_King> I want to be able to use mods.
#3699 [15:21] <asdasd> Morrolan how do i uninstall java?
#3700 [15:21] <Notoriousninja> thx for the help
#3701 [15:21] <GreyVulpine> Enar_King - Mods aren’t even updated yet for 1.7
#3702 [15:21] <Morrolan> asdasd: Windows, right?
#3703 [15:21] <Enar_King> I know
#3704 [15:21] <GreyVulpine> Enar_King - You won’t be able to, until they do
#3705 [15:21] <Enar_King> But I want to be able to use them
#3706 [15:21] <Enar_King> WHEN
#3707 [15:21] <GreyVulpine> Enar_King - Also, the authentication server is down for the downloaded client
#3708 [15:21] <Enar_King> they are updated
#3709 [15:21] <TheNytangel> Enar_King, just install the mods and then play in browser.. it works I think
#3710 [15:21] <schnozzle> can someone help me un install the new update to 1.6.6?
#3711 [15:22] <Enar_King> Listen, I want my Minecraft to work normally end of story
#3712 [15:22] <GreyVulpine> Enar_King - So, you’ll be able to use the downloaded client when the authentication servers are up
#3713 [15:22] <schnozzle> how do i download 1.6.6 again?
#3714 [15:22] <Enar_King> No it doesn't work
#3715 [15:22] <Enar_King> I've tried
#3716 [15:22] <GreyVulpine> Enar_King - You’ll be able to use the downloaded client when the authentication servers are up
#3717 [15:22] <Enar_King> Webbrowser + Mods Doesn't work
#3718 [15:22] <Morrolan> asdasd: Control panel -> programs -> uninstall programs
#3719 [15:22] * FerretWithASpork [FerretWithASpork@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3720 [15:22] <Morrolan> asdasd: Then, remove anything which is called something like "Java (TM) Update 6" or similar.
#3721 [15:23] * Morrolan [Morrolan@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#3722 [15:23] <Notoriousninja> so acctually we just have to wait
#3723 [15:23] <Notoriousninja> for a while
#3724 [15:23] * Morrolan [Morrolan@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3725 [15:23] <Morrolan> *aheM*
#3726 [15:23] <frogzilla> Greyvulpine i got it but i guess bc they are still working on the servers that is why i am getting a connect interuted
#3727 [15:23] <Morrolan> You did not see me leaving. ;)
#3728 [15:24] * lern [lern@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3729 [15:24] * Psyborg [Psyborg@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3730 [15:24] <FerretWithASpork> Hi guys, I'm getting a black-screen when I try to run Minecraft. I'm running Linux 64bit and getting and X error saying "BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)" Full error output at http://bit.ly/iMi6Sa Can anyone help?
#3731 [15:24] <lern> So I was just banned at the Minecraft channel for asking if it wasn't /kick instead of !kick
#3732 [15:24] * daangit [daangit@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3733 [15:24] <Morrolan> lern: We're not affiliated with them in any way.
#3734 [15:24] <lern> I find the maturity and integrity levels there facinating.
#3735 [15:24] <Psyborg> Are invisible shears (no sprite) a known issue?
#3736 [15:24] <lern> It's not that morro
#3737 [15:25] <lern> It's more of the fact that
#3738 [15:25] <lern> Well
#3739 [15:25] <lern> It's not very related to this channel
#3740 [15:25] <Morrolan> Psyborg: Didn't stumble across this bug yet, but could very well be.
#3741 [15:25] <lern> But I still find it facinating. Don't you, morro?
#3742 [15:25] * lahwran_ [lahwran_@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3743 [15:25] * Sublime_bot [Sublime_bot@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3744 [15:26] <Sublime_bot> lern.
#3745 [15:26] <Psyborg> Morrolan: Thanks...wondering if it's a patch bug or one of those delete and reinstall issues, I'll try that :)
#3746 [15:26] <Morrolan> lern: Heh, I guess they're a bit stressed atm. :S
#3747 [15:26] <Morrolan> lern: Or they just like to ban, don't know. I left that channel a long time ago.
#3748 [15:26] <lern> How are they stressed.
#3749 [15:26] <lern> =/
#3750 [15:27] * Cial[mobile] [Cial[mobile]@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3751 [15:27] <Morrolan> lern: Oh, I assume the amount of rage and stupid questions increased a lot with the newest update.
#3752 [15:27] <lahwran_> Morrolan: https://gist.github.com/f25e017460cfe1273e01
#3753 [15:27] * zucchini [zucchini@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3754 [15:27] <lahwran_> ;)
#3755 [15:27] * Smarag_ [Smarag_@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3756 [15:27] <lern> I managed to have an entire discusson about herobrine without any of those
#3757 [15:27] <zucchini> hello
#3758 [15:28] <lern> Lah
#3759 [15:28] <lern> You still banned me for asking if it wasn't /kick :P
#3760 [15:28] <Morrolan> lern: Lucky you. I have to admit that I haven't been there for a while, but the last time I was there it was a huge mess.
#3761 [15:28] <WaaZa> A question, What is Herobrine?
#3762 [15:28] <lern> Waaza
#3763 [15:28] <Cial[mobile]> A scary story
#3764 [15:28] * _303 [_303@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3765 [15:28] <DopeGhoti> WaaZa: a mythn.
#3766 [15:28] <Sqozza> KILL, MAIM, BURN
#3767 [15:28] <lern> Herobrine is an entity NPC Notch implanted to fuck with everyone
#3768 [15:28] <DopeGhoti> er, myth.
#3769 [15:28] <Cial[mobile]> Google it
#3770 [15:28] <lern> No one has managed to prove he exists
#3771 [15:28] <GreyVulpine> lern - Please don’t spread false rumors
#3772 [15:28] <lern> But I saw his name tag today
#3773 [15:28] <WaaZa> wait, wait, what ?
#3774 [15:28] <Cial[mobile]> Herobrine is fake you moron
#3775 [15:29] <lahwran_> WaaZa: lern is trolling you.
#3776 [15:29] <Sublime_bot> lern dont ignor em me bro
#3777 [15:29] <Sqozza> More or less what Cial said.
#3778 [15:29] <lern> Then explain what I say.
#3779 [15:29] <Morrolan> Cial[mobile]: Is this really necessary? ;)
#3780 [15:29] <Sublime_bot> thats not bro bro
#3781 [15:29] <frogzilla> i am getting connection lost - end of stream.... is that bc they are still updating?
#3782 [15:29] <lern> I'm not trolling him.
#3783 [15:29] <GreyVulpine> lern - Yes you are
#3784 [15:29] <Sublime_bot> BRO U TROLLAN
#3785 [15:29] <Cial[mobile]> Yea
#3786 [15:29] <Cial[mobile]> It is
#3787 [15:29] <Sqozza> lern, all is derp. You must learn this
#3788 [15:29] <lern> I told him herob is a myth no one managed to prove.
#3789 [15:29] <Psyborg> I'm an idiot. Disregard everything I just said.
#3790 [15:29] <Sublime_bot> that makes you goose
#3791 [15:29] <Kealper> i would be more than happy to put a stop to this
#3792 [15:29] <GreyVulpine> lern - I highly recommend dropping this
#3793 [15:29] <Sublime_bot> GOOOOOOOOOOOOSE
#3794 [15:29] <lern> lern Herobrine is an entity NPC Notch implanted to fuck with everyone
#3795 [15:29] <lern> lern No one has managed to prove he exists
#3796 [15:29] <Cial[mobile]> He was proven fake
#3797 [15:29] <GreyVulpine> Please, drop this lern.
#3798 [15:29] <Kealper> i can twirl my magic @ quite skillfully
#3799 [15:29] <Sublime_bot> imma call u Goose now
#3800 [15:30] <Morrolan> Vox doesn't like goose though, Sublime_bot. :p
#3801 [15:30] <lern> So apparently nobody wants people to believe herobrine exists.
#3802 [15:30] <Sublime_bot> Voxel is a bot, bro
#3803 [15:30] <DopeGhoti> Sublime_bot: we're already at bot capacity for #minecrafthelp.
#3804 [15:30] <Sublime_bot> im not a bot, bro
#3805 [15:30] <Morrolan> Sublime_bot: orly?
#3806 [15:30] <DopeGhoti> lern: that's because it doesn't.
#3807 [15:30] <WaaZa> Brb..^^
#3808 [15:30] <GreyVulpine> lern - I will not warn you again. Drop it
#3809 [15:30] <lern> Fine. I know he does. But if it makes you unbelievers feel so much better, I'll 'denie' him. :P
#3810 [15:30] <frogzilla> cali was that Yea to me?
#3811 [15:30] <Kealper> Sublime_bot: stop calling people bro, bro
#3812 [15:30] <Cial[mobile]> lern, its fake we try not
#3813 [15:30] <Sublime_bot> but your all my bros bro
#3814 [15:30] <Kealper> Sublime_bot: it seems rude
#3815 [15:30] <Sublime_bot> unless your goose
#3816 [15:30] <Cial[mobile]> To talk about it
#3817 [15:31] <Sublime_bot> what? bro... bro....
#3818 [15:31] <lahwran_> Kealper: why is it rude, bro
#3819 [15:31] <Sublime_bot> ^
#3820 [15:31] <Kealper> lahwran_: beacuse i'm going on a power trip right now and say it's rude
#3821 [15:31] <lahwran_> oh. okay
#3822 [15:31] <Sublime_bot> oooh power trip
#3823 [15:31] <Sublime_bot> not bro
#3824 [15:31] <lahwran_> Sublime_bot: don't call people bro, it's rude
#3825 [15:31] <nuclearwaffle> I JUST figured out how to get to the temp folder, and there's nothing there.
#3826 [15:31] <lern> can somebody kick sublime
#3827 [15:31] <Sublime_bot> that's not bro
#3828 [15:31] <Morrolan> Kealper: Just say that it sounds really stupid. ;)
#3829 [15:31] <lern> he's spamming messages to me
#3830 [15:31] <lern> about bros.
#3831 [15:31] <Morrolan> lern: Just ignore that tab then. :)
#3832 [15:31] <lern> and spams.
#3833 [15:31] <TheNytangel> What's the point of getting leaves off of trees?
#3834 [15:31] * Kealper kicked Sublime_bot from #minecrafthelp (Reason: stop, bro)
#3835 [15:31] <lern> And about me not answering.
#3836 [15:31] <lern> n1 m8
#3837 [15:31] * Sublime_bot [Sublime_bot@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3838 [15:31] <Sqozza> rofk Kealper
#3839 [15:32] <lahwran_> ^
#3840 [15:32] <Morrolan> TheNytangel: being able to build stuff with it?
#3841 [15:32] <Sqozza> rofl*
#3842 [15:32] <Sublime_bot> not cool, bro.
#3843 [15:32] <Sublime_bot> not cool.
#3844 [15:32] <Sqozza> wtf does "rofk" mean
#3845 [15:32] <lern> ...
#3846 [15:32] * zchr_ [zchr_@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3847 [15:32] * Kealper kicked Sublime_bot from #minecrafthelp (Reason: this one's a ban, bro)
#3848 [15:32] <lahwran_> Sqozza: rolling on floor keyboard?
#3849 [15:32] <Morrolan> Thanks, Kealper :)
#3850 [15:32] <lern> floor key board?
#3851 [15:32] <Sqozza> LOL KEALPER
#3852 [15:32] <lahwran_> this channel is suddenly offtopic. I wonder why.
#3853 [15:32] <lern> That's rofkb.
#3854 [15:32] <Sqozza> lahwran_: My bad
#3855 [15:32] <Morrolan> lahwran_: Cause nobody needs help atm. ^^
#3856 [15:32] <WaaZa> Indeed
#3857 [15:32] <DopeGhoti> he's been perma'd
#3858 [15:32] <lahwran_> except lern.
#3859 [15:32] <lern> f!@# yea
#3860 [15:32] <DopeGhoti> for auto-rejoin
#3861 [15:33] <zchr_> woo, set up a spare monitor as a secondary screen for chat clients
#3862 [15:33] <Kealper> LOL
#3863 [15:33] <lern> thats
#3864 [15:33] <DopeGhoti> Kealper: Use VoxelHead so that we can actually have reasons for the bans known, mmk? Thanks.
#3865 [15:33] <lern> geeky?
#3866 [15:33] <_303> DopeGhoti: sublime_bot is actually a she, would you believe it?
#3867 [15:33] <Kealper> DopeGhoti: i was going to remove it shortly
#3868 [15:34] * Cial [Cial@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3869 [15:34] <Sqozza> It's a Shovel
#3870 [15:34] <DopeGhoti> _303: Sure, why not.
#3871 [15:34] <Sqozza> Ohai Cial
#3872 [15:34] <zchr_> this might not work; it's a crt and the refresh rate is bothering me :(
#3873 [15:34] <Cial> hey
#3874 [15:34] <Kealper> DopeGhoti: rarely do i like permanent bans
#3875 [15:34] <Cial> swapped to the laptop
#3876 [15:34] <Cial> so
#3877 [15:34] <nuclearwaffle> Morrolan, I had just figured out how to get to the temp folder (I'm really new the Ubuntu), and there was nothing there.
#3878 [15:34] <Cial> who is that
#3879 [15:34] <Morrolan> nuclearwaffle: Hmm, no idea then. :s
#3880 [15:34] <Morrolan> nuclearwaffle: What was the error you got again?
#3881 [15:35] <nuclearwaffle> The game window was black.
#3882 [15:35] <Morrolan> Ah, right.
#3883 [15:35] <Morrolan> nuclearwaffle: Well, I guess you should try to reinstall Java and update your video drivers though. Really can't walk you through this thoug, just have no experience with Ubuntu at all.
#3884 [15:36] <Morrolan> though*
#3885 [15:36] <WaaZa> Morrolan how fast do you type? o.O
#3886 [15:36] <Morrolan> Not that fast actually.
#3887 [15:36] * Smarag [Smarag@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3888 [15:36] <Morrolan> Well, depends on what you're used to I guess.
#3889 [15:36] <WaaZa> Cause, whenever someone asks for help, you answer like 5 seconds
#3890 [15:36] <Kealper> _303: do i even want to know what is up with that person?
#3891 [15:37] <_303> Kealper: they are N-Spade ._.
#3892 [15:37] <Kealper> _303: that names doesn't ring any bells to me :/
#3893 [15:37] <_303> friend of bread
#3894 [15:38] <Kealper> oh
#3895 [15:38] <WaaZa> regular ordinary swedish meal time!
#3896 [15:38] <zchr_> meatballs
#3897 [15:38] <Kealper> WaaZa: what does that include?
#3898 [15:38] <Morrolan> Sausage out of tubes?
#3899 [15:39] * KillerRevenge99 [KillerRevenge99@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3900 [15:39] * Smarag_ [Smarag_@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3901 [15:39] * Cial [Cial@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#3902 [15:39] <KillerRevenge99> I tried to download a texture pack but i think i put it in the wrong folder and now Minecraft is not working for me what should i do?
#3903 [15:40] <RichyGorgan> Hi, Im trying to unpatch minecraft to 1.6.6 from 7 using McNostalgia, but no luck, Ive done everything ask like wipe minecraft clean etc
#3904 [15:40] <GreyVulpine> KillerRevenge99 - Remove the texture pack?
#3905 [15:40] <GreyVulpine> RichyGorgan - MCNostalgia may not be updated for 1.7 yet
#3906 [15:40] * mib_zx2kjl [mib_zx2kjl@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3907 [15:41] <KillerRevenge99> I already di but when i opened minecraft it turned black i even deleted the game and reinstalled it
#3908 [15:41] * sprocket [sprocket@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3909 [15:41] <nuclearwaffle> I don't think Java's the problem. Runescape works just fine.
#3910 [15:41] <RichyGorgan> great -_-, I started playing minecraft this day after yogsbox, short lived play
#3911 [15:42] <GreyVulpine> KillerRevenge99 - What operating system are you on?
#3912 [15:42] <KillerRevenge99> Windows 7
#3913 [15:42] * Smarag [Smarag@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3914 [15:42] <GreyVulpine> KillerRevenge99 - Go to your start menu, in the search bar, type in: %appdata%
#3915 [15:42] <WaaZa> brb, I'm gonna play some cod (:
#3916 [15:42] <frogzilla> killer that is what mine was doing and whatever greyvulpine told me to do it worked
#3917 [15:42] <GreyVulpine> Find the .minecraft folder, delete the texturepacks folder inside KillerRevenge99
#3918 [15:42] <frogzilla> there you go :)
#3919 [15:42] <GreyVulpine> Then run minecraft again
#3920 [15:43] <KillerRevenge99> ok will do
#3921 [15:43] <sprocket> i just paid and downloaded the game 10 min ago. now i cant play it on the internet or the downloaded version
#3922 [15:43] <KillerRevenge99> ok i deleted it
#3923 [15:43] <Morrolan> Sprocket: Do you get the 'user not premium' error?
#3924 [15:43] <GreyVulpine> KillerRevenge99 - Try minecraft now
#3925 [15:43] <sprocket> no
#3926 [15:43] <KillerRevenge99> ok im logging bak in
#3927 [15:44] <Morrolan> sprocket: What error do you get then?
#3928 [15:44] * Mattz0r [Mattz0r@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3929 [15:44] <sprocket> no error it just wont start
#3930 [15:44] <KillerRevenge99> YAAY TY
#3931 [15:44] <KillerRevenge99> it worked
#3932 [15:44] <GreyVulpine> Glad to hear it
#3933 [15:44] <Mattz0r> Hey, is the 1.7 server out yet?
#3934 [15:44] <GreyVulpine> Mattz0r - Yes.
#3935 [15:44] <Mattz0r> Hrm
#3936 [15:44] <Morrolan> sprocket: So, when you launch the in-browser version, what happens?
#3937 [15:44] <GreyVulpine> Mattz0r - Download it from: http://www.minecraft.net/download.jsp
#3938 [15:44] <Mattz0r> I did..
#3939 [15:45] * mib_blqfe5 [mib_blqfe5@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3940 [15:45] <Mattz0r> people are connecting "outdated Server" errors when they join
#3941 [15:45] <Mattz0r> :/
#3942 [15:45] <GreyVulpine> Mattz0r - Try downloading it again, fresh this time
#3943 [15:45] <sprocket> it won't load there is just a white screen
#3944 [15:45] <Morrolan> Mattz0r: What version does the server say it is when you launch it?
#3945 [15:45] <Morrolan> sprocket: Hmm. Let's start with reinstalling Minecraft first.
#3946 [15:45] <Mattz0r> 1.6.6 :/
#3947 [15:45] <Morrolan> sprocket: What operating system are you using?
#3948 [15:45] <mib_blqfe5> Hi I think I downloaded beta 1.7 but I can't make pistons
#3949 [15:45] <sprocket> alright ill try tht brb
#3950 [15:46] <Morrolan> Mattz0r: In this case, redownload the server from the site GreyVulpine gave you.
#3951 [15:46] <Morrolan> Mattz0r: Replace the existing .jar/.exe file.
#3952 [15:46] <Mattz0r> thats where i got it from in the first place
#3953 [15:46] <Mattz0r> i ddid that!
#3954 [15:46] * fuogo [fuogo@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3955 [15:46] <Mattz0r> >_<
#3956 [15:46] <Morrolan> Mattz0r: Well, according to the console you didn't. ;)
#3957 [15:46] <Morrolan> Just try it again, can't hurt. :)
#3958 [15:46] <Mattz0r> Well.. pft :P
#3959 [15:46] * mib_4gx9t7 [mib_4gx9t7@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3960 [15:46] <GreyVulpine> Mattz0r - Try downloading it again, this time, place it in a new folder, run it fresh
#3961 [15:46] <Morrolan> sprocket: You know how to reinstall it?
#3962 [15:47] <sprocket> how
#3963 [15:47] * Smarag [Smarag@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3964 [15:47] <Morrolan> sprocket: Ok then, what operating system are you using?
#3965 [15:48] * Finamenon [Finamenon@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3966 [15:48] <Morrolan> (Windows, Mac, Linux)
#3967 [15:48] <Finamenon> heya
#3968 [15:48] <Morrolan> Also, in case anyone says something about Linux being a Kernel, I'll slap him. ;)
#3969 [15:48] <Morrolan> hey Finamenon
#3970 [15:48] <sprocket> im using both google chrome and oprea on windows 7
#3971 [15:48] * NemesisD [NemesisD@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#3972 [15:48] <Danthepianist> So it looks like to update my gpu driver I'm gonna have to mod the desktop version first cuz HP hasn't added a new laptop driver since 2009
#3973 [15:48] <Morrolan> ??> sprocket win/reinst
#3974 [15:48] <NemesisD> hi all. i just started our work's minecraft server after having to do a hard reboot and i'm getting an EOFError when trying to start minecraft again
#3975 [15:48] <VoxelHead> sprocket: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#3976 [15:48] <VoxelHead> sprocket: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#3977 [15:48] <Morrolan> Try this, sprocket. If it didn't work we'll look further.
#3978 [15:48] <mib_4gx9t7> My friends minecraft isn't working. Whenever she starts it up she can get past the log-in but once she gets to the multiplayer section and joins the server, her screen just goes black
#3979 [15:48] <NemesisD> server is a linux client. i've tried updating to the latest jar
#3980 [15:49] <Morrolan> NemesisD: What version does the server say it is when you start it?
#3981 [15:49] <Morrolan> NemesisD: Also, what version are your clients?
#3982 [15:49] <Mattz0r> I know what the problem is
#3983 [15:49] <NemesisD> Morrolan: Beta 1.7_01
#3984 [15:49] <NemesisD> thats the server
#3985 [15:49] <sprocket> alricht ill try tht
#3986 [15:49] <GreyVulpine> Mattz0r - Do tell
#3987 [15:49] <Mattz0r> I was loading through craftbukkit, and it was launching as 1.6.6 without craftbukkit, using the same .jar file it loaded as 1.7
#3988 [15:49] <Morrolan> cheese: What operating system is your friend using?
#3989 [15:50] <NemesisD> Morrolan: same client, i *just* upgraded it
#3990 [15:50] <GreyVulpine> Mattz0r - Ah..
#3991 [15:50] <cheese> What do you mean? Like in browser or downloaded?
#3992 [15:50] <NemesisD> Morrolan: if it is important, i upgraded the client before upgrading the server
#3993 [15:50] <GreyVulpine> Mattz0r - Yeah, bukkit won’t be updated for 1.7 for at least a few days
#3994 [15:50] <Mattz0r> Lame
#3995 [15:50] <Mattz0r> will stick to 1.6 then
#3996 [15:50] <Morrolan> It is, GreyVulpine, just not stable yet.
#3997 [15:50] * GreyVulpine nods
#3997 [15:50] <Morrolan> NemesisD: Nah, as long as both are updated it should be fine. Could you try to set up a new world? (Move the old one to somewhere else)
#3998 [15:50] <nuclearwaffle> If it helps, when I first open up the actual game, the screen says "downloading packages" then "extracting" something. After that, until I restart the computer, it just says something about applets.
#3999 [15:51] <Morrolan> NemesisD: Might be that something with it is wrong.
#4000 [15:51] * superlexxx [superlexxx@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4001 [15:51] <NemesisD> Morrolan: what files do i have to move?
#4002 [15:51] <Morrolan> NemesisD: The 'world' folder in the server folder.
#4003 [15:51] <Morrolan> cheese: No, as in, Windows, Linux, mac
#4004 [15:52] <cheese> She's on windows
#4005 [15:52] <Morrolan> ??> cheese win/reinst
#4006 [15:52] <VoxelHead> cheese: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#4007 [15:52] <nuclearwaffle> Anyone?
#4008 [15:52] <VoxelHead> cheese: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#4009 [15:52] <Morrolan> Tell here to try this, cheese.
#4010 [15:52] <Morrolan> If it didn't work we'll look further.
#4011 [15:52] <cheese> Ok thanks guys :D
#4012 [15:52] <NemesisD> Morrolan: that seems to start fine
#4013 [15:53] * mudpit [mudpit@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4014 [15:53] <Morrolan> NemesisD: Hmm, that's inconvenient
#4015 [15:54] <mudpit> minecraft is not working and i just purchesed it
#4016 [15:54] <Morrolan> NemesisD: I suggest you download 'MCEdit', open the world in there and save it again. It MIGHT fix it.
#4017 [15:54] <Morrolan> mudpit: Define 'not working' please.
#4018 [15:54] * froglegstew [froglegstew@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4019 [15:54] <Morrolan> NemesisD: Also, in case you placed any pistons, remove them with MCEdit
#4020 [15:55] <mudpit> it won't load the game through the internet and it won't open when you double click the downloaded file
#4021 [15:55] <NemesisD> Morrolan: pistons?
#4022 [15:55] <froglegstew> help
#4023 [15:55] <GreyVulpine> mudpit - What happens when you double click on the file?
#4024 [15:55] <GreyVulpine> mudpit - Anything at all?
#4025 [15:55] <mudpit> nothing
#4026 [15:55] <froglegstew> it says bad video card drivrs
#4027 [15:55] <Morrolan> NemesisD: These thingies which were added in the newest update. Since you don't know about them I assume that you didn't place any though. :)
#4028 [15:55] <mudpit> nopr
#4029 [15:55] <GreyVulpine> froglegstew - Update your video drivers then
#4030 [15:55] <mudpit> nope
#4031 [15:56] <froglegstew> how
#4032 [15:56] <GreyVulpine> mudpit - How much RAM do you have on the system
#4033 [15:56] <NemesisD> Morrolan: nope. we're good there
#4034 [15:56] <GreyVulpine> froglegstew - What operating system are you on?
#4035 [15:56] <Morrolan> Ok, just open the world in MCEdit and save it again, NemesisD
#4036 [15:56] <mudpit> were do i find tht out
#4037 [15:56] <froglegstew> xp
#4038 [15:56] <Morrolan> Might fix it. No promises though.
#4039 [15:56] <GreyVulpine> mudpit - Windows?
#4040 [15:56] <nuclearwaffle> Once again, If anyone can help, I'm having trouble opening up minecraft classic. When I first open up the actual game, the screen says "downloading packages" then "extracting" something, and goes black. After that, until I restart the computer, it just says something about applets then goes black.
#4041 [15:56] * xBigWhiteBearx [xBigWhiteBearx@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4042 [15:56] <mudpit> yes windows 7
#4043 [15:56] <froglegstew> xp
#4044 [15:57] <Morrolan> ??> mudpit win/dxdiag
#4045 [15:57] <VoxelHead> mudpit: (win/dxdiag) Press the Win+R keys, and type "dxdiag" (no quotes) in the box. Press enter. If prompted about verifying WHQL, select Yes. Once it has finished loading, click the "Save All Information" button and save it to your desktop.
#4046 [15:57] <GreyVulpine> froglegstew - Please go to your start menu -> control panel -> system -> Hardware -> device manager. Go to the Display adapters heading, and tell me what’s there
#4047 [15:57] <VoxelHead> mudpit: (win/dxdiag) Open the file you just saved, and copy the contents. Paste them on http://pastebin.com/ and click Submit. Then, copy the link you are sent to, and paste it in the IRC channel.
#4048 [15:57] * mib_wtu8eh [mib_wtu8eh@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4049 [15:57] <Morrolan> Follow these instructions please, mudpit. (The one VoxelHead gave you)
#4050 [15:58] <xBigWhiteBearx> Hi, is there anyone who can help me with my problem?
#4051 [15:58] <nuclearwaffle> And mine?
#4052 [15:58] * DeeCee [DeeCee@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4053 [15:58] <Morrolan> xBigWhiteBearx: Only if you tell us about your problem.
#4054 [15:59] <DeeCee> Hi all, im lookin for some help with pistons.
#4055 [15:59] <Morrolan> nuclearwaffle: Sorry, you'll have to wait for someone who is more familiar with classic than me.
#4056 [15:59] <Morrolan> DeeCee: Yea?
#4057 [15:59] <nuclearwaffle> Alright
#4058 [15:59] <xBigWhiteBearx> Okay, well, I'm trying to login to minecraft using the launcher. But it just says logging in for a bit, then says "Can't connect to minecraft.net"
#4059 [15:59] <froglegstew> it says NVIDIA geforce2 mx/mx 400 (microsoft corparation
#4060 [15:59] <Morrolan> xBigWhiteBearx: You'll have to use the in-browser version which can be found at www.minecraft.net/game/
#4061 [15:59] <Morrolan> xBigWhiteBearx: This is because the authentication servers are overloaded right now. Should be fine tomorrow I guess.
#4062 [16:00] * Smarag [Smarag@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4063 [16:00] <Morrolan> fine by tomorrow*
#4064 [16:00] <xBigWhiteBearx> Oh okay, will I still be able to delete the 1.7 update and go down to 1.6.6 to play on my SMP server?
#4065 [16:00] <cheese> Thanks a ton guys!!! :D Her minecraft works perfectly fine now.
#4066 [16:00] * rootbeer2468 [rootbeer2468@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4067 [16:00] <Morrolan> cheese: You're welcome. :)
#4068 [16:00] <DeeCee> I want to move 2 blocks of sand up and down using 2 stiky pistons, when i turn on the circet the 2 pistons go up but when i turn it off only the top one retracts.
#4069 [16:00] <cheese> See ya
#4070 [16:00] <Morrolan> xBigWhiteBearx: Once you've updated there is, sadly, no way back. There is a tool called 'MCNostalgia', but I don't know if it's updated already.
#4071 [16:01] <xBigWhiteBearx> Ah okay
#4072 [16:01] <NemesisD> Morrolan: i've got some problems running mcedit. it says bad magic number in pyc file
#4073 [16:01] <xBigWhiteBearx> Well thanks for your help :)
#4074 [16:01] <Morrolan> DeeCee: Yea, only the block next to the sticky pistion gets actually stuck, you'll have to use a second piston for what you want.
#4075 [16:01] <DopeGhoti> mcedit may not have been updated for 1.7 yes.
#4076 [16:01] <Morrolan> NemesisD: Uh.
#4077 [16:01] <rootbeer2468> Can somebody help me make a server using Hamachi?
#4078 [16:01] <DopeGhoti> er, yet.
#4079 [16:01] <DopeGhoti> ??> rootbeer2468 fubar/hamachi
#4080 [16:02] <NemesisD> ffffff
#4081 [16:02] <VoxelHead> rootbeer2468: (fubar/hamachi) Hamachi has been squatting on a previously unallocated IP address space. This block of addresses,, has been allocated by IANA. As such, Hamachi conflicts with the internet. As such, #MineCraftHelp will neither support nor assist with server network issues for hosts using Hamachi for connectivity.
#4082 [16:02] <rootbeer2468> Minecraft server
#4083 [16:02] <VoxelHead> rootbeer2468: (fubar/hamachi) If you are using Hamachi, use a different solution such as proper port forwarding, or a VPN.
#4084 [16:02] <Morrolan> DopeGhoti: Well, the world didn't change, right? Or do you think it's the missing blocks?
#4085 [16:02] <DopeGhoti> Morrolan: I think it's the new block definitions
#4086 [16:02] * Bradlord33 [Bradlord33@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4087 [16:02] <Bradlord33> Hello
#4088 [16:02] <rootbeer2468> Oh ok didn't know.
#4089 [16:02] <DopeGhoti> and.. who knows what changed under the hood.
#4090 [16:02] <Morrolan> DopeGhoti: Ah, could very well be.
#4091 [16:02] <Morrolan> hey Bradlord33
#4092 [16:02] * mib_9qs45e [mib_9qs45e@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4093 [16:02] <mib_9qs45e> hello
#4094 [16:02] <Morrolan> hey mib_9qs45e
#4095 [16:02] <mib_9qs45e> i need help
#4096 [16:03] <mib_9qs45e> ive already bought minecraft
#4097 [16:03] <rootbeer2468> Lol
#4098 [16:03] <mib_9qs45e> but i cant connect to multiplayer :P
#4099 [16:03] <Bradlord33> Ok I have a problem each time i turn on my computer i launch minecraft i have a java error last time i used to uninstall the older version and reinstall the java but now it isnt working
#4100 [16:03] <rootbeer2468> Should i update to 1.7?
#4101 [16:03] <DeeCee> See the prob is, the sticky piston wont pull the other piston on top of it back, it wont retract
#4102 [16:03] <Morrolan> rootbeer2468: Make a backup of your current files first.
#4103 [16:03] <rootbeer2468> How?
#4104 [16:03] <rootbeer2468> ????
#4105 [16:03] <Morrolan> rootbeer2468: Windows?
#4106 [16:04] <rootbeer2468> Yes
#4107 [16:04] <DopeGhoti> !topic add If you installed 1.7, REMOVE YOUR TEXTURE PACKS
#4108 [16:04] <Morrolan> Bradlord33: Could you paste the error on www.pastie.org ?
#4109 [16:04] <mib_9qs45e> how come i cant connect to my multiplayer, i downloaded the file from minecraft.net
#4110 [16:04] * quibbit [quibbit@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4111 [16:04] <NemesisD> Morrolan: any other suggestions? dropbox has a backup to yesterday but i can't just restore the whole directory. just individual files
#4112 [16:04] <Morrolan> ??> rootbeer2468 win/.minecraft
#4113 [16:04] <VoxelHead> rootbeer2468: (win/.minecraft) To get at Minecraft's locally stored files on Windows, press Win+R, and in the window that appears, type "%AppData%", and click OK. The folder you want is ".minecraft".
#4114 [16:04] <DopeGhoti> !topic -6
#4115 [16:04] <Morrolan> rootbeer2468: backup the 'bin' folder from this folder.
#4116 [16:04] <DopeGhoti> !topic add If you installed 1.7, REMOVE YOUR TEXTURE PACKS
#4117 [16:05] <Morrolan> mib_9qs45e: What is the error you get when trying to ocnnect?
#4118 [16:05] <Morrolan> connect*
#4119 [16:05] * Smarag_ [Smarag_@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4120 [16:05] <rootbeer2468> back it uP???????
#4121 [16:05] <rootbeer2468> So delete it?
#4122 [16:05] <rootbeer2468> Ok delete it
#4123 [16:05] <Morrolan> no
#4124 [16:05] <rootbeer2468> oh?
#4125 [16:05] <Morrolan> back it up, make a copy somewhere
#4126 [16:05] <Morrolan> So you can restore it in case you want to go back to 1.6
#4127 [16:05] <rootbeer2468> Oh ok
#4128 [16:06] <mib_9qs45e> HOW COME I CANT CONNECT TO SERVERS.
#4129 [16:06] <quibbit> mib_9qs45e: the servers haven't been updated yet
#4130 [16:06] <rootbeer2468> then update it?
#4131 [16:06] <Morrolan> mib_9qs45e: how come you can't give us the error message?
#4132 [16:06] <quibbit> :(
#4133 [16:06] <mib_wtu8eh> how do you delete the texture pack
#4134 [16:06] <rootbeer2468> remove texture pack from .minecraft
#4135 [16:06] <mib_9qs45e> when i log in it says cant connect to minecraft, and it says cant connect to minecraft.net
#4136 [16:06] <rootbeer2468> ?
#4137 [16:06] <Morrolan> NemesisD: Hmm, not really, since it seems as if your world got corrupted somehow.
#4138 [16:06] <mib_wtu8eh> thats what mine says
#4139 [16:07] <Morrolan> mib_9qs45e: YOu'll have to use the browser version, which can be found at www.minecraft.net/game/
#4140 [16:07] <mib_9qs45e> IT SAYS CANT CONNECT TO MINECRAFT.NET
#4141 [16:07] <rootbeer2468> Ok imma updatte it
#4142 [16:07] <mib_9qs45e> ok thnx
#4143 [16:07] <Morrolan> mib_wtu8eh: Which operating system are you using? (Windows, Mac, Linux)
#4144 [16:07] <mib_wtu8eh> 7
#4145 [16:07] <NemesisD> Morrolan: i don't understand why mcedit wouldn't start. i didn't even point it at a directory so i doubt it could be a version issue
#4146 [16:07] <rootbeer2468> Wont update it says failed to launche\
#4147 [16:07] <rootbeer2468> launch
#4148 [16:07] <Morrolan> DopeGhoti, GreyVulpine: May I get a FAQ entry for the 'use the browser version' ?
#4149 [16:07] * quaddle [quaddle@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4150 [16:08] <Morrolan> NemesisD: Hmm, might be something different then. Did you check the MCEdit thread whether someone had the same issue?
#4151 [16:08] <DopeGhoti> I thought I recently added one.
#4152 [16:08] <DopeGhoti> let me look
#4153 [16:08] <Morrolan> Oh, lemme check
#4154 [16:08] <rootbeer2468> ill just wait for almostroot to get on....
#4155 [16:08] <quaddle> ok soo its been 5 days... still not got my game working.... How should I contact about money transfer
#4156 [16:08] <Morrolan> ??< in-browsre
#4157 [16:08] <Morrolan> ??< in-browser
#4158 [16:08] <Morrolan> Yea, that's it
#4159 [16:08] <mib_wtu8eh> i have been having issues all day with downloading it... it would not dowload it was a black screen
#4160 [16:08] <Morrolan> Ok, nevermind then. :)
#4161 [16:08] <DopeGhoti> \o
#4162 [16:08] * almostroot is not updating.
#4162 [16:09] <Morrolan> quaddle: Did your account get charged?
#4163 [16:09] <quaddle> i dont think so ,... but i dont want to buy it again if it did....
#4164 [16:09] <Morrolan> Well, I suggest you check then. ;)
#4165 [16:09] <Morrolan> mib_wtu8eh: Windows, Mac, Linux?
#4166 [16:09] <mib_wtu8eh> windows 7
#4167 [16:09] <Morrolan> ??> mib_wtu8eh win/reinst
#4168 [16:09] <VoxelHead> mib_wtu8eh: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#4169 [16:09] <VoxelHead> mib_wtu8eh: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#4170 [16:09] <quaddle> okk. and if it never did transfer.... should i try to buy it again?
#4171 [16:10] <Morrolan> Follow the instructions VoxelHead gave you, mib_wtu8eh. If it didn't work we'll look further.
#4172 [16:10] <Morrolan> quaddle: Yea.
#4173 [16:10] <quaddle> ok thank you!!
#4174 [16:10] <mib_9qs45e> ok im using the in browser game
#4175 [16:10] * Digaly [Digaly@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4176 [16:10] <mib_9qs45e> it says connection timed out
#4177 [16:10] <Morrolan> quaddle: Also, if possible, use PayPal, it has proven to be the most reliable way.
#4178 [16:10] <Digaly> I'm unable to login via the launcher
#4179 [16:10] <mib_9qs45e> connection timed out: connect
#4180 [16:11] <Digaly> are the servers overloaded?
#4181 [16:11] <mib_wtu8eh> i deleted everything earlier and it started to work and then my computer frozed and now its the same thing but i will try again thanks
#4182 [16:11] <Morrolan> ??> Digaly in-browser
#4183 [16:11] <VoxelHead> Digaly: (in-browser) To play Minecraft in a browser rather than with the downaded client, go here: http://www.minecraft.net/game/
#4184 [16:11] <NemesisD> Morrolan: it seems like the forums say its a python version disrepency but i'm using 2.6.6 and they seem to indicate that's the correct version
#4185 [16:11] <quaddle> ok
#4186 [16:11] <Morrolan> Digaly: Yea. You'll have to use the browser version for now.
#4187 [16:11] <mib_9qs45e> help
#4188 [16:11] * kermie [kermie@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4189 [16:11] <Digaly> Alright, thank you!
#4190 [16:11] <Morrolan> mib_9qs45e: When do you get this error.
#4191 [16:11] <mib_9qs45e> when i try to join a server it says: connection timed out
#4192 [16:11] * Digaly [Digaly@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#4193 [16:11] <mib_9qs45e> i get it after i click connect in multiplayer
#4194 [16:11] <Morrolan> mib_9qs45e: Most likely the version of your client and the one of the server don't match.
#4195 [16:11] <mib_9qs45e> oh
#4196 [16:12] <mib_9qs45e> how do i make it match or wahtever?
#4197 [16:12] <Morrolan> mib_9qs45e: Well, I guess the server didn't update to 1.7 yet. You'll have to wait for the server owner to update.
#4198 [16:12] <mib_9qs45e> oh ok thnx
#4199 [16:13] * Bradlord33 [Bradlord33@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4200 [16:13] <Bradlord33> Hello do you know where i could find this file C:\DOCUME~1\Bradley\LOCALS~1\Temp\896e_appcompat.txt
#4201 [16:13] <Morrolan> NinjaKirby? Hmm, I remember this nick from somewhere. Was he here earlier? Or is it a default nick?
#4202 [16:14] <Morrolan> Bradlord33: Well, on the specified path I guess? ;)
#4203 [16:14] <Bradlord33> I know
#4204 [16:14] <Bradlord33> i have tried but cant find local or temp
#4205 [16:14] * Digaly [Digaly@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4206 [16:14] <Morrolan> Hidden folder most likely.
#4207 [16:14] <Bradlord33> i dont think so
#4208 [16:14] <Bradlord33> let me check
#4209 [16:14] <mib_wtu8eh> Morrolan. do you know why when i go to download it says publisher cant be verified
#4210 [16:15] * SevFTW [SevFTW@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4211 [16:15] <DopeGhoti> mib_wtu8eh: check the date on your computer.
#4212 [16:15] <Digaly> I ran in in browser, that worked, then I added the TMI mod, upon which it freezes a bit before the progress bar is full with the text "Done loading"
#4213 [16:15] <DopeGhoti> ??> Digaly causality
#4214 [16:15] <Morrolan> Oh, did Mojang buy one of these trusted-publisher thingies now?
#4215 [16:15] <VoxelHead> Digaly: (causality) If, as soon as you changed something (like, say, adding a mod or texture pack), everything goes pear-shaped and no longer works, it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to posit that the recent change was the probable cause of the problems.
#4216 [16:15] <mib_wtu8eh> it says 6/30/11
#4217 [16:15] <VoxelHead> Digaly: (causality) Undo what you did that broke everything. That may unbreak things. See also win/reinst mac/reinst or linux/reinst, depending on your OS.
#4218 [16:15] <mib_9qs45e> thnx morrolan
#4219 [16:15] <Digaly> Problem: Can't 'undo' the mod since the launcher can't force update
#4220 [16:15] <Morrolan> Digaly: What operatign system are you using?
#4221 [16:15] <DopeGhoti> ??> Digaly win/reinst
#4222 [16:15] <VoxelHead> Digaly: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#4223 [16:16] <VoxelHead> Digaly: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#4224 [16:16] * Ale [Ale@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4225 [16:16] <Morrolan> Or yea, if you're using Windows, what VoxelHead said.
#4226 [16:16] * Smarag [Smarag@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4227 [16:16] <kermie> Hello I'm having problems getting to the main menu
#4228 [16:16] <Digaly> ..but minecraft wo- well alright, I'll try.
#4229 [16:16] <Morrolan> define 'problems' please, kermie
#4230 [16:16] <Ale> Hello I cannot delete my texture back help
#4231 [16:16] <mib_wtu8eh> i did do that but that is still what it says. about the publisher.
#4232 [16:16] <Morrolan> Ale: Why can't you?
#4233 [16:16] <DopeGhoti> Ale: what happens when you try?
#4234 [16:16] * mib_pibn83 [mib_pibn83@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4235 [16:16] <Ale> It redownloads it
#4236 [16:16] <Morrolan> mib_wtu8eh: Can't you just press 'ignore' or something ?
#4237 [16:17] <Morrolan> Ale: It redownloads it? The default texture pack you mean? That shouldn't hurt.
#4238 [16:17] <DopeGhoti> Ale: texture packs don't redownload themselves, sir or ma'am or other.
#4239 [16:17] * xmalx [xmalx@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4240 [16:17] <kermie> well I start my exe and it just stops and says that here was a problem
#4241 [16:17] <xmalx> hello
#4242 [16:17] <Ale> I tried deleting my minecraft folder but it redownloads it and I also tried delting the texture back but it also redownloads
#4243 [16:17] <mib_wtu8eh> i think i can get past it but that is the issue i have been having all day with it, everythime i download it i get the cant connect to minecrat.net
#4244 [16:17] <Morrolan> kermie: Windows, Mac, Linux?
#4245 [16:17] <xmalx> I am in DIRE need of help
#4246 [16:17] <kermie> Windows
#4247 [16:17] <Morrolan> Ale: Well, yes, it's fine that it redownloads it.
#4248 [16:17] <Morrolan> ??> kermie win/reinst
#4249 [16:17] <VoxelHead> kermie: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#4250 [16:17] <Digaly> The help system is pretty smart o.o
#4251 [16:18] <Morrolan> Try this, kermie
#4252 [16:18] <VoxelHead> kermie: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#4253 [16:18] <mib_9qs45e> i hate it when minecraft server updates cuz i cant find any servers that are updated :P
#4254 [16:18] <Ale> it redownloads the other TP that I dont want
#4255 [16:18] <Morrolan> xmalx: And what exactly do you need help with?
#4256 [16:18] <mib_9qs45e> duz anyone know any updated servers?
#4257 [16:18] <kermie> thx
#4258 [16:18] <Ale> how to go back to the default TP
#4259 [16:18] <DopeGhoti> mib_9qs45e: that's because server admins wait for the bugs that crash servers to be fixed.
#4260 [16:18] <WaaZa> BACK
#4261 [16:18] <Morrolan> mib_9qs45e: Most server owners won't switch until a) bukkit is stable and b) plugins are updated
#4262 [16:18] <WaaZa> (:
#4263 [16:18] <Morrolan> Ale: Default TP?
#4264 [16:18] <xmalx> Morolan: I have a user not premium problem
#4265 [16:18] <mib_9qs45e> ok :P
#4266 [16:18] <Ale> texture pack
#4267 [16:18] <Morrolan> Ale: Ah, you can just select it in the main menu.
#4268 [16:18] <Morrolan> xmalx: Did you buy the game?
#4269 [16:18] <mib_9qs45e> i guess i cant paly multiplayer for a while
#4270 [16:19] <Digaly> Alright, removed the files, started in-browser, the game works now, guess I'll have to wait for something until I can install the mod?
#4271 [16:19] * Danthepianist [Danthepianist@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4272 [16:19] <Ale> no i cant... it switches the default as the new one
#4273 [16:19] <Morrolan> Digaly: Yea, you'll have to wait for the modder to upate the mod in question.
#4274 [16:19] <xmalx> Morrolan: yes. but minecraft thinks its pirated T_T
#4275 [16:19] <Ale> I mean the new TP
#4276 [16:19] <Morrolan> xmalx: When did you buy it? Also, did it ever work before?
#4277 [16:19] <Ale> ? me?
#4278 [16:19] * Miawe [Miawe@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4279 [16:19] <Digaly> The mod is TooManyItems, and it is updated for 1.7_01
#4280 [16:20] <xmalx> Morrolan: it never worked. i bought it last friday and im sure the payment went through
#4281 [16:20] <mib_9qs45e> whats a bukkit
#4282 [16:20] <Morrolan> xmalx: What is your Minecraft username?
#4283 [16:20] <xmalx> xmalx
#4284 [16:20] <mib_9qs45e> morrolan: whats a bukkit?
#4285 [16:20] <Morrolan> mib_9qs45e: Server mod which is used by most people.
#4286 [16:20] <Ale> Is there any website that can download the original texture pack
#4287 [16:20] <Morrolan> by many*
#4288 [16:20] <mib_9qs45e> oh
#4289 [16:20] <Morrolan> Ale: YOu don't have to, it's inlcuded in the files.
#4290 [16:20] <mib_9qs45e> what is it used for?
#4291 [16:20] <Morrolan> Ale: Also, I'm not sure if I completely understand what you mean, sorry.
#4292 [16:20] <Morrolan> !paid xmalx
#4293 [16:20] * Count3 [Count3@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4294 [16:21] <Morrolan> xmalx: Seems the payment didn't got through.
#4295 [16:21] <Ale> not for my mac it is not there, the default Texture pack is switched to that bad texture pack so there is only one choice!
#4296 [16:21] <Digaly> have I paid for minecraft?
#4297 [16:21] <Morrolan> xmalx: Did you get charged the money?
#4298 [16:21] <Digaly> eh, I'll let you guys now, problems are solved
#4299 [16:21] <Morrolan> Digaly: Well, feel free to check using "!paid <usernamehere>"
#4300 [16:21] <Digaly> Thanks :)
#4301 [16:21] <Digaly> !paid DigalySoftware
#4302 [16:21] <Morrolan> Digaly: You're welcome. :)
#4303 [16:21] <Digaly> YAAY
#4304 [16:21] * Digaly [Digaly@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#4305 [16:22] <Miawe> Hey all. I have a question.
#4306 [16:22] <xmalx> Morrolan: well it was my parent's credit card. But I got an email saying that the payment went through
#4307 [16:22] <Morrolan> mib_9qs45e: It allows for plugins and stuff.
#4308 [16:22] <Morrolan> xmalx: Huh, strange.
#4309 [16:22] <Morrolan> xmalx: Are you 100% sure that you are logging in with the correct username?
#4310 [16:22] <xmalx> Morrolan: I already asked mojang for help
#4311 [16:22] <Morrolan> xmalx: Through http://www.minecraft.net/support/ ?
#4312 [16:22] <mib_wtu8eh> what does dicconected by server .. oudated sever mean?
#4313 [16:22] <xmalx> morrolan: yeah, I think
#4314 [16:22] <mib_9qs45e> ok
#4315 [16:23] <xmalx> morrolan: yeah
#4316 [16:23] <Morrolan> xmalx: We can't do anything then, you'll have to wait for a response from Mojang.
#4317 [16:23] <DopeGhoti> that means the servar has not updated to 1.7 yet
#4318 [16:23] <GreyVulpine> mib_wtu8eh - Means the server admin hasn’t updated their server yet
#4319 [16:23] <DopeGhoti> is this a trick question?
#4320 [16:23] <DopeGhoti> ?? recentupdate
#4321 [16:23] <DopeGhoti> ?? smp/recentupdate
#4322 [16:23] <VoxelHead> smp/recentupdate: A release has recently come out. Many server admins don't update their servers to the latest version right away, and wait for subsequent bugfix releases. Be patient or contact your server administrator if they do not update in what you perceive to be a timely fashion.
#4323 [16:23] <Miawe> How does one updated a server?
#4324 [16:23] <VoxelHead> smp/recentupdate: #minecrafthelp staff is not in charge of every SMP server and we do not have a magic wand to wave to update your favorite server remotely.
#4325 [16:23] <GreyVulpine> I honestly can’t believe I’m using mc.net/authdown still. That was supposed to have been a quick writeup for 1.3
#4326 [16:23] <xmalx> Morrolan: alright. thanks for your help. and actually LISTENING to me
#4327 [16:23] <Morrolan> Miawe: Redownload the server file from www.minecraft.net/download.jsp
#4328 [16:23] <Ale> Morrolan when it says choose texture pack in the menu it only gives me one texture pack choice which is NOT the default one.... I downloaded it weirdly though
#4329 [16:23] <Morrolan> xmalx: heh, you're welcome. :)
#4330 [16:23] * claude [claude@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4331 [16:23] <xmalx> cya peoples
#4332 [16:23] <Morrolan> Ale: That's strange.
#4333 [16:24] <mib_wtu8eh> ok thanks.
#4334 [16:24] <Morrolan> Ale: And you said that you removed the .minecraft folder atleast once?
#4335 [16:24] <DopeGhoti> Ale: again: texture packs do not redownload themselves. You have something else that's doing it for you which is not part of Minecraft
#4336 [16:24] <Miawe> Morrolan: and that's it? might that cause bugs for maps that were used in ancient version?
#4337 [16:24] <DopeGhoti> ??> Ale win/profile
#4338 [16:24] <VoxelHead> Ale: (win/profile) It may be helpful to isolate whether this is a problem with your user account, or with your system as a whole.
#4339 [16:24] <Ale> Morralan so what should I do? Yes I did
#4340 [16:24] <VoxelHead> Ale: (win/profile) Please create a new user profile (a computer user, not a new Minecraft account), log in as that user, and try Minecraft from there. If it works, there's something on your profile that's breaking Java or Minecraft. If not, there's something amiss with your system as a whole.
#4341 [16:24] <Morrolan> Miawe: Well, always create a backup of your map first, new server versions tend to have a lot of bugs.
#4342 [16:25] <kermie> nop it didn't worked
#4343 [16:25] <Miawe> Morrolan: A'ight, I'll try that. Thanks a lot.
#4344 [16:25] <Ale> ok I'll try that but if it does not work what should I do?
#4345 [16:25] <GreyVulpine> kermie - Do you get an error report?
#4346 [16:25] <Ale> VoxelHead? Morrolan?
#4347 [16:25] <Miawe> !paid Miawe
#4348 [16:25] <kermie> yes i did
#4349 [16:26] <GreyVulpine> kermie - Please copy the contents of it, paste it at www.pastebin.com, then give us the URL ot it
#4350 [16:26] <Danthepianist> ALRIGHT so I finally managed to update my crap and I still can't get on the browser version
#4351 [16:26] * mib_ig6g5z [mib_ig6g5z@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4352 [16:26] <kermie> URL?
#4353 [16:26] <GreyVulpine> address
#4354 [16:26] <Ale> VoxelHead what should I do if it doesn't work on the other user
#4355 [16:27] * mib_ig6g5z [mib_ig6g5z@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#4356 [16:27] <TheNytangel> Don't ask a bot.. that's what
#4357 [16:27] <VoxelHead> we'll burn that bridge when we get to it, Ale.
#4358 [16:27] * ryan0706 [ryan0706@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4359 [16:27] <Ale> VoxelHead?
#4360 [16:27] <VoxelHead> beer?
#4361 [16:27] <Morrolan> Ale: he's a bot. Talk to DopeGhoti, he issued the command
#4362 [16:27] <TheNytangel> ??>> Ale bot
#4363 [16:27] <Morrolan> Be quiet, Vox
#4364 [16:28] <Morrolan> hmm, other way 'round?
#4365 [16:28] <TheNytangel> Vox, shut up
#4366 [16:28] <TheNytangel> ?
#4367 [16:28] <VoxelHead> Don't wanna.
#4368 [16:28] <Ale> Morrolan what should I do if minecraft does not work on another user?
#4369 [16:28] <TheNytangel> Hmph
#4370 [16:28] * Count|net [Count|net@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4371 [16:28] <TheNytangel> ??>> Ale win/reinst
#4372 [16:28] <Morrolan> Ah, this works too it seems, TheNytangel :D
#4373 [16:28] * smerft [smerft@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4374 [16:29] <TheNytangel> What Morrolan?
#4375 [16:29] <Morrolan> Ale: Hmm, not too sure. Quite a strange error you got there. :/
#4376 [16:29] <Morrolan> TheNytangel: To tell him to shut up
#4377 [16:29] <TheNytangel> :P
#4378 [16:29] <TheNytangel> Vox, give Morrolan a cookie
#4379 [16:29] * TheNytangel crosses his fingers
#4379 [16:29] <Ale> VoxelHead I have a mac...
#4380 [16:29] <TheNytangel> Why doesn't he ever work for me? >:(
#4381 [16:29] <TheNytangel> ??>> Ale mac/reinst
#4382 [16:30] <Morrolan> Ah, I ought to go now, have a nice day.
#4383 [16:30] * flabbergasted [flabbergasted@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4384 [16:30] <TheNytangel> :(
#4385 [16:30] <Morrolan> Also, Ale, just wait a bit until someone has some time to help you. :)
#4386 [16:30] <mib_9qs45e> anyone know any servers that are up right now?
#4387 [16:30] <smerft> i was downloading the game after i paid and my internet shut off for two days and now the shorkut isnt there andidk what to do cuz i cant find a way to redownload it without paying again
#4388 [16:30] <Morrolan> TheNytangel: From what I've understood so far he isn't able to switch back to the default texture pack anymore.
#4389 [16:30] <Morrolan> reinstalling didn't help apparently
#4390 [16:30] <TheNytangel> smerft, login
#4391 [16:31] <Morrolan> smerft: Download it from www.minecraft.net/download.jsp
#4392 [16:31] <Danthepianist> GreyVulpine - Still stuck on dling packages... any more ideas?
#4393 [16:31] * Just4thelord [Just4thelord@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4394 [16:31] <Morrolan> You'll have to login first ofc.
#4395 [16:31] <TheNytangel> smerft, go to www.minecraft.net/download.jsp
#4396 [16:31] <smerft> i am
#4397 [16:31] <Just4thelord> hi
#4398 [16:31] <TheNytangel> smerft, save it to the desktop
#4399 [16:31] <mib_9qs45e> hello
#4400 [16:31] <GreyVulpine> Danthepianist - Got access to a different computer?
#4401 [16:31] <Danthepianist> Normally I would but I'm in italy with only my laptop atm
#4402 [16:31] <Just4thelord> with the 1.7 upgrade is everthing down
#4403 [16:31] <Danthepianist> And crappy italian internet -.-
#4404 [16:32] <flabbergasted> Really?
#4405 [16:32] <smerft> thx
#4406 [16:32] <Biohazard> .G jis
#4407 [16:32] * smerft [smerft@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#4408 [16:32] <Biohazard> oh wrong channel
#4409 [16:32] <GreyVulpine> Danthepianist - I still think it’s a network or connection issue..
#4410 [16:32] <Ale> VoxelHead there is a problem... when I opened up minecraft and logged in the bin folder REDOWNLOADED and nothing happened
#4411 [16:32] <GreyVulpine> Danthepianist - I don’t quite know what to tell you if there’s no firewall on that computer..
#4412 [16:33] <asnoehu> had a nother server hang, complete ly corrupted the save game, replaced it with backup
#4413 [16:33] <kermie> what do i do when i past my error GreyVulpine
#4414 [16:33] <TheNytangel> Ale, why do you keep talking to a bot? He can't help you one bit unless we give him a command that tells you about stuff
#4415 [16:33] <asnoehu> only since 1.7 anyone here the same
#4416 [16:33] <mib_9qs45e> anyone know any servers that are up right now?
#4417 [16:33] <Ale> thenytangel then who do I fricking talk to!!???
#4418 [16:33] <GreyVulpine> mib_9qs45e - Not aware of any.
#4419 [16:33] <TheNytangel> mib_9qs45e, #smp
#4420 [16:33] <TheNytangel> Ale, just ask me or GreyVulpine or anyone else around who is helping
#4421 [16:34] * mib_5djpdd [mib_5djpdd@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4422 [16:34] <Ale> ok could you answer the question I asked VoxelHead
#4423 [16:34] <mib_5djpdd> i need help anyone there?
#4424 [16:34] <TheNytangel> But that would mean reading the chat log..
#4425 [16:34] * spencer [spencer@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4426 [16:34] <TheNytangel> ??>> mib_5djpdd ask
#4427 [16:34] * KA_Gamer [KA_Gamer@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4428 [16:35] <Ale> ok when I deleted the bin folder and logged back in minecraft the folder redownloaded and I got back that old stupid texture pack
#4429 [16:35] <spencer> i just downloaded it and cant connect to minecraft server
#4430 [16:35] * jack [jack@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4431 [16:35] <mib_5djpdd> I do not want ot upgrade my minecraft right now because the server i play on isn't yet but when i click not now it just goes to a black screen
#4432 [16:35] <TheNytangel> Ale, delete everything but the saves folder, not just everything in the bin folder
#4433 [16:35] <GreyVulpine> Ale - What old stupid texture pack?
#4434 [16:35] <Ale> TheNytangel look at what I just saiid
#4435 [16:35] * wilma [wilma@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4436 [16:35] <KA_Gamer> Ale: OS system?
#4437 [16:35] <Ale> some stupid one I forgot the name DSB geroku remix or some stupid thing
#4438 [16:35] <mib_9qs45e> i went to this website i cant find the ip http://mcserverlist.net/
#4439 [16:36] <Danthepianist> Well... thanks for trying, GreyVulpine :) I'll keep wandering the internets for solutions
#4440 [16:36] <TheNytangel> Ale, delete everything but the saves folder, not just everything in the bin folder
#4441 [16:36] <spencer> ??
#4442 [16:36] <TheNytangel> mib_9qs45e, it doesn't havev every server on it
#4443 [16:36] <TheNytangel> have*
#4444 [16:36] <Ale> thenytangel it keeps redownloading the same old folders when I delete them
#4445 [16:36] <spencer> hello?
#4446 [16:36] <TheNytangel> Ale, it is supposed to
#4447 [16:36] <KA_Gamer> Spencer: Please be more specific
#4448 [16:36] <TheNytangel> spencer, play in the browser
#4449 [16:36] <Ale> including the stupid texture pack that I don't like
#4450 [16:37] <GreyVulpine> Ale - Please delete everything but the saves folder again
#4451 [16:37] <flabbergasted> I try to start my minecraft after i updated and its either i cant connect or black screen this because of 1.7?
#4452 [16:37] <mib_9qs45e> thenytangel then where is the ip?
#4453 [16:37] <jack> my minecraft says cant connect to minecraft.net any help please?
#4454 [16:37] <mib_5djpdd> I do not want to upgrade my minecraft right now because the server i play on isn't yet but when i click not now it just goes to a black screen
#4455 [16:37] <Ale> it doesn't go back to the regular texture pack it redownloads the folders and the TP but I'll try
#4456 [16:37] <GreyVulpine> jack - Try the in-browser version
#4457 [16:37] <TheNytangel> mib_9qs45e, ask them for it or you should have written it down
#4458 [16:37] * sinedeviance [sinedeviance@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4459 [16:37] * squiggy [squiggy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4460 [16:37] <TheNytangel> mib_9qs45e, we aren't responsible for knowing every single IP for every single server
#4461 [16:38] <mib_9qs45e> ok
#4462 [16:38] <Ale> After I delete everything but the saves in the minecraft folder should I open minecraft again?
#4463 [16:38] <GreyVulpine> Ale - yes
#4464 [16:38] <KA_Gamer> Fabbergasted- It shouldn't be because of 1.7. Try deleting everything in the .Minecraft folder but the saves file. (If you have windows)
#4465 [16:38] <spencer> im in the mincraft launcher page and i put my password and stuff in the bottom right and it says cant connect and the options are try agian or play offline
#4466 [16:38] <jack> thank you
#4467 [16:38] <squiggy> hey could amyone help i cant use the free version of my minecraft the outdated version it would be greta if there is some one that can help me
#4468 [16:38] <mib_5djpdd> I do not want to upgrade my minecraft right now because the server i play on isn't yet but when i click not now it just goes to a black screen anyone help?
#4469 [16:38] <flabbergasted> Alright
#4470 [16:38] <DopeGhoti> squiggy: "free version"?
#4471 [16:38] <GreyVulpine> spencer - Please try the minecraft inbrowser client at minecraft.net
#4472 [16:38] <TheNytangel> squiggy, just buy the game
#4473 [16:38] <TheNytangel> DopeGhoti, I think he meant the demo
#4474 [16:39] <squiggy> why can i play the game from the website if i buy it
#4475 [16:39] <spencer> i dont understand ima retard explain pl
#4476 [16:39] <TheNytangel> squiggy, you probably ran out of time
#4477 [16:39] <spencer> z
#4478 [16:39] <mib_5djpdd> could someone help i have said it 4 times orry for being impatient
#4479 [16:39] <TheNytangel> Because, squiggy, when you buy it, you can play it for longer than 90 minutes
#4480 [16:40] <KA_Gamer> squiggy- buy the game, that will solve your problem!
#4481 [16:40] <TheNytangel> mib_5djpdd, just update. The IP will still be there
#4482 [16:40] <Ale> Thenytangel ugh! it still didn't change the texture pack to the original
#4483 [16:40] <squiggy> what can you play it from the website if i buy it
#4484 [16:40] <TheNytangel> Ale, delete the texture pack from the texture packs folder
#4485 [16:40] <mib_5djpdd> i tried that earlier it said i couldnt go to my friends severe because it was outdated
#4486 [16:40] <GreyVulpine> Ale - Could you paste a screenshot of what you see ingame right now?
#4487 [16:40] <TheNytangel> squiggy, yes
#4488 [16:40] <KA_Gamer> squggiy yes
#4489 [16:40] <flabbergasted> Thank you it worked!
#4490 [16:40] <Ale> ok
#4491 [16:41] <TheNytangel> Yes, mib_5djpdd, just wait for them to update it
#4492 [16:41] <KA_Gamer> your welcome flabbergasted!
#4493 [16:41] <mib_5djpdd> ugh
#4494 [16:41] <mib_5djpdd> ok
#4495 [16:41] <squiggy> yaaayyyy im guna buy it hopefully tomorow or next week thats freacking sweet
#4496 [16:41] <mib_5djpdd> thanks
#4497 [16:41] <TheNytangel> ..
#4498 [16:41] <mib_5djpdd> thanks nytangel
#4499 [16:41] <KA_Gamer> Wow it's busy today on update day... wait that's not so surprising...
#4500 [16:42] <TheNytangel> No, it isn't..
#4501 [16:42] <TheNytangel> :P
#4502 [16:42] <KA_Gamer> I'm AFK btw, I'm trying to help you guys, FYI
#4503 [16:42] <KA_Gamer> NVM
#4504 [16:42] <Ale> thenytangel it doesn't work I cant bring a screenshot to the chat
#4505 [16:42] <TheNytangel> Put it on www.imgur.com and give us the link Ale
#4506 [16:42] <TheNytangel> ??< index
#4507 [16:43] <TheNytangel> ??< ask/howto
#4508 [16:44] * Finameno [Finameno@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4509 [16:44] <TheNytangel> Well, it got quiet suddenly
#4510 [16:44] <KA_Gamer> The chat was busy when I logged in. Hello Finameno! Do you need help>
#4511 [16:44] <KA_Gamer> *?
#4512 [16:44] * jack [jack@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4513 [16:45] <wilma> Can you help me?
#4514 [16:45] <Ale> how do I sign in nyangel?
#4515 [16:45] <GreyVulpine> wilma - With?
#4516 [16:45] <KA_Gamer> Wilma ask us a ?
#4517 [16:45] <TheNytangel> Ale, you don't need to. Just upload the picture
#4518 [16:45] <TheNytangel> ??>> wilma ask
#4519 [16:45] <TheNytangel> :)
#4520 [16:45] <wilma> I'm having the same problem that flabbergasted had.
#4521 [16:45] <jack> can someone plz just make me a server and tell me the password ive tried twice
#4522 [16:45] <jack> plz plz plz
#4523 [16:45] <TheNytangel> jack, sh
#4524 [16:45] <wilma> if I try to play the game, it goes to a black screen.
#4525 [16:45] <DopeGhoti> ??> jack smp/serversetup
#4526 [16:46] <VoxelHead> jack: (smp/serversetup) Lots of information here:
#4527 [16:46] <VoxelHead> jack: (smp/serversetup) http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Tutorials/Setting_up_a_server
#4528 [16:46] <KA_Gamer> Jack with bukkit? Because with bukkit, we can't
#4529 [16:46] <wilma> But If i try to play in browser, it goes to a white screen.
#4530 [16:46] <TheNytangel> Well, I can.. but I won't KA_Gamer :P
#4531 [16:46] <GreyVulpine> ??< smp/servers
#4532 [16:46] <Ale> thenytangel here it is http://imgur.com/7RuVj
#4533 [16:46] <TheNytangel> wilma, either you need java for the browser, or reinstall the game for your client
#4534 [16:46] * mr_trousers [mr_trousers@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4535 [16:46] <jack> can u just make one for me
#4536 [16:46] <wilma> I've tried deleting my minecraft stuff, and redownloading it, but it wont work.
#4537 [16:46] <wilma> I have Java.
#4538 [16:47] <jack> ??
#4539 [16:47] <mr_trousers> hello im back
#4540 [16:47] <TheNytangel> Ale, try deleting your .minecraft folder, but backup your saves first
#4541 [16:47] <KA_Gamer> Wilma update Java. You also may have blocked it.
#4542 [16:47] <Ale> thenytangel LOL I did FIVE TIMES
#4543 [16:47] <wilma> How would I unblock it then?
#4544 [16:47] <Ale> nothing happens
#4545 [16:47] <TheNytangel> Ale, no. The whole .minecraft folder
#4546 [16:47] <wilma> And I have no clue how to update java...
#4547 [16:48] <jack> plz
#4548 [16:48] <DopeGhoti> Ale: did it do the same thing under a new Windows account?
#4549 [16:48] <TheNytangel> jack, no
#4550 [16:48] <Ale> yes the WHOLE ENTIRE minecraft folder in application support MAC
#4551 [16:48] <DopeGhoti> ah, this is on a Mac
#4552 [16:48] <KA_Gamer> Jack you've gotta do it on your own. We aren't hosting a server for you.
#4553 [16:48] <DopeGhoti> Ale: did it do the same thing under a new OS X account?
#4554 [16:49] <TheNytangel> jack, go find a server hoster on google or something and go buy one if you want a server that bad
#4555 [16:49] <DopeGhoti> jack: for $25/month, I will set up and administar a server for you.
#4556 [16:49] <KA_Gamer> Wilma, you might need to clear history, cookies, etc.
#4557 [16:49] <TheNytangel> DopeGhoti, website? :)
#4558 [16:49] <Ale> thenytangel Idk but I cannot do that right now I will later but just in case that doesn't work what do you recommend?
#4559 [16:49] <jack> cant you just make them for free
#4560 [16:49] <TheNytangel> Ale, ask DopeGhoti :P
#4561 [16:49] <KA_Gamer> jack yes, but that would require a lot of work on our end.
#4562 [16:49] <TheNytangel> Yes, jack, buy you are apperently incapable of doing that
#4563 [16:50] <TheNytangel> but*
#4564 [16:50] <KA_Gamer> so we will charge you
#4565 [16:50] <wilma> I'll give it a try. I just had my computer basically die on me on monday, so I just got it back from the repair place. They deleted my minecraft while it was there.
#4566 [16:50] <KA_Gamer> wilma, oh that sucks.
#4567 [16:50] <Ale> DopeGhoti I will try to open minecraft on a different user on a mac but if it stays on the same darn stupid texture pack what should I do?
#4568 [16:50] <DopeGhoti> Ale: tell me, and we'll go from there
#4569 [16:51] <GreyVulpine> Ale - Did you upload a screenshot of what you see right now?
#4570 [16:51] <TheNytangel> Ale, it will. It is the .minecraft folder on the same computer
#4571 [16:51] <Ale> yes I did here it is again though http://imgur.com/7RuVj
#4572 [16:51] <wilma> They also installed an anitvirus thing called bitdefender...
#4573 [16:52] <KA_Gamer> Bitefender could be your problem. Did you try to play out of browser?
#4574 [16:52] <TheNytangel> GreyVulpine, help! My reese's peanut butter cups are melting! What do I do?
#4575 [16:52] <TheNytangel> Jk..
#4576 [16:52] <Ale> when I try to delete the WHOLE entire minecraft folder it says (when I log in minecraft) redownloading packages and downloads the stupid texture pack with it///
#4577 [16:52] <TheNytangel> Ale, maybe that is the default texture pack
#4578 [16:52] <wilma> I have, yes. It gives me a black screen after I try logging it.
#4579 [16:52] <wilma> in*
#4580 [16:53] <KA_Gamer> Try to play in browser instead Ale
#4581 [16:53] <Ale> no it is not no way it is I downloaded it off a website
#4582 [16:53] <GreyVulpine> Ale - How exactly are you launching minecraft?
#4583 [16:53] <Ale> ok KA gamer wait.. what does that mean?
#4584 [16:53] <Ale> from the desktop
#4585 [16:53] <KA_Gamer> Wilma - Try deleting .minecraft AFTER backing up your saves file?
#4586 [16:53] <GreyVulpine> Ale - With what program?
#4587 [16:53] * trekkie1701c [trekkie1701c@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4588 [16:53] <KA_Gamer> Excuse ? mark
#4589 [16:53] <Ale> what do you mean?
#4590 [16:54] <GreyVulpine> Ale - Are you using minecraft.exe?
#4591 [16:54] <GreyVulpine> or some sort of patcher program?
#4592 [16:54] <TheNytangel> Ale, the minecraft lau.. ninja'd
#4593 [16:54] <Ale> no I downloaded minecraft from minecraft.net when I bought it
#4594 [16:54] * squiggy [squiggy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4595 [16:54] <wilma> I've checked all my computer. I don't even have the .minecraft file. Or at least I can't find it.
#4596 [16:54] <squiggy> Hi
#4597 [16:55] <DopeGhoti> Ale: did you test under another system account yet?
#4598 [16:55] <KA_Gamer> Ale, go to http://www.minecraft.net and on the home screen you should see an "in browser" option
#4599 [16:55] <squiggy> i've got a problem with my minecraft
#4600 [16:55] <Ale> no because I cannot do it until a couple of hours
#4601 [16:55] <KA_Gamer> what is it squiggy
#4602 [16:55] <TheNytangel> Brb
#4603 [16:55] <DopeGhoti> why not? Are you not at the computer now?
#4604 [16:55] <Ale> no I have a parental control stupid crap thing
#4605 [16:55] <TheNytangel> >.>
#4606 [16:56] <KA_Gamer> I love how I'm trying to do this and play minecraft at the same time
#4607 [16:56] * avirst3 [avirst3@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4608 [16:56] <GreyVulpine> KA_Gamer - Heh, makes it fun, don’t it?
#4609 [16:56] <quibbit> Ale: lol
#4610 [16:56] <KA_Gamer> yup!
#4611 [16:56] <KA_Gamer> Like a race against the clock!
#4612 [16:57] <Ale> quibbit it is F*&^ing retarded...
#4613 [16:57] <Ale> you have no idea
#4614 [16:57] <Ale> KA Gamer it wont allow me to play on broser
#4615 [16:57] <avirst3> hey guys, I've had a problem with the launcher i log in and it loads then fails on log in and tells me that I haven't downloaded it and the option under try again is not avalible
#4616 [16:57] * Bradlord33 [Bradlord33@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4617 [16:57] <Ale> browser I do not know why
#4618 [16:57] <Bradlord33> Hello
#4619 [16:57] <KA_Gamer> a security thing may have blocked it out
#4620 [16:57] <Bradlord33> I have java error how can i solve it
#4621 [16:58] <KA_Gamer> reinstall java bradlord33
#4622 [16:58] <GreyVulpine> Bradlord33 - Copy the java error, paste it at www.pastebin.com and give us the URL
#4623 [16:58] <avirst3> cool
#4624 [16:58] <Bradlord33> I did
#4625 [16:58] <squiggy> i've got the same problems as you guy with my minecraft lol
#4626 [16:58] <Bradlord33> i cant copy and paste the error
#4627 [16:58] <Ale> ugh pain in the 3 (butt, ass, donkey, but cheeks LOL)
#4628 [16:58] <squiggy> it's taking so long to load my minecraft
#4629 [16:58] <squiggy> woops
#4630 [16:58] <squiggy> lol
#4631 [16:59] <GreyVulpine> Bradlord33 - Has minecraft worked before?
#4632 [16:59] <Bradlord33> Yes
#4633 [16:59] <GreyVulpine> ??> Bradlord33 win/reinst
#4634 [16:59] <VoxelHead> Bradlord33: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#4635 [16:59] <squiggy> not for me
#4636 [16:59] <VoxelHead> Bradlord33: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#4637 [16:59] <Ale> I will try it on a different server and if it still doesn't work I have no idea what to do
#4638 [16:59] <Ale> different account sorry (for computer)
#4639 [16:59] <KA_Gamer> wow that's a great command with voxel. I feel like i've typed that 1,000 times
#4640 [16:59] <GreyVulpine> Indeed
#4641 [17:00] <Ale> GreyVulpine what should I do now?
#4642 [17:00] <TheNytangel> So do I.. that's the only thing I know how to type with it. That and ask
#4643 [17:00] <squiggy> is anybody having problems waiting for a while just for minecraft to load
#4644 [17:00] <VoxelHead> KA_Gamer: Come again?
#4645 [17:00] <squiggy> ?
#4646 [17:00] <GreyVulpine> Ale - Happen to have teamviewer?
#4647 [17:00] <avirst3> ok thanks I had to manuely allow it threought the firewall..
#4648 [17:00] <GreyVulpine> I want to have a look at this myself
#4649 [17:00] <KA_Gamer> voxelhead just complementing you
#4650 [17:00] <Ale> nope
#4651 [17:00] <GreyVulpine> ??> ale teamviewer
#4652 [17:00] <squiggy> what>
#4653 [17:01] <VoxelHead> ale: (teamviewer) Teamviewer is remote access software, which enables other people to, with your permission, access your computer remotely and attempt to perform troubleshooting and diagnostics.
#4654 [17:01] <VoxelHead> ale: (teamviewer) Teamviewer's website is here: http://www.teamviewer.com/en/index.aspx
#4655 [17:01] * Daxar [Daxar@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4656 [17:01] <Bradlord33> I have still the same error
#4657 [17:01] <TheNytangel> VoxelHead, give me water
#4658 [17:01] <Ale> ok how do I know your not going to look through my shit
#4659 [17:01] <Bradlord33> I can give you a screen of the rror if you want
#4660 [17:01] <Ale> not that you will but can I move the mouse to?
#4661 [17:01] <GreyVulpine> Ale - If you don’t trust me with access, that’s fine to.
#4662 [17:01] <KA_Gamer> Yes bradlord33
#4663 [17:01] <GreyVulpine> too.
#4664 [17:01] <TheNytangel> Ale, we have better things to do than that
#4665 [17:01] <TheNytangel> Ale, if you don't want us to help you, then fine
#4666 [17:02] <Ale> no but can I move the mouse too?
#4667 [17:02] <GreyVulpine> Yes you can
#4668 [17:02] <Ale> ok lets do it lol so what do I do?
#4669 [17:02] <TheNytangel> -_-
#4670 [17:02] <TheNytangel> ??> Ale teamviewer
#4671 [17:02] <VoxelHead> Ale: (teamviewer) Teamviewer is remote access software, which enables other people to, with your permission, access your computer remotely and attempt to perform troubleshooting and diagnostics.
#4672 [17:02] <VoxelHead> Ale: (teamviewer) Teamviewer's website is here: http://www.teamviewer.com/en/index.aspx
#4673 [17:02] <Ale> oh woops
#4674 [17:02] <quibbit> lol I wonder if they pay you guys to do this
#4675 [17:02] <GreyVulpine> quibbit - We do not get paid here.
#4676 [17:03] <TheNytangel> Volunteers
#4677 [17:03] <quibbit> GreyVulpine: training for a customer service position? :D
#4678 [17:03] * curmet [curmet@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4679 [17:03] <KA_Gamer> We should get cool capes in Minecraft like the staff lol
#4680 [17:03] <quibbit> as you can see dealing with the public is rather hilarious
#4681 [17:03] <quibbit> :3
#4682 [17:03] <GreyVulpine> Heh, training? I used to do this for a living
#4683 [17:03] <Ale> ok wait so I just downloaded it greyvulpine
#4684 [17:03] <GreyVulpine> This is just for fun.
#4685 [17:03] <TheNytangel> Ale, then install it
#4686 [17:03] <GreyVulpine> Ale - Launch teamviewer
#4687 [17:03] <GreyVulpine> Ale - PM me the ID and password it gives you
#4688 [17:04] * Fa113nSkat3r [Fa113nSkat3r@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4689 [17:04] <Ale> sorry it is still downloading
#4690 [17:04] * KA_Gamer hacks the pm lol
#4690 [17:04] * EntityReborn [EntityReborn@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4691 [17:04] <Fa113nSkat3r> D:
#4692 [17:04] <TheNytangel> KA_Gamer, impossible unless you are the IRC server techy
#4693 [17:04] <Fa113nSkat3r> Anyone have trouble with the new 1.7 update?
#4694 [17:04] <KA_Gamer> maybe i am in disguise
#4695 [17:04] <TheNytangel> Fa113nSkat3r, play in the browseer
#4696 [17:04] * Iguana [Iguana@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4697 [17:04] <TheNytangel> browser*
#4698 [17:05] * mib_cl0zfl [mib_cl0zfl@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4699 [17:05] <KA_Gamer> fall3nSkat3r alot of people have.
#4700 [17:05] <Bradlord33> http://tinypic.com/r/67qkb8/7
#4701 [17:05] <squiggy> my minecraft has crashed for a while and im sad right now :(
#4702 [17:05] <Ale> greyvulpine how do I pm you?
#4703 [17:05] * Sean [Sean@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4704 [17:05] <squiggy> any help?
#4705 [17:05] <GreyVulpine> Ale - Right click on my name in the upper right corner, then private message
#4706 [17:05] <squiggy> Wazzup Sean
#4707 [17:05] <TheNytangel> Ale, /msg GreyVulpine <message>
#4708 [17:05] <TheNytangel> Or what he said
#4709 [17:05] <Fa113nSkat3r> No it's just I was in the middle of making something and wanted to use the pistons and then all the suddon the game crashed and currupted my game...
#4710 [17:05] <GreyVulpine> Or that
#4711 [17:05] <TheNytangel> Lol
#4712 [17:05] * mr_fribble [mr_fribble@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4713 [17:05] <mib_cl0zfl> I have a map under 'saves' but it doesn't show up in the area for minecraft. I created it on the launcher, not downloaded, can I have some help?
#4714 [17:05] <mr_fribble> hello
#4715 [17:05] <Ale> OH S&*% grey vulpine I need god damn parental controls to do that
#4716 [17:05] * Sean [Sean@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#4717 [17:06] <GreyVulpine> Fa113nSkat3r - Try using MCedit to edit your world, remove the piston, and resave
#4718 [17:06] <mr_fribble> hello?
#4719 [17:06] <GreyVulpine> Ale - Bleh
#4720 [17:06] <TheNytangel> -_-
#4721 [17:06] <KA_Gamer> AFK
#4722 [17:06] <Bradlord33> Have you seen my screen?>
#4723 [17:06] <TheNytangel> My parents *trust* me
#4724 [17:06] <Ale> do you have an Ichat greyvulpine?
#4725 [17:06] <Fa113nSkat3r> What does MCedit do?
#4726 [17:06] <GreyVulpine> Ichat?
#4727 [17:06] <DopeGhoti> Ale: just reinstall OS X without parental controls :p
#4728 [17:06] <TheNytangel> Fa113nSkat3r, lets you edit maps
#4729 [17:06] <GreyVulpine> Fa113nSkat3r - It’s a map editor
#4730 [17:06] <mr_fribble> i erased my minecraft folder accidentaally, how do i get it back?
#4731 [17:06] <Fa113nSkat3r> Oh, cool. Thanks!
#4732 [17:06] * nanny [nanny@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4733 [17:06] <mr_fribble> i have the maps backed up
#4734 [17:06] <Ale> greyvulpine yes an ichat cause I can do it with that
#4735 [17:06] <TheNytangel> mr_fribble, run minecraft
#4736 [17:06] <squiggy> my minecraft has crashed for a week now and the message tells me to email mojang and i did and then mojang told me to go on here
#4737 [17:07] <DopeGhoti> mr_fribble: put your map backups in your saves directory
#4738 [17:07] <DopeGhoti> ??> mr_fribble win/client
#4739 [17:07] <VoxelHead> mr_fribble: (win/client) http://www.minecraft.net/download/Minecraft.exe
#4740 [17:07] <Fa113nSkat3r> That's samrt. I should do that.
#4741 [17:07] <Fa113nSkat3r> :/
#4742 [17:07] <Ale> you can control my screen with permission
#4743 [17:07] <Bradlord33> Can you help me with my problem pls here isthe screen http://tinypic.com/r/67qkb8/7
#4744 [17:07] <mr_fribble> i run macosx
#4745 [17:07] <GreyVulpine> Ale - I have no idea what ichat is.. I don’t have a mac
#4746 [17:07] <Fa113nSkat3r> Oh, where can I download MCedit
#4747 [17:07] <Ale> oh umm
#4748 [17:07] <TheNytangel> ??> mac/reinst mr_fribble
#4749 [17:07] <GreyVulpine> Fa113nSkat3r - http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/13807-mcedit-minecraft-world-editor-compatible-with-mc-beta-166/
#4750 [17:07] <TheNytangel> Fail
#4751 [17:07] <Ale> should I thoroughly tell you what is happening
#4752 [17:07] <Fa113nSkat3r> Thanks.
#4753 [17:08] <squiggy> what teh hell?
#4754 [17:08] <TheNytangel> mr_fribble, just run minecraft
#4755 [17:08] <TheNytangel> squiggy, he just removed a ban..
#4756 [17:08] <Ale> Greyvulpine tell me exactly what to do and I'll tell you what happens
#4757 [17:08] <mr_fribble> it will automatically create a file?
#4758 [17:08] <squiggy> what?
#4759 [17:08] <TheNytangel> Ale, again with talking to the bot
#4760 [17:08] <TheNytangel> mr_fribble, yes
#4761 [17:08] <KA_Gamer> not afk
#4762 [17:09] <squiggy> sorry, im just new to this
#4763 [17:09] <mr_fribble> thanks, ill try
#4764 [17:09] <Ale> greyvulpine is a bot?
#4765 [17:09] <_303> lol!
#4766 [17:09] <GreyVulpine> No.
#4767 [17:09] <TheNytangel> Lol
#4768 [17:09] <mr_fribble> thanks so much guys!
#4769 [17:09] <squiggy> ok, this chat is'nt helping me with my minecraft problems
#4770 [17:09] <KA_Gamer> no, voxelhead is
#4771 [17:09] <TheNytangel> Oops..
#4772 [17:09] <mib_wtu8eh> how long does it normally take for the severs to update
#4773 [17:09] <TheNytangel> Yeah, VoxelHead is.. I read Grey's name wrong :P
#4774 [17:09] <_303> I keep getting mistaken for a bot too, far too often ._.
#4775 [17:09] <Ale> thenytangel really I have been on this thing for an hour and I cannot seem to do anything
#4776 [17:09] <DopeGhoti> Also me.
#4777 [17:09] <KA_Gamer> whenever the host updates it. mib_wtu8eh
#4778 [17:10] <TheNytangel> Ale, duh. You need to override the parental controls
#4779 [17:10] * mib_jzlyph [mib_jzlyph@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4780 [17:10] * Bar9 [Bar9@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4781 [17:10] <TheNytangel> :P
#4782 [17:10] <mib_wtu8eh> oh, and the host would be the creater Correct?
#4783 [17:10] <DopeGhoti> Ale: why don't you come back in who hours or whnever it is that all your system's parental controls apparently won't be an issue.
#4784 [17:10] <DopeGhoti> s/who/tho/
#4785 [17:10] <Bradlord33> Hello !
#4786 [17:10] <TheNytangel> mib_wtu8eh, yes
#4787 [17:10] <DopeGhoti> .. killall typod
#4788 [17:10] * HoboPickle [HoboPickle@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4789 [17:10] <KA_Gamer> mib_wtu8eh yes
#4790 [17:10] <mib_wtu8eh> sorry for all the questions but my sister through me into this game and now i am hanging lol
#4791 [17:10] <Bradlord33> Jesus guys its been 10 minutes im waiting for someone to help me !
#4792 [17:10] <DopeGhoti> ?? patience
#4793 [17:10] <VoxelHead> patience: Please be patient when waiting for a response. Many of the helpers here are helping in their free time at school or work, and often get called away.
#4794 [17:10] <Ale> fucking ballsack ok wow just wasted an hour of me life XD LOL
#4795 [17:11] <VoxelHead> patience: In short, your supplications will be answered, in the order in which they are received. See also ?? attitude.
#4796 [17:11] <TheNytangel> Bradlord33, reinstall java?
#4797 [17:11] <DopeGhoti> Bradlord33: in case you haven't noticed.. it's kind of busy today.
#4798 [17:11] <Bradlord33> I know
#4799 [17:11] <Bradlord33> Like all day
#4800 [17:11] <Bradlord33> Its just someoen said he was helping me but then didnt do anything
#4801 [17:11] <Bradlord33> And i did Reinstall
#4802 [17:11] <Bradlord33> But it doesnt work
#4803 [17:12] <KA_Gamer> You probably have it blocked with your browser. As far as how to unblock, I'm not sure
#4804 [17:12] <GreyVulpine> Bradlord33 - Not just reinstall, but completely wipe java from your system, and reinstall it from java.com
#4805 [17:12] * jamert [jamert@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4806 [17:12] <Bradlord33> Well i do how i wipe it out of my computer?
#4807 [17:12] <Bradlord33> how*
#4808 [17:12] <DopeGhoti> ?? win/javara
#4809 [17:12] <VoxelHead> win/javara: JavaRa is a tool for removing broken Java installations. If your java installation is failing with errors, running JavaRa might clear them up.
#4810 [17:12] <VoxelHead> win/javara: JavaRa's info and download website is: http://raproducts.org/wordpress/software
#4811 [17:12] <Bradlord33> Thank you
#4812 [17:12] <DopeGhoti> \o
#4813 [17:13] * Danthepianist [Danthepianist@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#4814 [17:13] <KA_Gamer> if you still have a problem say I
#4815 [17:13] <jamert> i
#4816 [17:14] <KA_Gamer> What's the problem jamert
#4817 [17:15] <jamert> when i start mc in browser it starts off as a blank white screen, then flashes a dirt graphics screen with a downloading bar, then goes back to a blank white screen and stays there.
#4818 [17:15] <jamert> i left it like that for a while to see if it would change but it doesn't
#4819 [17:15] <KA_Gamer> try re installing java jamert
#4820 [17:15] <jamert> i have a mac
#4821 [17:16] <DopeGhoti> KA_Gamer: "aye", not "I".
#4822 [17:16] <jamert> cant find a way to uninstall it
#4823 [17:16] <DopeGhoti> ??> jamert mac/reinst
#4824 [17:16] <VoxelHead> jamert: (mac/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#4825 [17:16] <VoxelHead> jamert: (mac/reinst) To do so, in the Finder, from the Go menu, select Home. Then open Library, Application Support, and then minecraft. Drag the bin folder to the trash, then try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#4826 [17:16] <DopeGhoti> And now: lunch!
#4827 [17:16] <KA_Gamer> um, he ment java dopeGhoti
#4828 [17:16] * bobbobson [bobbobson@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4829 [17:17] * mib_mjc8bw [mib_mjc8bw@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4830 [17:17] <TheNytangel> Fail..
#4831 [17:17] <DopeGhoti> KA_Gamer: yes, but reinstalling the binaries is a better first step than reinstalling Java; particularly on a Mac.
#4832 [17:17] * Mikiael [Mikiael@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4833 [17:17] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :Hi.
#4834 [17:17] <KA_Gamer> He's trying to play in browser DopeGhoti
#4835 [17:17] <voegi> hi
#4836 [17:17] * HoboPickle [HoboPickle@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4837 [17:18] <GreyVulpine> KA_Gamer - Uses the same files
#4838 [17:18] <DopeGhoti> (furthermore, reinstalling Java on a POSIX machine is much less likely a requisite step than it is on a Windows box (:
#4839 [17:18] <DopeGhoti> )
#4840 [17:18] <voegi> how can I easy update my server without loosing my map?
#4841 [17:18] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :I have a little question, can you log into the game, since the 1.7 upgrade ?
#4842 [17:18] <voegi> I'm using linux
#4843 [17:18] <jamert> tried it. still same problem
#4844 [17:18] <DopeGhoti> voegi: back up the map anywho, then..
#4845 [17:18] <DopeGhoti> !server
#4846 [17:19] <KA_Gamer> now try java jamert
#4847 [17:19] * mr_fribble [mr_fribble@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4848 [17:19] <DopeGhoti> voegi: download the .jar, and run it
#4849 [17:19] <GreyVulpine> Mikiael - Use the in-browser client
#4850 [17:19] <quibbit> DopeGhoti: why not recommend bukkit? :D
#4851 [17:19] * Tanjoodo [Tanjoodo@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4852 [17:19] <DopeGhoti> quibbit: a> it's not updated. b>:
#4853 [17:19] <DopeGhoti> ??> quibbit mods
#4854 [17:19] <VoxelHead> quibbit: (mods) This channel is not a venue for support with third-party mods. For assistance with Bukkit, check #Bukkit
#4855 [17:19] <VoxelHead> quibbit: (mods) You will find a lot of information here: http://tiny.cc/modinstall Also, for forther assistance with many other mods, check #Risucraft or #mcmods - mod help here is more likely once the official API is revealed.
#4856 [17:19] <voegi> DopeGhoti: I've downloaded this one and it created a new one
#4857 [17:19] * DarkNoddy [DarkNoddy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4858 [17:19] <DopeGhoti> voegi: it shouldn't have,
#4859 [17:20] <DopeGhoti> unless you also erased the server.properties file
#4860 [17:20] <mr_fribble> i updated to 1.7 and now i cant play, it crashes right before i get to the main screen
#4861 [17:20] <bobbobson> I play minecraft and it is fine but every 15 hours or so of play or so i start to get dizzy do you think it's because i take brake for meals?
#4862 [17:20] <voegi> DopeGhoti: I haven't
#4863 [17:20] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :23:19:03 <@GreyVulpine> Mikiael - Use the in-browser client
#4864 [17:20] <jamert> same problem here fribble
#4865 [17:20] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :I will try.
#4866 [17:20] <quibbit> bobbobson: I'd say ;)
#4867 [17:21] <KA_Gamer> Minecraft may not have installed correctly mr_fribble. Try deleting the bin and launching Minecraft
#4868 [17:21] <voegi> DopeGhoti: or the home place is no longer set? I am no longer at home and I have no items anymore....
#4869 [17:21] <KA_Gamer> the bin is in .minecraft
#4870 [17:21] <mr_fribble> i tried to but it still wont work
#4871 [17:21] <DopeGhoti> voegi: sounds like you ran the server from a new location.
#4872 [17:21] <voegi> DopeGhoti: oh shure
#4873 [17:21] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :the online version doesn't work. :(
#4874 [17:22] <KA_Gamer> try deleting .minecraft after backing up the saves file mr_fribble
#4875 [17:22] <mr_fribble> alright ty
#4876 [17:22] <voegi> DopeGhoti: is that my fault? just replace the old jar?
#4877 [17:22] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :hum
#4878 [17:23] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :i got it: java.nio.BufferOverflowException
#4879 [17:23] * nexyios [nexyios@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4880 [17:23] * mib_n6naxu [mib_n6naxu@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4881 [17:23] <PurpleHighwayman> how do you know what version of MC you've got, ie to check if it correctly downloaded the latest update?
#4882 [17:23] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :hum, nic easter egg... but it's not april anymore. :p
#4883 [17:23] <GreyVulpine> Mikiael - Did you have any mods before?
#4884 [17:23] * mib_37mrr4 [mib_37mrr4@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4885 [17:23] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :GreyVulpine, yes, but i can put a proper 1.66, i'll try
#4886 [17:23] <quibbit> PurpleHighwayman: at the start screen the version is in the top left corner of the screen :
#4887 [17:24] * CruelNoise [CruelNoise@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4888 [17:24] <quibbit> the screen that says "MINECRAFT" with the bouncing yellow words
#4889 [17:25] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :hum, thete is still the buff overflow exception and then a failling shutdown,
#4890 [17:25] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :i'll try an 1.7 forced upgrade
#4891 [17:25] <PurpleHighwayman> oh ok never noticed that lol, thanks, it was a bit hard to spot on my settings, thanks a lot quibbit!
#4892 [17:25] <nexyios> hello dear minecraft community! i just bought minecraft, but was a bit to hasty to click past the "Thank you" note... it said something about the purchase taking an hour... i can't find this info again... did it say i have to wait an hour before i can connect?? my account still looks basic! :(
#4893 [17:25] <GreyVulpine> Mikiael - Delete everything inside your .minecraft folder except for saves, then try the website again
#4894 [17:25] <GreyVulpine> nexyios - What is your minecraft username?
#4895 [17:25] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :you're a bit extremist. x)
#4896 [17:25] <mr_fribble> that worked thanx
#4897 [17:25] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :why not mv ~/.minecraft/ ~/.minecraft_bak ? :D
#4898 [17:26] <GreyVulpine> Mikiael - Pfft, fine.
#4899 [17:26] <nexyios> @GreyVulpine - it's cazyius
#4900 [17:26] <GreyVulpine> !paid cazyius
#4901 [17:26] <GreyVulpine> nexyios - Doesn’t look like the payment has gone through yet.
#4902 [17:26] * houze [houze@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4903 [17:26] * mib_6exohq [mib_6exohq@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4904 [17:27] <GreyVulpine> nexyios - It can take a few hours for your payment to be processed.
#4905 [17:27] <voegi> DopeGhoti: it doesn't work with replacing the jar...
#4906 [17:27] * jamert [jamert@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4907 [17:27] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :hum
#4908 [17:28] <nexyios> @GreyVulpine ah, thank you... i was looking forward to get an hour gameplay before bed.... guess i'll have to wait another day then :-/
#4909 [17:28] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :GreyVulpine, it's working, now i'll try with the 1.66 "binary" :)
#4910 [17:28] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :GreyVulpine, thanks, that's a large step.
#4911 [17:28] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :hum
#4912 [17:28] * HoboPickle [HoboPickle@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4913 [17:28] <mib_6exohq> greyvulpine, what do you do if a map you created by yourself (not downloaded) will not show up to be chosen to play?
#4914 [17:28] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :maybe not, i don't have the good vocabulary.
#4915 [17:28] <mib_6exohq> it's in the saves folder
#4916 [17:28] <mib_6exohq> not deleted
#4917 [17:28] * spud [spud@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4918 [17:29] <GreyVulpine> mib_6exohq - Um, did you have a power outage, or did your computer suddenly close down when you had that map loaded?
#4919 [17:29] <mib_6exohq> well my minecraft sometimes crashes my laptop when I close it and I get a black screen
#4920 [17:29] <mib_6exohq> but I then restart it and it's good
#4921 [17:29] <mib_6exohq> i'm on a mac
#4922 [17:30] <mib_6exohq> before you ask
#4923 [17:30] <GreyVulpine> Yeah, minecraft maps don’t like to be forceably closed like that
#4924 [17:30] <GreyVulpine> One solution we’ve found to recover maps like that, is to use a map editor like MCedit.
#4925 [17:30] <jamert> i deleted the java from minecraft then ran the in browser client to download them again. the in browser still doesn't load. so i tried downloaded client i have no world to load. i've redownloaded it before but my world was always a loadable option. i checked he saves folder in minecraft and it's empty
#4926 [17:30] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :GreyVulpine, that's working in 1.66, thanks for the "windows version" :D
#4927 [17:30] <mib_6exohq> okay, is it windows only?
#4928 [17:30] <GreyVulpine> Open it up, resave it with Ctrl+S, and open it in minecraft again
#4929 [17:30] <GreyVulpine> Nope.
#4930 [17:30] <GreyVulpine> http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/13807-mcedit-minecraft-world-editor-compatible-with-mc-beta-166/
#4931 [17:30] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :GreyVulpine, I will share it with some person whom i know they have the same problem.
#4932 [17:30] <mib_6exohq> thank you
#4933 [17:30] <voegi> is here someone other who can tell my why I have a new map on the updated server?
#4934 [17:31] <GreyVulpine> Mikiael - Sure thing
#4935 [17:31] <voegi> me*
#4936 [17:31] <KA_Gamer> Jamert, when you installed the client, you backed up the saves file. Right?
#4937 [17:31] * blaphmat [blaphmat@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4938 [17:31] <mib_6exohq> mib_6exohq does what greyvulpine says
#4939 [17:32] * Jer [Jer@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4940 [17:32] <spud> is there any way to downgrade the client?
#4941 [17:32] * [z]2 [[z]2@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4942 [17:32] <Jer> I made a piston in my world and when I clicked on it the game froze and now when i try to load my level it just says "saving chunks" and then goes to a black screen. Anyone know's what is wrong?
#4943 [17:33] <GreyVulpine> If you kept a backup of the files, yes spud
#4944 [17:33] <GreyVulpine> Jer- Try using MCedit to forceably remove the piston.
#4945 [17:33] <jamert> you mean after deleteing the java and redownloading it or downloading the game itself?
#4946 [17:33] <GreyVulpine> http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/13807-mcedit-minecraft-world-editor-compatible-with-mc-beta-166/
#4947 [17:33] * Kimax [Kimax@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4948 [17:33] * mib_2gl0im [mib_2gl0im@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4949 [17:33] <KA_Gamer> jamert sure
#4950 [17:34] <jamert> either way no, but i've done the same thing before without problem
#4951 [17:34] <KA_Gamer> well you've tried everything I can think of, so ask GreyVulpine :P
#4952 [17:34] <mib_6exohq> greyvulpine is it compatible with 1.7?
#4953 [17:35] <mib_6exohq> mcedit, I mean
#4954 [17:35] <KA_Gamer> It may not be mib_6exohq. The forum post will say
#4955 [17:35] <jamert> trying to get in browser client to work to see but it flashes a download complete screen then stays a blank white screen
#4956 [17:36] <nexyios> !paid cazyius
#4957 [17:37] * murdrums [murdrums@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4958 [17:37] <Mikiael> e34:ee3b:4c90:222:60ff:fee9:ab8e PRIVMSG #minecrafthelp :GreyVulpine, the probleme was the fact that i had a 64*64 texturepack.
#4959 [17:37] <mib_6exohq> greyvulpine if it's not compatible with 1.7 will that mess up the client?
#4960 [17:40] <Tanjoodo> mib_6exohq: Most likely
#4961 [17:41] * pudgetta [pudgetta@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4962 [17:41] <pudgetta> hi
#4963 [17:41] * Xeross [Xeross@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4964 [17:41] <mib_6exohq> oh okay
#4965 [17:41] <pudgetta> So i cant purchase minecraft
#4966 [17:41] <pudgetta> it keeps declining payment
#4967 [17:41] <mib_6exohq> so do I have to wait to then get it updated to 1.7?
#4968 [17:42] <KA_Gamer> Or you could just wait for the mod to update and update Minecraft to 1.7
#4969 [17:42] <DopeGhoti> ??> pudgetta prepaid
#4970 [17:42] <VoxelHead> pudgetta: (prepaid) Prepaid or gift credit cards will generally not work for purchasing Minecraft, because their fraud prevention klobbers international transactions.
#4971 [17:42] <pudgetta> am using a debit card
#4972 [17:43] <DopeGhoti> pudgetta: is it a prepaid card liek a Green Dot or something?
#4973 [17:43] <pudgetta> nope
#4974 [17:43] <mib_6exohq> I already updated minecraft to 1.7 >_<
#4975 [17:43] <pudgetta> Just a bank card
#4976 [17:43] <DopeGhoti> so it's a Visa or MC tied to your bank account?
#4977 [17:43] <pudgetta> indeed
#4978 [17:43] <DopeGhoti> Call your bank and ask them to stop declining the transaction.
#4979 [17:44] <pudgetta> alright
#4980 [17:45] * Chachii [Chachii@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4981 [17:45] * jujugoboom [jujugoboom@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4982 [17:46] <KA_Gamer> OK, well I gotta run. See you all soon
#4983 [17:46] <Chachii> How do you add custom block/item IDs that mods have?
#4984 [17:47] * Campy [Campy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4985 [17:47] <jujugoboom> whenever i start up my server i get the following error http://pastebin.com/cUXZW6gD
#4986 [17:48] <jujugoboom> what is it. i asked notch for help on twitter and he hasnt gotten back to me yet
#4987 [17:48] * Stead68 [Stead68@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4988 [17:49] <Stead68> Is there a dev of minecraft ?
#4989 [17:50] * replay42 [replay42@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4990 [17:50] <jujugoboom> Stead68: im guessing no
#4991 [17:50] <replay42> Hello Everyone
#4992 [17:51] * mib_kv7s65 [mib_kv7s65@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4993 [17:51] <Finameno> uhm... so
#4994 [17:51] <Finameno> what does it mean if you walk into an area and like 50 ducks spawn?
#4995 [17:52] <replay42> I've got a problem. With 1.6 I had the "Done Loading"-Error. Withthe todays Update 1.7 I only get a black screen after starting minecraft. I also tried deleting the "minecraft" folder (or bin folder) in Library/ApplicationSupport. But iot didn't work... please help me! I bought the Game for some money so I want to play it now!
#4996 [17:53] * Endcar [Endcar@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4997 [17:53] * Rehevkor [Rehevkor@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#4998 [17:53] <Endcar> anyone here?
#4999 [17:53] <jujugoboom> replay42: Its just a bug. Notch has said in his twitter that tomorrow he will release 1.7.2
#5000 [17:53] * Brad [Brad@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5001 [17:53] <jujugoboom> and that that will fix most bugs like that
#5002 [17:53] <Brad> Hello
#5003 [17:53] <jujugoboom> he kinda rushed the update this time
#5004 [17:54] <Endcar> would any1 happen to know any problems with the texturepack folder?
#5005 [17:54] <Brad> I have a java error that continue to appear
#5006 [17:54] <Brad> each time i launch minecraft
#5007 [17:54] <jujugoboom> texture paccks dont work in 1.7
#5008 [17:54] <Brad> I have triedto uninstall re install it doesnt work i have did it liek 7 times
#5009 [17:54] <Endcar> D:
#5010 [17:54] <Endcar> dangit >.<
#5011 [17:54] <Endcar> i need my texture pack
#5012 [17:54] <Brad> Still the same error that appears
#5013 [17:54] <Finameno> well if anyone knows let me know please :)
#5014 [17:55] <jujugoboom> notch said he is releasing a 1.7.2 update tomorrow that will fix most bugk
#5015 [17:55] <Endcar> well agian LOVES U ALL :D
#5016 [17:55] <jujugoboom> *s
#5017 [17:55] * sacred [sacred@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5018 [17:55] <replay42> Thanks. I hop it'll work....
#5019 [17:55] <Brad> Can anyone help me i have an java error
#5020 [17:56] * dimonds_rock [dimonds_rock@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5021 [17:56] * mib_t1qmcb [mib_t1qmcb@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5022 [17:56] * andrewkm [andrewkm@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5023 [17:56] <mib_t1qmcb> hi
#5024 [17:56] * mib_828at2 [mib_828at2@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5025 [17:56] <mib_n6naxu> so since they added the 1.7 if the host doesnt update it, why can you still not play the old verison till they do ?
#5026 [17:56] <Brad> ...
#5027 [17:57] <Chachii> Can someone tell me how to add item/block IDs for custom mod items/blocks?
#5028 [17:57] <Chachii> I've looked in the forums for tutorials but couldn't find anything.
#5029 [17:57] <mib_t1qmcb> I pressed deny when it asked me to allow application how do i redo it
#5030 [17:58] <sacred> i need to download the activex control to my pc for minecraft, but after i allowed the download to proceed, nothing happens. anyone have any suggestions?
#5031 [17:58] <mib_t1qmcb> please
#5032 [18:01] <mib_t1qmcb> may someone please help me
#5033 [18:01] * xarcus [xarcus@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5034 [18:01] * HoboPickle [HoboPickle@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5035 [18:02] <xarcus> hey i just pressed escape when my mincraft was updating and now it wont let me play on the server im on what do i do to fix it
#5036 [18:02] <mib_t1qmcb> thats like what happended to me
#5037 [18:02] <rev-lemon> xarcus its the update it self the server needs the new update for you to join it
#5038 [18:02] <mib_n6naxu> mib_t1qmcb try going back into the doc list and re run it
#5039 [18:03] * Count|net [Count|net@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5040 [18:03] <rev-lemon> everyone having trouble connecting to server the server it self needs to be updated for every new update to apply
#5041 [18:03] <xarcus> k i'll try
#5042 [18:03] <mib_t1qmcb> whats the doc list and thanks
#5043 [18:04] <rev-lemon> what you mean doc's list ?
#5044 [18:04] <xarcus> so the new update is 1.7 right
#5045 [18:04] <rev-lemon> correct
#5046 [18:04] <mib_n6naxu> go to the start window and then go to the file that you downloaded it to ie Downloads and then it should be in there
#5047 [18:04] <xarcus> oh ok now it says the server is outdated
#5048 [18:05] <rev-lemon> xarcus from minecraft.net redownload the server file again and it should be new
#5049 [18:05] <mib_t1qmcb> ok sorry but i'm confused
#5050 [18:05] <mib_n6naxu> mib_t1qmcb what system are you on
#5051 [18:05] <rev-lemon> mib_n6naxu open it up and see what it is im on xp
#5052 [18:05] <Chachii> Anyone want to answer me? D:
#5053 [18:06] * HoboPickle [HoboPickle@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5054 [18:06] <mib_t1qmcb> ahh regular
#5055 [18:06] * Kevin147 [Kevin147@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5056 [18:06] <mib_t1qmcb> :/
#5057 [18:06] <mib_n6naxu> are you using windows 7 or xp or vista
#5058 [18:06] <sacred> windows 7
#5059 [18:06] <mib_t1qmcb> No i'm on a mac
#5060 [18:07] <xarcus> windos xp
#5061 [18:07] <mib_n6naxu> oh well i am not 100% sure about that. do you have a windows icon
#5062 [18:07] <mib_t1qmcb> yeah
#5063 [18:07] * acky [acky@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5064 [18:08] <mib_t1qmcb> ok i'll go 2 windows 7
#5065 [18:08] <Kevin147> I'm having trouble with my minecraft, it used to load so fast and go through the mojang image fast, now it takes forever just to get to the 'single player' 'multiplayer' screen..etc
#5066 [18:08] <mib_n6naxu> pull that up and then go to documents and check and see if there is a downloads folder
#5067 [18:08] <xarcus> like a dirt block that has minecradt underneath it?
#5068 [18:08] <mib_t1qmcb> ok
#5069 [18:09] * calatalee [calatalee@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5070 [18:09] * HD4525 [HD4525@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5071 [18:09] * sinedeviance [sinedeviance@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5072 [18:09] * Kevin147 [Kevin147@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#5073 [18:10] <HD4525> I found a glitch in the 1.7 update that needs immediate atention
#5074 [18:10] <mib_t1qmcb> ok wait i just want to know how to get the applet open
#5075 [18:10] <xarcus> whats the glich
#5076 [18:10] <HD4525> There is a bug that crashed and destroyed my server
#5077 [18:10] * kermi [kermi@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5078 [18:11] <mib_t1qmcb> because now i can't play i cause i refused it
#5079 [18:11] <HD4525> My friend tried pushing bedrock with a piston and it broke my server
#5080 [18:12] * mib_oy3h5x [mib_oy3h5x@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5081 [18:12] <HD4525> Who is the mod/admin here?
#5082 [18:12] <mib_oy3h5x> why does minecraft work until i install my mods
#5083 [18:13] * Zdat [Zdat@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5084 [18:13] <sacred> does anyone know how to download the activex thing for minecraft on windows 7
#5085 [18:13] <Finamenon> well, ill try this again. What does it mean when you walk into a chunk and 50 ducks spawn? haha
#5086 [18:13] <mib_oy3h5x> what
#5087 [18:13] <HD4525> Who is the admin here?
#5088 [18:13] <xarcus> 0.o
#5089 [18:14] * mib_uowq7f [mib_uowq7f@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5090 [18:14] * SevFTW [SevFTW@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5091 [18:14] <mib_n6naxu> mib_t1qmcb i am not sure how to do that
#5092 [18:15] <mib_n6naxu> sorry i wasnt able to help :(
#5093 [18:15] <Zdat> I just encountered a Java (TM) Platform SE Binary has stopped working error that prevents me from running minecraft (server or single player launcher) shortly after installing 1.7.1 does anyone know how I can solve this? I already made sure my Java was up to date
#5094 [18:15] <HD4525> Who is the "helper" here?
#5095 [18:16] <mib_t1qmcb> thats fine
#5096 [18:16] * mats [mats@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5097 [18:16] <mib_n6naxu> hd i think all the OP's are idle
#5098 [18:16] * Havanacus [Havanacus@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5099 [18:17] <sacred> can anyone help me herer
#5100 [18:17] <sacred> *here
#5101 [18:17] <mib_n6naxu> i can try
#5102 [18:17] <HD4525> Thats a problem because there is a huge bug that is going to crash a lot of servers
#5103 [18:17] <mib_n6naxu> the servers are updating to the version HD
#5104 [18:17] <mats> Bad video drivers makes Mats sad :( http://pastebin.com/KfNgPT5k
#5105 [18:17] <HD4525> Not the problem.
#5106 [18:18] * bobsaget [bobsaget@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5107 [18:18] * mr_boo [mr_boo@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5108 [18:18] * WaaZa [WaaZa@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5109 [18:18] <mib_n6naxu> i cant even get into my server
#5110 [18:18] <mr_boo> need help
#5111 [18:18] <HD4525> My friend tried pushing bedrock with a piston and it crashed and destroyed my server
#5112 [18:18] <Finamenon> oh well..
#5113 [18:18] <bobsaget> i have been here before and i had talked about how i couldnt get minecraft to run
#5114 [18:18] <mib_n6naxu> can you contact your host at all HD
#5115 [18:18] <mr_boo> i need help
#5116 [18:19] <bobsaget> .......
#5117 [18:19] * bugweiser [bugweiser@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5118 [18:19] <HD4525> Im sorry guys but my problem is a little bit more important
#5119 [18:19] <mib_n6naxu> mr_boo i can try to help i am not sure though
#5120 [18:19] <mr_boo> ...
#5121 [18:19] <mr_boo> ok thanks
#5122 [18:19] <sacred> minecraft wont follow through with the download for activex
#5123 [18:19] <bobsaget> No i cant run minecraft at all HD4525
#5124 [18:19] * rumpler [rumpler@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5125 [18:20] <bugweiser> Hey anyone know the link to that risucraft channel
#5126 [18:20] <mib_n6naxu> HD i am not sure about them crashing you server you may have to uninstall and re download
#5127 [18:20] <mr_boo> well whenever i try to update minecraft i get an error saying Failed to launch Fatal error (4): permission denied:connect
#5128 [18:20] <bobsaget> I cant run minecraft all i get is a blck screen on the website
#5129 [18:20] <rumpler> I do have a question i have minecraft downloaded but when i try to play single player it says that (not downloaded)
#5130 [18:20] <HD4525> I have re-downloaded and reinstalled 4 times
#5131 [18:20] <HD4525> The big problem is that it messes up your server world file
#5132 [18:21] <HD4525> The file is corrupt and you lose your world
#5133 [18:21] <mr_boo> well delete your world and just have it generate a new one
#5134 [18:21] <mr_boo> have it backed up next time
#5135 [18:21] * mib_6iq38m [mib_6iq38m@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5136 [18:21] <bobsaget> can i get so assistance
#5137 [18:21] * Senjai|ZzZzZ [Senjai|ZzZzZ@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5138 [18:21] <mr_boo> sure
#5139 [18:21] <bobsaget> *some*
#5140 [18:21] <jujugoboom> HD4525: its just a 1.7 error Notch has said he is releasing a patch tomorrow for it
#5141 [18:21] <bugweiser> Can one of you guys help me with Singleplayercommands
#5142 [18:21] <mib_6iq38m> how do i update my server ??
#5143 [18:22] <HD4525> Do you know if my world is dead?
#5144 [18:22] <mr_boo> i really need help though
#5145 [18:22] <mr_boo> my minecraft doesnt even run
#5146 [18:22] <bobsaget> I skinned my character on skincraft on newgrounds and now i cant run minecraft
#5147 [18:22] <mr_boo> or update
#5148 [18:22] <jujugoboom> prob not. same happened to me and i hope my world is fine
#5149 [18:22] <mr_boo> well delete ur .minecraft and redownload it in the launcher
#5150 [18:22] <mib_6iq38m> i updated minecraft but think i have too update minecraft server too ;P
#5151 [18:22] <mib_n6naxu> mr-boo uninstall the program , by hitting windows and R at the same time and then type %appdate% and then enter then delete the file except the the save file and re install
#5152 [18:22] <mr_boo> any help for me?
#5153 [18:22] <HD4525> I still have the folder. When I use it says it cant read or understand files
#5154 [18:22] <mr_boo> well then delete it HD
#5155 [18:23] <bobsaget> That doesnt work i cant even play on the website
#5156 [18:23] <mr_boo> delete evrything
#5157 [18:23] <mib_n6naxu> HD i am not sure.. did you make yur own server?
#5158 [18:23] <jujugoboom> ya.... pistons break the saves right now
#5159 [18:23] <mib_n6naxu> MR yes and re do it
#5160 [18:23] <bobsaget> What do i do
#5161 [18:23] <bobsaget> .......
#5162 [18:24] <bobsaget> Hello?
#5163 [18:24] <HD4525> Yes I made my own server
#5164 [18:24] <mib_n6naxu> i wish i was able to help yall, but i dont know everything, i just know what i was told.
#5165 [18:24] <jujugoboom> bobsaget: did u upload it to minecraft.net
#5166 [18:24] <bobsaget> Yes
#5167 [18:24] <mib_n6naxu> HD then u may have to wait to talk to OP bc they will be able to help i am sorry
#5168 [18:25] <jujugoboom> with ur username and password??? were they correct
#5169 [18:25] <bobsaget> yes
#5170 [18:25] <mib_n6naxu> i cant play either bc my host hasnt updated the server yet
#5171 [18:26] <jujugoboom> well what u can do i go back to skincraft or if u still hav it open just download the .png file then go to minecraft.net and sign in and go to profile upload the file and save as skin... or something along thoes lines
#5172 [18:26] <HD4525> Alright thanks guys
#5173 [18:27] <bobsaget> i tried that it dosent work
#5174 [18:27] * MrMegelheimer [MrMegelheimer@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5175 [18:27] * indy981 [indy981@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5176 [18:27] <jujugoboom> well then i dont know... sorry
#5177 [18:27] <TheNytangel> bobsaget, ask your question again. I don't feel like scrolling up
#5178 [18:28] <indy981> hi um i can't play minecraft for some reason
#5179 [18:28] <MrMegelheimer> Excuse me, I've encounted a problem with my video Card Drivers.
#5180 [18:28] <bobsaget> i guess i wont be able to play minecraft again, so i bought it for nothing thanks alot newgrounds
#5181 [18:28] <TheNytangel> indy981, play in the browser
#5182 [18:28] <TheNytangel> bobsaget, ask your question again please
#5183 [18:28] <sacred> my problem is nota as important as these other ones, but i dont know where to go other than here
#5184 [18:28] <indy981> i tried
#5185 [18:28] <bobsaget> that dosent work
#5186 [18:28] <TheNytangel> MrMegelheimer, update them
#5187 [18:28] <mib_n6naxu> bob wait till one of the OP is on
#5188 [18:28] <TheNytangel> bobsaget, I'm am a *trained* professional. Just ask
#5189 [18:28] <MrMegelheimer> I did, Still to no avail.
#5190 [18:29] <indy981> i tried the download, redownload, and the browser and nothing is working...i just get a white or black
#5191 [18:29] <TheNytangel> sacred, just ask
#5192 [18:29] <bobsaget> I skinned my character on skincraft on newgrounds and now i cant play on minecraft it only gives me a black screen
#5193 [18:29] <mib_n6naxu> Bob there you go. i am sorry i wasnt able to help at all
#5194 [18:29] <TheNytangel> indy, update java
#5195 [18:29] <indy981> i did
#5196 [18:29] <indy981> ti have tried everything
#5197 [18:29] <TheNytangel> bobsaget, force an update
#5198 [18:29] <indy981> i think
#5199 [18:29] <bobsaget> what?
#5200 [18:29] <TheNytangel> ??> indy981 java/reinst
#5201 [18:29] <jujugoboom> oh bob did u update to 1.7 cuz right now that has a lot of bugs
#5202 [18:29] <TheNytangel> >.>
#5203 [18:29] <TheNytangel> Hold on
#5204 [18:29] <bobsaget> .......
#5205 [18:29] <indy981> i did reinstall java
#5206 [18:29] <TheNytangel> ??> bobsaget win/reinst
#5207 [18:29] <bobsaget> :(
#5208 [18:29] <VoxelHead> bobsaget: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#5209 [18:30] <VoxelHead> bobsaget: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#5210 [18:30] * huddler [huddler@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5211 [18:30] * sprog [sprog@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5212 [18:30] <indy981> when i go to browser i load the screen it sits there and when you scroll down the screen gets messed up
#5213 [18:30] <TheNytangel> indy981, did you uninstall it and then reinstall it?
#5214 [18:31] <indy981> how do you uninstall?
#5215 [18:31] <indy981> i just deleted it...
#5216 [18:31] <bobsaget> i dont have the minecraft directory it is in appdata when i download minecraft to my desktop even if i try to play on the website it still dosent work only give me a black scree
#5217 [18:31] <bobsaget> n
#5218 [18:31] <sacred> the activex control thing that is needed to run minecraft, i need to download it on windows 7, but after accepting the prompt the download does not start. Is this a minecraft problem or something else?
#5219 [18:31] <TheNytangel> sacred, try a different internet browser
#5220 [18:31] <huddler> just joined and we are getting a driver error.what to do?
#5221 [18:31] <bobsaget> minecraft directory isnt in appdata
#5222 [18:31] <TheNytangel> bobsaget, are you on windows, linux, or mac?
#5223 [18:31] <bobsaget> i meant to say
#5224 [18:32] <bobsaget> window xp
#5225 [18:32] <TheNytangel> huddler, update your drivers
#5226 [18:32] <mib_n6naxu> scared google active X i wasnt able to get it eiher ealier i found it
#5227 [18:32] <TheNytangel> Hmm
#5228 [18:32] <indy981> so what do i do then to reinstall minecraft?
#5229 [18:32] <TheNytangel> bobsaget, did you try it in the browser or in the client?
#5230 [18:32] <indy981> i can't download
#5231 [18:32] <bobsaget> what do you mean in the browser
#5232 [18:32] <huddler> windows
#5233 [18:32] <jujugoboom> anyways.... can someone help me with this http://pastebin.com/cUXZW6gD
#5234 [18:33] <TheNytangel> indy981, uninstall java and then download it again
#5235 [18:33] <indy981> ok ty i will try
#5236 [18:33] <TheNytangel> bobsaget, if you go to minecraft.net, on the homepage it says "in browser"
#5237 [18:33] <bobsaget> i did and it gives me a black screen
#5238 [18:33] <TheNytangel> jujugoboom, windows, linux, or mac?
#5239 [18:33] <bobsaget> .......
#5240 [18:33] <jujugoboom> windows its a server issue
#5241 [18:34] <TheNytangel> Server?
#5242 [18:34] <jujugoboom> yup
#5243 [18:34] <Shadow386> Stupid redstone dieing
#5244 [18:34] <bobsaget> ....................
#5245 [18:34] * averyd [averyd@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5246 [18:34] <TheNytangel> ??>> bobsaget patience
#5247 [18:34] <jujugoboom> im hoping notch will fix it tomorroe
#5248 [18:34] <bobsaget> it dosent work either
#5249 [18:34] <jujugoboom> tomorrow
#5250 [18:34] <mib_n6naxu> sared go to the settings at the right top of browser and go to saftey and then you will see the actve x try that and see if that works
#5251 [18:34] <TheNytangel> jujugoboom, .exe or .jar?
#5252 [18:35] <bobsaget> *sighs*
#5253 [18:35] <TheNytangel> bobsaget, just wait.
#5254 [18:35] <jujugoboom> .jar
#5255 [18:35] <bobsaget> ...........................................................................
#5256 [18:35] <Shadow386> What's the issue that you cant be patient?
#5257 [18:35] <TheNytangel> jujugoboom, reinstall it
#5258 [18:35] <TheNytangel> !server
#5259 [18:35] <jujugoboom> tried
#5260 [18:36] <jujugoboom> would it work with .exe???
#5261 [18:36] <Shadow386> bobsaget, well?
#5262 [18:36] <sacred> TheNytangel i tryed firefox, and the inbrowers play area did not even appear
#5263 [18:36] * Actery [Actery@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5264 [18:36] <TheNytangel> sacred, google activex
#5265 [18:36] * cbreaker [cbreaker@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5266 [18:36] <huddler> thenytangle how do you update the drivers
#5267 [18:36] <TheNytangel> huddler, use google?
#5268 [18:36] <bobsaget> i said i skinned my character and now i cant play minecraft
#5269 [18:36] <jujugoboom> generally "In Browser is slower and sometimes doesnt even work
#5270 [18:37] <TheNytangel> bobsaget, unskin your character
#5271 [18:37] <bobsaget> how?
#5272 [18:37] <TheNytangel> Go to minecraft.net, login, and go to your profile
#5273 [18:37] <jujugoboom> bob its probably a 1.7 bug, notch is fixing (hopefully) most tomorrow
#5274 [18:37] <bobsaget> i never got 1.7
#5275 [18:37] * Asuron [Asuron@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5276 [18:38] <bobsaget> caus this has been going on for a month
#5277 [18:38] <bobsaget> ............................
#5278 [18:38] <TheNytangel> bobsaget, open the launcher, click options, force update, click ok, login
#5279 [18:38] <jujugoboom> idk then
#5280 [18:38] * mib_x3z8fq [mib_x3z8fq@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5281 [18:38] <bobsaget> what do you mean open the launcher i cant open anything
#5282 [18:38] <jujugoboom> that might have been a previous version bug
#5283 [18:39] <bobsaget> You people dont help at all
#5284 [18:39] <TheNytangel> bobsaget, are you sure you have the latest version of java?
#5285 [18:39] <bobsaget> ................................................
#5286 [18:39] <jujugoboom> he means open the Minecraft.exe file
#5287 [18:39] <TheNytangel> bobsaget, stop with the dots. I am trying to help, have patience
#5288 [18:39] * stiffbrick [stiffbrick@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5289 [18:40] <TheNytangel> bobsaget
#5290 [18:40] <TheNytangel> !client
#5291 [18:40] <bobsaget> what]
#5292 [18:40] <jujugoboom> bob to verify u hav java and the latest version go to http://java.com/en/download/installed.jsp
#5293 [18:40] <TheNytangel> ??> bobsaget java/version
#5294 [18:40] <VoxelHead> bobsaget: (java/version) You can see which version of Java you have installed by going to the following page:
#5295 [18:40] <VoxelHead> bobsaget: (java/version) http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp
#5296 [18:41] * cbreaker [cbreaker@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#5297 [18:41] <bobsaget> it wont let me install java there is always this error
#5298 [18:41] <Shadow386> what's the error
#5299 [18:42] <TheNytangel> Go to your control panel -> uninstall/change a program -> uninstall java
#5300 [18:42] <bobsaget> i dont know
#5301 [18:42] <TheNytangel> And then try and install java
#5302 [18:42] <Shadow386> not knowing the error wont let us help you at all
#5303 [18:42] <jujugoboom> bob how old is ur computer
#5304 [18:42] <bobsaget> i cant have mozzila running
#5305 [18:42] <TheNytangel> ??< requirements
#5306 [18:42] <Shadow386> ??> requirements
#5307 [18:42] <jujugoboom> use internet exploreer then
#5308 [18:43] <averyd> I downloaded the game for my son a couple of hours ago. I haven't received a conformation email yet. Also, do I have to confirm the email before he can play the game?
#5309 [18:43] <Shadow386> I dont think I've ever facedesked so hard
#5310 [18:43] <TheNytangel> ??>> Shadow386 requirements
#5311 [18:43] <TheNytangel> I don't think he can run it
#5312 [18:43] * shortybsd [shortybsd@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5313 [18:43] <Shadow386> averyd: did you guys buy Minecraft?
#5314 [18:43] <averyd> Yes
#5315 [18:43] <shortybsd> how do i revert 1.7 back down to 1.6 since 1.7 is broke
#5316 [18:43] <Shadow386> How long ago?
#5317 [18:43] * crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7 [crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5318 [18:44] <TheNytangel> averyd, it takes within 24 hours to process the payment
#5319 [18:44] <averyd> About 2 hours ago
#5320 [18:44] * Blackthorne [Blackthorne@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5321 [18:44] <Shadow386> Hm
#5322 [18:44] <TheNytangel> shortybsd, google.. otherwise I don't know
#5323 [18:44] <jujugoboom> shortybsd: u hav to find the files online
#5324 [18:44] <Shadow386> finding it online isn't exactly in the legal area though
#5325 [18:44] <almostroot> ??> shortybsd oldversions
#5326 [18:44] <crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7> Okay I need some
#5327 [18:44] <crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7> help
#5328 [18:44] <Shadow386> I want some too
#5329 [18:44] <jujugoboom> Mojang doesnt support anything other than the newest version
#5330 [18:44] <TheNytangel> shortybsd, also, play in browser, not the launcher
#5331 [18:44] <almostroot> ??> shortybsd oldversion
#5332 [18:44] <VoxelHead> shortybsd: (oldversion) The only legal way to obtain old versions, other than having your own backups, is using the MCNostalia tool which applies binary patches to the .jar. http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1022&t=113094
#5333 [18:44] <TheNytangel> ??> crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7 ask
#5334 [18:44] <VoxelHead> crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7: (ask) Don't ask to ask or just say "I need help" - just ask your question or state what you need help with, and be as specific as possible.
#5335 [18:44] <VoxelHead> crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7: (ask) If you are unsure if the question is appropriate, just ask it and you will be informed if it is not.
#5336 [18:44] * bobsaget [bobsaget@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5337 [18:45] * Jakey_poo [Jakey_poo@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5338 [18:45] <TheNytangel> ??> bobsaget requirements
#5339 [18:45] <VoxelHead> bobsaget: (requirements) Minecraft is a modern game, with modern requirements. It is also still under active development, so the code is by no means optimized (what do you expect? It's in beta!). As such, you will not be able to reasonably expect the game to run on a system with less than 1.5GiB of RAM- the game itself allocates 1GB at startup. You will also need a somewhat modern video card and relatively fast CPU.
#5340 [18:45] * j00b4g [j00b4g@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5341 [18:45] <bobsaget> it says wizard was interuppted befor java could be completly installed
#5342 [18:45] <Shadow386> dual core, 2 gigs of ram, and a video card above 512MB would be the best bet
#5343 [18:46] <Shadow386> bobsaget: what was the error exactly?
#5344 [18:46] <bobsaget> omg
#5345 [18:46] <Shadow386> if it was interrupted, there has to be an error
#5346 [18:46] <TheNytangel> Sometimes I wonder why I never get voiced..
#5347 [18:46] <TheNytangel> :(
#5348 [18:46] <crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7> I was downloading a mod, but the mod didn't work, so I deleted it, but then all the files disappeared in my minecraft.jar file, so I just deleted the minecraft.jar file, expecting it to re-download when I started the game again, but it didn't, and now I'm stuck on the loading screen.
#5349 [18:46] <TheNytangel> They dun like me
#5350 [18:46] <Shadow386> sometimes I wonder why I did ._.
#5351 [18:46] <jujugoboom> well i can (Barely) run it on a single cor with 512mb ram and a ati 7000 vid card
#5352 [18:46] <sacred> thanks for the help guys, i cant do the download now, but i will be tomorrow!
#5353 [18:46] <bobsaget> it was an error caus if it was interrupted it couldnt install
#5354 [18:46] <TheNytangel> ??> crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7 mods
#5355 [18:46] <VoxelHead> crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7: (mods) This channel is not a venue for support with third-party mods. For assistance with Bukkit, check #Bukkit
#5356 [18:46] <VoxelHead> crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7: (mods) You will find a lot of information here: http://tiny.cc/modinstall Also, for forther assistance with many other mods, check #Risucraft or #mcmods - mod help here is more likely once the official API is revealed.
#5357 [18:47] <Shadow386> TheNytangel, he expected it to redownload
#5358 [18:47] <TheNytangel> I just saw "mods" and was like "ohhh"
#5359 [18:47] <TheNytangel> So..
#5360 [18:47] <Shadow386> crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7 when you start the client, click options and click force update
#5361 [18:47] <TheNytangel> ??> crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7 win/reinst
#5362 [18:47] <crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7> Main question: How do I get my minecraft.jar file back? It won't re-download.
#5363 [18:47] <VoxelHead> crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#5364 [18:47] <VoxelHead> crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#5365 [18:48] <bobsaget> so!!!!!
#5366 [18:48] <Shadow386> bobsaget: if it's interrupted, it has to have an error. If it doesn't then, there's nothing we can do as that's something java related
#5367 [18:48] <averyd> So it might take 24 hours to get the confirmation email. Does that mean he can't play until then?
#5368 [18:48] <TheNytangel> averyd, it could take less
#5369 [18:48] <TheNytangel> And yes..
#5370 [18:48] <j00b4g> Good day, peoples :P Need help with minecraft crashing; Anyone already recieving help?
#5371 [18:48] <Shadow386> or he could play classic
#5372 [18:48] <jujugoboom> j00b4g: 1.7???
#5373 [18:48] <bobsaget> THIS IS WHAT IT SAID "The wizard was interrupted before Java(TM) 6 update could be completely installed." CAUSE "
#5374 [18:48] <j00b4g> Yus.
#5375 [18:49] <TheNytangel> j00b4g, it hasn't crashed..
#5376 [18:49] <j00b4g> Though this specific world was having problems before 1.7
#5377 [18:49] <j00b4g> Not the website or anything, a world of mine
#5378 [18:49] <TheNytangel> Oh
#5379 [18:49] <crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7> 'Kay it worked. ^^
#5380 [18:49] <j00b4g> Shouldn't jump to conclusions :P
#5381 [18:49] <bobsaget> it says the cause is under investigation
#5382 [18:49] <jujugoboom> it has a TON of bugs. notch is releasing a update tomorrow
#5383 [18:49] <bobsaget> ....................
#5384 [18:49] <TheNytangel> I thought you were going to help with minecraft crashing
#5385 [18:49] <Shadow386> bobsaget: sounds like your computer hates java, there's not really much we can do for that. If you have an issue installing Java, I suggest you try google to solve that issue
#5386 [18:49] <j00b4g> As I said, this world was having problems before 1.7
#5387 [18:49] <crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7> But no
#5388 [18:49] <TheNytangel> bobsaget, stop. Seriously
#5389 [18:49] <Shadow386> also, using about 5 billion ...s will result in a kickban
#5390 [18:50] <crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7> But now I have to re-download all of my texture packs that I had. U.U
#5391 [18:50] <Shadow386> crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7
#5392 [18:50] <Shadow386> or
#5393 [18:50] <Shadow386> delete just the bin folder
#5394 [18:50] <Shadow386> :D
#5395 [18:50] <shortybsd> [17:44:pm] <jujugoboom> Mojang doesnt support anything other than the newest version
#5396 [18:50] <TheNytangel> Shadow386, too late :P
#5397 [18:50] <jujugoboom> well whats the prob.... exactly
#5398 [18:51] <Shadow386> drat
#5399 [18:51] <crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7> Too late.
#5400 [18:51] <shortybsd> to be honest, Mojang released a HUGE bug .. which is unplayable
#5401 [18:51] * iTechman [iTechman@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5402 [18:51] <Shadow386> sorry crazy, shouldve stepping in sooner
#5403 [18:51] <shortybsd> so for now i guess i'll run a hacked client because this is just retarded
#5404 [18:51] <Shadow386> or you know, DopeGhoti could fix that problem with VoxelHead ;D
#5405 [18:51] <j00b4g> What bug, Shorty? <.<
#5406 [18:51] * mib_aelytw [mib_aelytw@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5407 [18:51] <crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7> Good that there was only one texkture pack that I actually cared about.
#5408 [18:52] <jujugoboom> 1.7 is just chock full of bugs
#5409 [18:52] <TheNytangel> Default ft
#5410 [18:52] <TheNytangel> ftw*
#5411 [18:52] <shortybsd> also thanks almostroot for the link to oldversion
#5412 [18:52] <Shadow386> shortybsd: they release it all the time, as it's BETA and we are here to TEST for the FINAL COPY. which will hopefully, be bug free.
#5413 [18:52] <mib_aelytw> i bought minecraft on monday and it keeps saying that the user is not premium even though i paid for it
#5414 [18:52] <Shadow386> username?
#5415 [18:52] <TheNytangel> mib_aelytw, username?
#5416 [18:52] <shortybsd> Shadow386: understandable but not massive map corruption from making a piston, things like that should have been tested before beta was released
#5417 [18:52] <Shadow386> ninja'd
#5418 [18:52] <mib_aelytw> csmutah
#5419 [18:52] <Shadow386> shortybsd: that was fixed in 1.7_01
#5420 [18:52] <TheNytangel> !paid csmutah
#5421 [18:52] * noahwhiteis [noahwhiteis@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5422 [18:52] <shortybsd> i see tons of youtube videos of people making them work, how was that possible without map corruption
#5423 [18:53] <Shadow386> shortybsd: 1.7_01
#5424 [18:53] <Shadow386> :|
#5425 [18:53] <mib_aelytw> y did it say that i didnt pay for it
#5426 [18:53] <TheNytangel> Because you haven't
#5427 [18:53] <mib_aelytw> i see how it is
#5428 [18:53] * huddler [huddler@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5429 [18:53] <mib_aelytw> fine
#5430 [18:53] <Shadow386> mib_aelytw: are you sure you were logged into your account when you bought it?
#5431 [18:53] <mib_aelytw> yes im sure
#5432 [18:53] <Ketsueki> mib_aelytw: /when/ did you buy it?
#5433 [18:53] <Shadow386> perhaps theres an issue with your payment then
#5434 [18:54] <TheNytangel> Monday he said
#5435 [18:54] <shortybsd> Shadow386, ty checking now
#5436 [18:54] <mib_aelytw> on monday
#5437 [18:54] <Ketsueki> Ah yeah, you need to double check that.
#5438 [18:54] <jujugoboom> mib_aelytw: did u use paypal???
#5439 [18:54] <mib_aelytw> no i used a mastercard
#5440 [18:54] * umbridge [umbridge@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5441 [18:54] <Shadow386> That could be the case then.
#5442 [18:54] <Shadow386> Check with your bank to be sure the payment went through
#5443 [18:54] <Ketsueki> mib_aelytw: is it a /debit/ card?
#5444 [18:54] <TheNytangel> mib_aelytw, did you get an e-mail?
#5445 [18:54] <mib_aelytw> no i didnt get a email
#5446 [18:55] <mib_aelytw> and its a credit card
#5447 [18:55] <mib_aelytw> should i use a different one
#5448 [18:55] * mib_4xi00u [mib_4xi00u@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5449 [18:55] <Ketsueki> mib_aelytw: you should check to make sure that there isn't a pending transaction; then possibly yes trying another might be a good idea.
#5450 [18:55] <mib_aelytw> ok
#5451 [18:55] <mib_aelytw> thanks for help!
#5452 [18:56] <jujugoboom> anyone here a op yet
#5453 [18:56] <TheNytangel> You are.. welcome..?
#5454 [18:56] <TheNytangel> jujugoboom, someday I will be
#5455 [18:56] <umbridge> when i try to load a world, it says saving chunks then goes to a black screen, or it goes to a blue screen then goes black, all my other worlds work just this one odesnt
#5456 [18:56] <Shadow386> TheNytangel NEVAR
#5457 [18:56] <TheNytangel> Shadow386, yes.
#5458 [18:56] <jujugoboom> i believe it
#5459 [18:56] <Shadow386> nou
#5460 [18:56] <Shadow386> ohwait
#5461 [18:56] <TheNytangel> Yeame
#5462 [18:57] <Shadow386> umbridge: did you use pistons before this issue?
#5463 [18:57] <mib_aelytw> how do i find out if the payment is pending
#5464 [18:57] <umbridge> yes
#5465 [18:57] <j00b4g> Same problem as Umbridge. Been happening since 1.6.4 I believe
#5466 [18:57] <Shadow386> If so, your world might be corrupted due to a 1.7 bug
#5467 [18:57] * Count|net [Count|net@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5468 [18:57] * mib_xd3gkf [mib_xd3gkf@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5469 [18:57] <umbridge> mine just started now
#5470 [18:57] <TheNytangel> mib_aelytw, call them or look online if you can
#5471 [18:57] <Ketsueki> umbridge: did you do something with pistons and one of the bugs listed on here: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Version_history
#5472 [18:57] <Shadow386> j00b4g: might be world corruption
#5473 [18:57] <mib_aelytw> call the creditcard company
#5474 [18:57] <j00b4g> World still won't work with 1.7_01
#5475 [18:57] <Shadow386> j00b4g
#5476 [18:57] <Shadow386> it's corrupted then somehow
#5477 [18:58] <mib_xd3gkf> how do i update my game i have 1.6
#5478 [18:58] <j00b4g> Ah. So no hope of recovery?
#5479 [18:58] <TheNytangel> ??> mib_xd3gkf win/reinst
#5480 [18:58] <VoxelHead> mib_xd3gkf: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#5481 [18:58] <Ketsueki> Shadow386: would a world-editor be able to make it uncorrupt (salvage what data isn't corrupt that is)
#5482 [18:58] <VoxelHead> mib_xd3gkf: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#5483 [18:58] <TheNytangel> Ketsueki, yes I think
#5484 [18:58] <TheNytangel> Someone did it earlier
#5485 [18:59] <Ketsueki> j00b4g: umbridge: there you go, a list of world editors can be found on minecraftwiki.net
#5486 [18:59] <umbridge> no none of those listed happened to me, the first one is familiar, but the redstone didnt break
#5487 [18:59] <jujugoboom> Ketsueki: THANKS SOOO MUCH I ACCIDENTALLY HAD A PISTON BREAK A REDSTONE TORCH THAT WAS POWERING IT!!! which block would i remove
#5488 [18:59] <TheNytangel> jujugoboom, the piston
#5489 [18:59] <jujugoboom> THANKS SOOO MUCH
#5490 [19:00] <Ketsueki> Then, it will likely work (tm)
#5491 [19:00] <j00b4g> Mkay, I'll look into it. All else fails, I'll just give up on this world
#5492 [19:00] <Shadow386> its a minecraft world, it can be remade ;3
#5493 [19:01] <Shadow386> anywho, back to redstone messing with
#5494 [19:01] <Shadow386> I have that door jeb made half done, but my redstone keeps dieing
#5495 [19:04] <jujugoboom> Shadow386: thats what i was working on when my world crashed
#5496 [19:05] <jujugoboom> is that the one where the blocks go back and to the side
#5497 [19:05] <Shadow386> I have it seriously halfway working, the redstone just seriously dies after a few switches
#5498 [19:05] <Shadow386> like, I made it push the piston out, then have that piston move the block, but it only moves the bottom block.
#5499 [19:06] <TheNytangel> Yay for breaking minecraft :D
#5500 [19:06] <Shadow386> nou
#5501 [19:06] <jujugoboom> i have it 2*2 and i got the bottom 2 blocks going out and in and the others just going to the side and back
#5502 [19:07] <Shadow386> I dunno why the top blocks dont go out either :/
#5503 [19:08] <jujugoboom> i think if u put another piston behind it but only the bottom one and it pushes some stone with a redstone torch on top that it will work
#5504 [19:08] <crazyaboutm1n3cr4f7> whee
#5505 [19:08] <Shadow386> hm I never tried it like that.
#5506 [19:08] * Shadow386 goes
#5506 [19:10] * jamert [jamert@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5507 [19:10] * rootbeer2468 [rootbeer2468@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5508 [19:11] <jamert> is anyone else having a problem running mc after the new patch?
#5509 [19:11] <jujugoboom> ya just dont put a piston next to the torch facing it :P thats what i did
#5510 [19:11] <rootbeer2468> well actually ya
#5511 [19:11] <rootbeer2468> ....
#5512 [19:11] <rootbeer2468> It is SO LAGGY!
#5513 [19:11] <jamert> i can't even load it
#5514 [19:11] <jamert> just get white screened
#5515 [19:11] <rootbeer2468> like i joined a private server with my friend and i couldn't do anything
#5516 [19:12] <rootbeer2468> because of the lag.
#5517 [19:13] <rootbeer2468> Ok well ill wait for project or almostroot to get on.
#5518 [19:14] * squiggy [squiggy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5519 [19:14] <squiggy> what version of java do you need to run minecraft?
#5520 [19:14] * HoboPickle [HoboPickle@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5521 [19:15] * Fuzzmz [Fuzzmz@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5522 [19:15] * mitch1224 [mitch1224@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5523 [19:15] * ummhelp [ummhelp@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5524 [19:16] <mitch1224> oy! Grey, you there?
#5525 [19:17] <ummhelp> ?
#5526 [19:18] <mitch1224> Kealper, are you there?
#5527 [19:18] * mib_cvl4ry [mib_cvl4ry@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5528 [19:19] <mitch1224> Nobody?
#5529 [19:19] <Shadow386> what do you need the OPs for?
#5530 [19:20] <mitch1224> Im a reg here. :/ Why cant i play in browser?
#5531 [19:20] <mitch1224> It says the plug ins not installed, but its google chrome so it should be automatically.
#5532 [19:21] <mitch1224> And i cant download it, this is my uncles laptop, not mine.
#5533 [19:21] <mitch1224> any ideas?
#5534 [19:22] <Ketsueki> mitch1224: which plugin does it say is not installed? Your uncle might not have Sun Java
#5535 [19:22] <Ketsueki> (well now Oracle Java)
#5536 [19:22] <mitch1224> Hmm... ill check.
#5537 [19:22] <Ketsueki> mitch1224: http://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp
#5538 [19:22] <Ketsueki> http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp?detect=jre&try=1
#5539 [19:23] <mitch1224> Im there already.
#5540 [19:25] * sproing [sproing@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5541 [19:25] <Ketsueki> FYI there's recently been a new release, google chrome might have popped up a bar along the top of the page; you can typically click 'do it anyway for now' if it asks.
#5542 [19:25] <mitch1224> Nothing, actually.
#5543 [19:25] <sproing> hi
#5544 [19:26] <mitch1224> Not a single message bar or anything.
#5545 [19:28] * eightbitben [eightbitben@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5546 [19:28] <mitch1224> You know why? im reinstalling it now
#5547 [19:29] * TheNytangel [TheNytangel@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5548 [19:29] * Captain_lol [Captain_lol@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5549 [19:29] <mitch1224> ... theres no install for vista.
#5550 [19:30] <mitch1224> What? >.< Dumb thing...
#5551 [19:30] <mitch1224> Nytangel, could you help?
#5552 [19:31] * mib_q3tv0v [mib_q3tv0v@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5553 [19:31] <mib_q3tv0v> ok so i have been trying to get into the sever and it was saying disconnected and backed out and went to the text package and clicked on the text package and now i am getting a black screen
#5554 [19:33] <mitch1224> Nytangel, i need some help. Again. This is around my 13th time, now right?
#5555 [19:34] <mitch1224> Anybody on now?
#5556 [19:34] * Duhler [Duhler@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5557 [19:36] <mitch1224> Kealper, you there?
#5558 [19:36] <Ketsueki> mitch1224: use the Xp/Windows 7 install
#5559 [19:36] <mitch1224> Its vista.
#5560 [19:37] <Ketsueki> mitch1224: if it works for both XP /and/ Windows 7 it should work for vista; in fact it probably says XP-Windows 7 (IE, Xp and everything up to windows 7)
#5561 [19:37] <Ketsueki> Think of windows XP as windows 6, Vista as 6.5.666 and windows 7 as 7
#5562 [19:37] <mib_q3tv0v> can anyone help?
#5563 [19:37] <mitch1224> You just called vista evil.
#5564 [19:38] <Ketsueki> ??> mitch1224 ask
#5565 [19:38] <VoxelHead> mitch1224: (ask) Don't ask to ask or just say "I need help" - just ask your question or state what you need help with, and be as specific as possible.
#5566 [19:38] <VoxelHead> mitch1224: (ask) If you are unsure if the question is appropriate, just ask it and you will be informed if it is not.
#5567 [19:38] <mitch1224> that wasnt me who said that.
#5568 [19:38] <mib_q3tv0v> ok so i have been trying to get into the sever and it was saying disconnected and backed out and went to the text package and clicked on the text package and now i am getting a black screen
#5569 [19:39] <mitch1224> And theres a comma, not a dash. It would be 7 and xp, not xp vista and 7.
#5570 [19:39] <Ketsueki> mitch1224: close minecraft, on the minecraft login screen click ... oh dear. You might have a minecraft 1.7 client, 1.6.6 server problem.
#5571 [19:39] <Ketsueki> mitch1224: FFS, just install the bloody thing if it will take XP and Win 7
#5572 [19:39] <mitch1224> Not on a server, and its in browser.
#5573 [19:39] <mitch1224> Im not gonna screw up my uncles computer, dont want to risk it.
#5574 [19:40] <mitch1224> Im just gonna wait for grey or kealper.
#5575 [19:40] <Ketsueki> mitch1224: http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp << Click Windows 7, XP Offline it /will/ work
#5576 [19:40] <Ketsueki> mitch1224: or as listed on the other page, system req: any version of windows after Windows 2000
#5577 [19:40] <mitch1224> Im not downloading a version that could screw up my uncles computer.
#5578 [19:41] <mitch1224> and Im not downloading minecraft, im gonnaa play it in browser.
#5579 [19:41] <Ketsueki> mitch1224: it bloody won't, the worst it will do is waste 15mb of download and say 'oh it won't work on this'
#5580 [19:41] <mitch1224> XP vs vista. hmm, oh yes, very alike.
#5581 [19:42] <Ketsueki> mitch1224: Fine, ignore my advice. I'm about to go AFK anyway. Enjoy your problem that I already told you how to fix.
#5582 [19:42] * Schlumpfpirat|AFK [Schlumpfpirat|AFK@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5583 [19:42] <Schlumpfpirat|AFK> Anyone knows why the minecraft motd is not working for me on a vanilla server?..
#5584 [19:43] <Ketsueki> mib_q3tv0v: can you play local minecraft that is SSP? If yes, then unfortunately you probably need to wait for that server to update to a 1.7 protocol server.
#5585 [19:43] * skippydippy [skippydippy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5586 [19:43] <mitch1224> Im not gonna risk it if it might screw up my uncles computer, and youre not one of the usual people here. I will wait for somebody who normally helps me instead/
#5587 [19:43] <Ketsueki> mib_q3tv0v: sorry, later
#5588 [19:43] <skippydippy> i just installed it and it says opengl problem what should I do
#5589 [19:43] <mitch1224> what exactly does it say?
#5590 [19:44] <mitch1224> Ive been here a lot, memorized how to fix a lot of problems.
#5591 [19:44] * Fantleas [Fantleas@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5592 [19:44] <skippydippy> Bad video card drivers! ----------------------- Minecraft was unable to start because it failed to find an accelerated OpenGL mode. This can usually be fixed by updating the video card drivers. --- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 7fe0271 -------- Generated 6/30/11 6:44 PM Minecraft: Minecraft Beta 1.7_01 OS: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1 Java: 1.6.0_
#5593 [19:44] <mib_q3tv0v> i was on earlier and it was saying that diconnect message and then when i backed out, and went to the texture pack the screen turned black and i have been having this issue all day long
#5594 [19:45] <mitch1224> skippy. you need to update your video drivers.
#5595 [19:45] <mitch1224> I think, not sure.
#5596 [19:45] <skippydippy> how do you do that
#5597 [19:45] <mib_q3tv0v> i have uninstalled like 3 times today
#5598 [19:45] <mitch1224> Have you installed any new texture packs or mods lately?
#5599 [19:46] <skippydippy> no, i just started playing today, i have never played before
#5600 [19:46] <mib_q3tv0v> Mitch - I did the texture pack, I went to that %appdata% and did it but not the Mods
#5601 [19:46] * W|ldCraze [W|ldCraze@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5602 [19:46] <mitch1224> no, i meant the other guy.
#5603 [19:46] <mib_q3tv0v> oh sorry
#5604 [19:46] <mitch1224> ok then.
#5605 [19:46] <mitch1224> no i had meant you, not skippy.
#5606 [19:46] <mitch1224> >.< My fault.
#5607 [19:47] <skippydippy> haha ok
#5608 [19:47] <mitch1224> Skippy, what video drivers do you have?
#5609 [19:47] * minecrafttroubles [minecrafttroubles@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5610 [19:48] * ImSpetsnaz [ImSpetsnaz@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5611 [19:48] <skippydippy> Radeon X300/X550/X1050 Series (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM)
#5612 [19:48] <minecrafttroubles> I tried playing minecraft classic, but the screen said: fatal error occured, unable to load icon and progressbar images. Any ideas on how to fix it and play the game?
#5613 [19:49] <minecrafttroubles> Anyone?
#5614 [19:49] <mitch1224> Reinstall?
#5615 [19:49] <skippydippy> no idea sry
#5616 [19:49] <mitch1224> Skippy, go to their website and find your drivers and model. then update them, and try minecraft again.
#5617 [19:50] <skippydippy> ok thanks
#5618 [19:50] <mitch1224> Minecrafttroubles reinstall minecraft.
#5619 [19:50] <minecrafttroubles> I didn't install it, the website said: play minecraft classic online free
#5620 [19:50] * MatteV [MatteV@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5621 [19:50] * Tumu [Tumu@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5622 [19:50] <MatteV> Hmm... Look at that
#5623 [19:50] <mib_q3tv0v> I really can Not figure out why minecraft is black when i try to log into it... anyone know why??
#5624 [19:50] <mitch1224> minecraft classic? Hmm... Idk.
#5625 [19:50] <mitch1224> ok, any error message?
#5626 [19:51] <MatteV> Is there anyone here that have any experience with loosing memory at an incredible rate when using Windows 7 64 bit?
#5627 [19:51] <mib_q3tv0v> mitch who are u talking wo
#5628 [19:51] <mib_q3tv0v> to*
#5629 [19:51] * Azu [Azu@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5630 [19:51] <mitch1224> Do you have any error messages? Im talking to you.
#5631 [19:51] <mib_q3tv0v> no
#5632 [19:51] <minecrafttroubles> Message: "Fatal error occured, unable to load icon and progressbar images
#5633 [19:51] <mib_q3tv0v> i just go to log in and the screen is black
#5634 [19:51] <mitch1224> hmm... no random files on the desktop?
#5635 [19:51] <mib_q3tv0v> No
#5636 [19:52] <Azu> Is there a new bug regarding placing blocks on stair blocks? Alternatively, is there one in the 1.7 Bukkit release?
#5637 [19:52] <mitch1224> and if its classic, then i have no idea. wait for one of the ops, they know better than me.
#5638 [19:52] <mib_q3tv0v> ive deleted and re installed 3 time
#5639 [19:52] <mitch1224> Ok then, uhh... have you got any texture packs/mods recently?
#5640 [19:53] <mib_q3tv0v> when i went to download it does say that there is no administrator, and i am not sure if it is classic or not i am trying to download and go into the server
#5641 [19:53] <mitch1224> aand i havent played 1.7 yet, so i dont know about any bogs.
#5642 [19:53] <mib_q3tv0v> i did do the texture pack
#5643 [19:53] <mitch1224> Ok, ha it been since you got that that youve had problems?
#5644 [19:54] <mitch1224> *has
#5645 [19:54] <Tumu> .
#5646 [19:54] <mitch1224> need help?
#5647 [19:54] <mib_q3tv0v> well i got my laptop back today and went to install and i downloaded the game then went to the texture pack and then back to the game transfered the txt pack and when to log in and go a black screen
#5648 [19:54] <MatteV> I need help
#5649 [19:55] <mitch1224> maybe if i knew the problem i could help mattev.
#5650 [19:55] <MatteV> Very well, I am glad you asked.
#5651 [19:55] <mitch1224> And if you just installed it then you should get rid of the texture pack adn retry.
#5652 [19:55] <MatteV> I am playing on a server with a few friends, and about every five minutes I get an error message that states that Minecraft has run out of memory
#5653 [19:56] <mib_q3tv0v> i deleted everything 3 times and then i was able to bring up sever. logged in and then i was gettin the diconnect error for the sever, when to the txt pack to check it and clicked on it and got black screen again
#5654 [19:56] <mitch1224> Matte, how much ram does your computer have?
#5655 [19:56] <MatteV> The wierd thing is that on my old computer with 1GiG of ram, it ran smooth as silk, while on my new one with 4 GiGs of ram, this happens
#5656 [19:56] <mitch1224> ok then idk. let me think for a moment.
#5657 [19:56] <mib_q3tv0v> mitch- should i wait for the server to be fixed before i get the texture pack
#5658 [19:56] <mib_q3tv0v> ok
#5659 [19:57] <mitch1224> i guess, might help.
#5660 [19:58] <mitch1224> matte, 1 gig is minimum for minecraft. how it works beats me. with 4 gigs then theres not enough memory alloted to minecraft, i dont think.
#5661 [19:58] <MatteV> How do I fix that?
#5662 [19:59] <mitch1224> ... dont really know... thats probly about the only problem i havent had. :D My computer sucks. So id wait for one of the ops, like greyvulpine or kealper.
#5663 [19:59] <MatteV> If it helps, I am running a 64 bit Windows home Premium
#5664 [20:00] * Tumu [Tumu@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5665 [20:00] <mitch1224> home premium is windows speak for bare minimum youll need, by the way.
#5666 [20:00] <mitch1224> Everything youll need, but nothing else.
#5667 [20:00] <Tumu> hey , i added this channel to auto join, but when i reconnect, it dosent open this channel, i got xchat, any idea?
#5668 [20:00] * robeph [robeph@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5669 [20:00] <MatteV> I know that :P
#5670 [20:01] <mitch1224> ya... just wait for an op to log in.
#5671 [20:01] <mitch1224> Because the only reason i know any of this is because ive had so many problems i know how to solve a lot f them.
#5672 [20:01] <TheNytangel> Tumu, minecrafthelp, not xchathelp
#5673 [20:02] <mitch1224> nytangel, could you help Mattev?
#5674 [20:02] <almostroot> Hello everybody. How are things?
#5675 [20:02] <Tumu> o.O ok i guess, lol, i thot some ppl in channel would have the same problem
#5676 [20:02] <Tumu> sorry, ty
#5677 [20:02] <TheNytangel> MatteV, you don't have enough RAM :P
#5678 [20:02] <mitch1224> he has 4 gigs
#5679 [20:02] <almostroot> MatteV: Make sure you ahve the altest graphics card drivers from the manufacturer and that Java is fully updated.
#5680 [20:02] * rootbeer2468 [rootbeer2468@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5681 [20:02] <TheNytangel> Tumu, add it to the favorite channels
#5682 [20:02] <Tumu> i did
#5683 [20:02] <almostroot> altest/latest*
#5684 [20:02] <Tumu> let me reconnect
#5685 [20:02] <TheNytangel> mitch1224, how many is he using when he runs minecraft?
#5686 [20:02] <rootbeer2468> Hey almostroot
#5687 [20:02] <rootbeer2468> :)
#5688 [20:02] <TheNytangel> Tumu, wait
#5689 [20:02] <Tumu> ?
#5690 [20:03] <mitch1224> idk. Be a good idea to check. He runs out of memory when using it, so thats the problem.
#5691 [20:03] * robeph [robeph@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5692 [20:03] * Rensik [Rensik@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5693 [20:03] <almostroot> mitch1224: That;s a known issue if it give an Out of Memory error.
#5694 [20:03] * W|ldCraze [W|ldCraze@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5695 [20:03] <TheNytangel> When you open the server list, you have to edit esper, add it to your favorite channels, and then close it. Don't connect right away
#5696 [20:03] <Rensik> heya peeps
#5697 [20:03] <Rensik> interresting glitch I found
#5698 [20:03] <TheNytangel> We don't care..
#5699 [20:03] <mitch1224> I know its a known error, but i dont know exactly how to solve it.
#5700 [20:03] <rootbeer2468> Hey Almost did you check the RAM thingy?
#5701 [20:04] <Tumu> ok thenyte
#5702 [20:04] <Tumu> thenyta*
#5703 [20:04] <Rensik> I put water on top a sticky piston, raised the piston, and the server crashed
#5704 [20:04] <Tumu> ty
#5705 [20:04] <almostroot> ??> bugreport Rensik
#5706 [20:04] <robeph> Rensik, that leads me to a question
#5707 [20:04] <mitch1224> MatteV, could you reopen minecraft and then open task manager?
#5708 [20:04] <almostroot> ??> Rensik bugreport
#5709 [20:04] <VoxelHead> Rensik: (bugreport) To submit a bug report, first check for duplicates, and then submit your report at http://www.getsatisfaction.com/mojang
#5710 [20:04] <robeph> only source blocks
#5711 [20:04] <robeph> or water flow as well?
#5712 [20:04] <MatteV> Allrighty
#5713 [20:04] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: I found none. Only server memory.
#5714 [20:04] <Rensik> I believe this one was a source
#5715 [20:04] <Rensik> [SEVERE] Unexpected exception java.lang.NullPointerException at mz.a(SourceFile:130) at mu.a(SourceFile:97) at mu.g_(SourceFile:145) at dj.e(SourceFile:1119) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(SourceFile:374) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:307) at bq.run(SourceFile:422)
#5716 [20:04] <TheNytangel> robeph, it stops water, so just the source
#5717 [20:04] <Rensik> there's the report
#5718 [20:04] * QQ [QQ@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5719 [20:04] <TheNytangel> ??> Rensik pastebin
#5720 [20:04] <robeph> TheNytangel, yeah that's what I was hoping
#5721 [20:04] <MatteV> Taskmanager open
#5722 [20:04] <VoxelHead> Rensik: (pastebin) Pastebin is a service run at http://www.pastebin.com/ which facilitates the sharing of information without flooding IRC channels. Paste your text there, click 'Submit', and give us the URL the site takes you do, and we can see what you have pasted.
#5723 [20:04] <rootbeer2468> Oh ok Almost
#5724 [20:04] * mib_ge2jty [mib_ge2jty@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5725 [20:05] <mitch1224> Then go to the performance tab and check to see how much free you have while its running.
#5726 [20:05] <almostroot> Rensik: Please post reports to pastebin, not the channel.
#5727 [20:05] <mitch1224> ok?
#5728 [20:05] <robeph> TheNytangel, didn't test it because I'm redstone retarded...
#5729 [20:05] <MatteV> 2.12
#5730 [20:05] <TheNytangel> It's in Mojangs 1.7 video
#5731 [20:05] <rootbeer2468> What is a piston? or sticky piston?
#5732 [20:05] <TheNytangel> -_-
#5733 [20:05] <mitch1224> 2 gigs or 2 megabytes?
#5734 [20:05] <robeph> it lifts / pushes things
#5735 [20:05] <TheNytangel> ??> rootbeer2468 google
#5736 [20:05] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Minecraft 1.7 update.
#5737 [20:05] <VoxelHead> rootbeer2468: (google) http://google.com/ is your friend. Do not expect us to find things for you, when you are just as capable of using Google on your own. We aren't your personal Internet guide.
#5738 [20:05] <MatteV> 2.12 Gigs
#5739 [20:05] <MatteV> 2.15 now
#5740 [20:05] <Rensik> here: http://pastebin.com/7dJFRZ9K
#5741 [20:05] <robeph> http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Piston rootbeer2468
#5742 [20:05] <mitch1224> Then thats not the problem.
#5743 [20:06] <mitch1224> cant be.
#5744 [20:06] * holblin [holblin@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5745 [20:06] <mib_ge2jty> hi - just bought the game and it won't load
#5746 [20:06] <holblin> hi
#5747 [20:06] <almostroot> Rensik: There are a lot of bugs with pistons, File a report.
#5748 [20:06] <holblin> I found a boeug
#5749 [20:06] * self_slaughter [self_slaughter@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5750 [20:06] <mitch1224> nytangel, hes got 2 gigs left with minecraft open.
#5751 [20:06] <TheNytangel> holblin, no one cares in here
#5752 [20:06] <almostroot> ??> hoblin bugreport
#5753 [20:06] <VoxelHead> hoblin: (bugreport) To submit a bug report, first check for duplicates, and then submit your report at http://www.getsatisfaction.com/mojang
#5754 [20:06] <holblin> My server is down and i can't reboot it ... it's totaly down
#5755 [20:06] <robeph> boeug report it..
#5756 [20:06] <holblin> yes
#5757 [20:06] <robeph> holblin, that isn't necessarily a minecraft issue
#5758 [20:06] <holblin> I don't kown where I can report it !
#5759 [20:06] <TheNytangel> holblin, you need to delete the map or get rid of the piston with MCEdit
#5760 [20:06] <robeph> contact your provider?
#5761 [20:06] <mib_ge2jty> who can help us
#5762 [20:07] <robeph> unless its local I guess
#5763 [20:07] <almostroot> mib_ge2jty: Define "won't load"?
#5764 [20:07] <holblin> no SMP
#5765 [20:07] <TheNytangel> mib_ge2jty, it takes up to 24 hours to process the payment
#5766 [20:07] <holblin> no won't load ... won't connect
#5767 [20:07] <robeph> holbin is it running on your computer or a host?
#5768 [20:07] * panitaliemom [panitaliemom@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5769 [20:07] <mitch1224> MatteV, how many worlds do you have?
#5770 [20:07] <holblin> it's with piston, half sandstone and redstone light
#5771 [20:07] <holblin> host
#5772 [20:07] <mib_ge2jty> thanks it says it "click here to purchase" but I jsut did
#5773 [20:07] <holblin> linux host
#5774 [20:07] <panitaliemom> uh, dont put pressure plate on sand on sticky piston upwards
#5775 [20:07] <robeph> so not your local machine holblin ?
#5776 [20:08] <panitaliemom> i corrupted my save
#5777 [20:08] <holblin> not mine
#5778 [20:08] <MatteV> I have one
#5779 [20:08] <TheNytangel> holblin, you probably broke the redstone torch or something with the piston. You can't do that. Use MCEdit to get rid of the piston, or delete your map and start over
#5780 [20:08] <almostroot> holblin: Contact your host if you cannot connect to your server.
#5781 [20:08] <MatteV> that I do not play on
#5782 [20:08] <robeph> yeah, contact the company then
#5783 [20:08] <mitch1224> all worlds.
#5784 [20:08] <mitch1224> that you do or you dont play on.
#5785 [20:08] <robeph> cos it could be an issue there, and even if its a minecraft server issue, they'll usually do the legwork, since you pay them for it
#5786 [20:08] <mib_q3tv0v> I have been trying to get some help voxelhead can you help
#5787 [20:08] <mitch1224> voxel is a bot.
#5788 [20:08] <TheNytangel> mib_q3tv0v, he is a bot
#5789 [20:08] <holblin> almostroot, it's not this ... the sticky piston don't move ... the redstone breack solo
#5790 [20:08] <TheNytangel> ??> mib_q3tv0v bot
#5791 [20:08] <VoxelHead> mib_q3tv0v: (bot) Yes, I'm a bot.
#5792 [20:08] <mib_q3tv0v> oh
#5793 [20:08] <holblin> no piston move
#5794 [20:09] <almostroot> holblin: There are a lot of bugs with pistons,
#5795 [20:09] <DopeGhoti> So, who wants me to help pay off the deductible for my car insurance?
#5796 [20:09] * mib_titvdg [mib_titvdg@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5797 [20:09] <mitch1224> lol
#5798 [20:09] <MatteV> I have one world only
#5799 [20:09] <robeph> switch to geico
#5800 [20:09] <almostroot> DopeGhoti: What;s in it for me?
#5801 [20:09] <holblin> there are lot of bug with update ....
#5802 [20:09] <mitch1224> hey dopeghoti.
#5803 [20:09] <TheNytangel> DopeGhoti, I don't have a job
#5804 [20:09] <robeph> holblin, is this surprising?
#5805 [20:09] <robeph> TheNytangel, me neither :D
#5806 [20:09] <DopeGhoti> almostroot: a feeling of altruism?
#5807 [20:09] <WaaZa> Hello guys, How do i mod after patches ?
#5808 [20:09] <panitaliemom> so you're saying we need to use a map editor or something and remove the part?
#5809 [20:09] <TheNytangel> I either want to be a pilot or a game designer when I grow up
#5810 [20:09] <mitch1224> Ok mattev, then i really dont know. Ask Ghoti, he'll know. Im gonna go for a speed run on building a house. Wish me luck.
#5811 [20:09] <almostroot> DopeGhoti: .... Never.
#5812 [20:09] <robeph> I'm grown up
#5813 [20:09] <mib_q3tv0v> idk anything about this my sister throws me into minecraft and leaves me 4 states behind confused
#5814 [20:09] <robeph> and still unemployed =\
#5815 [20:10] <TheNytangel> panitaliemom, yes
#5816 [20:10] <DopeGhoti> (seriously, I don't need help, I'm just venting because Pepsi thought it might be fun to try to make a delivery into the back of my car.
#5817 [20:10] <holblin> Surprising to wait a big long time for a lot of bugs and no feature ? I can do better ... sry mojab
#5818 [20:10] <DopeGhoti> )
#5819 [20:10] <mib_titvdg> hi there, ever since the update my minecraft crashes straight away and comes up saving chunks how can i stop this? :)
#5820 [20:10] <robeph> holblin, software development is always like this
#5821 [20:10] <almostroot> DopeGhoti: Free Pepsi?!
#5822 [20:10] <holblin> Anyone know how I can report it ? it's already report ?
#5823 [20:10] <almostroot> ??> hoblin bugreport
#5824 [20:10] <VoxelHead> hoblin: (bugreport) To submit a bug report, first check for duplicates, and then submit your report at http://www.getsatisfaction.com/mojang
#5825 [20:10] <holblin> not mine robeph
#5826 [20:10] <almostroot> I already sent that to you holblin. Please READ.
#5827 [20:10] <robeph> holblin, then you're not doing it right ;)
#5828 [20:10] <TheNytangel> DopeGhoti, sue them for all the pepsi they own!
#5829 [20:11] <MatteV> So, Ghoti, I need some help with a memory issue
#5830 [20:11] <DopeGhoti> I prefer Coke.
#5831 [20:11] <DopeGhoti> MatteV: Ginkobaloba?
#5832 [20:11] <holblin> sry ... fast read in not my native language ...
#5833 [20:11] <robeph> which is?
#5834 [20:11] <almostroot> I've ehard ginseng works better.
#5835 [20:11] <MatteV> Hullaballoo?
#5836 [20:11] <mib_q3tv0v> so mitch who is the OP you said to get help from
#5837 [20:11] <DopeGhoti> almostroot: both perhaps, with a side of Omega-3 oils.
#5838 [20:11] <holblin> thx for all and I tried to correct it with edit
#5839 [20:11] <robeph> k
#5840 [20:11] <QQ> Can anyone help me figure out why Minecraft is so slow to start on Ubuntu 11.04? Both 1.6.6 and 1.7 were. It sits on the MOJANG logo for about two minutes, but when the game actually loads it's quick. It also takes a long time to close, about the same amount of time as to open. :( any help?
#5841 [20:11] <DopeGhoti> MatteV: that's a good albul.
#5842 [20:12] <DopeGhoti> er, album
#5843 [20:12] <almostroot> DopeGhoti: All the ingredients for very expensive urine!
#5844 [20:12] <DopeGhoti> almostroot: profit!
#5845 [20:12] <TheNytangel> DopeGhoti, do you believe someday I might be op in this channel? :)
#5846 [20:12] <QQ> I should note it doesn't take this long to start on Windows
#5847 [20:12] <almostroot> QQ: Sounds like a disk read issue. Not a minecraft issue.
#5848 [20:12] <MatteV> I just randomly spat out some random jibberish
#5849 [20:12] <WaaZa> Why does not my mods work after this patch ? :o
#5850 [20:12] <robeph> QQ, fresh install of minecraft has same problem?
#5851 [20:12] <almostroot> QQ: But it could be java. Running the latest Sun Java?
#5852 [20:12] <QQ> robeph, yeah
#5853 [20:12] <QQ> almostroot, latest from the repositories
#5854 [20:12] <TheNytangel> WaaZa, the mods need to be updated
#5855 [20:13] <WaaZa> Okay
#5856 [20:13] <WaaZa> Thanks
#5857 [20:13] <TheNytangel> ??>> WaaZa mods
#5858 [20:13] <almostroot> QQ: Try installing from Sun's site, not the repo.
#5859 [20:13] <MatteV> Eeer... ANyhow, I have a rather annoyinh issue with my computer running out of memory when playing Minecraft
#5860 [20:13] <robeph> I don't even know, nor want to know, what those nutty ubuntu package maintainers do to minecraft
#5861 [20:13] <robeph> they always muck with everything :(
#5862 [20:13] <MatteV> My computer has 4 GiGs, and my old one, which ran it perfectly, only had 1..
#5863 [20:13] * mib_2dk0cm [mib_2dk0cm@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5864 [20:13] <robeph> try a copy from the site? just local
#5865 [20:13] <almostroot> MatteV: We get the issue. If it keeps saying Out of Memory, it's most likely a known bug.
#5866 [20:13] <robeph> not installed?
#5867 [20:13] <DopeGhoti> TheNytangel: possibly.
#5868 [20:13] <TheNytangel> :D
#5869 [20:13] <TheNytangel> Tomorrow?
#5870 [20:13] <TheNytangel> Jk..
#5871 [20:13] * mib_y4pig8 [mib_y4pig8@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5872 [20:14] <DopeGhoti> hint: Begging for a promotion from someone who's already in a bad move? Untactical.
#5873 [20:14] <almostroot> MatteV: Try this, if it doesn't help, sorry.
#5874 [20:14] * ohber [ohber@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5875 [20:14] <almostroot> Make a folder called Minecraft somewhere on your computer. Download the following and move it to that directory: http://www.minecraft.net/download/minecraft.jar
#5876 [20:14] <almostroot> Open Notepad, and in there add this line without quotes: "java -Xmx2048M -Xms2048M -jar minecraft.jar" Then, save the file in the Minecraft folder, naming it minecraft.bat and change the File type to All files. Double-click minecraft.bat to try and run the game.
#5877 [20:14] <DopeGhoti> s/move/mood/
#5878 [20:14] <QQ> almostroot, I'm using 6.24-1build0.10.10.1 (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_partner_binary-i386_Packages)
#5879 [20:14] <QQ> which is the newest
#5880 [20:14] <QQ> :\
#5881 [20:14] <mib_2dk0cm> how do you get into the game after yo just baught it
#5882 [20:14] <almostroot> QQ: That is NOT the newest.
#5883 [20:14] <QQ> no?
#5884 [20:14] <mib_2dk0cm> k
#5885 [20:14] <almostroot> QQ: Download it from the website.
#5886 [20:14] <mib_2dk0cm> ok
#5887 [20:14] * Woof [Woof@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5888 [20:14] <almostroot> ??> QQ getjava
#5889 [20:14] <TheNytangel> Ok.. I wasn't begging, I just wondering what you thought. I didn't actually mean tomorrow. I meant like.. in a couple months/years
#5890 [20:14] <VoxelHead> QQ: (getjava) http://www.java.com/en/download/
#5891 [20:15] <QQ> should I uninstall the one on my system first, almostroot ?
#5892 [20:15] <QQ> lol
#5893 [20:15] <mib_y4pig8> my minecraft exe wont load after login and sometime unable to connect to mc.net plz help
#5894 [20:15] * SevFTW [SevFTW@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5895 [20:15] <Woof> How you doing guys
#5896 [20:15] <almostroot> QQ: Yes. Uninstall OpenJDK and Sun JAva form the repos, then install from the site.
#5897 [20:15] <robeph> quick question from the redstone retarded in me. is it possible to somehow power a 5x4 block group of pistons somehow that I can turn on and off. I can't figure out well enough how redstone works :\ want to be sure its even possible
#5898 [20:15] <QQ> okay :) I'll give it a try
#5899 [20:15] <QQ> thanks :D
#5900 [20:15] <MatteV> Almostroot: Tryingi t now
#5901 [20:15] <MatteV> Will report in later if i get the issue again
#5902 [20:15] <robeph> from beneath
#5903 [20:15] <almostroot> mib_y4pig8: The issue of not connecting is because the server is voerloaded right now.
#5904 [20:16] * dbark24 [dbark24@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5905 [20:16] * holblin [holblin@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#5906 [20:16] <mib_2dk0cm> how do get to play it again
#5907 [20:16] <mib_2dk0cm> ?
#5908 [20:16] <Woof> So look i need someone who's free that can help me out
#5909 [20:16] <almostroot> TheNytangel: Never ask for op, because those who ask for it, tend to not need it.
#5910 [20:16] <Woof> please whisper please
#5911 [20:16] <mib_y4pig8> the mc server?
#5912 [20:16] <almostroot> Woof: Ask in channel.
#5913 [20:16] <dbark24> same i need someone to
#5914 [20:16] <robeph> mib: wait for the servers to calm down, its US after work time, all the people coming home and hammering mc.net trying to get the new stuff
#5915 [20:16] <robeph> probably the issue
#5916 [20:16] <almostroot> mib_y4pig8: The login server that verifies your crednetials.
#5917 [20:17] <TheNytangel> almostroot, people only listen to ops sometimes..
#5918 [20:17] <mib_y4pig8> yes when will it be fixed?
#5919 [20:17] <DopeGhoti> ??> Woof patience
#5920 [20:17] <almostroot> ?? ask
#5921 [20:17] <VoxelHead> Woof: (patience) Please be patient when waiting for a response. Many of the helpers here are helping in their free time at school or work, and often get called away.
#5922 [20:17] <VoxelHead> Woof: (patience) In short, your supplications will be answered, in the order in which they are received. See also ?? attitude.
#5923 [20:17] <VoxelHead> ask: Don't ask to ask or just say "I need help" - just ask your question or state what you need help with, and be as specific as possible.
#5924 [20:17] <Woof> where is channel?
#5925 [20:17] <VoxelHead> ask: If you are unsure if the question is appropriate, just ask it and you will be informed if it is not.
#5926 [20:17] <mib_y4pig8> or is there something i have to do on my end
#5927 [20:17] <ohber> hey my minecraft sounds and music only seem to work in the browser. if i load it from the launcher with the sound previously enabled, it will hang and never show anything, even an error log.
#5928 [20:17] <dbark24> my minecraft wnt update it sais failed launch
#5929 [20:17] <robeph> Woof, this is the channel
#5930 [20:17] <dbark24> and comes up with a windows explorer address
#5931 [20:17] <robeph> he's saying "just ask"
#5932 [20:17] <robeph> don't ask to ask :\
#5933 [20:17] <almostroot> dbark24: Are you using Windows?
#5934 [20:18] <dbark24> yes
#5935 [20:18] <dbark24> windows 7
#5936 [20:18] <TheNytangel> ??> dbark24 win/reinst
#5937 [20:18] <almostroot> ??> dbark24 win/reinst
#5938 [20:18] <VoxelHead> dbark24: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#5939 [20:18] <Woof> okay, understood
#5940 [20:18] <VoxelHead> dbark24: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#5941 [20:18] <TheNytangel> Lol
#5942 [20:18] <TheNytangel> Ninja'd
#5943 [20:18] <mib_q3tv0v> anyone know why when i download minecraft and go into the log in screen i get a black screen
#5944 [20:18] <almostroot> TheNytangel: Yes, I did ninja you.
#5945 [20:18] <dbark24> ok thanx
#5946 [20:18] <robeph> ??> is the oddest bot trigger I've ever seen
#5947 [20:18] <TheNytangel> I said it first almostroot
#5948 [20:18] <almostroot> mib_y4pig8: Check your Java version.
#5949 [20:18] <almostroot> ??> mib_y4pig8 java/version
#5950 [20:18] <VoxelHead> mib_y4pig8: (java/version) You can see which version of Java you have installed by going to the following page:
#5951 [20:18] <VoxelHead> mib_y4pig8: (java/version) http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp
#5952 [20:19] <almostroot> TheNytangel: Not on my side.
#5953 [20:19] <TheNytangel> <TheNytangel> ??> dbark24 win/reinst
#5954 [20:19] <TheNytangel> <almostroot> ??> dbark24 win/reinst
#5955 [20:19] <TheNytangel> >.>
#5956 [20:19] <MatteV> Almostroot: I tried your advice, but as soon as i click on the .bat file the command promtpt pops up for about 0.1 seconds and says that it is not an executable windows command.
#5957 [20:19] <robeph> is anyone familiar with redstone well enough to tell me? heh
#5958 [20:19] <mib_y4pig8> Your Java version: Version 6 Update 24
#5959 [20:19] <TheNytangel> robeph, yes...
#5960 [20:19] <DopeGhoti> ??>> robeph help
#5961 [20:19] <almostroot> MatteV: Hit Windows Key + R and enter CMD in the box and run it. In the black box that appears, type this and press enter: java -version
#5962 [20:20] <DopeGhoti> robeph: it's not the only trigger.
#5963 [20:20] <almostroot> mib_y4pig8: Update Java.
#5964 [20:20] <TheNytangel> ! is another
#5965 [20:20] <robeph> yeah, it's just weird
#5966 [20:20] <robeph> never seen that before
#5967 [20:20] <MatteV> Eeegh... Nothing happens
#5968 [20:20] <QQ> almostroot, I am not at all sure how to install the file I got from Sun's website. It was a .bin file, I marked it as being executable, ran it, and it created a folder called "jre1.6.0_26" with no makefile or useful README
#5969 [20:20] <DopeGhoti> '??' means 'look up FAQ'; > means 'for that guy'.
#5970 [20:20] * morton [morton@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#5971 [20:20] <QQ> :(
#5972 [20:20] <robeph> ofcourse, coming from effnet I don't think I've seen much ebyond ancient relic eggdrop hacks
#5973 [20:20] <robeph> efnet*
#5974 [20:20] <almostroot> QQ: Run it from a terminal.
#5975 [20:20] <MatteV> Java s not an internal command, external command, program or command file
#5976 [20:21] <DopeGhoti> QQ: chmod the file +x, then ./$filename
#5977 [20:21] <QQ> almostroot, run what from a terminal?
#5978 [20:21] <almostroot> MatteV: Reinstall Java.
#5979 [20:21] <almostroot> ??> MatteV getjava
#5980 [20:21] <VoxelHead> MatteV: (getjava) http://www.java.com/en/download/
#5981 [20:21] <MatteV> Very well then
#5982 [20:21] <dbark24> it worked thanx
#5983 [20:21] <QQ> yes, I did that, it extracted some files to jre1.6.0_26
#5984 [20:21] <QQ> :|
#5985 [20:21] <QQ> I'm not sure what to do with these files
#5986 [20:21] <almostroot> QQ: Get a different operating system. You don't know how to use Linux.
#5987 [20:21] <robeph> anyhow... So, if I have a 4x5 group of pistons, is it possible power them all or disable them all?
#5988 [20:21] <MatteV> Thing is, I already have Java installed >.>
#5989 [20:21] <Senjai> almostroot don't be an asshole
#5990 [20:21] <QQ> almostroot, well thanks for that vote of confidence
#5991 [20:21] <robeph> I'm not sure how I could since I need to stick torches beneath each one
#5992 [20:21] <QQ> :)
#5993 [20:21] <DopeGhoti> robeph: it's a custom, written-from-scratch, script, which is why it might look odd even on an Eggdrop platform.
#5994 [20:21] <almostroot> robeph: We heard you, stop repeating the question.
#5995 [20:21] <robeph> yeh I know DopeGhoti
#5996 [20:21] <Senjai> QQ, you need to brush up on your linix abilities.
#5997 [20:21] <QQ> Senjai, :|
#5998 [20:22] <robeph> almostroot, you mad at something?
#5999 [20:22] <Senjai> QQ, there should be a .sh file, you should run it in terminal with sh file
#6000 [20:22] <robeph> almostroot, or is the wait for 13 just have you on edge
#6001 [20:22] <almostroot> Senjai: Someone who is running Linux and doesn't know what a terminal is probably shouldn;t be running Linux.
#6002 [20:22] * rc [rc@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6003 [20:22] <QQ> Senjai, well, there isn't...
#6004 [20:22] <QQ> almostroot, derp
#6005 [20:22] <Senjai> What files are included
#6006 [20:22] <QQ> I ran the file
#6007 [20:22] <mib_y4pig8> 1 sec'
#6008 [20:22] <QQ> Do you want a screenshot or something?
#6009 [20:22] <Senjai> sure
#6010 [20:22] <robeph> almostroot, you don't need terminal for 99% of stuff you do in the heavily gui reliant distros like ubuntu
#6011 [20:22] * syrialx [syrialx@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6012 [20:22] <robeph> there is no REASON people need it, most of the time
#6013 [20:22] <Senjai> robeph, you stil need terminal in ubuntu
#6014 [20:23] * syrialx [syrialx@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#6015 [20:23] <mib_q3tv0v> i know that there is alot issues out there today but can anyone help? i have been on here all day trying to figure out what i am doing wrong
#6016 [20:23] <almostroot> robeph: Unless you do... Like right now.
#6017 [20:23] <Senjai> mib_q3tv0v what?
#6018 [20:23] <robeph> Senjai, My grandma uses it, I promise she'd have no idea..
#6019 [20:23] <robeph> yeah right now
#6020 [20:23] <almostroot> mib_q3tv0v: What is your issue?
#6021 [20:23] <robeph> but is that a core linux necessity almostroot ?
#6022 [20:23] <QQ> Senjai, http://i.imgur.com/L9hC6.png
#6023 [20:23] <Senjai> robeph, your grandma doesnt have to install drivers or frameworks
#6024 [20:23] <almostroot> robeph: Yes.
#6025 [20:23] <QQ> almostroot, I ran chmod +x jre-6u26-linux-i586.bin && ./jre-6u26-linux-i586.bin, fyi
#6026 [20:23] <Senjai> I hate to ask this QQ, did you read the readme?
#6027 [20:23] <QQ> and it made this directory
#6028 [20:23] <DopeGhoti> QQ, pres alt-F2, type in 'xterm'
#6029 [20:24] <mib_q3tv0v> i am getting a black screen when i try r log into minecraft
#6030 [20:24] <QQ> Senjai, I did, it contains one line
#6031 [20:24] <robeph> is it not in the package mgmt?
#6032 [20:24] <QQ> Senjai, "Please refer to http://java.com/licensereadme
#6033 [20:24] <QQ> "
#6034 [20:24] <QQ> On that page is the java license
#6035 [20:24] <DopeGhoti> QQ: you must have not accepted the license.
#6036 [20:24] <almostroot> robeph: The version in theh repo is outdated.
#6037 [20:24] <QQ> NO install instructions :(
#6038 [20:24] <mib_y4pig8> ok installed
#6039 [20:24] <robeph> use the testing repo?
#6040 [20:24] <DopeGhoti> the .binfile will present the license to which you must agree for the install to happen
#6041 [20:24] <almostroot> mib_y4pig8: Try it now.
#6042 [20:24] <robeph> unstable*
#6043 [20:24] <Senjai> are you on ubuntu QQ?
#6044 [20:24] <QQ> Senjai, yes
#6045 [20:25] <Senjai> okay
#6046 [20:25] <Senjai> open teminal
#6047 [20:25] <almostroot> robeph: Should someone who doesn't know what a terminal is really use a testing repo?
#6048 [20:25] <robeph> almostroot, I don't see why not
#6049 [20:25] <Senjai> type sudo apt-get update
#6050 [20:25] <mib_y4pig8> it go black it a 64 bit os if it mean something
#6051 [20:25] <almostroot> robeph: Testing for a reason.
#6052 [20:25] <Senjai> tell me when that is done
#6053 [20:25] <almostroot> mib_y4pig8: Windows?
#6054 [20:25] <robeph> yeah because debian and ubuntu package maintaniers are slow as balls
#6055 [20:25] <morton> ok every time i start to play minecraft it lets me play for a minuite then it makes me quit and said its out of memory
#6056 [20:25] <mib_y4pig8> win 7
#6057 [20:25] <DopeGhoti> there's a walkthrough ehre:
#6058 [20:25] <QQ> Senjai, done :D
#6059 [20:25] <DopeGhoti> ??> QQ linux/ubuntu/sun-java
#6060 [20:25] <VoxelHead> QQ: (linux/ubuntu/sun-java) http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-jre-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-using-ppa.html
#6061 [20:25] <Senjai> ok, apt-cache search sun
#6062 [20:26] <almostroot> morton: That's a know issue. Try reinstalling and updating JAva if needed.
#6063 [20:26] <mib_y4pig8> you want screenshot
#6064 [20:26] <Senjai> look for something that is someonething about sunjava7 or something
#6065 [20:26] <almostroot> ??> mib_y4pig8 win/reinst
#6066 [20:26] <VoxelHead> mib_y4pig8: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#6067 [20:26] <DopeGhoti> Senjai: java 7? _hell_ no
#6068 [20:26] <VoxelHead> mib_y4pig8: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#6069 [20:26] <robeph> ubuntu has a little bit of anal clench when it comes to stability in a lot of stuff. they'll revert to an older and less supportive version if it keeps from being troublesome with some esoteric piece of conflicting software...
#6070 [20:26] <Senjai> robeph, Please... SHUT THE FUCK UP and keep on topic
#6071 [20:26] <robeph> Senjai, how about you blow me?
#6072 [20:26] * Keltinray [Keltinray@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6073 [20:27] <Senjai> QQ, look for sunjava6
#6074 [20:27] <QQ> Senjai, I only see the Sun java 6
#6075 [20:27] <Senjai> something like that
#6076 [20:27] <Senjai> yes
#6077 [20:27] <Senjai> the JRE
#6078 [20:27] <skippydippy> how do u get past the openGL problem
#6079 [20:27] <QQ> Which is what almostroot told me to uninstall
#6080 [20:27] <QQ> you know, the rude one who flamed me for no resaon
#6081 [20:27] <QQ> lol
#6082 [20:27] <Senjai> No, you have two options, OpenJDK, or sunjava6
#6083 [20:27] * VoxelHead kicked robeph from #minecrafthelp (Reason: Banned: Take two weeks to learn a sense of decorum.)
#6084 [20:27] <Senjai> reinstall it with apt-get
#6085 [20:27] <QQ> I had sun java 6 installed already :<
#6086 [20:27] <Senjai> thank you voxel
#6087 [20:27] <Senjai> That's what you want
#6088 [20:28] <Senjai> though
#6089 [20:28] <skippydippy> so how do u do it
#6090 [20:28] <QQ> how is this going to solve my problem with it starting slowly if I'm using the exact same package as before
#6091 [20:28] <QQ> ?
#6092 [20:28] <Senjai> starting slowly?
#6093 [20:28] <QQ> outdated one at that?
#6094 [20:28] <QQ> yes
#6095 [20:28] <Senjai> define started slowly
#6096 [20:28] <QQ> it freezes for 2 minutes at the mojang screen
#6097 [20:28] <almostroot> skippydippy: Probably need to update your graphics card drivers.
#6098 [20:28] <QQ> Does not do that on Windows
#6099 [20:28] <morton> ok every time i start to play minecraft it lets me play for a minuite then it makes me quit and said its out of memory
#6100 [20:28] <mib_y4pig8> loading...
#6101 [20:28] <Senjai> But it does eventualy run?
#6102 [20:28] <skippydippy> how do you do that
#6103 [20:28] <morton> no
#6104 [20:28] <skippydippy> for Free?
#6105 [20:28] <QQ> Senjai, it does indeed eventually run
#6106 [20:28] <QQ> with higher FPS than the windows version D:
#6107 [20:28] <QQ> :D
#6108 [20:28] <Senjai> Dont believe that's a java issue, more like a minecraft issue
#6109 [20:29] * titegtnodI [titegtnodI@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6110 [20:29] <QQ> it just goes round and round in here ;)
#6111 [20:29] <Senjai> The coders who developed minecraft are messy at best
#6112 [20:29] * MatteV [MatteV@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6113 [20:29] <Senjai> Arch linux is the best for running minecraft
#6114 [20:29] * TheNytangel is just going to sneak a little link in.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkOMpPfsVf0
#6114 [20:29] <Senjai> They just didn't optimize for ubuntu
#6115 [20:29] <Senjai> It's not you, it's them. The problem with Indie coders
#6116 [20:29] <almostroot> Senjai: That makes no sense....
#6117 [20:29] <skippydippy> almostroot, how do you do that
#6118 [20:29] <QQ> almostroot, are you willing to try to help me again? :(
#6119 [20:30] <almostroot> skippydippy: Do you know what brand of graphics card you have?
#6120 [20:30] <skippydippy> ATI Technologies Inc or Radeon
#6121 [20:30] <QQ> :<
#6122 [20:30] <almostroot> ??> skippydippy gpu/amd
#6123 [20:30] <VoxelHead> skippydippy: (gpu/amd) You can get drivers for AMD (formerly ATI) video cards here: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx
#6124 [20:30] <almostroot> QQ: Did you install JAva again?
#6125 [20:31] <QQ> almostroot, still wondering about how to go about doing that..I have it right here, extracted
#6126 [20:31] * wasabi [wasabi@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6127 [20:31] <QQ> I just need to know where to put the binary
#6128 [20:31] <QQ> jre1.6.0_26\bin\java
#6129 [20:31] <Senjai> it should go into your system bin files
#6130 [20:31] <almostroot> QQ: you still have the .bin file?
#6131 [20:31] <QQ> :s#\#/#g
#6132 [20:31] <Senjai> if your manually installing
#6133 [20:31] <QQ> almostroot, yes
#6134 [20:31] <almostroot> QQ: What directory is the .bin file in?
#6135 [20:31] <wasabi> HI, My game does not oen anymore
#6136 [20:31] <mib_q3tv0v> almostroot. did you read my issue that i was having by chance
#6137 [20:31] <QQ> ~/Downloads
#6138 [20:32] <morton> can any1 help me
#6139 [20:32] <QQ> it's executable, I know how to use chmod
#6140 [20:32] <skippydippy> almostroot, It doesnt show my driver on there
#6141 [20:32] <almostroot> skippydippy: Use the scanner tool if they have one.
#6142 [20:32] <QQ> almostroot, When I ran it it did a lot of "inflating" and "extracting" operations
#6143 [20:32] <almostroot> QQ: So you do know the terminal if you can run chmod, right?
#6144 [20:33] <wasabi> My game does not open anymore, can anybody help? Thanks
#6145 [20:33] <QQ> almostroot, indeed, I never said any different :(
#6146 [20:33] <skippydippy> almostroot, i dont think they have one
#6147 [20:33] <almostroot> QQ: How did you run it? From text or by clicking?
#6148 [20:33] <QQ> and created another directory
#6149 [20:33] <Senjai> QQ, did it extract into the area
#6150 [20:33] <QQ> from text
#6151 [20:33] <QQ> yes
#6152 [20:33] <QQ> It did
#6153 [20:33] <QQ> I showed you a screenshot
#6154 [20:33] * Boreeas [Boreeas@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6155 [20:33] <almostroot> QQ: So you ran it using ./<whatever>.bin?
#6156 [20:33] <Senjai> ok, i BELIEVE that you put the /bin files in your systems bin
#6157 [20:33] <QQ> yeah
#6158 [20:33] * mib_l2fgxn [mib_l2fgxn@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6159 [20:33] <Senjai> etc and allocate that way
#6160 [20:33] <wasabi> cliking I geuss
#6161 [20:34] <almostroot> Senjai: That is not correct.
#6162 [20:34] <Senjai> then to run the jar for minecraft the bin file will be in your $PATH variable.
#6163 [20:34] <QQ> almostroot, It extracted fine, I'm just not sure where to put these binary files, lol :)
#6164 [20:34] <mib_l2fgxn> ok question... soo when you pay does it come up as a special fairy tale story purchase? and is it extra because im from us?
#6165 [20:34] <almostroot> QQ: The .bin should have extracted those files and installed them automatically.
#6166 [20:35] <skippydippy> almostroot, they dont have one, what should i do
#6167 [20:35] <Senjai> almostroot, that's what i though
#6168 [20:35] <Senjai> t
#6169 [20:35] <almostroot> ??> skippydippy win/dxdiag
#6170 [20:35] <VoxelHead> skippydippy: (win/dxdiag) Press the Win+R keys, and type "dxdiag" (no quotes) in the box. Press enter. If prompted about verifying WHQL, select Yes. Once it has finished loading, click the "Save All Information" button and save it to your desktop.
#6171 [20:35] <VoxelHead> skippydippy: (win/dxdiag) Open the file you just saved, and copy the contents. Paste them on http://pastebin.com/ and click Submit. Then, copy the link you are sent to, and paste it in the IRC channel.
#6172 [20:35] <mib_l2fgxn> ??
#6173 [20:35] <almostroot> QQ: You downloaded this file? jdk-6u26-linux-x64.bin
#6174 [20:35] <QQ> almostroot, yes
#6175 [20:35] * Sequoia [Sequoia@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6176 [20:35] <QQ> here's where it put them:
#6177 [20:35] <QQ> http://i.imgur.com/Y83zQ.png
#6178 [20:35] <mib_y4pig8> http://imgur.com/D51rC
#6179 [20:36] <almostroot> QQ: Can you go to the terminal, type history, and put the relevent contents on pastebin for me?
#6180 [20:36] <Senjai> put those files in your bin directory on your system
#6181 [20:36] <QQ> almostroot, sure
#6182 [20:36] * mib_sir8a6 [mib_sir8a6@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6183 [20:36] <Sequoia> can anyone help memy minecraft crashed after the .7 update
#6184 [20:36] <Sequoia> 1.7
#6185 [20:36] <almostroot> mib_y4pig8: Did you try reinstalling?
#6186 [20:36] <Sequoia> yes
#6187 [20:36] <almostroot> Sequoia: Can you elaborate please?
#6188 [20:36] <mib_y4pig8> the exe ... yes
#6189 [20:37] <mib_l2fgxn> whats is special fairy tale story about?
#6190 [20:37] <almostroot> mib_y4pig8: Try these instructions:
#6191 [20:37] * mib_ffjrpu [mib_ffjrpu@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6192 [20:37] <mib_l2fgxn> is that the company i pay to
#6193 [20:37] <almostroot> ??> mib_y4pig8 win/reinst
#6194 [20:37] <VoxelHead> mib_y4pig8: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#6195 [20:37] <VoxelHead> mib_y4pig8: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#6196 [20:37] <mib_sir8a6> my minecraft before and after the update black screened when logging in (already did the redownloading even tho i didnt mod it)
#6197 [20:37] <QQ> almostroot, http://pastebin.com/GFwF5Db2
#6198 [20:37] <Sequoia> wait which ones do i save and not delete?
#6199 [20:37] <mib_y4pig8> thats what i did and i got this http://imgur.com/D51rC
#6200 [20:38] <mib_l2fgxn> user not premium means?
#6201 [20:38] <mib_sir8a6> me?
#6202 [20:38] <almostroot> QQ: Are you running a 32-bit or 64-bit system?
#6203 [20:38] <QQ> almostroot, 32-bit
#6204 [20:38] <almostroot> mib_y4pig8: Are you sure you deleted EVERY directory except saves in .minecraft?
#6205 [20:39] <mib_q3tv0v> does anyone know why when i log into minecraft i keep getting a black screen? when i tried to download it it said that there was no administrator, and then when i did get it to work after 3 uninstall atempts i went to the txt pak and got a black screen again
#6206 [20:39] <skippydippy> almostroot, what is an IRC channel
#6207 [20:39] <almostroot> QQ: Let me try it on an ubuntu box and let you know.
#6208 [20:39] <mib_l2fgxn> user not premium means? and how do i get to login and play my game
#6209 [20:39] <Sequoia> my screen stays black for a few and than gives me the crash report
#6210 [20:39] <almostroot> ??> skippydippy irc/channel
#6211 [20:39] <VoxelHead> skippydippy: (irc/channel) You're in one.
#6212 [20:39] <QQ> almostroot, alright, thanks :D
#6213 [20:39] <mib_q3tv0v> i dont even get a crash report
#6214 [20:40] <almostroot> mib_l2fgxn: Means your account isn;t premium yet. When did you pay?
#6215 [20:40] <skippydippy> almostroot, http://pastebin.com/N0G0ZqRJ
#6216 [20:40] <almostroot> mib_q3tv0v: When you reinstalled, did you delete every folder in .minecraft execept saves?
#6217 [20:41] <almostroot> skippydippy: No way Minecraft will run on that computer. only have a gigabyte of memory.
#6218 [20:41] <mib_q3tv0v> almostroot. yes i did
#6219 [20:41] <almostroot> mib_q3tv0v: What version of java are you using?
#6220 [20:41] <almostroot> ??> mib_q3tv0v java/version
#6221 [20:41] <VoxelHead> mib_q3tv0v: (java/version) You can see which version of Java you have installed by going to the following page:
#6222 [20:41] <VoxelHead> mib_q3tv0v: (java/version) http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp
#6223 [20:41] * Fantleas [Fantleas@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6224 [20:41] <mib_q3tv0v> the new one i believe
#6225 [20:41] <Sequoia> someone help i uninstalled and installed again but othing changed
#6226 [20:41] <mib_y4pig8> ok i did again and then i can connect to this server
#6227 [20:41] * rootbeer2468 [rootbeer2468@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6228 [20:41] <almostroot> mib_y4pig8: So everything is working?
#6229 [20:41] <mib_y4pig8> connet time out
#6230 [20:41] <skippydippy> almostroot, how do you get more memory, by deleting stuff?
#6231 [20:41] <almostroot> mib_y4pig8: That is a server issue, not a mminecraft issue.
#6232 [20:42] <mib_q3tv0v> java 6 update 26 is what i have
#6233 [20:42] <almostroot> skippydippy: Memory is a physical part of your computer.
#6234 [20:42] <Sequoia> someone plz help
#6235 [20:42] <mib_y4pig8> k thanks
#6236 [20:42] <skippydippy> almostroot, so what should i do to fix this
#6237 [20:42] <almostroot> skippydippy:
#6238 [20:42] <almostroot> You have to go buy more memory and isntall it or pay someone to do it.
#6239 [20:43] <almostroot> Sequoia: When you reinstalled, did you delete every folder in .minecraft execept saves?
#6240 [20:43] <skippydippy> almostroot, oh gosh, couldnt i just delete stuff
#6241 [20:43] * gideon802 [gideon802@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6242 [20:43] <almostroot> skippydippy: Nope. Sorry.
#6243 [20:43] <Sequoia> i dont have any idea which im suppsoe to delete
#6244 [20:43] <rootbeer2468> To install it... Don't you have to open the tower up?
#6245 [20:43] <gideon802> hi i need help
#6246 [20:43] <almostroot> Sequoia: Follow these directions:
#6247 [20:43] <Sequoia> ok
#6248 [20:43] <almostroot> ??> Sequoia win/reinst
#6249 [20:43] <VoxelHead> Sequoia: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#6250 [20:43] <mib_q3tv0v> i am guessing that the java i have is the right one
#6251 [20:43] <VoxelHead> Sequoia: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#6252 [20:44] <almostroot> rootbeer2468: Yes.
#6253 [20:44] <rootbeer2468> Thought so.
#6254 [20:44] <almostroot> gideon802: Ask your question with detail.
#6255 [20:44] <gideon802> u how do you fix bad video drivers for minecraft =/
#6256 [20:44] <skippydippy> almostroot, so i just wasted 21 bucks
#6257 [20:44] <Sequoia> which are the saves directory?
#6258 [20:44] <almostroot> Sequoia: The folder called "saves" in the .minecraft folder.
#6259 [20:44] * sinedeviance [sinedeviance@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6260 [20:44] * OldSnake [OldSnake@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6261 [20:44] <Sequoia> ok lemme try
#6262 [20:44] <Sequoia> i delete everything but that right?
#6263 [20:45] <almostroot> gideon802: Update your drivers. Do you have an AMD/ATI, nvidia or Intel graphics card?
#6264 [20:45] <almostroot> Sequoia: Yes.
#6265 [20:45] <almostroot> Sequoia: Inside of the .minecraft fodler.
#6266 [20:45] <almostroot> folder*
#6267 [20:45] <gideon802> ok so i open minecraft downloaded and lgin and when it loads it says ad video drives u need to update what do i do
#6268 [20:45] <gideon802> ok i dont know
#6269 [20:45] <almostroot> gideon802: Follow these instructions form VoxelHead.
#6270 [20:45] * Fantleas [Fantleas@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#6271 [20:45] <OldSnake> I got a question about the fps lag that came with the 1.6 update
#6272 [20:45] <almostroot> ??> gideon802 win/dxdiag
#6273 [20:45] <VoxelHead> gideon802: (win/dxdiag) Press the Win+R keys, and type "dxdiag" (no quotes) in the box. Press enter. If prompted about verifying WHQL, select Yes. Once it has finished loading, click the "Save All Information" button and save it to your desktop.
#6274 [20:45] <VoxelHead> gideon802: (win/dxdiag) Open the file you just saved, and copy the contents. Paste them on http://pastebin.com/ and click Submit. Then, copy the link you are sent to, and paste it in the IRC channel.
#6275 [20:45] <Sequoia> ok i deleted everything now what?
#6276 [20:46] <QQ> almostroot, as an experiment, I did this: fredrick@ubuntu:~/Downloads/jre1.6.0_26/bin$ ./java -jar ../../../.minecraft/minecraft.jar
#6277 [20:46] <QQ> almostroot, seeing as I had the java binary
#6278 [20:46] <QQ> However, it still takes two minutes to load, unlike on Windows
#6279 [20:46] <almostroot> Sequoia: Run the Minecraft.exe application again and update.
#6280 [20:47] <mib_q3tv0v> almostroot. can u help by chance?
#6281 [20:47] <skippydippy> almostroot, when i bought mincraft does it work on any computer, or does it just stay on the one i bought it for, and how long do i own it
#6282 [20:47] <QQ> In the command line, it sticks right after it says "OpenAL initialized."
#6283 [20:47] <QQ> is something misconfigured that is taking it so long to see?
#6284 [20:47] <almostroot> skippydippy: you can log in form any computer.
#6285 [20:47] <almostroot> QQ: Graphics card issue. :/
#6286 [20:47] <Sequoia> ok it works
#6287 [20:47] <almostroot> QQ: The bane of linux.
#6288 [20:47] <oldtopmanserver> !check
#6289 [20:47] <Sequoia> i have another question
#6290 [20:47] <oldtopmanserver> !check oldtopman.no-ip.org
#6291 [20:47] <oldtopmanserver> hmm
#6292 [20:47] <QQ> almostroot, I don't have a graphics card though ;)
#6293 [20:48] <DopeGhoti> QQ: what video card/driver are you using?
#6294 [20:48] <rootbeer2468> Skippy you could download the game on anycomputer as long as you log into you account on minecraft website
#6295 [20:48] <Sequoia> can i install toomanyitems in minecraft? or will it jsut crash becuz of the new update
#6296 [20:48] <QQ> intel i3 integrated graphics
#6297 [20:48] <QQ> :<
#6298 [20:48] <DopeGhoti> well
#6299 [20:48] <DopeGhoti> that explains it.
#6300 [20:48] <skippydippy> almostroot, thank u so much man
#6301 [20:48] <almostroot> QQ: You ahve a graphics card, it's just part of your board. Using the proprietary drivers if available?
#6302 [20:48] <OldSnake> i got a question, anyone wanna help?
#6303 [20:48] <QQ> DopeGhoti, how does that explain anything considering it doesn't take long at all to start on Windows
#6304 [20:48] <QQ> :|
#6305 [20:48] <Senjai> QQ, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1701501
#6306 [20:48] <DopeGhoti> OldSnake: not if you're relying on our telepathy
#6307 [20:48] <rootbeer2468> Oldsnake whats your question?
#6308 [20:49] <OldSnake> Is there a mod that fixes the fps stutters that came with 1.6.6?
#6309 [20:49] <OldSnake> im still getting it in 1.7
#6310 [20:49] <QQ> Senjai, thanks, but this thread isn't really releveant to my problem, I found it by googling :\
#6311 [20:49] * almostroot is getting food really quick.
#6311 [20:49] <DopeGhoti> OldSnake: well, there's the 'Get a better CPU' mod; the 'Get a better GPU' mod, and the 'get more RAM' mod...
#6312 [20:49] <QQ> DopeGhoti, lol :)
#6313 [20:49] * mib_7k2tlv [mib_7k2tlv@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6314 [20:49] <OldSnake> the game ran fine before 1.6
#6315 [20:49] <OldSnake> no lag or anything
#6316 [20:49] <QQ> OldSnake, try Optimine
#6317 [20:49] <rootbeer2468> Hmm IDK old snake.
#6318 [20:50] <QQ> I'm not sure if it has been updated yet
#6319 [20:50] <DopeGhoti> There's also the "Turn off the terrible Smooth Lighting" mod.
#6320 [20:50] <OldSnake> i have a 5770, 6gb ram, and 2.5 quad core
#6321 [20:50] <DopeGhoti> also known as [Esc] -> Options
#6322 [20:50] <mib_7k2tlv> i have open GL error please help
#6323 [20:50] <DopeGhoti> ??> mib_7k2tlv error
#6324 [20:50] <VoxelHead> mib_7k2tlv: (error) It's not helpful to just say "Some error" or "Some message". We need to know exactly what error(s) you are getting in order to tell you what it means.
#6325 [20:50] * mib_2mr750 [mib_2mr750@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6326 [20:50] <VoxelHead> mib_7k2tlv: (error) If the error is more than one or two lines, please use PasteBin (http://www.pastebin.com) so as not to flood the channel.
#6327 [20:50] <OldSnake> other people are having the same issue too
#6328 [20:50] <OldSnake> it just seems to be on very few computers
#6329 [20:50] <Senjai> QQ, your problem may be better suited to irc.freenode.net #ubuntu
#6330 [20:50] <DopeGhoti> It's probably Java's garbage collector
#6331 [20:50] <Senjai> Thats where i go
#6332 [20:51] <rootbeer2468> Ask almostroot Oldsnake
#6333 [20:51] <rootbeer2468> When he gets back
#6334 [20:51] <OldSnake> will do
#6335 [20:51] <rootbeer2468> Ok
#6336 [20:52] <rootbeer2468> Good luck getting it fixed :)
#6337 [20:52] <almostroot> OldSnake: Check Java version and latest GPU drivers from maker. Otherwise, it is probably jsut a case of the horribly unoptimized code in Minecraft.
#6338 [20:52] <QQ> almostroot, I'm not sure, here's the pastebin of my lsmod: http://pastebin.com/XRD6gNUT
#6339 [20:52] <Sequoia> can i use toomanytems in the new udate??????
#6340 [20:52] <QQ> Senjai, a minecraft issue might be better suited to freenode's terrible ubuntu channel? I don't think so :(
#6341 [20:52] <mib_2mr750> who can help with a server crash
#6342 [20:53] <Senjai> QQ, I think they can help you better than we can, and it's not terrible, it's excellent
#6343 [20:53] <almostroot> I lurk in #ubuntu on freenode, it's not great.
#6344 [20:53] <QQ> Senjai, a lot of the people there have no idea what they're talking about in my experience and it moves far too quickly to get any help
#6345 [20:53] <DopeGhoti> almostroot: it is if you stay on-topic
#6346 [20:53] <DopeGhoti> there are other better channels though
#6347 [20:53] <gideon802> ok im back so what do i do
#6348 [20:54] <Senjai> QQ, I learnt how to use ubuntu from that channel, that and #ubuntu-offtopic
#6349 [20:54] <gideon802> it says bad vid card
#6350 [20:54] * mr_sticky [mr_sticky@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6351 [20:54] <Senjai> there sprobably a java channel on free node too
#6352 [20:54] <QQ> almostroot, can you tell if I'm using the proprietary driver or not?
#6353 [20:54] <almostroot> gideon802: Updated your drivers?
#6354 [20:54] <gideon802> how
#6355 [20:54] <mr_sticky> Bad video card drivers! ----------------------- Minecraft was unable to start because it failed to find an accelerated OpenGL mode. This can usually be fixed by updating the video card drivers.
#6356 [20:54] <gideon802> ya thats the onw
#6357 [20:54] <gideon802> one
#6358 [20:54] <QQ> almostroot, I think the relevant entry is "i915 450944 8"
#6359 [20:55] <mib_q3tv0v> why is it when i go onto the texture package it blacks my screen out
#6360 [20:55] <gideon802> so how do i update it
#6361 [20:55] <almostroot> QQ: Not 100%, but it is picking up the specific model. Find Restricted Drivers in the System menu and see if it lists any.
#6362 [20:55] * Boreeas_ [Boreeas_@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6363 [20:55] <almostroot> mr_sticky: gideon802 Who makes your graphics card? nvidia, AMD/ATI or Intel?
#6364 [20:56] <QQ> almostroot, Additional Drivers you mean? (jockey-gtk?)
#6365 [20:56] <almostroot> QQ: They renamed it then, lol. Yes.
#6366 [20:56] <QQ> yeah, only lists my wireless card's driver :(
#6367 [20:56] <QQ> when the game actually loads, it's very fast
#6368 [20:56] <QQ> also videos play fine
#6369 [20:56] <mr_sticky> can any one help me
#6370 [20:56] <QQ> so I'm not sure if it's my video driver
#6371 [20:56] <QQ> I can't imagine what it is :(
#6372 [20:57] <almostroot> QQ: May just be minecraft sucking at allocating resources.
#6373 [20:57] <mr_sticky> someone pls help me
#6374 [20:57] <almostroot> mr_sticky: Read. I asked a question.
#6375 [20:57] * mib_j83ojy [mib_j83ojy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6376 [20:58] <mr_sticky> who has skype
#6377 [20:58] <almostroot> QQ: Still doesn't make sense.
#6378 [20:58] <mr_sticky> we can talk
#6379 [20:58] <QQ> almostroot, now you know how I feel :(
#6380 [20:58] <mr_sticky> almostroot do u have skype
#6381 [20:58] * Ginger [Ginger@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6382 [20:58] <almostroot> mr_sticky: Ask here or nowhere.
#6383 [20:58] <almostroot> mr_sticky: but READ FIRST!!!
#6384 [20:59] <mr_sticky> i did
#6385 [20:59] <DopeGhoti> ?? dont/shout
#6386 [20:59] <VoxelHead> dont/shout: There is not need to yell. The acoustics in here are wonderful.
#6387 [20:59] <QQ> as for these binaries I'm just going to put them in /usr/bin and see if it works :)
#6388 [20:59] * Productsfriend [Productsfriend@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6389 [20:59] <QQ> it works when I run it from ~/downloads/java...
#6390 [20:59] <almostroot> DopeGhoti: -_-
#6391 [20:59] <Productsfriend> Hey Almostroot !
#6392 [20:59] <Productsfriend> It's Product, I'am with my friend on TeamViewer.
#6393 [20:59] <almostroot> mr_sticky: So who makes your graphics card?
#6394 [20:59] <mr_sticky> almostroot can u help pls
#6395 [20:59] <mr_sticky> idk
#6396 [20:59] <mr_sticky> i know intel
#6397 [21:00] <almostroot> Follow these instructions please:
#6398 [21:00] <almostroot> ??> mr_sticky gpu/intel
#6399 [21:00] <mr_sticky> ok
#6400 [21:00] <VoxelHead> mr_sticky: (gpu/intel) You can get drivers for Intel video cards and chipsets here: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/
#6401 [21:00] <mr_sticky> im intel
#6402 [21:00] <mib_q3tv0v> mr sticky dont feel bad i have been on here for hours and i cant sem to get any answers to my questions.
#6403 [21:00] <almostroot> mr_sticky: Click "Run Intel® driver update utility"
#6404 [21:01] <Productsfriend> Almostroot: It's Product, I want you to help my friend if it is possible.
#6405 [21:01] <mr_sticky> ok
#6406 [21:01] <Productsfriend> I have the same problem as mr sticky.
#6407 [21:01] <almostroot> mib_q3tv0v: What was your issue again? It is quite busy today.
#6408 [21:01] <Productsfriend> But when I click update utility, it takes forever to load.
#6409 [21:01] <almostroot> Productsfriend: Make sure you are giving it permission to run.
#6410 [21:01] <mib_q3tv0v> i know i see that. but i am getting a black screen.
#6411 [21:02] <Productsfriend> almostroot: Yes, I gave it, but still couldn't load.
#6412 [21:02] <Productsfriend> But I want to ask you if you can find direct link for this: http://k.min.us/jdWusE.JPG
#6413 [21:02] <Productsfriend> almostroot: He is running on Windows XP.
#6414 [21:02] * Leetskillz [Leetskillz@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6415 [21:02] <mr_sticky> im windows 7
#6416 [21:02] <mib_q3tv0v> i have unistalled 3 times and when i do the txt pack and click on it it does it
#6417 [21:03] <almostroot> mib_q3tv0v: And you're running Java version 6 update 26? And have the latest graphics drivers from the manufacturer's site?
#6418 [21:03] <almostroot> Productsfriend: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&DwnldID=18774&ProdId=2800&lang=eng
#6419 [21:03] <almostroot> mr_sticky: Did the utility help?
#6420 [21:03] <Productsfriend> Thanks very much :), Downloading it now :)
#6421 [21:03] <mib_q3tv0v> idk about the drivers but java yes
#6422 [21:03] <Leetskillz> Is there any way I can get the update legally, because I legally own it, but my account's password was forgotten by the server, as well as my email (they were actually probably corrupted not forgotten)?
#6423 [21:04] <almostroot> ??> Leetskillz support
#6424 [21:04] <VoxelHead> Leetskillz: (support) Account or payment issues cannot be resolved by the helpers in this channel, you may contact Mojang directly to resolve this issue by following the instructions at: http://www.minecraft.net/support/
#6425 [21:04] * mib_9vvt1z [mib_9vvt1z@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6426 [21:04] <Leetskillz> That's funny, I didn't know they had a support, oh wait they don't
#6427 [21:04] <mib_9vvt1z> hello?
#6428 [21:04] <Leetskillz> requests get sent in, they rot for months
#6429 [21:04] <almostroot> mib_q3tv0v: Who makes your graphics card? AMD/ATI, nVidia or Intel?
#6430 [21:04] <almostroot> Leetskillz: We don;t work for them, so we can't help.
#6431 [21:04] <mib_q3tv0v> idk how do i look that up
#6432 [21:04] <Leetskillz> I in particular sent requests two weeks ago
#6433 [21:04] <almostroot> mib_q3tv0v: Follow these instructions:
#6434 [21:04] * DopeGhoti is hanging up his @ for a while; I'm in a mood to break stuff, not fix it :/
#6434 [21:04] <almostroot> ??> mib_q3tv0v win/dxdiag
#6435 [21:04] <VoxelHead> mib_q3tv0v: (win/dxdiag) Press the Win+R keys, and type "dxdiag" (no quotes) in the box. Press enter. If prompted about verifying WHQL, select Yes. Once it has finished loading, click the "Save All Information" button and save it to your desktop.
#6436 [21:05] <VoxelHead> mib_q3tv0v: (win/dxdiag) Open the file you just saved, and copy the contents. Paste them on http://pastebin.com/ and click Submit. Then, copy the link you are sent to, and paste it in the IRC channel.
#6437 [21:05] <mib_q3tv0v> i think its intel
#6438 [21:05] <Productsfriend> Leetskillz: They get a lot of emails 100's per day, so try resending it.
#6439 [21:05] <mib_9vvt1z> soo lol no one works for them here?
#6440 [21:05] <almostroot> DopeGhoti: Hope things mellow out and resolve quickly.
#6441 [21:05] * Sequoia [Sequoia@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6442 [21:05] <Leetskillz> I've sent multiple, as well as one to both notch and daniel
#6443 [21:05] <mr_sticky> i set something up will that help
#6444 [21:05] <DopeGhoti> almostroot: I just need to decompress after getting my car driven into
#6445 [21:05] <Sequoia> can someone help me
#6446 [21:05] <almostroot> mib_9vvt1z: We all volunteer without prompting.
#6447 [21:05] <DopeGhoti> thanks (:
#6448 [21:05] <Sequoia> my minecraft screen keeps staying black
#6449 [21:06] <Sequoia> when im trying to run it
#6450 [21:06] <DopeGhoti> ??> Sequoia win/reinst
#6451 [21:06] <VoxelHead> Sequoia: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#6452 [21:06] <mib_9vvt1z> i keep getting a message saying thet it can't find the launch thing and it wont start
#6453 [21:06] <VoxelHead> Sequoia: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#6454 [21:06] <QQ> almostroot, I was able to get the game to run again by putting the files in ./bin and ./lib in /usr/bin and /usr/lib...as for the slow start-up I guess I'll just have to live with it :(
#6455 [21:06] <mib_q3tv0v> Its ADM almostroot
#6456 [21:06] <almostroot> mib_9vvt1z: Can you provide the exact text?
#6457 [21:06] <QQ> but hey, at least I have updated java now
#6458 [21:06] <QQ> ;)
#6459 [21:06] <almostroot> QQ: Yaaay, lol.
#6460 [21:06] <mib_9vvt1z> mine won't even download >:(
#6461 [21:06] <mr_sticky> its stil wont let me play
#6462 [21:07] <almostroot> mr_sticky: The drivers have not been fully installed yet, because that would require a restart, and you ahven;t left yet.
#6463 [21:07] * Wasabi [Wasabi@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#6464 [21:08] * Rootbeer2468 [Rootbeer2468@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6465 [21:08] <Productsfriend> almostroot; Thank you, but I got this error while installing: http://k.min.us/idS3Co.JPG
#6466 [21:09] <almostroot> Productsfriend: Can you click Save All Information in dxdiag and put it on Pastebin for me please?
#6467 [21:09] <mr_sticky> thx im gonna restart
#6468 [21:11] * nick2232 [nick2232@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6469 [21:11] * mib_58gip7 [mib_58gip7@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6470 [21:11] <nick2232> hi i just got minecraft it was working fine but i downloaded a texture pack then it just went black how do i fix this?
#6471 [21:12] <mib_58gip7> Hey, its saying my video card wont work for minecraft. i just basically lost $20.... Can someone help me?
#6472 [21:12] <nick2232> update ur video card
#6473 [21:12] <almostroot> mib_58gip7: Who makes your graphics card? nVidia, AMD/ATI or Intel?
#6474 [21:12] <mib_58gip7> i run normal games on here all the time
#6475 [21:12] <Productsfriend> almostroot: Thank you, this is it: http://pastebin.com/XvA9dEsb
#6476 [21:12] <almostroot> nick2232: What operating system are you using? Windows, Linux or Mac?
#6477 [21:12] <mib_58gip7> amd i think
#6478 [21:12] <mib_58gip7> windows
#6479 [21:12] <nick2232> windows
#6480 [21:12] <almostroot> ??> nick2232 win/reinst
#6481 [21:12] <VoxelHead> nick2232: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#6482 [21:13] <VoxelHead> nick2232: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#6483 [21:13] <almostroot> ??> mib_58gip7 gpu/amd
#6484 [21:13] * gerzel [gerzel@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6485 [21:13] <mib_q3tv0v> what is the irc channle almostroot
#6486 [21:13] <VoxelHead> mib_58gip7: (gpu/amd) You can get drivers for AMD (formerly ATI) video cards here: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx
#6487 [21:13] * [z] [[z]@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6488 [21:13] <almostroot> mib_q3tv0v: This is an IRC channel.
#6489 [21:13] <nick2232> so dlelte it then reinstall it?
#6490 [21:13] <almostroot> nick2232: Yes, all but saves.
#6491 [21:13] <nick2232> ok thanks
#6492 [21:14] <mib_58gip7> is there anyway i can play minecraft without gettin a new vid card?
#6493 [21:14] <nick2232> how do i delete it its not under programs
#6494 [21:14] <mib_q3tv0v> ok so did everything but the last part what do i paste in here? almostroot
#6495 [21:14] <almostroot> mib_58gip7: You probably jsut need to update the drivers.
#6496 [21:14] <almostroot> nick2232: Please read the instructions carefully.
#6497 [21:14] <mib_58gip7> can you explain? like can i do that on here on the comp itself?
#6498 [21:15] <almostroot> ??> mib_58gip7 gpu/amd
#6499 [21:15] <VoxelHead> mib_58gip7: (gpu/amd) You can get drivers for AMD (formerly ATI) video cards here: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx
#6500 [21:15] <almostroot> Click on that link. ^
#6501 [21:15] <nick2232> where r they
#6502 [21:15] <almostroot> mib_q3tv0v: Put it on Pastebin pelase.
#6503 [21:15] <almostroot> ?? pastebin
#6504 [21:15] <VoxelHead> pastebin: Pastebin is a service run at http://www.pastebin.com/ which facilitates the sharing of information without flooding IRC channels. Paste your text there, click 'Submit', and give us the URL the site takes you do, and we can see what you have pasted.
#6505 [21:15] <almostroot> nick2232: Can you follow these instructions from VoxelHead please:
#6506 [21:15] <Productsfriend> almostroot: Umm sorry, this is the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/XvA9dEsb :)
#6507 [21:15] <almostroot> ??> nick2232 win/reinst
#6508 [21:15] <VoxelHead> nick2232: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#6509 [21:15] <VoxelHead> nick2232: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#6510 [21:15] <mib_q3tv0v> i did and then last part says to paste the link to irc channle
#6511 [21:16] <almostroot> mib_q3tv0v: Paste the address of the page here.
#6512 [21:16] <mib_q3tv0v> http://pastebin.com/7cy7gnYT
#6513 [21:16] <almostroot> mib_q3tv0v: Part of the report is missing.
#6514 [21:17] <mib_q3tv0v> ok i will try it again hold on one sec :)
#6515 [21:17] * mib_ths1c0 [mib_ths1c0@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6516 [21:18] <nick2232> thank u alot
#6517 [21:18] <Productsfriend> rootbeer: Hey it's Product I'am on my friends TeamViewer, watsup bro :P
#6518 [21:18] * Alexzanto [Alexzanto@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6519 [21:18] <Productsfriend> Oh he wants offline.
#6520 [21:18] <almostroot> Productsfriend: Try this link: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&DwnldID=18774&ProdId=2800&lang=eng
#6521 [21:18] <TheNytangel> I feel.. weird..
#6522 [21:19] <Rootbeer2468> Haha whats up Product xD
#6523 [21:19] <Productsfriend> almostroot: Thank you very much bro !:)
#6524 [21:19] * Corporal_Dirge [Corporal_Dirge@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6525 [21:19] <TheNytangel> Brb
#6526 [21:19] <Productsfriend> rootbeer: Hey :P
#6527 [21:19] * mib_s3libf [mib_s3libf@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6528 [21:19] <Rootbeer2468> Hows things going? xD
#6529 [21:19] * Blackthorne [Blackthorne@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6530 [21:19] <Alexzanto> How do you change your minecraft to 100p?
#6531 [21:19] <mib_s3libf> im back this is mistersticky
#6532 [21:19] <Rootbeer2468> Here I'll pm u
#6533 [21:19] <Alexzanto> 1000p*
#6534 [21:19] <almostroot> Alexzanto: To what?
#6535 [21:19] <mib_q3tv0v> almostroot. http://pastebin.com/n1ybwBgr
#6536 [21:19] <Productsfriend> Ok :)
#6537 [21:19] <mib_s3libf> i have prob
#6538 [21:19] * Leetskillz [Leetskillz@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#6539 [21:20] <Alexzanto> How do you change your minecraft to 1000p?
#6540 [21:20] <almostroot> Alexzanto: What is 1000p?
#6541 [21:20] * Leetskillz [Leetskillz@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6542 [21:20] * Pyro_Killer [Pyro_Killer@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6543 [21:20] <Alexzanto> Your graphics for minecraft
#6544 [21:20] <Rootbeer2468> I wanted to pass time so i walked by a clock
#6545 [21:20] <Pyro_Killer> hello?
#6546 [21:21] <mib_s3libf> hey who can help me
#6547 [21:21] <almostroot> mib_q3tv0v: Try these drivers: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/windows/Pages/radeonmob_win7-64.aspx
#6548 [21:21] * Leetskillz [Leetskillz@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#6549 [21:21] <TheNytangel> ??> mib_s3libf ask
#6550 [21:21] <VoxelHead> mib_s3libf: (ask) Don't ask to ask or just say "I need help" - just ask your question or state what you need help with, and be as specific as possible.
#6551 [21:21] <Productsfriend> almostroot: I've got the same error mesage.
#6552 [21:21] <VoxelHead> mib_s3libf: (ask) If you are unsure if the question is appropriate, just ask it and you will be informed if it is not.
#6553 [21:21] <Productsfriend> Message*
#6554 [21:21] <almostroot> Alexzanto: I have no idea what you're talking about.
#6555 [21:21] <Productsfriend> Should I close some stuff when installing ?
#6556 [21:21] <mib_q3tv0v> ok i will try thanks
#6557 [21:21] <almostroot> mib_s3libf: Just state your issue.
#6558 [21:22] <mib_s3libf> i have OPEN GL error
#6559 [21:22] <Pyro_Killer> i wonder, if there are any "worlds" wich you can download for ssp, whichjust has a safe house filled with chests full of any resource you may, or may not need
#6560 [21:22] <almostroot> mib_s3libf: Reinstall minecraft using these instructions:
#6561 [21:22] <almostroot> ??> mib_s3libf win/reinst
#6562 [21:22] <VoxelHead> mib_s3libf: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#6563 [21:22] <VoxelHead> mib_s3libf: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#6564 [21:22] <TheNytangel> Pyro_Killer, go to the forums..
#6565 [21:22] * mib_fku24c [mib_fku24c@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6566 [21:22] <mib_fku24c> hello
#6567 [21:22] <mib_fku24c> ?
#6568 [21:22] <Pyro_Killer> i'm just wondering if you have any reccomanedations
#6569 [21:23] <TheNytangel> ??> mib_fku24c ask
#6570 [21:23] <VoxelHead> mib_fku24c: (ask) Don't ask to ask or just say "I need help" - just ask your question or state what you need help with, and be as specific as possible.
#6571 [21:23] <VoxelHead> mib_fku24c: (ask) If you are unsure if the question is appropriate, just ask it and you will be informed if it is not.
#6572 [21:23] <mib_fku24c> mmy minecraft keeps crying
#6573 [21:23] * Count [Count@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6574 [21:23] <mib_fku24c> crashing*
#6575 [21:23] <mib_fku24c> sorry
#6576 [21:23] <TheNytangel> almostroot, I have a bad feeling about mib_fku24c's name..
#6577 [21:23] <TheNytangel> ??> mib_fku24c win/reinst
#6578 [21:23] <VoxelHead> mib_fku24c: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#6579 [21:23] <VoxelHead> mib_fku24c: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#6580 [21:24] <Productsfriend> almostroot: I've got the same error message, should I try closing some stuff up ?
#6581 [21:24] <Rootbeer2468> Whats the website where i can change my characters Skin? i already downloaded one so i just need the site
#6582 [21:24] <TheNytangel> Rootbeer2468, minecraft.net
#6583 [21:24] <TheNytangel> Rootbeer2468, login and go to your profile
#6584 [21:24] <almostroot> Productsfriend: That has to be the right driver.
#6585 [21:24] <mib_fku24c> whenever i try to run it it says saving blocks
#6586 [21:24] <Rootbeer2468> Ok
#6587 [21:24] <Productsfriend> rootbeer: skin index minecraft search it on google.
#6588 [21:24] <Rootbeer2468> Thanks
#6589 [21:24] <TheNytangel> ??> mib_fku24c win/reinst
#6590 [21:24] <VoxelHead> mib_fku24c: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#6591 [21:25] <VoxelHead> mib_fku24c: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#6592 [21:25] <Productsfriend> almostroot: Oh, do you think TeamViewer can disturbe it ?
#6593 [21:25] <almostroot> Productsfriend: He may ahve to run it with teamviewer off.
#6594 [21:25] <mib_fku24c> which do i delete? In my %appdata%
#6595 [21:25] <Productsfriend> almostroot: Oh ok, I'll tell him the instructions to install, thanks :)
#6596 [21:26] <TheNytangel> mib_fku24c, go into the .minecraft folder and delete all but the saves folder
#6597 [21:26] * gretchen [gretchen@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6598 [21:26] * Count|net [Count|net@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6599 [21:26] <mib_s3libf> voxel head can we skype or something like that or team viewer
#6600 [21:26] <TheNytangel> Lol..
#6601 [21:26] <TheNytangel> ??> mib_s3libf bot
#6602 [21:26] <VoxelHead> mib_s3libf: (bot) Yes, I'm a bot.
#6603 [21:26] <mib_fku24c> everything?! wow, you're postive right?
#6604 [21:26] * rubyjane [rubyjane@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6605 [21:26] <almostroot> mib_s3libf: VoxelHead is a bot. Stop asking people to Skype with you.
#6606 [21:26] <TheNytangel> mib_fku24c, not the saves folder
#6607 [21:26] * Pyro_Killer [Pyro_Killer@notlogged] has left #minecrafthelp
#6608 [21:26] <mib_fku24c> okay, so are you bots or actuall people
#6609 [21:26] <almostroot> mib_fku24c: Everything BUT the saves folder, then run minecraft again and update.
#6610 [21:27] <TheNytangel> mib_fku24c, actual people
#6611 [21:27] <mib_fku24c> cause you seem very.. realistic
#6612 [21:27] <mib_fku24c> oh
#6613 [21:27] <mib_fku24c> my bad xD
#6614 [21:27] <almostroot> mib_fku24c: The only kind of machine I am is a love machine.
#6615 [21:27] <mib_fku24c> i shall try right now,
#6616 [21:27] <mib_fku24c> hahahaha
#6617 [21:27] <mib_fku24c> (;
#6618 [21:27] * TheNytangel is already in lovve with almostroot
#6618 [21:27] <mib_fku24c> yeah, yeah
#6619 [21:27] * almostroot is glad, because he is in love with almostroot too.
#6619 [21:27] <mib_s3libf> i dont get how to do this
#6620 [21:27] <TheNytangel> >:o
#6621 [21:27] <mib_q3tv0v> almostroot. i did all that and then downloaded everything again went to txt pack and transfered it and got a black screen when i went to open it
#6622 [21:28] * TheNytangel thinks almostroot is cheating on him
#6622 [21:28] <mib_fku24c> OH yeah, if i have a couple multiplayer servers...and i delete all the things except the save files, will there be any effect onto my servers for multiplayer?
#6623 [21:28] <Rootbeer2468> Im at the thing where you change you skin and it says start by downloading the reference skin... Clicked link nothing happened
#6624 [21:28] <almostroot> TheNytangel: My significant other would think it's the other way around.
#6625 [21:28] <almostroot> mib_fku24c: No.
#6626 [21:28] <TheNytangel> I''m cheating on you, almostroot?
#6627 [21:28] <mib_q3tv0v> i am just not sure what to do at this point i have done it all
#6628 [21:28] <mib_fku24c> okay, great. cause i have some pretty awesome things on there :D
#6629 [21:28] <almostroot> ??> mib_s3libf win/reinst
#6630 [21:28] <VoxelHead> mib_s3libf: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#6631 [21:28] <VoxelHead> mib_s3libf: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#6632 [21:29] <mib_fku24c> and also, is this your full time job.. o.o
#6633 [21:29] <TheNytangel> mib_fku24c, we don't get aid
#6634 [21:29] <TheNytangel> Paid*
#6635 [21:29] <almostroot> mib_fku24c: We are all volunteers.
#6636 [21:29] <mib_fku24c> then why do you do this?
#6637 [21:29] <mib_fku24c> ohh
#6638 [21:29] <TheNytangel> ..
#6639 [21:29] <almostroot> Mojang is too cheap to pay people.
#6640 [21:29] <mib_fku24c> LOL. probablu
#6641 [21:29] * jasper [jasper@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6642 [21:30] * oblMraptor [oblMraptor@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6643 [21:30] <almostroot> Can't be bothered to bugtest a patch, why pay people to help others actually play the game and fix what they break?
#6644 [21:30] <jasper> how do i fix a black screen on minecraft?
#6645 [21:30] <TheNytangel> ??> Guest82442 win/reinst
#6646 [21:30] <VoxelHead> Guest82442: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#6647 [21:30] <VoxelHead> Guest82442: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#6648 [21:30] <almostroot> ??> Guest82442 win/reinst
#6649 [21:30] <TheNytangel> Ninja'd
#6650 [21:30] <Guest82442> k i'll try that now
#6651 [21:31] <mib_fku24c> i hope this works
#6652 [21:31] <almostroot> mib_q3tv0v: Install those drivers yet?
#6653 [21:31] <almostroot> TheNytangel: I wish I could quit you...
#6654 [21:31] * jakemb [jakemb@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6655 [21:31] <TheNytangel> :o
#6656 [21:31] <TheNytangel> Why?
#6657 [21:32] * almostroot sometimes wishes for a /mode +b Mibbit@*
#6657 [21:32] <jakemb> can anyone help me as to update my smp server to 1.7_01?
#6658 [21:33] <TheNytangel> !server
#6659 [21:33] <almostroot> jakemb: Stop your server, download the new jar, run it.
#6660 [21:33] <mib_fku24c> its downloading stuff now
#6661 [21:33] <TheNytangel> Delete the old jar first
#6662 [21:33] <mib_s3libf> that did not help
#6663 [21:33] <almostroot> jakemb: If you're using the exe, just replace it and run it.
#6664 [21:33] <TheNytangel> almostroot, why do you want to quit me?
#6665 [21:33] <mib_fku24c> *downloading packs*
#6666 [21:33] <mib_q3tv0v> yea and it is doing the same thing
#6667 [21:33] <almostroot> TheNytangel: Brokeback Mountain quote.
#6668 [21:33] <jakemb> im running windows 7 if that helps
#6669 [21:33] * [z]2 [[z]2@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6670 [21:34] <TheNytangel> almostroot, so you don't? :P
#6671 [21:34] <almostroot> mib_q3tv0v: I don't believe you, because it would require you to restart your computer, and you ahven't left.
#6672 [21:34] <mib_fku24c> IT DIDNT WORK
#6673 [21:34] <mib_fku24c> ):
#6674 [21:34] <almostroot> mib_q3tv0v: Check your java version.
#6675 [21:34] <almostroot> ??> mib_fku24c java/version
#6676 [21:34] <VoxelHead> mib_fku24c: (java/version) You can see which version of Java you have installed by going to the following page:
#6677 [21:34] <mib_q3tv0v> oh it didnt ask me to do that? i guess i did it wrong
#6678 [21:34] <VoxelHead> mib_fku24c: (java/version) http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp
#6679 [21:34] <TheNytangel> ??> mib_fku24c dont/shout
#6680 [21:34] <VoxelHead> mib_fku24c: (dont/shout) There is no need to yell. The acoustics in here are wonderful.
#6681 [21:35] <mib_q3tv0v> its 6 and 26
#6682 [21:35] <TheNytangel> We have sound panels, if you didn't notice
#6683 [21:35] <mib_fku24c> okay i am sorry
#6684 [21:35] <almostroot> mib_q3tv0v: That was an accident, sorry.
#6685 [21:35] <almostroot> mib_fku24c: Check your java version at the link above.
#6686 [21:35] <mib_q3tv0v> what was?
#6687 [21:35] <mib_s3libf> Bad video card drivers! ----------------------- Minecraft was unable to start because it failed to find an accelerated OpenGL mode. This can usually be fixed by updating the video card drivers. --- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 7fe0271 -------- Generated 6/30/11 9:35 PM Minecraft: Minecraft Beta 1.7_01 OS: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1 Java: 1.6.0_2
#6688 [21:35] <almostroot> ??> mib_s3libf pastebin
#6689 [21:35] <VoxelHead> mib_s3libf: (pastebin) Pastebin is a service run at http://www.pastebin.com/ which facilitates the sharing of information without flooding IRC channels. Paste your text there, click 'Submit', and give us the URL the site takes you do, and we can see what you have pasted.
#6690 [21:36] <mib_s3libf> thats what my error sais
#6691 [21:36] <mib_fku24c> im installing it at the moment mate
#6692 [21:36] <almostroot> mib_s3libf: Put it on pastebin.
#6693 [21:36] <almostroot> mib_s3libf: Who makes your graphics card? nVidia, AMD/ATI or Intel?
#6694 [21:36] * Slapnutts [Slapnutts@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6695 [21:36] <mib_q3tv0v> hey almostoot i am going to uninstall and try to re do it, when i get back on ill let you know it me :)
#6696 [21:36] <mib_s3libf> http://pastebin.com/f48BEnEi
#6697 [21:37] <mib_s3libf> intel
#6698 [21:37] <almostroot> mib_s3libf: You need to update Java AND your video card drivers.
#6699 [21:37] <almostroot> Get java here:
#6700 [21:37] <Rootbeer2468> Hey There is a sticker on my computer tower that saysAMD 64 athlon x2 what is that?
#6701 [21:37] <almostroot> ??> mib_s3libf getjava
#6702 [21:37] <VoxelHead> mib_s3libf: (getjava) http://www.java.com/en/download/
#6703 [21:37] <Slapnutts> i have a question about updating a server. Can anyone answer questions reguarding this
#6704 [21:37] <almostroot> ??> mib_s3libf gpu/intel
#6705 [21:37] <VoxelHead> mib_s3libf: (gpu/intel) You can get drivers for Intel video cards and chipsets here: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/
#6706 [21:37] * frogonia [frogonia@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6707 [21:37] <almostroot> And drivers there. ^
#6708 [21:38] <mib_s3libf> i already went there
#6709 [21:38] <almostroot> Slapnutts: Stop the server, replace the jar or exe, and start it again.
#6710 [21:38] <almostroot> mib_s3libf: Did you use the intel utility to find your drivers?
#6711 [21:38] * mib_jvdr8h [mib_jvdr8h@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6712 [21:38] <mib_s3libf> yes
#6713 [21:38] <almostroot> mib_s3libf: And you installed them and restarted?
#6714 [21:38] <mib_jvdr8h> i was just here
#6715 [21:38] <mib_s3libf> yes
#6716 [21:39] <mib_jvdr8h> uhm i was that guy
#6717 [21:39] <almostroot> mib_s3libf: Then update java and reinstall minecraft.
#6718 [21:39] <mib_jvdr8h> with the 24c in the back of the mib_ thing
#6719 [21:39] <mib_s3libf> ok
#6720 [21:39] <mib_jvdr8h> my minecraft again has crashes
#6721 [21:39] <Slapnutts> not quite understanding what you mean +almostroot
#6722 [21:39] <mib_jvdr8h> crashed*
#6723 [21:40] <almostroot> Slapnutts: That is how you update the server. Stop it, replace the jar or exe with the new one, and then start it.
#6724 [21:40] <almostroot> mib_jvdr8h: Reinstall minecraft.
#6725 [21:40] <almostroot> ??> mib_jvdr8h win/reinst
#6726 [21:40] <VoxelHead> mib_jvdr8h: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#6727 [21:40] <VoxelHead> mib_jvdr8h: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#6728 [21:40] * kermie [kermie@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6729 [21:40] * pyzc_apollo [pyzc_apollo@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6730 [21:40] * mib_htn4pr [mib_htn4pr@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6731 [21:41] <mib_htn4pr> I need some help with minecraft
#6732 [21:41] <mib_jvdr8h> dude i just did that
#6733 [21:41] <TheNytangel> ??>> mib_htn4pr ask
#6734 [21:41] <Slapnutts> i downloaded the new server. where is the new jar or exe located.
#6735 [21:41] <almostroot> mib_jvdr8h: Update Java and graphics card drivers?
#6736 [21:41] <TheNytangel> Slapnutts, where you saved it
#6737 [21:41] <almostroot> !server
#6738 [21:41] <mib_jvdr8h> i updated java
#6739 [21:42] <mib_jvdr8h> and it keeps crashing
#6740 [21:42] <almostroot> mib_jvdr8h: So you updated java and then reinstalled minecraft, and it crashes, giving you what error?
#6741 [21:42] <mib_jvdr8h> like i can go into my server
#6742 [21:42] <mib_htn4pr> i just bought minecraft and am trying to play it in the browser on my mac and it keeps popping up a java applet error
#6743 [21:43] <mib_jvdr8h> and then a second later, it says saving blocks. then crashes
#6744 [21:43] <almostroot> mib_htn4pr: Run software update.
#6745 [21:43] * eightbitben [eightbitben@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6746 [21:43] * Count|net [Count|net@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6747 [21:43] <almostroot> mib_jvdr8h: You're connected to your server when it says that?
#6748 [21:43] <mib_jvdr8h> yeah
#6749 [21:43] <mib_htn4pr> i ran a software update but no updates are needed
#6750 [21:43] <mib_s3libf> im almost done updating java
#6751 [21:43] <TheNytangel> mib_jvdr8h, it sounds like you tried to destroy something with a piston that is powering it or that is water..
#6752 [21:43] <almostroot> mib_jvdr8h: Then it is a server problem.
#6753 [21:43] <mib_jvdr8h> nope, never even used a piston yer
#6754 [21:43] <mib_jvdr8h> yet
#6755 [21:44] <TheNytangel> >.>
#6756 [21:44] <TheNytangel> Has anyone else?
#6757 [21:44] <almostroot> mib_htn4pr: Download the .app for minecraft.
#6758 [21:44] <almostroot> ??> mib_htn4pr mac/client
#6759 [21:44] <VoxelHead> mib_htn4pr: (mac/client) http://www.minecraft.net/download/Minecraft.zip
#6760 [21:45] <TheNytangel> !client
#6761 [21:45] <TheNytangel> :D
#6762 [21:45] * Harley [Harley@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6763 [21:45] <Harley> hey guys
#6764 [21:45] <almostroot> TheNytangel: Why?
#6765 [21:45] <TheNytangel> Why.. not?
#6766 [21:45] <mib_htn4pr> ive done that and have that and it works fine but what if i wanna play online
#6767 [21:45] <almostroot> Harley: What makes you think I'm a guy?
#6768 [21:45] <mib_s3libf> it still gives me that same error
#6769 [21:45] <almostroot> mib_htn4pr: So play online.
#6770 [21:46] <TheNytangel> Oh perfect! almostroot is a girl :D
#6771 [21:46] <pyzc_apollo> Hi there! I just updated to 1.7 and single player commands doesn't work with it right now. does anyone know where I can re-download 1.6.6?
#6772 [21:46] <Harley> im getting this error on my server
#6773 [21:46] <almostroot> ??> pyzc_apollo oldversion
#6774 [21:46] <Harley> net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.a(SourceFile:136)
#6775 [21:46] <VoxelHead> pyzc_apollo: (oldversion) The only legal way to obtain old versions, other than having your own backups, is using the MCNostalia tool which applies binary patches to the .jar. http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1022&t=113094
#6776 [21:46] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.e(SourceFile:104)
#6777 [21:46] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.a(SourceFile:136)
#6778 [21:46] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.e(SourceFile:104)
#6779 [21:46] <TheNytangel> ??> Harley pastebin
#6780 [21:46] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.a(SourceFile:136)
#6781 [21:46] <VoxelHead> Harley: (pastebin) Pastebin is a service run at http://www.pastebin.com/ which facilitates the sharing of information without flooding IRC channels. Paste your text there, click 'Submit', and give us the URL the site takes you do, and we can see what you have pasted.
#6782 [21:46] <mib_htn4pr> well i tried and it didnt work and so why is it not letting me play it in the browser anyway?
#6783 [21:46] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.e(SourceFile:104)
#6784 [21:46] <almostroot> Harley: Revert to a backup before someone used a pston
#6785 [21:46] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.a(SourceFile:136)
#6786 [21:46] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.e(SourceFile:104)
#6787 [21:46] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.a(SourceFile:136)
#6788 [21:46] <mib_jvdr8h> holy crap
#6789 [21:46] <almostroot> Harley: STOP!
#6790 [21:46] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.e(SourceFile:104)
#6791 [21:46] <TheNytangel> ??> Harley dont/flood
#6792 [21:46] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.a(SourceFile:136)
#6793 [21:47] <VoxelHead> Harley: (dont/flood) Please do not paste large globs of text into the IRC channel. This is called 'flooding' and is considered _very_ rude.
#6794 [21:47] * mib_lof30i [mib_lof30i@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6795 [21:47] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.e(SourceFile:104)
#6796 [21:47] <VoxelHead> Harley: (dont/flood) If you have an error log or other information to share that is more then one or two lines, use pastebin.com. see pastebin for more information.
#6797 [21:47] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.a(SourceFile:136)
#6798 [21:47] <almostroot> ??> Harley pastebin
#6799 [21:47] <rev-lemon> and another stupid mistake from another gay user
#6800 [21:47] <VoxelHead> Harley: (pastebin) Pastebin is a service run at http://www.pastebin.com/ which facilitates the sharing of information without flooding IRC channels. Paste your text there, click 'Submit', and give us the URL the site takes you do, and we can see what you have pasted.
#6801 [21:47] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.e(SourceFile:104)
#6802 [21:47] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.a(SourceFile:136)
#6803 [21:47] <TheNytangel> almostroot, who doesn't need op now? Hmm?
#6804 [21:47] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.e(SourceFile:104)
#6805 [21:47] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.a(SourceFile:136)
#6806 [21:47] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.e(SourceFile:104)
#6807 [21:47] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.e(SourceFile:104)
#6808 [21:47] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.a(SourceFile:136)
#6809 [21:47] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.e(SourceFile:104)
#6810 [21:47] <almostroot> Harley:
#6811 [21:47] <almostroot> You're an idiot.
#6812 [21:47] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.a(SourceFile:136)
#6813 [21:47] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.e(SourceFile:104)
#6814 [21:47] <TheNytangel> Omg.. it's gonna go on forever
#6815 [21:47] <Harley> 30.06 21:44:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.BlockPistonMoving.a(SourceFile:136)
#6816 [21:47] <mib_jvdr8h> a1dce528 is the error they gave me
#6817 [21:47] <mib_jvdr8h> ):
#6818 [21:47] <TheNytangel> Phew
#6819 [21:47] <mib_jvdr8h> it crashes when i want to open my inventory
#6820 [21:48] <mib_s3libf> i keep getting the same error
#6821 [21:48] * Harley [Harley@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6822 [21:48] <TheNytangel> As I was saying almostroot.. who doesn't need op? ;)
#6823 [21:48] <pyzc_apollo> thank you!
#6824 [21:48] <Harley> http://pastebin.com/zSHLtUDx well here is
#6825 [21:48] <almostroot> Harley: Revert to a backup before someone used a pston
#6826 [21:48] <Harley> the pastebin
#6827 [21:48] <Harley> why does it do it
#6828 [21:48] <Harley> how do i fix it
#6829 [21:48] <almostroot> Harley: Revert to a backup before someone used a pston
#6830 [21:48] <Harley> yeah its already been used
#6831 [21:48] <Harley> so now what
#6832 [21:48] <mib_jvdr8h> i need help );
#6833 [21:48] <mib_jvdr8h> my awesome minecraft server
#6834 [21:49] <almostroot> Revert to a backup BEFORE someone used it.
#6835 [21:49] <mib_jvdr8h> keeps crashing. D:
#6836 [21:49] <TheNytangel> mib_jvdr8h, create a new world for it
#6837 [21:49] <Harley> mine gets runtime out
#6838 [21:49] <TheNytangel> See if that works
#6839 [21:49] <mib_jvdr8h> how do i do that
#6840 [21:49] <TheNytangel> Go into the server.properties and change it to world2 or something
#6841 [21:49] <TheNytangel> The level-name=world2
#6842 [21:49] <Harley> hey almostroot i can't someone already used a piston
#6843 [21:49] <almostroot> Harley: Revert to a backup, use MCEdit to remove the piston, or create a new world be deleting the old one.
#6844 [21:50] <mib_jvdr8h> its not a multiplayer minecraft its single
#6845 [21:50] <TheNytangel> ...
#6846 [21:50] <Harley> so do i delete that world?
#6847 [21:50] <almostroot> mib_jvdr8h: You just said server....
#6848 [21:50] <mib_jvdr8h> sorry. D:
#6849 [21:50] <almostroot> TheNytangel: All your for the night. I'm tired of ID-10T errors.
#6850 [21:50] <Harley> almostroot
#6851 [21:50] <Harley> do i delete that world
#6852 [21:50] <TheNytangel> Lol almostroot
#6853 [21:51] <TheNytangel> I got that in an e-mail once
#6854 [21:51] <TheNytangel> Some joke about them
#6855 [21:51] <TheNytangel> Harley, if you want
#6856 [21:51] <TheNytangel> Otherwise, make another one
#6857 [21:51] <mib_s3libf> Bad video card drivers! ----------------------- Minecraft was unable to start because it failed to find an accelerated OpenGL mode. This can usually be fixed by updating the video card drivers.
#6858 [21:51] <TheNytangel> mib_s3libf, update your video card drives
#6859 [21:52] <Ketsueki> ??> mib_s3libf win/dxdiag
#6860 [21:52] <VoxelHead> mib_s3libf: (win/dxdiag) Press the Win+R keys, and type "dxdiag" (no quotes) in the box. Press enter. If prompted about verifying WHQL, select Yes. Once it has finished loading, click the "Save All Information" button and save it to your desktop.
#6861 [21:52] <VoxelHead> mib_s3libf: (win/dxdiag) Open the file you just saved, and copy the contents. Paste them on http://pastebin.com/ and click Submit. Then, copy the link you are sent to, and paste it in the IRC channel.
#6862 [21:52] <mib_jvdr8h> is there a way i can save my single player minecraft? The other servers are running fine.
#6863 [21:52] <TheNytangel> mib_jvdr8h, Push Esc -> Save and Quit to Title
#6864 [21:52] <TheNytangel> Should save it
#6865 [21:53] * adustybroom [adustybroom@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6866 [21:53] <TheNytangel> I was just kidding, geez. Don't take it so harshly
#6867 [21:53] <Harley> ok i deleted it
#6868 [21:53] <mib_jvdr8h> nonono, i know that. I meant that it keeps crashing, and i want to save it. LIke "saving" a life?
#6869 [21:53] <TheNytangel> Push the win key + R, type in %appdata%, go to .minecraft, saves folder mib_jvdr8h
#6870 [21:53] <adustybroom> uhh i need help
#6871 [21:53] <TheNytangel> ??> adustybroom ask
#6872 [21:53] <VoxelHead> adustybroom: (ask) Don't ask to ask or just say "I need help" - just ask your question or state what you need help with, and be as specific as possible.
#6873 [21:53] <VoxelHead> adustybroom: (ask) If you are unsure if the question is appropriate, just ask it and you will be informed if it is not.
#6874 [21:54] <TheNytangel> Harley, run the server or whatever you were using again then
#6875 [21:54] <adustybroom> ok
#6876 [21:54] <Harley> ok
#6877 [21:55] <mib_jvdr8h> okay, im at the saves folder inside of .minecraft
#6878 [21:55] <adustybroom> well i keep having the same problem when i try to update minecraft i keep getting the same error saying Failed to launch fatal error 4 prmission denied:connect
#6879 [21:55] <mib_s3libf> http://pastebin.com/ykVTRbG5
#6880 [21:55] <TheNytangel> mib_jvdr8h, your world should be there
#6881 [21:55] <mib_jvdr8h> yeah. itt is
#6882 [21:55] <TheNytangel> There ya go..
#6883 [21:55] <mib_jvdr8h> what do i do next, please?
#6884 [21:55] <TheNytangel> Copy and paste it somewhere? I don't know, what do you want to do with it
#6885 [21:56] <adustybroom> any advice voxel?
#6886 [21:56] <mib_jvdr8h> that world keeps crashing, how do i stop the crashes. thats what i meant
#6887 [21:56] <mib_s3libf> i pasted what u wanted
#6888 [21:56] <TheNytangel> ??>> adustybroom bot
#6889 [21:57] <adustybroom> i really need help with this guys
#6890 [21:57] <Ketsueki> mib_s3libf: thanks
#6891 [21:57] <mib_s3libf> http://pastebin.com/ykVTRbG5
#6892 [21:57] <mib_s3libf> np
#6893 [21:57] <adustybroom> oh voxels a bot
#6894 [21:57] <TheNytangel> Ketsueki, you helping s3libf?
#6895 [21:57] <adustybroom> ...
#6896 [21:57] <adustybroom> now i feel stupid
#6897 [21:57] <mib_s3libf> yes
#6898 [21:57] <mib_jvdr8h> i need help nytangel ):
#6899 [21:57] <TheNytangel> adustybroom, we all do. Windows, Linux, or Mac?
#6900 [21:57] <Ketsueki> TheNytangel: yes
#6901 [21:58] <TheNytangel> mib_jvdr8h, try a new world and see if that crashes
#6902 [21:58] <adustybroom> windows
#6903 [21:58] <Ketsueki> TheNytangel: then I'm rebooting my laptop and this is dangling detached
#6904 [21:58] <TheNytangel> ??> adustybroom win/reinst
#6905 [21:58] <VoxelHead> adustybroom: (win/reinst) You may need to reinstall the locally installed files that Minecraft puts into place.
#6906 [21:58] <VoxelHead> adustybroom: (win/reinst) To do so, press your Windows+R keys, type in %AppData% at the run command, and press Enter. In the window that appears, open the .minecraft directory, and delete everything except for the saves directory that you see therein. Then, try running Minecraft again. Good luck!
#6907 [21:58] <mib_jvdr8h> i did, my main world is the only one that crashes.
#6908 [21:58] * mib_88lhmc [mib_88lhmc@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6909 [21:58] <Ketsueki> mib_jvdr8h: ok, you //really// need more than 1gb of ram to run minecraft. I'll help you find some driver updates that might let you limp along if you have a modern graphics card, but I'm not hoping for much effect.
#6910 [21:59] <TheNytangel> ??> mib_s3libf requirements
#6911 [21:59] <Harley> now its not connecting at all
#6912 [21:59] <VoxelHead> mib_s3libf: (requirements) Minecraft is a modern game, with modern requirements. It is also still under active development, so the code is by no means optimized (what do you expect? It's in beta!). As such, you will not be able to reasonably expect the game to run on a system with less than 1.5GiB of RAM- the game itself allocates 1GB at startup. You will also need a somewhat modern video card and relatively fast CPU.
#6913 [21:59] <mib_jvdr8h> i have 2g of ram xD
#6914 [21:59] <mib_jvdr8h> im pretty sure
#6915 [21:59] <TheNytangel> Harley, sorry.. to what?
#6916 [21:59] <mib_jvdr8h> i have a pretty good laptop
#6917 [21:59] <Ketsueki> ??< index
#6918 [21:59] * trekkie1701c [trekkie1701c@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6919 [22:00] <mib_s3libf> how do i solve this problam
#6920 [22:00] <TheNytangel> Ketsueki, wern't you talking to s3?
#6921 [22:00] <Ketsueki> ??> mib_s3libf gpu/intel
#6922 [22:00] <VoxelHead> mib_s3libf: (gpu/intel) You can get drivers for Intel video cards and chipsets here: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/
#6923 [22:00] <almostroot> ??< love
#6924 [22:00] <TheNytangel> ??< love
#6925 [22:00] <TheNytangel> Lol
#6926 [22:00] <mib_s3libf> what do i do on this site
#6927 [22:01] <adustybroom> yo nytangel
#6928 [22:01] <Harley> how do i get it up add running
#6929 [22:01] * bildramer [bildramer@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6930 [22:01] <adustybroom> i actually need someone to help whenever i try to download the update it says fatal error 4 permission denied connect
#6931 [22:02] <TheNytangel> Hmm..
#6932 [22:02] * mib_kfrw1c [mib_kfrw1c@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6933 [22:02] * nick22 [nick22@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6934 [22:02] <Ketsueki> mib_s3libf: you have a //very// low end graphics card, you can get the most out of what you /do/ have by getting the correct drivers for it. You're also going to need to do some special things with the java minecraft to put it on a memory diet. HOWEVER that won't fix your inherent lack of ram or a modern graphics card. The easiest fix is actually buying a new computer; you'll be lucky to get 2-6 FPS even with the drivers and ...
#6935 [22:02] <Ketsueki> ... as many reductions in settings as possible.
#6936 [22:02] <nick22> how do i make minecraft run faster?
#6937 [22:02] <Ketsueki> ??> mib_s3libf requirements/lessrude
#6938 [22:02] <VoxelHead> mib_s3libf: (requirements/lessrude) 1.5GiB of RAM (3 GiB if you want to run the server and client at the same time), a 2.4GHz or so per core CPU, and if you expect the world to get rather big, 100MB or so of hard drive space.
#6939 [22:02] <VoxelHead> mib_s3libf: (requirements/lessrude) A server will use a lot of bandwidth, _per player_ because the world is in a constant state of flux.
#6940 [22:03] <Ketsueki> nick22: get a better computer and/or graphics card.... but someone else will have to pick up helping you with that.
#6941 [22:03] <adustybroom> oh btw nytangel i know all that crap about opening my minecraft.jar and ive navigated thru my .minecraft many times
#6942 [22:03] <mib_s3libf> my laptop plays this but not pc thats bs
#6943 [22:03] <Ketsueki> ??< Ketsueki requirements
#6944 [22:03] * agent187n [agent187n@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6945 [22:04] <TheNytangel> adustybroom, I'm sorry.. you have an R-E TARD error.. just kidding
#6946 [22:04] <Ketsueki> mib_s3libf: your desktop has the crappiest integrated intel graphics possible from like 6 years ago. It's like asking an SNES to play a PSX game
#6947 [22:04] <adustybroom> oh
#6948 [22:04] <adustybroom> well that sucks
#6949 [22:04] <TheNytangel> I'm just kidding..
#6950 [22:05] <TheNytangel> I have no idea what is wrong
#6951 [22:05] <agent187n> okay i tried to install the realism texture pack and i selected it and since i did that it made minecraft go black screen, and now i can go back to defualt. So now my minecraft dont work.
#6952 [22:05] <adustybroom> oh
#6953 [22:05] <adustybroom> well it must be a bad error
#6954 [22:05] <mib_s3libf> ok thnx by
#6955 [22:05] <adustybroom> u wanna know any info bout my specs or what i have installed?
#6956 [22:05] <adustybroom> i reaaaallllyyy wanna download htat damn update
#6957 [22:05] <nick22> is there a way to make java run faster?or use more ram
#6958 [22:05] <Harley> http://pastebin.com/frcCcmQZ
#6959 [22:05] <Harley> hey can you read this
#6960 [22:06] <Harley> and tell me how to start it up?
#6961 [22:06] <adustybroom> well if noone knows how to fix it i might as well just leave
#6962 [22:06] <adustybroom> limp into a corner and cry...
#6963 [22:07] <EntityReborn> Ohai, peeps and nerds.
#6964 [22:07] <adustybroom> yes LIMP
#6965 [22:07] <adustybroom> im a peep
#6966 [22:07] <EntityReborn> adustybroom, you running with a proxy?
#6967 [22:07] <adustybroom> yo entity u good with fixin crap like this?
#6968 [22:07] <adustybroom> ummm
#6969 [22:07] <adustybroom> whats a proxy?
#6970 [22:07] <EntityReborn> hm
#6971 [22:08] <EntityReborn> prolly not then.
#6972 [22:08] <adustybroom> r u here to help me?
#6973 [22:08] <adustybroom> with my problems?
#6974 [22:08] * Walker1212 [Walker1212@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6975 [22:08] <Harley> so what do i do to fix my server
#6976 [22:08] <EntityReborn> adustybroom, what is your error?
#6977 [22:09] <EntityReborn> what operating system, etc
#6978 [22:09] <Walker1212> What are some auto-lava server softwares?
#6979 [22:09] <adustybroom> failed to launch fatal error (4) permission denied:connec
#6980 [22:09] <adustybroom> t
#6981 [22:09] <adustybroom> umm i have a windows 7 64-bit
#6982 [22:09] <adustybroom> 6gb of ram
#6983 [22:09] <adustybroom> uhh
#6984 [22:09] <EntityReborn> thats enough
#6985 [22:09] <adustybroom> intel pentium processor
#6986 [22:09] <adustybroom> ok
#6987 [22:09] <EntityReborn> what antivirus do you have running?
#6988 [22:10] <EntityReborn> firewall?
#6989 [22:10] <adustybroom> i have norton
#6990 [22:10] <EntityReborn> have you tried running as administrator?
#6991 [22:10] * Blackthorne [Blackthorne@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#6992 [22:10] <Walker1212> What are some good auto-lava server softares
#6993 [22:10] <EntityReborn> Disable it.
#6994 [22:10] <EntityReborn> Walker1212, don't repeat yourself.
#6995 [22:10] <adustybroom> umm
#6996 [22:10] <EntityReborn> You will be attended eventually.
#6997 [22:10] <adustybroom> mayb just my firewall
#6998 [22:11] <EntityReborn> try disabling norton completely, and see if that changes things.
#6999 [22:11] * mib_dftwnj [mib_dftwnj@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7000 [22:11] <adustybroom> how do i do that?
#7001 [22:11] <adustybroom> i have windows firewall and norton internet security
#7002 [22:11] <EntityReborn> google it.
#7003 [22:11] <adustybroom> well
#7004 [22:11] <EntityReborn> I don't run norton, so I don't konw.
#7005 [22:11] <adustybroom> ok
#7006 [22:11] <adustybroom> i dont think i want to disable norton tho
#7007 [22:12] <EntityReborn> Just to test.
#7008 [22:12] <EntityReborn> I doubt you will get a virus within 5 minutes of testing
#7009 [22:12] <adustybroom> im willing to put down my firewall
#7010 [22:12] <adustybroom> and run as administrator
#7011 [22:12] <TheNytangel> !server
#7012 [22:12] <adustybroom> hmm
#7013 [22:13] <EntityReborn> Read http://service1.symantec.com/support/nip.nsf/docid/2003071515220236 to disable teporarily norton
#7014 [22:13] <adustybroom> oh i have it up
#7015 [22:13] <adustybroom> do i just disable the firewall?
#7016 [22:13] <adustybroom> for norton?
#7017 [22:13] <adustybroom> the smart firewall nortons running?
#7018 [22:14] <EntityReborn> adustybroom, yea
#7019 [22:15] <adustybroom> ok
#7020 [22:15] <adustybroom> only 15 minutes though
#7021 [22:15] <adustybroom> ok
#7022 [22:15] <adustybroom> its down
#7023 [22:15] <adustybroom> nope didnt work
#7024 [22:16] <adustybroom> still same error
#7025 [22:16] <adustybroom> also the news wont load
#7026 [22:16] <adustybroom> the launcher news
#7027 [22:17] <EntityReborn> can you go to minecraft.net?
#7028 [22:17] <EntityReborn> in your browser?
#7029 [22:17] <adustybroom> yes
#7030 [22:17] <EntityReborn> Im still fairly sure that the issue is norton
#7031 [22:17] <adustybroom> hm
#7032 [22:17] <EntityReborn> I personally consider it a virus myself, due to the amount of control it takes over from your system.
#7033 [22:17] <Ketsueki> adustybroom: would you be willing to temporarily disable norton to see if it fixes it?
#7034 [22:18] <Ketsueki> EntityReborn: norton
#7035 [22:18] <EntityReborn> Ketsueki, He didn't like that.
#7036 [22:18] <adustybroom> umm
#7037 [22:18] * Ketsueki shrugs
#7037 [22:18] <Ketsueki> ok, restarting my client then
#7038 [22:18] <EntityReborn> Ketsueki, what about norton?
#7039 [22:18] <adustybroom> i did notice it takes up a lot of CPU
#7040 [22:18] * Kayla_ [Kayla_@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7041 [22:18] <Ketsueki> EntityReborn: I agree that cure is worse than the disease
#7042 [22:18] <EntityReborn> adustybroom, it locks down everything
#7043 [22:18] <EntityReborn> :)
#7044 [22:18] <Kayla_> hello
#7045 [22:18] <adustybroom> oh
#7046 [22:18] <adustybroom> well what should i disable?
#7047 [22:18] <adustybroom> on norotn
#7048 [22:19] <EntityReborn> I personally don't use any antivirus, besides logical thinking and SandBoxie
#7049 [22:19] <adustybroom> oh
#7050 [22:19] <EntityReborn> adustybroom, follow that link I sent you
#7051 [22:19] <EntityReborn> http://service1.symantec.com/support/nip.nsf/docid/2003071515220236
#7052 [22:19] <Kayla_> could someone help me with something
#7053 [22:20] <adustybroom> hm
#7054 [22:20] <EntityReborn> Kayla_, whats up?
#7055 [22:20] <Kayla_> hi i just bought minecraft and im in single player
#7056 [22:20] <Kayla_> idk what's wrong but i can't dig or anything
#7057 [22:21] * jc [jc@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7058 [22:21] <adustybroom> do u think it would be ok if i just disabled computer protection for a couple minutes to see whats wrong?
#7059 [22:21] <EntityReborn> Kayla_, you need to hold the button down.
#7060 [22:21] <EntityReborn> adustybroom, I do.
#7061 [22:21] <Kayla_> lol >.>
#7062 [22:21] <Kayla_> thanks :)
#7063 [22:21] <EntityReborn> :)
#7064 [22:21] <adustybroom> ...
#7065 [22:21] <adustybroom> LOLOLOL
#7066 [22:21] <Kayla_> :p
#7067 [22:21] <EntityReborn> adustybroom, hey
#7068 [22:21] <EntityReborn> be nice.
#7069 [22:21] <adustybroom> ok
#7070 [22:22] <EntityReborn> Kayla_, welcome to The Addiction
#7071 [22:22] <adustybroom> =)
#7072 [22:22] <EntityReborn> :)
#7073 [22:22] <Kayla_> thanks
#7074 [22:22] <adustybroom> sorry that was just kindof a nooby question
#7075 [22:22] <adustybroom> youll get better though
#7076 [22:22] <EntityReborn> adustybroom, I said be nice.
#7077 [22:22] <adustybroom> ok
#7078 [22:22] <adustybroom> im being nice
#7079 [22:22] <EntityReborn> Im sure you asked the same at one point :)
#7080 [22:22] <adustybroom> no
#7081 [22:22] <adustybroom> i mean yes
#7082 [22:23] <adustybroom> yes i did
#7083 [22:23] <adustybroom> back in the day i was such a noob i didnt know how to place blocks
#7084 [22:23] * chuck [chuck@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7085 [22:23] <adustybroom> hahaha! (hearty srcastic laughter)
#7086 [22:23] <Azu> Is there a new bug regarding placing blocks on stairs?
#7087 [22:23] <Azu> Or is that bukkit's fault?
#7088 [22:23] <mib_kfrw1c> is anyone else having issues with logging into minecraft and when you click onto the text package it goes black?
#7089 [22:24] <chuck> yes! i did that earlyer and now its all black
#7090 [22:24] * cfdpipeman [cfdpipeman@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7091 [22:24] * ___import__ [___import__@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7092 [22:24] * Campy [Campy@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7093 [22:25] <mib_kfrw1c> yea that is the way mine is, i uninstalled it and it worked on classic but when i put in the sever name it wouldnt connect and then i clicked on the txt pk and now its black agagin
#7094 [22:26] <adustybroom> hey entity
#7095 [22:26] <adustybroom> i disabled and it didnt work
#7096 [22:26] <mib_kfrw1c> i have been at this all day trying to figure this out. i am having minecraft with drawls lol i havent been able to play in a month
#7097 [22:26] <mib_kfrw1c> i just want to figure this out and get it working again
#7098 [22:27] <adustybroom> saaammmeee
#7099 [22:27] <chuck> mine said minecraft crashed email these people
#7100 [22:27] <adustybroom> oh
#7101 [22:27] <adustybroom> entity was helping me
#7102 [22:27] <mib_kfrw1c> i didnt even get a crash report at all :(
#7103 [22:28] <chuck> it only does that if you play in browser
#7104 [22:28] <mib_kfrw1c> mine does it when i play the downloaded one
#7105 [22:28] * mib_u5e5ia [mib_u5e5ia@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7106 [22:29] <mib_kfrw1c> chuck are talking about the crash report ll
#7107 [22:29] <mib_u5e5ia> i had the black window when starting minecraft
#7108 [22:29] * LordEddi [LordEddi@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7109 [22:30] * Fred [Fred@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7110 [22:30] <mib_kfrw1c> yea its annoying me
#7111 [22:30] <mib_u5e5ia> cant play now
#7112 [22:30] <chuck> maybe idk when i play the one downlouded on my desktop it just goes black when i play in broser it gives me that minecraft has crashed
#7113 [22:30] * Shadow386 [Shadow386@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7114 [22:30] <mib_u5e5ia> same
#7115 [22:30] * Mexiemeal [Mexiemeal@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7116 [22:30] * mib_hvp40u [mib_hvp40u@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7117 [22:31] <chuck> did you update?
#7118 [22:31] <mib_u5e5ia> yea
#7119 [22:31] <mib_kfrw1c> i am not sure what the heck is going on.
#7120 [22:31] <mib_u5e5ia> maybe i did something wrong
#7121 [22:31] <chuck> yeah and i downloaded a texture pack and now it doesnt work
#7122 [22:31] <mib_u5e5ia> yup
#7123 [22:32] <chuck> this sucks
#7124 [22:32] <adustybroom> well u could just save it in winrar format and drag it into ur texture pack folder in .minecraft]
#7125 [22:32] <mib_u5e5ia> i'll try to open mincraft now
#7126 [22:32] <mib_u5e5ia> black...
#7127 [22:33] <mib_kfrw1c> i have un installed and re dwonloaded 4 times and its still doing it
#7128 [22:33] <mib_u5e5ia> maybe i'll try that
#7129 [22:33] <chuck> mine i log in and then it goes like brown and then black
#7130 [22:34] <mib_u5e5ia> kind of the same, just after the update
#7131 [22:34] <chuck> yeah!
#7132 [22:35] <mib_u5e5ia> this sucks
#7133 [22:35] <mib_kfrw1c> exact same here
#7134 [22:35] <mib_u5e5ia> i only bought the game like 2 days ago
#7135 [22:35] <mib_u5e5ia> ...
#7136 [22:35] <chuck> i bought the game a month ago
#7137 [22:35] <mib_u5e5ia> cool
#7138 [22:36] <mib_kfrw1c> i got it a month ago played for a week computer messed up sent it to repair and got it back last night and now i cant play :(
#7139 [22:36] <mib_u5e5ia> maybe because of a mod?
#7140 [22:36] <mib_u5e5ia> i downloaded the too many items mod
#7141 [22:36] <mib_kfrw1c> hopefully the host on my sever will fix it when he gets back in to town tmw though i am ging to have him log into my computer and check it out.
#7142 [22:37] <mib_kfrw1c> what is MOD
#7143 [22:37] <mib_u5e5ia> what?
#7144 [22:37] <mib_kfrw1c> mod what i that? like i said i am pretty much still new to this lol
#7145 [22:38] <mib_u5e5ia> remove our texture packs!!!
#7146 [22:38] <mib_u5e5ia> mod is a kind of thing that changes the way u play the game
#7147 [22:38] <mib_kfrw1c> if you remove the txt pack doesnt that take it back to old version?
#7148 [22:39] <TheNytangel> ??> mib_kfrw1c mods
#7149 [22:39] <VoxelHead> mib_kfrw1c: (mods) This channel is not a venue for support with third-party mods. For assistance with Bukkit, check #Bukkit
#7150 [22:39] <VoxelHead> mib_kfrw1c: (mods) You will find a lot of information here: http://tiny.cc/modinstall Also, for forther assistance with many other mods, check #Risucraft or #mcmods - mod help here is more likely once the official API is revealed.
#7151 [22:39] <shortybsd> ohh wow the server map files still go corrupt with using pistons
#7152 [22:39] <mib_u5e5ia> idk
#7153 [22:39] <shortybsd> i just crashed the hell out of my server
#7154 [22:39] <mib_u5e5ia> this site told me to remove txt packs
#7155 [22:39] <mib_kfrw1c> i dont like the classic one lol.
#7156 [22:40] <mib_u5e5ia> me too
#7157 [22:40] <mib_u5e5ia> i will try this now
#7158 [22:41] <mib_u5e5ia> im disapointed
#7159 [22:41] <mib_kfrw1c> ill try it to, can you still play on your server?
#7160 [22:41] <mib_u5e5ia> :(
#7161 [22:41] <mib_u5e5ia> nope
#7162 [22:41] * Shane [Shane@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7163 [22:41] <mib_u5e5ia> i cant even start the game!
#7164 [22:42] <Shane> i try to go on multiplayer classic and it shows loading then either goes into a black screen or a white screen
#7165 [22:42] <mib_u5e5ia> same here
#7166 [22:42] * Bar9 [Bar9@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7167 [22:42] <Shane> i mean single player works but not multiplayer :(
#7168 [22:43] <mib_kfrw1c> but all my stuff is in multi player
#7169 [22:43] <mib_u5e5ia> i just lost 2something euros
#7170 [22:43] <mib_u5e5ia> 20something
#7171 [22:44] <Shane> cant wait for someone to help
#7172 [22:44] <Shane> ive tried over 20 servers each one was a free buld and it wouldnt let me
#7173 [22:44] <mib_u5e5ia> im gonna send an error report
#7174 [22:44] <Shane> like do i need to buy or downoad something else besides java?
#7175 [22:45] * Kody [Kody@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7176 [22:45] <Shane> download*
#7177 [22:45] <Shane> hello kody
#7178 [22:45] <Kody> Hello
#7179 [22:45] <Kody> Can i say my problem with minecraft?
#7180 [22:45] <mib_u5e5ia> idk
#7181 [22:45] <Shane> yeah they will awnser it shortly
#7182 [22:45] <mib_u5e5ia> i have problems too
#7183 [22:46] * Adamon [Adamon@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7184 [22:46] * raydarken [raydarken@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7185 [22:46] <Shane> lotta people joining
#7186 [22:46] <Kody> Ok so i updated to 1.7 and I have Mod items in the chest so then whenever i open the chest or destroy it. My minecraft crashes
#7187 [22:46] <mib_u5e5ia> yup
#7188 [22:46] <Kody> So how do i get rid of the items in the chest
#7189 [22:47] <mib_u5e5ia> my game does not start...
#7190 [22:47] <Shane> same
#7191 [22:47] <Shane> i think its a problem with the frames make sure you have everything closed besides minecraft is my guess
#7192 [22:47] * Adamon [Adamon@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7193 [22:47] * quaddle [quaddle@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7194 [22:47] <Kody> how do you fix it though -.-
#7195 [22:48] <Kody> i had my diamonds in that chest
#7196 [22:48] <Shane> that i have no clue
#7197 [22:48] <Shane> does your minecraft run slowly?
#7198 [22:48] <Kody> =(
#7199 [22:48] <Kody> No
#7200 [22:48] <Shane> or fairly fast?
#7201 [22:48] <Kody> fairly fast
#7202 [22:48] <Shane> ahhh then i have no clue
#7203 [22:48] <Kody> dammit
#7204 [22:48] <Shane> if its slow then the problem is the frames
#7205 [22:49] <Shane> but im not sure
#7206 [22:49] <Shane> they should be helping us in a bit
#7207 [22:49] <Kody> ok
#7208 [22:49] <Kody> how long is a bit?
#7209 [22:49] <mib_u5e5ia> i downloaded a mod and now i just cant start the game
#7210 [22:49] <Shane> i have no clue
#7211 [22:49] <shortybsd> Shadow386, you still around, 1.7_01 doesn't fix the piston map corruption bug
#7212 [22:50] <mib_u5e5ia> after the 1.7 update
#7213 [22:50] <Shadow386> Might wanna wait till 1.7.2 then that's out tomorrow
#7214 [22:50] <Kody> Ok
#7215 [22:50] <shortybsd> cool cool
#7216 [22:50] <Shadow386> mib_u5e5ia: we dont help with mods here
#7217 [22:50] <mib_u5e5ia> hope that fixes our problems
#7218 [22:50] <Kody> o rlly now
#7219 [22:50] <mib_u5e5ia> i know
#7220 [22:50] <mib_u5e5ia> its not the mod
#7221 [22:51] <adustybroom> could anyone help me with my problem? Whenever i try and update minecraft it says failed to launch fatal error (4) permission denied:connect
#7222 [22:51] <mib_u5e5ia> i think its me
#7223 [22:51] <Shane> me and mib here seem to have the same problem the multiplayer program will not start.
#7224 [22:51] <mib_u5e5ia> yea
#7225 [22:51] * hobosock [hobosock@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7226 [22:51] <hobosock> hello
#7227 [22:51] <Kody> and i g2g
#7228 [22:52] <Shane> is it my computer a setting i have? or is it a bug or error?
#7229 [22:52] <mib_u5e5ia> i cant play my favourite game now
#7230 [22:52] <hobosock> what's this bit about removing texture packs?
#7231 [22:53] * mib_tkj51u [mib_tkj51u@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7232 [22:53] * mr_wibble [mr_wibble@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7233 [22:54] <mib_tkj51u> Hello?
#7234 [22:54] <titegtnodI> all mib_* look the same to me : /
#7235 [22:54] <titegtnodI> ?? nick
#7236 [22:54] <mib_tkj51u> Hello?
#7237 [22:54] <titegtnodI> ?? name
#7238 [22:54] <titegtnodI> ?? mib
#7239 [22:54] <titegtnodI> hmm I don't understand the bot
#7240 [22:54] <titegtnodI> ohai Max
#7241 [22:54] <Harley> im haveing this problem when people join my server they are ops
#7242 [22:54] <Maxissad> There
#7243 [22:54] <Maxissad> =)
#7244 [22:55] <titegtnodI> You smile but you seem sad
#7245 [22:55] <Maxissad> So are any of you people support ones
#7246 [22:55] <titegtnodI> Harley: Take them out of ops.txt?
#7247 [22:55] <TheNytangel> ??>> titegtnodI index
#7248 [22:55] <Max> sigh...
#7249 [22:55] <Harley> i mean there people who have never joined
#7250 [22:55] <Max> o well
#7251 [22:56] <Max> Okay, so for some reason, adter like 5-10 minutes of playing, my game crashes
#7252 [22:56] <Shane> just give them a minute i bet they are working on it right,now
#7253 [22:56] <titegtnodI> ?? mibbit
#7254 [22:56] <VoxelHead> mibbit: Mibbit is a particularly bad excuse for an IRC client. It is slow, and doesn't show you many important things. It doesn't follow the IRC standards, and has numerous other problems.
#7255 [22:56] <VoxelHead> mibbit: There are much better alternatives, such as PChat and mIRC for Windows, XChat-Aqua for Mac, irssi and XChat for Linux
#7256 [22:56] <titegtnodI> lol
#7257 [22:56] <Harley> so what do i do to fix it :(
#7258 [22:56] <titegtnodI> Uhm do you have a modded server/
#7259 [22:56] <titegtnodI> ?*
#7260 [22:56] <Harley> yeah
#7261 [22:56] <Max> titegtnodl, are you a support person or some random guy
#7262 [22:57] <mr_wibble> hello, I recently tried to enter the nether on my main world and my game froze and now every time i try to enter that world minecraft just crashes anyone know what the issue may be?
#7263 [22:57] <Harley> how do i update
#7264 [22:57] * screaminediott [screaminediott@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7265 [22:57] <titegtnodI> Well it's probably something to do with that try asking #risucraft Harley
#7266 [22:57] <TheNytangel> !server
#7267 [22:57] <Harley> craftbukkit
#7268 [22:57] <titegtnodI> Harley: We don't help with modded servers here
#7269 [22:57] <TheNytangel> Harley, bukkit isn't out yet
#7270 [22:57] <hobosock> I just got a new laptop, with better specs than the desktop I was using previously, but for some reason the desktop runs Minecraft much much better. Any reasons why?
#7271 [22:57] <titegtnodI> Bukkit test it I think
#7272 [22:57] <Max> Okay, so for some reason, adter like 5-10 minutes of playing, my game crashes every time
#7273 [22:57] <titegtnodI> is*
#7274 [22:57] <Harley> my server is ran by redstonehosting.net
#7275 [22:57] <titegtnodI> Max: I help from time to time, I've been here a while
#7276 [22:58] * EntityReborn [EntityReborn@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7277 [22:58] <TheNytangel> My server is ran by www.multiplaygameservers.com
#7278 [22:58] <Max> titegtnold: Do you know how to stop it from crashing after 5-10 minutes?
#7279 [22:58] <titegtnodI> Upgrade your computer maybe? I know Vista users have that issue
#7280 [22:58] <Max> It's win7
#7281 [22:58] <Max> 64 bit
#7282 [22:59] <titegtnodI> RAM?
#7283 [22:59] <Max> I tried updating java
#7284 [22:59] <Shane> i got to the offical minecraft website and try to play multiplayer it loads then turns white screened,im totally confused is it my computer?
#7285 [22:59] <Max> Lol where do I see my ran =/
#7286 [22:59] <Max> *RAM
#7287 [22:59] <titegtnodI> Uhm, my computer >> properties or dxdiag
#7288 [22:59] <TheNytangel> Click Start, R-Click computer and click properties
#7289 [22:59] <Shane> ive updated it to the best java version there is but it wont work :,(
#7290 [23:00] <Shane> i play classic btw
#7291 [23:00] <mib_kfrw1c> i am so lost with that downloading mod page
#7292 [23:00] * ___import__ [___import__@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7293 [23:00] <Max> titegtnodl: RAM is 4 GB
#7294 [23:01] <titegtnodI> O.o
#7295 [23:01] <Max> =p
#7296 [23:01] <titegtnodI> Minecraft shouldn't be crashing ...
#7297 [23:01] <Max> Yeah, it's wierd
#7298 [23:01] <titegtnodI> I dunno, I hate on Windows pretty bad
#7299 [23:01] <titegtnodI> I think the ops are asleep, you should try here tomorrow
#7300 [23:01] <mib_kfrw1c> mine is doing all kinds of crazy tings
#7301 [23:02] <Max> When I open up Task Manager it says its running, but when I try to end it it says it isn't
#7302 [23:02] <Max> I dunno
#7303 [23:02] <screaminediott> my friend deleted the recourses in the appdata and my sound doesnt work can i get another recources file somewhere?
#7304 [23:02] <titegtnodI> Windows >:| I had so many MC issues on Windows
#7305 [23:02] <Max> It didn't work on an old alpha version I got a long time ago, but I just tried buying the new beta and it still odesn't work
#7306 [23:02] <Max> it works on my other computer which is cista.
#7307 [23:02] <Max> *Vista
#7308 [23:03] <mib_kfrw1c> i am about to go crazy over trying to figure this stuff out
#7309 [23:03] <titegtnodI> Craziness! I wish I could help, my friend had that issue so he swtiched to Linux
#7310 [23:03] <Max> Linux? lol
#7311 [23:03] <titegtnodI> But the ops seem to dislike referring people to Linux
#7312 [23:03] <titegtnodI> yeah he uses Arch Linux now, Ubuntu is REALLY easy to setup though, Arch Linux isn't
#7313 [23:04] <mib_kfrw1c> what does discnnected by server mean
#7314 [23:05] <Max> mib: how fast is ur interner connection?
#7315 [23:05] <mib_kfrw1c> dont know
#7316 [23:05] <mib_kfrw1c> fast i guess
#7317 [23:05] <Max> is it slow usually?
#7318 [23:06] <Max> oh.
#7319 [23:06] * tallest_red [tallest_red@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7320 [23:06] <mib_kfrw1c> no not at all
#7321 [23:06] <Max> Well I've never tried MP on minecraft yet, so I don't really know
#7322 [23:08] <screaminediott> hmmmm
#7323 [23:08] <screaminediott> i wonder where the bot ran off
#7324 [23:08] <screaminediott> not max though
#7325 [23:09] <mib_kfrw1c> so i just got word that bc the update version is not ready then i downloaded that and i need to play on the old one they are trying to figure out how to show tht to me
#7326 [23:10] * zippity [zippity@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7327 [23:10] <zippity> Need help getting minecraft to run, its installed and java is updated but everytime I try to log in it cannot connect to minecraft.net
#7328 [23:11] <mib_u5e5ia> same here
#7329 [23:11] <zippity> anyone know how to fix?
#7330 [23:11] <mib_kfrw1c> i am getting that too, or when i go into txt pack the screen turns black
#7331 [23:11] <zippity> can't even get there
#7332 [23:12] <zippity> I can't even play in offline mode
#7333 [23:12] <zippity> Cannot play through the browser either
#7334 [23:12] <zippity> =/
#7335 [23:12] * yoshi [yoshi@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7336 [23:13] <mib_kfrw1c> apparently from what my host is telling us. i am downloading the wrong version and that is why i am having these issues
#7337 [23:14] <yoshi> if it says done loading and its freezing at loading done
#7338 [23:14] <yoshi> what do i do?
#7339 [23:15] * macdog [macdog@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7340 [23:15] <zippity> well I got a copy of a working .exe from a friend
#7341 [23:15] <mib_kfrw1c> yoshi is it going to a black screen
#7342 [23:15] <zippity> and it still won't work
#7343 [23:16] <yoshi> no it just freezes at done loading
#7344 [23:16] * Sqozza [Sqozza@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7345 [23:17] <mib_kfrw1c> oh mine goes black
#7346 [23:17] <macdog> ok so i get this new patch and now it wont get to the optin screen just gos black ?
#7347 [23:18] * genshou [genshou@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7348 [23:23] * mib_q2q9ng [mib_q2q9ng@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7349 [23:24] * Fudgyboo [Fudgyboo@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7350 [23:25] <Fudgyboo> whenever i run the game, it sais "done loading" then the screen goes black
#7351 [23:31] <mib_kfrw1c> fudgy thats what mine isdoing and aprently its bc i am downloadling the old version
#7352 [23:35] * adustybroom [adustybroom@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7353 [23:36] <adustybroom> can anyone help me?
#7354 [23:37] * PyroPeter [PyroPeter@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7355 [23:37] * Dimedo [Dimedo@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7356 [23:38] <mib_kfrw1c> adustybroom what is the issue you are having
#7357 [23:41] * mib_7ujnr6 [mib_7ujnr6@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7358 [23:41] * mib_c3sh59 [mib_c3sh59@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7359 [23:43] * cbreaker [cbreaker@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7360 [23:45] * Delta7x [Delta7x@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7361 [23:45] * [OSU]Odysimus [[OSU]Odysimus@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7362 [23:45] * Mckellard [Mckellard@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7363 [23:47] <Delta7x> So, I bought Minecraft and Im trying to log onto a multiplayer server, but I keep getting "Failed to connect to server. Connection timed out: connection"
#7364 [23:47] <Delta7x> Anything Im doing wrong?
#7365 [23:50] * Delta7x [Delta7x@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7366 [23:50] * Puddles [Puddles@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7367 [23:52] * mib_a829w4 [mib_a829w4@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7368 [23:52] * Harps [Harps@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7369 [23:53] <mib_a829w4> hello
#7370 [23:53] <mib_a829w4> does anyone know how to fix black screen after patching on minecraft?
#7371 [23:53] <justin> anyone here?
#7372 [23:53] * Nano [Nano@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7373 [23:53] * gunther [gunther@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7374 [23:53] <justin> hello?
#7375 [23:53] <Nano> Hello, my friends.
#7376 [23:53] <Harps> How do you delete all the mods from your minecraft jar file
#7377 [23:54] <justin> you can just delete bin
#7378 [23:54] <justin> then startmincraft
#7379 [23:54] <justin> atleast you can play minecraft :S
#7380 [23:54] <Nano> Are you the one that can help me, Justin?
#7381 [23:54] <Harps> ok cause i wanted to install the yogbox
#7382 [23:55] <Nano> Good on yeh!
#7383 [23:55] <justin> no
#7384 [23:55] <justin> i need help myself..
#7385 [23:55] <Nano> So who do I ask?
#7386 [23:55] <Nano> Who do WE ask?
#7387 [23:55] <justin> im asking for help too
#7388 [23:55] <justin> Because my minecraft crashes after patch
#7389 [23:55] <gunther> Is ther anyone here that is the helper?
#7390 [23:56] <Nano> My minecraft has been crashing wildly since 1.6_05 I think.
#7391 [23:56] <Puddles> I think the helpers are Idle...
#7392 [23:56] <gunther> lol, they have good timing
#7393 [23:56] <Nano> Sucks for us D:
#7394 [23:56] <justin> well... mines just crashes RIGHT AFTER the patch.
#7395 [23:57] <justin> so theres no way i can play it.
#7396 [23:57] <Ketsueki> mib_c3sh59: you need to remove the META-INF folder Alternately you can try again with a clean install. Unfortunately 1.7 is out and I've not checked to see if any mods have caught up with it; but I doubt it since 1.7.2 is expected soon.
#7397 [23:57] * airmann [airmann@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7398 [23:58] <justin> Gee no one is going to help me?
#7399 [23:58] <Ketsueki> ??> justin ask
#7400 [23:58] <VoxelHead> justin: (ask) Don't ask to ask or just say "I need help" - just ask your question or state what you need help with, and be as specific as possible.
#7401 [23:58] <VoxelHead> justin: (ask) If you are unsure if the question is appropriate, just ask it and you will be informed if it is not.
#7402 [23:59] <Nano> Okay. I assume this applies to me too.
#7403 [23:59] <Ketsueki> It applies to everyone
#7404 [23:59] * bhefley1 [bhefley1@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp
#7405 [23:59] <gunther> what is peples problems? I have accidentally delted some random files in the "bin" and it wont work, i copied the bin (for safety) and deleted it, now it is working again
#7406 [23:59] <Nano> Ever since maybe 1.6.4 or 1.6.5 I've been crashing wildly in single and Multiplayer
#7407 [23:59] <justin> My question is... How do i fix my minecraft from crashing after patching.
#7408 [23:59] * tomato [tomato@notlogged] has joined #minecrafthelp