#MinecraftHelp > 2018-04-22
#1 [00:00] <Andrio> Sapph, right click the background of the desktop or a folder window > New > Folder
#2 [00:01] <Sapph> Is that all?
#3 [00:01] <Andrio> yes?
#4 [00:02] <Andrio> hm
#5 [00:02] <Andrio> Sapph, do you know where the path to 'New Folder' came from?
#6 [00:02] <Sapph> Nope.
#7 [00:02] <Andrio> Sapph, are you trying to use mods?
#8 [00:03] <Sapph> Not at all
#9 [00:03] <Andrio> Sapph, perhaps reinstall the official launcher from https://minecraft.net/download
#10 [00:04] <Sapph> Okay
#11 [00:06] <Sapph> It worked~
#12 [00:06] <Sapph> Thank you so much!
#13 [00:07] <Andrio> no problem.
#14 [00:07] * Sapph [webchat@ip70-173-29-92.lv.lv.cox.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#15 [00:19] * thesilverfox7 [webchat@50-39-242-132.bvtn.or.frontiernet.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#16 [00:20] <thesilverfox7> When I try to launch Minecraft, it crashes and says "pixel format not accelerated". I have a Dxdiag report: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SjFmb8kXkt/
#17 [00:22] <Andrio> thesilverfox7, install this driver: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/22167/Intel-Graphics-Media-Accelerator-Driver-Windows-7-64-Windows-Vista-64-exe-?product=81507
#18 [00:53] * thelounge94 [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#19 [00:53] <thelounge94> Refund
#20 [00:54] <Andrio> ??> thelounge94 account/refund
#21 [00:54] <Absol> thelounge94: This is Mojang's refund policy: http://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/articles/359338-mojang-refunds-policy
#22 [00:54] <thelounge94> My younger brother bought this game, so how can I get a refund?
#23 [00:55] <thelounge94> I am not good at English, so it is very difficult.
#24 [00:57] <thelounge94> It's too messy. Interface
#25 [00:59] <thelounge94> Help me. Damn it.
#26 [01:00] <Andrio> thelounge94, why does he want a refund?
#27 [01:00] <thelounge94> I bought a wrong item.
#28 [01:01] <thelounge94> My brother
#29 [01:01] <Andrio> ok
#30 [01:01] <thelounge94> Under my account without permission
#31 [01:02] * gomes13 [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#32 [01:02] <thelounge94> But I don't know what to do. Im korean
#33 [01:02] <Andrio> Try https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=ko&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.mojang.com%2Fcustomer%2Fportal%2Farticles%2F359338-mojang-refunds-policy&edit-text=
#34 [01:03] <gomes13> quando eu abro o mundo ele sai do minecraft
#35 [01:04] * gomes13 [webchat@] has quit. (Client Quit)
#36 [01:04] <thelounge94> why the Thank you.
#37 [01:22] <thelounge94> Will my tax and commission be excluded?
#38 [01:23] <thelounge94> In any case Thank you. I got help from the translator.I love you.good bye
#39 [01:27] * sfish12 [webchat@172-2-173-93.lightspeed.dybhfl.sbcglobal.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#40 [02:30] * tumbleweed [~bildramer@p200300ED83CE14008DE4F7E9857DEBFA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #minecrafthelp
#41 [02:32] * bildramer [~bildramer@p200300ED83CE14007891143D8C2796B8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit. (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
#42 [03:07] * TychoNicaMaaike [webchat@static-] has joined #minecrafthelp
#43 [03:07] <TychoNicaMaaike> Hello. When connecting to a server, I keep getting a nullpointerexception:group
#44 [03:09] * LemeeAdam [webchat@m209-14.dsl.rawbw.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#45 [03:10] <LemeeAdam> I can't post anything to the Minecraft reddit. I can't ask the reddit for help with this because... well. I don't know where else to ask.
#46 [03:13] <TychoNicaMaaike> Never mind for now, I'll be back later. Tnx
#47 [03:17] <Andrio> LemeeAdam, see https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/wiki/banappeals
#48 [03:22] <LemeeAdam> Nah, it keeps saying to read the red box, but it can't tell that I've read it. How do I fix this.
#49 [03:24] <Andrio> LemeeAdam, what subreddit are you on?
#50 [03:40] * Frisk [~piotrex43@2a01:113f:41e1:7800:2733:59d9:ce87:ea84] has joined #minecrafthelp
#51 [03:58] * Serax [webchat@p548421BE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #minecrafthelp
#52 [03:58] <Serax> hello
#53 [03:58] * green [webchat@athedsl-169863.home.otenet.gr] has joined #minecrafthelp
#54 [03:58] * Serax [webchat@p548421BE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit. (Client Quit)
#55 [03:58] <green> hello
#56 [04:04] * green [webchat@athedsl-169863.home.otenet.gr] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#57 [04:04] * helpless [webchat@cpc1-newt35-2-0-cust2299.19-3.cable.virginm.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#58 [04:04] <helpless> anyone help me get off demo mode?
#59 [04:05] <helpless> I bought the game but it only plays in demo mode
#60 [04:06] <Andrio> helpless, did you choose a profile name?
#61 [04:07] <helpless> yes
#62 [04:08] <Andrio> helpless, what is it?
#63 [04:09] <helpless> Stealthor777
#64 [04:10] <Andrio> helpless, did you change it to Stealthor99?
#65 [04:10] <Andrio> or from?
#66 [04:10] <helpless> from
#67 [04:10] <Andrio> ok
#68 [04:10] <Andrio> helpless, are you sure you're using the right email addres?
#69 [04:10] <Andrio> s
#70 [04:11] <helpless> yes, I've only used one
#71 [04:11] <Andrio> helpless, if you log in to https://account.mojang.com/me with that email address, does it show that profile name?
#72 [04:11] <helpless> yes
#73 [04:12] <Andrio> helpless, try logging out of the launcher and back in.
#74 [04:14] <helpless> awesome, thank you
#75 [05:19] * Snowman [~Snowman@119-18-146-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl] has joined #minecrafthelp
#76 [05:31] * DarkNoddy [~mordi@ti0020a400-0069.bb.online.no] has joined #minecrafthelp
#77 [05:33] * e_l1997 [~quassel@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#78 [05:46] * yoyo [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#79 [05:46] <yoyo> my Minecraft profile says: It looks like you don’t own Minecraft for PC/Mac. but i do
#80 [05:49] <yoyo> so i can't download Minecraft, how should i fix this ? thanks
#81 [05:50] <Andrio> yoyo, are you sure you're using the right email address?
#82 [05:51] <yoyo> yes, i don't think i would have been able to login otherwise ?
#83 [05:52] * minecrafter [webchat@softbank126103173227.bbtec.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#84 [05:54] <minecrafter> When I click "play" I get Error: Game ended with bad state (exit code 1)
#85 [05:55] <Andrio> ??> minecrafter launcher/log
#86 [05:55] <Absol> minecrafter: Please follow the instructions on this page: http://hopper.minecraft.net/help/guides/minecraft-logs/
#87 [05:59] <minecrafter> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/phprYsDTmY/
#88 [06:01] <Andrio> yoyo, what was your Minecraft profile name?
#89 [06:02] * bildramer [~bildramer@p200300ED83CE1400D848760546D23052.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #minecrafthelp
#90 [06:02] <yoyo> lardbuttsize300
#91 [06:02] <yoyo> (no joke)
#92 [06:03] <Andrio> minecrafter, it doesn't look like you started the game there.
#93 [06:03] * tumbleweed [~bildramer@p200300ED83CE14008DE4F7E9857DEBFA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit. (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
#94 [06:03] <Andrio> yoyo, it's still there
#95 [06:03] <minecrafter> This is the official Minecraft Launcher downloaded from the official website, no mods, just downloaded and ran. My OS is up to date, I only have software installed from the official Debian repositories.
#96 [06:03] <Andrio> ??> yoyo account/send-email
#97 [06:03] <Absol> yoyo: Send an email to Mojang with your Transaction ID and/or gift code, Mojang account email/Minecraft.net email, and any other relevant information, through this form: https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/emails/new
#98 [06:03] <minecrafter> I ran the launcher, and when I click play it closes
#99 [06:03] <Absol> yoyo: Refer to https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/articles/359446-when-will-i-hear-back- for wait times on replies.
#100 [06:03] <Andrio> ??> minecrafter launcher/open
#101 [06:03] <Absol> minecrafter: To make sure the launcher stays open: click Edit Profile, then check Launcher Visibility, select Keep Launcher Open and finally hit Save Profile.
#102 [06:05] <yoyo> ok thanks
#103 [06:07] * tumbleweed [~bildramer@p200300ED83CE1400D57E3E2707E1BF35.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #minecrafthelp
#104 [06:09] * bildramer [~bildramer@p200300ED83CE1400D848760546D23052.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit. (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
#105 [06:10] * _TexasYT_ [webchat@dynamic-2-61-168-86.pppoe.khakasnet.ru] has joined #minecrafthelp
#106 [06:10] <minecrafter> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JyHg8jNNF2/
#107 [06:12] <Andrio> minecrafter, is there a crash report tab?
#108 [06:13] <minecrafter> I got it working
#109 [06:13] <Andrio> minecrafter, what was happening?
#110 [06:13] <minecrafter> I removed the "-XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M" argument and I am able to launch
#111 [06:14] <Andrio> mm
#112 [06:14] * Mumintrollet199 [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#113 [06:15] <_TexasYT_> I can not change my nickname, I wrote "Checking profile name and password ..." and for so long.
#114 [06:15] <_TexasYT_> Help me
#115 [06:15] <minecrafter> Andrio I appreciate your time and help, if you had not got me looking for the setting to keep the launcher open I wouldn't have found the command line arguments. Thank you! :)
#116 [06:16] <Andrio> _TexasYT_, are you on https://account.mojang.com/ ?
#117 [06:16] <_TexasYT_> Yes
#118 [06:17] <_TexasYT_> Ich kann keinen Screenshot senden (
#119 [06:18] <Mumintrollet199> My Minecraft shut down every time I try to play. This text popping up: The game Error: org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated. I get into the link and tried it whith Windows and R and It don't work. What should I do?
#120 [06:18] <Andrio> ??> Mumintrollet199 win/DXDiag
#121 [06:18] <Absol> Mumintrollet199: Follow the instructions here: http://hopper.minecraft.net/help/pixel-format-not-accelerated/support/#dxdiag
#122 [06:19] * Pottsy [webchat@cpc96802-rdng27-2-0-cust285.15-3.cable.virginm.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#123 [06:20] * Pottsy [webchat@cpc96802-rdng27-2-0-cust285.15-3.cable.virginm.net] has quit. (Client Quit)
#124 [06:25] <_TexasYT_> Come here https://pastenow.ru/2YY21 , here's a screenshot. "Checking the profile name and password" goes very long
#125 [06:27] <Mumintrollet199> Well I've done Everything on the ubunt side, whats next?
#126 [06:28] * yoyo [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#127 [06:30] <Mumintrollet199> I've got a very long text on my computer, should I just paste it in
#128 [06:31] <Andrio> Mumintrollet199, show me the link to your report.
#129 [06:32] <_TexasYT_> Will anybody help me?
#130 [06:33] <Andrio> _TexasYT_, if there are issues with the website, there's not much we can do other than wait for it to be fixed.
#131 [06:34] <_TexasYT_> Do I have one problem or many?
#132 [06:34] <Andrio> Mumintrollet199, install the Catalyst software suite from https://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop/legacy?product=legacy3&os=Windows%2010%20-%2064
#133 [06:34] <_TexasYT_> I thought a problem with my account
#134 [06:34] <_TexasYT_> Thanks, I'll wait((
#135 [06:39] * _TexasYT_ [webchat@dynamic-2-61-168-86.pppoe.khakasnet.ru] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#136 [06:48] * minecrafter [webchat@softbank126103173227.bbtec.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#137 [07:02] * Mumintrollet199 [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#138 [07:03] <Mumintrollet199> I have download catalyst, what should I do next?
#139 [07:06] * MCgamer [webchat@pool-173-50-167-199.pghkny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#140 [07:06] <MCgamer> um hello
#141 [07:07] <MCgamer> im trying to run 1.7.2 so i can use an server but it says theres some kind of erroe
#142 [07:07] <MCgamer> error*
#143 [07:07] <MCgamer> ...
#144 [07:08] <MCgamer> ?
#145 [07:09] <MCgamer> idk what to do about it...............
#146 [07:12] * Sag [Mibbit@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#147 [07:12] * Absol kicked Sag from #minecrafthelp (Reason: ag :Please use our official client: http://minecraftirc.net/minecrafthelp/landing/ (#1000))
#148 [07:20] <Andrio> Mumintrollet199, install it
#149 [07:20] <Mumintrollet199> I have
#150 [07:21] <Andrio> Mumintrollet199, restart the computer, then see if Minecraft works.
#151 [07:21] <Mumintrollet199> ok
#152 [07:30] * knightvince [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#153 [07:32] <knightvince> hi i just download minecraft and when i lauch the game this error message appear : "Can not locate the Java runtime environment."
#154 [07:32] * Mumintrollet199 [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#155 [07:33] <Mumintrollet199> My minecraft still not working :(
#156 [07:55] * bililibi [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#157 [07:56] <bililibi> I have downloaded the java but i still cant open the server.jar
#158 [07:59] * Slagbot [webchat@dslb-002-202-007-250.002.202.pools.vodafone-ip.de] has joined #minecrafthelp
#159 [08:00] <Slagbot> Hello im having a problem running minecraft cause everytime i push play it says the file already exsits
#160 [08:00] * Porkyle [~Porkyle@176-93-22-68.bb.dnainternet.fi] has quit. (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
#161 [08:04] * knightvince [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#162 [08:07] * bililibi [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#163 [08:12] * Porkyle [~Porkyle@176-93-22-68.bb.dnainternet.fi] has joined #minecrafthelp
#164 [08:12] * Porkyle [~Porkyle@176-93-22-68.bb.dnainternet.fi] has joined #minecrafthelp
#165 [08:18] * Slagbot [webchat@dslb-002-202-007-250.002.202.pools.vodafone-ip.de] has left #minecrafthelp
#166 [08:20] * Porkyle [~Porkyle@176-93-22-68.bb.dnainternet.fi] has quit. (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
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#169 [09:06] * UnRealDinnerbone [uid60473@id-60473.ealing.irccloud.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#170 [09:31] * NewMillenia [webchat@71-8-111-114.dhcp.slid.la.charter.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#171 [09:32] <NewMillenia> when I try to download the game I get "Unable to save download. client-1.12.xml"
#172 [09:33] * NewMillenia [webchat@71-8-111-114.dhcp.slid.la.charter.com] has quit. (Client Quit)
#173 [09:45] * firecrazyjr [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#174 [09:46] <firecrazyjr> Please, here the link to my DxDiag report https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yVxfTsKwjf/
#175 [09:47] * firecrazyjr [webchat@] has quit. (Client Quit)
#176 [09:47] * TychoNicaMaaike [webchat@static-] has joined #minecrafthelp
#177 [09:49] <TychoNicaMaaike> Hello. Hope you can help me. When I enter a server, I keep getting a NullPointerException:group. I have found some solutions through goolging but these don't help
#178 [09:49] * firecrazyjr [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#179 [09:50] <firecrazyjr> Please, here the link to my DxDiag report https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yVxfTsKwjf/
#180 [09:50] <firecrazyjr> I´m having problems to acess the game: "The game crashed whilst initializing game
#181 [09:50] <firecrazyjr> Error: org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerat
#182 [09:50] <firecrazyjr> How can I fix it
#183 [09:51] <firecrazyjr> ?
#184 [09:52] * firecrazyjr [webchat@] has quit. (Client Quit)
#185 [10:47] * el97 [~quassel@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#186 [10:49] * payonel [~payonel@2607:5300:61:8d9::bad:c0de] has joined #minecrafthelp
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#188 [10:51] * ivan [~ivan@68.ip-149-56-14.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#189 [10:52] * Guest91232 is now known as payonel
#190 [10:52] * Defektro [defektro@hilla.kapsi.fi] has joined #minecrafthelp
#191 [10:53] * frymaster [~frymaster@nervousenergy.co.uk] has joined #minecrafthelp
#192 [10:54] * Marzenia [~marzenia@cuddles.missmarzenia.com] has quit. (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
#193 [10:55] * S [~spydar007@spydar007.com] has quit. (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
#194 [10:56] * Xiretza [~Xiretza@mx.brose.me] has joined #minecrafthelp
#195 [10:57] * grandrolf [~grandrolf@irc.grandrolf.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#196 [10:57] * StarFe [webchat@bzq-84-108-50-82.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#197 [10:57] * Marzenia [~marzenia@cuddles.missmarzenia.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#198 [10:57] * simpleauthority [~simple@i.am.an.algorithmjunkie.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#199 [10:57] * nyvia [~nyvia@2a01:4f8:141:50d0::2] has joined #minecrafthelp
#200 [10:57] <StarFe> anyone here?
#201 [10:58] * mrkirby153 [mrkirby153@2a01:7e00:e000::11] has joined #minecrafthelp
#202 [10:58] * Gingeritis [webchat@104-4-151-55.lightspeed.chtnsc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#203 [10:58] * GingerGeek [~Zed@2a03:b0c0:1:d0::8e:1000] has joined #minecrafthelp
#204 [10:58] * frymaster [frymaster@nervousenergy.co.uk] has joined #minecrafthelp
#205 [10:59] <Gingeritis> When i downloaded my mod, it says it cant create a directory
#206 [10:59] <StarFe> Was there some automatic migration ?
#207 [10:59] <Gingeritis> Whats that?4
#208 [10:59] <StarFe> if not,i think some dirt hacked me accaunt
#209 [11:00] * tyteen4a03 [~tyteen4a0@2a03:b0c0:1:d0::61:b001] has joined #minecrafthelp
#210 [11:00] * Shy [svennieke@celbts.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#211 [11:00] * Gingeritis [webchat@104-4-151-55.lightspeed.chtnsc.sbcglobal.net] has quit. (Client Quit)
#212 [11:02] * S [~spydar007@spydar007.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#213 [11:03] * annahia [webchat@host81-136-68-239.range81-136.btcentralplus.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#214 [11:04] * Cisien [~Cisien@u18549070.onlinehome-server.com] has quit. (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
#215 [11:04] * clampy [~clamp_cla@2a03:b0c0:1:d0::808:1001] has joined #minecrafthelp
#216 [11:05] <annahia> My minecraft launcher would not let me connect so i have done what has been advised by the mojang website and did not resolve my problem so i asked my friend if i could see if i could login to their account and that would not work on my pc either.
#217 [11:07] * Cisien [~Cisien@u18549070.onlinehome-server.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#218 [11:10] * annahia [webchat@host81-136-68-239.range81-136.btcentralplus.com] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#219 [11:12] * nyvia [~nyvia@2a01:4f8:141:50d0::2] has quit. (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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#221 [11:19] * arturas [webchat@78-62-156-246.static.zebra.lt] has joined #minecrafthelp
#222 [11:19] <arturas> l
#223 [11:21] * arturas [webchat@78-62-156-246.static.zebra.lt] has quit. (Client Quit)
#224 [11:28] * Sponghei [webchat@142-196-228-223.res.bhn.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#225 [11:30] <Sponghei> I was trying to change my username through mojang and it says I dont have the full game (when I do). I was wondering if there was any way to just change my username...
#226 [11:43] * higor [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#227 [11:43] <higor> o meu mine so crash isso e normal? nem entra no jogo e crasha
#228 [11:45] * higor [webchat@] has quit. (Client Quit)
#229 [11:46] * StarFe [webchat@bzq-84-108-50-82.cablep.bezeqint.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#230 [11:54] * OhRamity [webchat@192-164-119-120.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #minecrafthelp
#231 [11:54] * Espy [webchat@cpe-67-248-209-141.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#232 [11:55] <OhRamity> My account got taken away and somebody changed my nickname. I got the account back and instantly changed my password. How can I change my name back though it says I need to wait 27 days. I don't want that help!
#233 [11:56] <tyteen4a03> ??> OhRamity account/send-email
#234 [11:56] <Absol> OhRamity: Send an email to Mojang with your Transaction ID and/or gift code, Mojang account email/Minecraft.net email, and any other relevant information, through this form: https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/emails/new
#235 [11:56] <Absol> OhRamity: Refer to https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/articles/359446-when-will-i-hear-back- for wait times on replies.
#236 [11:57] * OhRamity [webchat@192-164-119-120.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit. (Client Quit)
#237 [12:19] * szzsofi [webchat@BC9C68C3.mobile.pool.telekom.hu] has joined #minecrafthelp
#238 [12:19] <szzsofi> I've got a slight problem
#239 [12:20] <szzsofi> My map wont load clearly and parts of the map/world just become invisible and i cant see anything only the lava and caves under me, which leads to quite a few game crashes.
#240 [12:22] * szzsofi [webchat@BC9C68C3.mobile.pool.telekom.hu] has quit. (Client Quit)
#241 [12:28] * mikey [webchat@88-110-114-73.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#242 [12:29] <mikey> i need help
#243 [12:29] * szzsofi [webchat@BC9C68C3.mobile.pool.telekom.hu] has joined #minecrafthelp
#244 [12:29] <szzsofi> Parts of my map become invisible and the world wont load fully and I can only see the lava and caves under me which leads to alot of glitches and game crashes, please help!!!
#245 [12:29] <szzsofi> I've even got pictures.
#246 [12:30] * mikey [webchat@88-110-114-73.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit. (Client Quit)
#247 [12:36] * szzsofi [webchat@BC9C68C3.mobile.pool.telekom.hu] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#248 [12:43] * biscuit52 [webchat@66-191-182-170.dhcp.spbg.sc.charter.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#249 [12:44] <biscuit52> it says Unable to save download. realms-1.3.5.jar
#250 [12:54] <biscuit52> need to fix
#251 [13:04] * Sponghei [webchat@142-196-228-223.res.bhn.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#252 [13:06] * Tobi [webchat@p54BD4F71.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #minecrafthelp
#253 [13:06] <Tobi> Hello ;)
#254 [13:06] <Tobi> Is there anyone who can tell me where i can find the place i can change my MC name at?
#255 [13:07] <GreyVulpine> https://account.mojang.com
#256 [13:07] <GreyVulpine> Log in, you'll see a link to change your ingame name there
#257 [13:37] * zkxs [zkxs@2600:8804:8040:4c0:f66d:4ff:fe2f:6d4b] has joined #minecrafthelp
#258 [13:43] * KianahM [webchat@bas7-sudbury98-64-229-226-228.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #minecrafthelp
#259 [13:44] * Webchat_84632 [webchat@host86-129-195-10.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#260 [13:44] <Webchat_84632> j
#261 [13:45] <KianahM> What can I do if none of my multiplayer servers are working?
#262 [13:45] * Webchat_84632 [webchat@host86-129-195-10.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has quit. (Client Quit)
#263 [13:46] * KianahM [webchat@bas7-sudbury98-64-229-226-228.dsl.bell.ca] has quit. (Client Quit)
#264 [13:47] * sam [webchat@dsl-189-250-147-244-dyn.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #minecrafthelp
#265 [13:47] <sam> it does not let me downloed the latest snapshot
#266 [13:49] * sam [webchat@dsl-189-250-147-244-dyn.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has quit. (Client Quit)
#267 [13:57] * thelounge15 [webchat@p5480E00A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #minecrafthelp
#268 [13:58] <thelounge15> Hey, I have a question. I want to change my skin and I have to answer my security questions. But I forgot my answers. Is there any chance to reset them?
#269 [14:04] * thelounge15 [webchat@p5480E00A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#270 [14:20] * iiBqkerx [webchat@ip98-160-141-173.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#271 [14:21] <iiBqkerx> My game keeps crashing as soon as it opens.
#272 [14:24] * k0 [webchat@ip98-160-141-173.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
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#274 [14:38] * hk [webchat@ip98-160-141-173.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#275 [14:40] <hk> everytime I open my game it shows the mojang screen and then goes away. after that it says that the game crashed unexpectedly
#276 [14:47] * clarjon1 [~clarjon1@23-248-49-195.tpia.execulink.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#277 [15:06] <opal> lol hey clarjon1
#278 [15:12] * CubeTheThird [~cubetheth@dhcp-108-168-126-198.cable.user.start.ca] has joined #minecrafthelp
#279 [15:14] * G0dsplan [webchat@ip5654b31b.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #minecrafthelp
#280 [15:14] <G0dsplan> i need help
#281 [15:14] <G0dsplan> i need help
#282 [15:14] <G0dsplan> who can help me
#283 [15:15] <G0dsplan> who can help me
#284 [15:16] * UnRealDinnerbone [uid60473@id-60473.ealing.irccloud.com] has quit. (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
#285 [15:16] <G0dsplan> any one who can help me
#286 [15:16] * G0dsplan [webchat@ip5654b31b.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has quit. (Client Quit)
#287 [15:17] * thelounge11 [webchat@LFbn-MON-1-17-158.w90-51.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #minecrafthelp
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#289 [15:25] * angeld23 [webchat@68-202-196-92.res.bhn.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#290 [15:27] <angeld23> When I open any world, the game gets stuck on "Loading World, Building Terrain."
#291 [15:28] * Bartman1 [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#292 [15:29] <Bartman1> why does it say unable to create directory?
#293 [15:29] <angeld23> I have to close it via Task Manager and game output shows ZERO errors. What the hell am I doing wrong?
#294 [15:29] <angeld23> I have the correct drivers, my Java is up-to-date, and it used to work just fine.
#295 [15:30] <angeld23> What do I do if the game output shows nothing?
#296 [15:31] * Bartman1 [webchat@] has quit. (Client Quit)
#297 [15:41] * StilvaGamer [webchat@75-174-209-182.boid.qwest.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#298 [15:41] <StilvaGamer> Hello?
#299 [15:42] <StilvaGamer> Hello???
#300 [15:44] * StilvaGamer [webchat@75-174-209-182.boid.qwest.net] has quit. (Client Quit)
#301 [15:52] * UnRealDinnerbone [uid60473@id-60473.ealing.irccloud.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#302 [15:56] * __Roxass__ [webchat@host52-112-dynamic.211-62-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #minecrafthelp
#303 [15:57] <__Roxass__> hello,when i press F11,the windows dosen't appear instatly,lag 2/5 second
#304 [15:58] <__Roxass__> and if i re-do the operation,i have the same results
#305 [16:00] * __Roxass__ [webchat@host52-112-dynamic.211-62-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has quit. (Client Quit)
#306 [16:02] * AGamersPvp [webchat@cpe-76-88-184-5.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
#307 [16:02] <AGamersPvp> hello
#308 [16:04] <AGamersPvp> i have a problem where when i try to login with minecraft more updated than 1.8.9 it says can not download
#309 [16:05] * Awkward_Jess [webchat@104-12-220-20.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#310 [16:06] * LegendGamer [webchat@ip72-198-82-8.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#311 [16:06] * LegendGamer [webchat@ip72-198-82-8.ok.ok.cox.net] has quit. (Client Quit)
#312 [16:06] <Awkward_Jess> My multiplayer game when i try to join says Authentication to Minecraft.net Failed
#313 [16:07] <Awkward_Jess> whats going on? i checked and it says everything is all good.
#314 [16:09] * AGamersPvp [webchat@cpe-76-88-184-5.hawaii.res.rr.com] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#315 [16:10] <Awkward_Jess> hello? i need help
#316 [16:12] <Awkward_Jess> nevermind ;-; i wont be playing mc anytime soon.
#317 [16:16] * Porkyle [~Porkyle@176-93-22-68.bb.dnainternet.fi] has quit. (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
#318 [16:22] * Porkyle [~Porkyle@87-93-3-130.bb.dnainternet.fi] has joined #minecrafthelp
#319 [16:31] * DarkNoddy [~mordi@ti0020a400-0069.bb.online.no] has quit. ()
#320 [16:32] * JohnnyB [webchat@c-73-59-164-197.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#321 [16:33] <JohnnyB> Trying to recover/access my wife's OG minecraft account. I have her email address, but have no idea what her username or password was.
#322 [16:35] * JohnnyB [webchat@c-73-59-164-197.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has quit. (Client Quit)
#323 [16:40] * hk [webchat@ip98-160-141-173.lv.lv.cox.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#324 [16:40] * angeld23 [webchat@68-202-196-92.res.bhn.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#325 [16:56] * tripflag [~ed@62-210-148-171.rev.poneytelecom.eu] has joined #minecrafthelp
#326 [16:59] * sills [webchat@99-99-182-156.lightspeed.clmboh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#327 [16:59] <sills> is anyone here?
#328 [17:03] * caleb [webchat@96-19-149-80.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#329 [17:03] <caleb> the bottom half of my screen is flickering the color of my minecraft world's sky. when I take it out of fullscreen, it stops
#330 [17:04] * caleb [webchat@96-19-149-80.cpe.cableone.net] has quit. (Client Quit)
#331 [17:05] * Gin [webchat@c-68-54-221-210.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#332 [17:05] <Gin> Hey, Ive just downloaded minecraft java edition, and I have a discord popup that can not be interacted with nor can I get rid of it. Any advice?
#333 [17:06] <sills> On discord, go to settings, then go to overlay and turn it off i think?
#334 [17:07] <Gin> ok, ill try that.
#335 [17:07] <Gin> ok thanks! it worked!
#336 [17:07] <sills> B)
#337 [17:07] <Gin> see ya around sometime!
#338 [17:08] * Gin [webchat@c-68-54-221-210.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has quit. (Client Quit)
#339 [17:26] * BunnyVex [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#340 [17:27] <BunnyVex> i am having troubles with downloading mods
#341 [17:27] <tyteen4a03> ??> BunnyVex mods
#342 [17:27] <Absol> BunnyVex: This channel is not a venue for mod/plugin support, or support for modded clients or servers. As it is impossible for anybody to know every combination of mods out there, this channel does not assist with unofficial third-party modded content.
#343 [17:28] <BunnyVex> wait so were do i go for helllp
#344 [17:28] <tyteen4a03> BunnyVex: try the thread of the mod on minecraft forums
#345 [17:28] <BunnyVex> ok
#346 [17:28] * BunnyVex [webchat@] has quit. (Client Quit)
#347 [18:11] * Killswitch [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
#348 [18:12] <Killswitch> jar download for the new snapshot keeps failing. I had the issue before with a release version, but after going back and running old versions sequentially, it seems to shake free. Have gone through incompatible software list, disabled everything firewall related, run as admin. at the end of my rope here.
#349 [18:15] * Snowman [~Snowman@119-18-146-85.ftth.glasoperator.nl] has quit. (Quit: Leaving)
#350 [18:16] * UnRealDinnerbone [uid60473@id-60473.ealing.irccloud.com] has quit. (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
#351 [18:17] * lognock [webchat@ip184-176-115-11.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#352 [18:17] <lognock> i cant seem to find out my login information, i need help
#353 [18:18] * dakotawood [webchat@host-237-210-161-192.newwavecomm.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#354 [18:19] <dakotawood> im having this error it says pixel format not accelerated any fix?
#355 [18:20] * lognock [webchat@ip184-176-115-11.ph.ph.cox.net] has quit. (Client Quit)
#356 [18:22] <dakotawood> if anyone can help me with that error it would be much appreciated
#357 [18:24] <dakotawood> is anyone there?
#358 [18:32] * biggamer [webchat@97-92-48-212.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #minecrafthelp
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#360 [18:34] * Killswitch [webchat@] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#361 [18:52] * Frisk [~piotrex43@2a01:113f:41e1:7800:2733:59d9:ce87:ea84] has quit. (Quit: What's this big red button?)
#362 [19:46] * TrevorFrick [webchat@45-27-88-100.lightspeed.rlghnc.sbcglobal.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#363 [19:47] <TrevorFrick> When trying to connect to a server im getting a message that says failed to login, auth servers are down for maintenance? says they are up though
#364 [19:51] * TrevorFrick [webchat@45-27-88-100.lightspeed.rlghnc.sbcglobal.net] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#365 [19:59] * el97 [~quassel@] has quit. (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
#366 [20:01] * Slypering [webchat@cpc109721-know17-2-0-cust161.17-2.cable.virginm.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#367 [20:02] <Slypering> Hello I need help. Whenever I run Minecraft, and when I press record on my Action, my MC crashes. Does anyone know how to fix this?
#368 [20:04] <Slypering> Even when I install an older version of Java, my MC doesn't work
#369 [20:15] * Voret [webchat@customer-MZT-90-26.megared.net.mx] has joined #minecrafthelp
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#371 [21:07] * manuxoriginal77 [webchat@client-186-37-146-233.imovil.entelpcs.cl] has joined #minecrafthelp
#372 [21:07] <manuxoriginal77> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YS9CF5NGmb/
#373 [21:08] <manuxoriginal77> I can't play any version
#374 [21:09] <manuxoriginal77> the "error report" write: Pixel format not accelerated
#375 [21:12] * Slypering [webchat@cpc109721-know17-2-0-cust161.17-2.cable.virginm.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#376 [21:12] <Slypering> Hello. Can someone help me please? Whenever I try to record with Action on Minecraft, my Minecraft crashes, Is there a fix to this?
#377 [21:14] * Slypering [webchat@cpc109721-know17-2-0-cust161.17-2.cable.virginm.net] has quit. (Client Quit)
#378 [22:24] * Consecuencias [webchat@182-205-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #minecrafthelp
#379 [22:25] <Consecuencias> I have problems with the Minecraft password, it tells me that the password is not valid and the mail does not arrive to reset the password
#380 [22:26] * cyphase [~cyphase@c-76-21-36-133.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit. (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
#381 [22:29] * Consecuencias [webchat@182-205-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has quit. (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
#382 [22:54] * cyphase [~cyphase@c-76-21-36-133.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #minecrafthelp
#383 [23:50] * iuiui [webchat@] has joined #minecrafthelp
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